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Zhang Yu left Kuiwen Hall and went to Profound Mansion with 2 Profound Mansion disciple who came to pick him up. He communicated on the road. He is also the understood of these 2 surnames.

These two people, one named Wen Guo and one named Wen De, are a pair of fathers brothers. However, although the 2 people are in Profound Mansion cultivation, none of them entered here through Peaceful Sun Academy.

Profound Mansion adopts a large number of orphans every year. Since they were young, they have started to teach Celestial Xia language. These people have lived and grew up in Profound Mansion or Profound Mansion. Therefore, it is generally easier to learn from the discipline that comes in from Academy. Trusted by Profound Mansion upper layer.

After they reach adulthood, if they can sense the Grand Dao Chapter, they will be elected to the government and become a certain person ’s discipline, but if they ca n’t, they will usually be arranged in the Profound Mansion or Prospect Mansion around Auspicious Light. Go to be an assistant.

And like Wen family brothers, they can be regarded as Xu Ying’s discipline. In name, Zhang Yu and Xu Ying are the relationship of fellow apprentices, so even though they have read the Grand Dao Chapter for more than 20 years, but in terms of seniority, they can only be regarded as Junior of Zhang Yu, so 2 people treat him Very respectful and polite.

But one thing, although these disciplines have been trained by Profound Mansion since childhood, but in terms of the upper limit of cultivate, it is far less than the students who come in through Peaceful Sun Academy teachings.

Because you can enter Peaceful Sun Academy to study, it is already one of the 100. No matter whether it is thinking ability or learning ability, it is not comparable to ordinary people, and all of them can be regarded as Chinese heroes.

Sixty years ago, the top battle strength of Profound Mansion, except for the Celestial Xia native, most of the rest of the people were born students of earlier pay respects to join Peaceful Sun Academy.

Xu Ying often complains that academics are not talented, but in fact, during these several decades, there are not enough characters to control the overall situation, but there are many of them. In the end, not at all stayed in Profound Mansion. Instead, they stood on the opposite side of Profound Mansion.

Zhang Yu had never heard secrets from Wen Guo because he didn’t know many people at Profound Mansion. Originally, he wanted to continue to ask in depth, but unfortunately, Wen family brothers also had limited knowledge. Except for what was just mentioned, he couldn’t say anything.

When he was halfway through, he saw that it was not far from his residence. When he thought of Profound Mansion calling him this time, he would probably go outside the house and said: “2 people, I will go back to my residence and change my clothes. By the way Get something. “

Wen Guo politely said: “Gentleman Zhang please, please, but please be a little faster, don’t delay too long, the chief is still waiting for us.”

Zhang Yu was also nodded. He turned back to his residence and pushed the door in. Wen family brothers were waiting at the door.

Because he was ready to leave the house early, he moved quickly, first put on a Profound Mansion robe, then put the hooded cloak on the outside, and put on his pair of vermillion gloves Finally, hold Xia Sword in your hand.

He took care of Li Qinghe a little, and walked out of it. He went on the road with Wen family brothers again. The three of them speeded up their journey. When Xia hour was less than half, it was Profound Mansion.

He first went to Affairs Hall to meet Xiang Chun. The latter said that Profound Mansion would send out some disciplines to go out to work at intervals, and this time it happened to send a proven cultivator surnamed Cai to go out to maintain the stability of the place. Good experience.

Xiang Chun also took care of himself, asking him to be more careful, and to protect himself as much as possible when encountering things, and finally encouraged him to let him out.

Wen family brothers have been waiting below. When he came out, Wen Guo came up and said, “Gentleman Zhang, uncle master Cai is already waiting at Zhuyuan. Let’s go.”

As soon as Zhang Yu was nodded, he walked with two people. This time he did not go to the main hall, but entered a bamboo forest along the side porch and came to a delicate two-story bamboo building.

A lean man in a dark blue robe has long been waiting here.

He was up and down 40, with 2 whiskers on his lips, and when looking at the person, he looked kind. When he saw 3 people coming, he raised his hand and greeted Zhang Yu first, saying: “junior brother Zhang, my name is Cai Weng, you call me senior brother Cai Fortunately, I have seen you before, but you were painting in front of Profound Mansion, so I did n’t come up to disturb. “

Zhang Yu joins palms and bows, said: “It turned out to be senior brother Cai, so Yu was impolite.”

“you flatter me.”

After Cai Weng saw him, he greeted the Wen family brothers and summoned them into the bamboo building. The wooden case in the middle of the house was covered with a Protectorate’s sketch map, several of which were marked with red marks. Out of place.

Cai Weng greeted them to the wooden case, pointing to a red punctuation at the farthest point, saying: “Because of the tight time, I will make a long story short, this time we are going to the” Lingxuan Town “adjacent to the middle of Dawn River There have been various attacks from strange monsters and native barbarians. Since the Divine Army was withdrawn, the local Minister of Justice alone has been difficult to deal with. This time we are going to help stabilize the situation there. “

He started from Auspicious Light with his fingers, and drew a semi-arc along the inland, saying: “Junior Brother Zhang, this is our route, we need to cross this plain and Ancient Tree Forest, and finally go Get there. “

Zhang Yu was a little strange and asked: “senior brother Cai, since things are urgent, why not take a boat from the inland river channel? Instead, go around such a big circle?”

Cai Weng sighed: “It is also impossible. There are a few Protectorate’s stations along the way, which are often attacked by strange monsters and forest native barbarians. Recently, Profound Mansion is under tight staff, so it is also our task. I was also informed that it is likely that a group of different God followers who fled from near Auspicious Light were hiding there. This time we walked from there. If we meet them, we will also clean them up together. “

He looked up towards Zhang Yu, said with a smile: “Junior brother Zhang had killed young salamander before entering the house, and heard that he was still traveling east of the Mountain of Serenity. Now. “

Zhang Yu knew that he was speaking politely, saying: “senior brother Cai said too much, I should try my best.”

“Right,” senior brother Cai laughed. “I know that junior brother Zhang may be more worried about Divine Army. After all, you have hit their people hard, but you can rest assured that since near future, Divine Army has taken back all the staff. Although there are a few out there, as long as they are not at the squad leader level, there is no threat to us. “

Wen De wondered: “Uncle master Cai, how dare you be sure, then Divine Army’s practice of 10000 is just to deceive the people?”

Cai Weng firmly said: “After this Solars Discussion, Protectorate withdrew the Divine Army’s ordering right. That is to say, as long as Divine Army mobilizes people above the squad leader, they must report to Protectorate, so if they have a trend, then Do n’t try to hide us. “

Wen De doubted: “Will the Divine Army be so obedient?”

After all, the Divine Army used to be overbearing, and no one paid attention to it. Will this time really follow the rules? He expressed disbelief.

Cai Weng smiled and said, “You can rest assured this time.”

Zhang Yu thought about it again. He felt that there must be some other reason here before dare to make Cai Weng so sure, but it seems that the other party does not want to tell them now.

Cai Weng looked at the three people and said, “It’s not too early. If the junior brother Zhang and the two master nephews are almost ready, then we will set off.”

Zhang Yu was already prepared and said that there was no hindrance, and Wen family brothers had no objections. Seeing this, Cai Weng stopped delaying and took three people out of the bamboo house and went outside to the dense bamboo forest.

After just going through a section of the road, Zhang Yu noticed that they were not going south to Profound Mansion, but were going north.

Wen De whispered: “Gentleman Zhang, my Profound Mansion is backed by the Mountain of Initiation. I heard there is a passageway in the Mountain of Initiation. From there, you can go straight to Auspicious Light City. We haven’t walked before. “

Zhang Yu had nodded under his heart. He had heard about it before. And from the perspective of Profound Mansion, Mountain of Initiation itself is located on the northern edge of Auspicious Light City, either for easy access or for accident prevention. For consideration, Profound Mansion is necessary to open up a channel here.

The 4 people walked through a road shaded by trees and entered a cave dug from the mountain wall, and then embarked on a smooth and neat stone road.

This road in the cave is very long, but the light is not dim, and the air is very circulated. After walking for about half a minute, there is a faint sound.

Soon, four people appeared a long ropeway, and the sound became clear. It turned out that the water that had penetrated through the cracks in the rock merged into a wide and long waterfall. Here, together with the hanging azure vines around, it formed A unique wonder located in the body of the mountain.

Cai Weng said at the moment: “It’s almost time to pass here. The exit is in front.”

After the ropeway, in front of a stone gate, Cai Weng stepped forward and pushed it away easily in the rumble, and signaled the three to go first.

After Zhang Yu several steps came out of the stone gate, his sight suddenly opened up, and in front of him was a magnificent great plain, and at the far end, it was a towering mountain on the horizon, spreading towards the end of the mountain of sight. Serenity mountain range.

He couldn’t help but widen his mind, and said unknowingly in his mouth: “10000 gullies are flat here, heaven and earth are all clear, the dome is far away, whoever listens to the ancients!”

After Cai Weng came out, he took them down the mountain road. At the moment, he also noticed that there were 7-8 assistants at the foot of the mountain leading the horses waiting here. The horses are all good rice vessel moving horses, totaling 30 Horses, 6 pack horses, the rest are riding horses.

At the foot of the mountain, Cai Weng turned over and said: “Our first place is the Dawn Mountain Town station. It is best to hurry up and get there tonight.”

The crowd also stepped forward to select the horses, and then turned over the saddle.

Zhang Yu pupil light swept, picked a dark horse with fur as bright as water, took the reins calmly, and rode up. At this time, he suddenly felt something in his heart and glanced somewhere, but not at all saw what.

He heard Cai Weng say hello far away, he thoughts stirred, and he turned back and drove his horses. With the sound of the horseshoe, the entire group drove up on the vast plains.

On a raised mound not far from the Mountain of Initiation, there was a tall sword holding daoist standing there, looking away at the silhouette of their entire group gradually away.

It was just the next moment that there seemed to be wind blowing, and there was only a lonely mound here, whose people were gone.



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