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Zhan Gong’s words came out, and the Study Supervisor sitting on the left hand side of Proctor Chi just stood up and said, “Zhan Gong, today is an academic meeting. Since you haven’t been a manager for a long time, why do you want to blend it?”

Zhan Gong looked at him and said, “It turns out that virtuous nephew Hong, you are already Study Supervisor.”

He looked towards the people and said with emotion: “I am 100 years old and I have no intention of doing well. I didn’t want to manage too many things, but I have to stand up for major events related to the reputation of the Academy and the safety of the Protectorate. To say the last sentence, this matter is only safest if it is handed over to the child. “

Someone questioned aloud at the moment: “Why does Zhan Gong think so? At present, only Auxiliary Teacher Zhang knows Hard Claw Tribe.”

Zhan Gong shook his head and said: “No, there is more than one person. The child Zhan Zhitong is also proficient in the Hard Claw Tribe language.”

As soon as this remark came out, there was a moment of silence in the hall. They had never listened to Wen Guo before.

A Study Supervisor in the seat stood up and asked, “Dare to ask Zhan Gong, Linglang’s language, I don’t know where I learned it from?”

Zhan Gong said: “You guys also know that because my child has great language skills, I learned the native language from the study language Supervisor Qiu since I was a child, but he consciously lacked knowledge, so he also hired a lot of powerful people to go The deep visit of Mountain of Serenity, where he occasionally met Clansman of Hard Claw Tribe, and only then learned their language. He also came back from there a few days ago. “

“Is there still such a thing?”

Everyone can think of it, it seems that it is not impossible. After all, they have heard about the reputation of Study Supervisor Qiu. It is not surprising that his disciplinary went to study abroad, and Zhan Gong, after all, has worked as a libationer and is a prestigious person. He is also impossible to take such things out joke.

Someone asked to disable to bear: “Zhan Gong, why didn’t you say this earlier?”

Zhan Gong said: “The child was aware of Hard Claw Tribe’s threat to Protectorate’s, so he hurried back, but after returning, I heard that someone had reported this news, and that person also understood the Hard Claw Tribe language. This was introduced into the Academy, and the child was reluctant to go public, for fear that someone might misunderstand him for the name. “

At this time, someone righteously said: “Zhan Gong, this is Linglang’s fault. Before the Protectorate, I waited for trifling’s personal reputation, but what is it?”

Zhan Gong sighed: “That’s right, I also told him that it’s about Protectorate major event. It’s not about one person’s private interests. It’s a matter of contention. You don’t have to worry about one’s name. Maybe two people communicate with each other. , May we learn from each other’s strengths and weaknesses together, and better contribute to Protectorate together? “

Zhan Zhitong said at this time: “I heard my father’s words and I think it makes sense. Later, at the request of Teacher Qiu, I went to listen to several Auxiliary Teacher Zhang’s lectures and found that Auxiliary Teacher Zhang was indeed like he claimed. It ’s average, and is proficient in Hard Claw Tribe ’s language, but there are many places that may not be very accurate. This may be the time that Auxiliary Teacher Zhang stayed in Hard Claw Tribe, not as long as he said. ”

Many people looked at the place where Zhang Yu was, but he was calm, as if not at all stood up to mean this.

The Study Supervisor Hong frowned, looking serious: “young man Zhan, why dare you say that?”

Now those who claim to understand Hard Claw are Zhang Yu and Zhan Zhitong. If they blame each other, the others will not have the ability to distinguish right from wrong. This will only disturb the judgment of everyone, and there is no benefit to the whole thing.

Zhan Zhitong smiled slightly and said, “I can’t say what I said. I brought a man today, a little tribe chief of Hard Claw Tribe, who believes that he can solve your confusion. This person is waiting outside the door at this moment.”

“What? Hard Claw Tribe’s people?”

Everyone in this room was shocked when they heard this.

At this point, someone immediately said, “Since it’s Hard Claw Tribe’s, then call on to see you.”

Someone rebuked: “Tellers, Teacher Luo, I think you are confused. On the Kuiwen Hall, they are all dressed in Celestial Xia. How can foreign native barbarian be allowed to fall?”

“Is it time to pay attention to this?”

“Academy rules still have to be said.”

2 people immediately argued, and everyone said you, I said, there are signs of joining, and finally Proctor Chi spoke out to end the debate:

“Just let him stand in the middle of the hall, just don’t step into Kuiwen Hall.”

There is no objection.

Immediately, someone ordered the assistant to go down and bring people in.

Everyone was looking towards the outside of the hall. After a while, I saw a person wearing a huge blouse coming from outside. When the person came on the steps, Zhan Zhitong took the initiative to greet him and said a bit of native language to him.

After hearing that, the man untied the gown and revealed his appearance, only to see that his rhinoplasty had a high forehead, blue oil paint on his face, feathers on his braids, earrings on his ears, and his eyes were slightly yellow. Skin ravines are vertical and horizontal, his finger joints are thick, the whole person looks strong and powerful, with a brave and brutal atmosphere brought from the wild.

But unexpectedly, when they saw the people in the hall, their hands were suddenly combined, and they clumsily used Celestial Xia’s etiquette to salute everyone. They also said “bye” and “polite” in their mouths Celestial Xia language.

Zhan Zhitong said with a smile: “He is called ‘Chan Iza’ and he is a small tribe chief of Hard Claw Tribe. There are about 700-800 people under his command. Teachers can ask him if they want to know Hard Claw Tribe. “

Everyone in the hall looked at each other, and one of them stood up and asked questions.

Almost at the same time, Zhan Zhitong spoke a series of native words in his mouth. When native heard it, he immediately answered in the same language.

Under his excellent translation, there is almost no pause between the two people’s answers, it seems simply not like two people with different languages.

When everyone saw that they had no trouble talking, they were also interested and asked questions one after another.

Zhan Zhitong has been acting as a translator by the side, and he can see that he copes with Ruyu, who speaks, and no one has a sense of stagnation and obstruction.

Many people in the hall were frequently nodded, and looked towards Zhan Zhitong’s eyes were full of appreciation.

What they value is not Zhan Zhitong’s language ability, but the person can actually allow this native to accept the Celestial Xia etiquette in a short period of time. If the native is not wearing this body, it is suspected that a native has been attached to Protectorate for many years Barbarian, this method is not simple.

Proctor Chi has been watching with cold eyes from now on, when he looked at Study Supervisor Hong, the latter was nodded and stood up and said: “young man Zhan, is this really from Hard Claw Tribe?”

Zhan Zhitong said with a slight smile: “If the teachers are suspicious, then let Chan take someone to walk around with his people, and it will be clear.”

Study Supervisor Hong took a deep look at him, and then looked at the Zhan Gong of the unperturbed side, said nothing more, and sat back again.

Everyone in the hall was looking thoughtful at this time. In order to be safe, they still like Zhang Yu. After all, one thing is not as good as one thing, but this comparison seems to be more appropriate to use Zhan Zhitong?

However, at this step, Zhan’s father and son didn’t seem to plan to stop here.

Zhan Gong opened the mouth and said again: “I heard that Auxiliary Teacher Zhang did not teach a lot of students. My child also took the time to teach some students. Let’s call some students from Auxiliary Teacher Zhang to come to each other. Comparing one to the other, it is obvious at a glance. “

Some people know the background of those students, afraid of causing any trouble, and objected: “This is not necessary?”

Others agreed: “I think it’s better than the previous one. These things can’t be too rigorous. If you say it again, what can you say?”

The old man in the seat who saw the position is quite high at this time opened the mouth and said: “It ’s not necessary, how big is the climate for a few students, and it ’s not a business venue in the city, I just want to say something, I When still arguing in the academy, virtuous nephew Zhan has actively communicated with Hard Claw Tribe, whichever is higher, which is obvious at a glance, I thought it was appropriate to hand it over to him. “

But his voice fell, and a loud voice emerged: “The student thought it was wrong!”

The old man looks at the past and sees that he is his student Zhu Anshi, frowns saying: “Anshi, you don’t want to use it again.”

Zhu Anshi has a stubborn neck, saying: “teacher, students have no intention to use things, students just want to reason!” He looked towards everyone, “students want to say yes, real verbal communication is not we in this questioning and answering. It can be seen that, not to mention communicating with an entire tribe, the situation is more complicated and changeable. Auxiliary Teacher Zhang, who lived in the native tribe for several years, is not just as simple as knowing words. “

His words also made some people in the seat think carefully.

Zhan Gong slightly raised his eyelids at this time, and used an obscure color to someone in the seat, who immediately understood, saying: “Teacher Zhu, I forgive me, everyone, Auxiliary Teacher Zhang entered the academy through self-recommendation Yes, he said it himself for several years in that tribe. We ca n’t verify whether it is true or not. I ’m not doubting the character of Auxiliary Teacher Zhang, but should n’t we be more cautious about such major events? “

He pointed to Zhan Zhitong again and said, “young man Zhan is the son of Zhan Gong, and he also studied in the academy. I am very familiar with him. The Revered Master is important, and in the past, he has no bad traits. It’s not enough to bring out something that is convincing enough? “

Proctor Chi frowned, and he could see that this was the psychological bias of his people. Compared with Zhang Yu, an “outsider” who joined academy halfway, Zhan Zhitong felt completely Peaceful Sun Academy himself.

Although he agrees with Zhu Anshi’s views more, if everyone thinks that Zhan Zhitong is the right one, he can’t help but consider the opinions of everyone.

Zhu Anshi did not flinch, but refuted reasoningly: “Learning is learning, and truth is truth, can this be replaced by emotion and origin?”

The man suddenly sighed and said, “Teacher Zhu, we know that Auxiliary Teacher Zhang was introduced into the palace through you. We also admit his ability, but also please don’t use it like your teacher Study Supervisor Qu said. There are so many able-bodied people, it ’s not that no one can do anything without them. “

What Zhu Anshi wanted to say, the Study Supervisor Qu said solemnly at this time: “Anshi, sit down.”

There was a sudden surge of blood energy on Zhu Anshi’s face, but under the severe gaze of his teacher, he could only sit down slowly.

Study Supervisor Hong met Proctor Chi at this time and stood up again, saying, “You, in fact, we don’t need to be either, since Auxiliary Teacher Zhang and young man Zhan both communicate with Hard Claw Tribe If you have certain talents, then let them go together. In my opinion, this is mainly young man Zhan, supplemented by Auxiliary Teacher Zhang, what do you think? “

Zhan Gong’s eyelids moved, but he said nothing more.

After discussing with each other, most people were able to accept this proposal. Two people are safer than one person. As for who is the main and who is the deputy, it is a secondary matter.

Proctor Chi saw that everyone was almost in agreement, and looked towards Zhang Yu, saying, “Auxiliary Teacher Zhang, what do you think?”

Zhang Yu lightly said: “Since I think young man Zhan is more appropriate, let him go, I will not participate in this matter.”

Proctor Chi frowned slightly. Because of the situation, he was not good at violating the will of the people. Originally, he wanted to give Zhang Yu a chance, but it seemed that his people did not appreciate it.

But he thought again, this is just a 17-year-old young man, it seems not strange to do such arrogant things. In this way, Zhan Zhitong seems to be more mature and stable.

Study Supervisor Hong said at this time: “Auxiliary Teacher Zhang, you need to think clearly.”

Zhang Yu didn’t speak anymore, but from his calm and indifferent attitude, it can be seen that his mind was settled.

Everyone shook their heads, some sighed, some regretted, and a lot of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune, originally Zhang Yu, a self-recommendation who entered the academy, it was very difficult to rise, this is hard Claw Tribe’s opportunity to communicate is undoubtedly a shortcut to the upper layer stage. Even if it is just a deputy, it is not useless. The person is temporarily angry and does not know how good a chance he has given up.

Proctor Chi pondered for a moment and was about to announce the conclusion, but at this moment, an assistant came in hurriedly, but interrupted him, “proctor, someone outside was looking for Auxiliary Teacher Zhang.”

Someone scolded: “All gentlemen in the court are deliberating, who doesn’t understand the rules, come here at this time?”

The assistant bowed his head and said: “Yes, it is Profound Mansion.”

“Profound Mansion?”

The man couldn’t help but choke.

Everyone was a little strange, “What do Profound Mansion people look for Auxiliary Teacher Zhang?”

Before they could understand it, they saw 2 people in Profound Mansion robe walked over from the platform in front of the hall. While passing the Hard Claw native, one person suddenly turned his head and looked at the other person. Native suddenly felt nervous, sweating on his head, and immediately fell to his knees with a thump.

The man laughed and walked directly into the school. He ignored everyone in the room. He looked directly towards Zhang Yu, joins palms and bows, and said politely: “Gentleman Zhang, there is something in the house, chief please invite you to the house. “

Zhang Yu stood up from the seat, saluted two people first, then joined palms and bows to the hall, then turned around and walked out. Two Profound Mansion daoist stood on the 2nd side. After he went out, he followed up. From the beginning to the end, they have n’t even seen it to everyone in the hall.

No one spoke around, and looked at him out in silence.

After a while, someone whispered: “Is this Auxiliary Teacher Zhang, is it still Profound Mansion disciple? It seems that the status is not low yet? No wonder he does n’t seem to care about this, it turns out that he is already on the path of transcendence what.”

Zhan Zhitong’s face was no longer smiling, but the fist in his sleeve was tightly pinched.

Proctor Chi got up at this time and moved to the window in the hall. He looked at Zhang Yu with big sleeves fluttering away. He was away from here with two Profound Mansion daoist dressed in robe. His mood was a little complicated at the moment.



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