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Two daoists looked at it, and they saw a body surrounded by jade mist and cloud light young daoist walks from inside. They were dressed in large cloaks, holding long swords, and their faces looked not quite clear under the hat.

However, 2 people immediately discovered that this is not a true cultivator they imagined, but a found cultivator.

The old daoist suddenly lost the interest in making friends, he shook his head and said: “junior brother Qu, let’s go.”

Daoist Qu said: “Isn’t senior brother making this man?”

The old daoist actually says indifferently: “But that is a found cultivator that’s all, we are true cultivator, and the cultivation is true inheritance Grand Dao, how can this generation be with us?”

Daoist Qu said: “Isn’t the senior brother saying that they are all the same, regardless of their status?”

The old daoist said disdainfully: “Yes, but how can the found cultivator be the same? How many of these 1000 1000 absolutely profound cultivators can get the higher boundary?”

Although the true cultivator and the found cultivator are not as big as the inner layer in the outer layer, the two-sided relationship can’t be called very harmonious. And true cultivator after training into Essence Soul Shining Shadow, from cultivation cultivation base to fighting ability is usually over the proven cultivator.

Coupled with the fact that someone secretly promoted the situation and blindly devalued the found cultivator, this causes many narrow minded true cultivators to feel their position is above that of profound cultivators, think that profound cultivators are not worthy of associating with them, this old daoist is one of them .

Daoist Qu was silent. Although he did not agree with his senior brother’s views, he would not argue with his own senior brother.

The old daoist turned around and walked away from heavenly station without looking back.

And Daoist Qu glanced back at the cloud and mist covered silhouette above, hesitated, and followed the old daoist to leave.

After Zhang Yu stepped down from the flying boat, he glanced at the place where 2 people left.

He detected the two people’s gazes just then, but he quickly regained his gaze, this is just two cultivation base mediocre true cultivator, does not pose any threat to him.

At the moment, he raised his hand, that huge white boat changes to ball of light in an instant, spinning out of thin air, falling into his purple star bag.

The footsteps sounded, and a sturdy manager came up with a team of pawns and gave him a cup one fist in the other hand, then showed their name token and said, “Where does this proven cultivator come from?”

Zhang Yu knew that these people were responsible for verifying the identity of the coming person. As soon as he raised his hand, he took out the jade seal of Profound Court Walker.

After he revealed the identity of Profound Court Walker to the Military Affairs Office, this identity is no longer a secret in the upper layer. No matter where he goes, there will be someone who will pay attention, so he without the slightest hesitation revealed this .

And because of this identity, he can not only save a lot of trouble, but also go to some places where ordinary cultivators can’t.

The manager looks at the red tasselled jade seal, and after recognizing the name on it, he could not help but swiftly bowed and gave way.

Zhang Yu put away the jade seal, and then walked out of the mooring station under the awe and curiosity of the army soldiers.

The manager watched him walk away and took a pawn, with a serious expression: “Go to the Military Affairs Office, and say that there is a person Profound Court Walker to Tanquan State.”

Because Tanquan State city fell on the top of a high cliff, Zhang Yu stepped up and down the cliff wall along the white jade steps that were wide and long after getting off the heavenly station.

Below his left hand is the endless Great Sea Waves. From time to time, a group of white birds whistle and fly, and er, a warm sea breeze blows, constantly blowing his clothes.

Not long after, he walked through the jade steps and stood beside the cliff platform.

In front of the long white jade, he saw that many state neutrons were enjoying the pleasant sea breeze here, each and everyone were all smiling with joy, and the children were running happily, with a rich floral fragrance at the moment The flying petals floated and wandered here, making people unconsciously indulged in it.

Suddenly there was a loud noise from the left, and he turned to see, seeing a few children sitting on a floating creation like a cloud, cheering more than once, while passing by a stone pillar, he also rubbed a bit, whirling out of thin air After a few laps, there was a yell of yelling, there was both fear and excitement in the sound.

He felt a little emotion, compared with Yeya State in the wilderness, the people here are obviously happy. Under the protection of Celestial City, they can live comfortably here and enjoy peace without having to go to the face For that harsh environment and various evil god monsters.

After he walked several steps again, he looked up, sees the jade avenue’s end, standing in the pavilion of the pavilion among the green trees and flowers, and beside the near side 2, there were 2 great jade, engraved on the left It is Celestial Xia greater law, and on the right is the map of Tanquan State. There are detailed notes on important points in the earth state.

He glanced at Celestial Xia greater law first, then turned around, and then looked at the map.

He came back to Tanquan State first, he had to find a place to stay here, and then he would take a tour around the state.

Within the Tanquan Earth State, the most famous residences suitable for cultivator are Bright Splendor and Hanging Star residences, and Bright Splendor Residence is the place where true cultivator lives. Hanging Star Residence is naturally the place where many found cultivators have settled.

He just arrived having ridden the boat from the west, so that residence should not be far from here. After turning his eyes on the map, he has found the location of Hanging Star Residence.

So he raised his sleeves and stepped forward.

Perhaps it was immediately a technology discussion meeting, plus on top of the earth star here, almost a section of the road would encounter some cultivation techniques, but it was just a young disciple on the threshold, which made him feel At this moment, it is like walking in Eastern Court Profound Mansion.

While walking, suddenly a carriage dragged by 4 creation carriages came over, but when passing by him, it slowly slowed down.

The glazed window of the carriage was removed, revealing a man in his early 4s who was dressed in round collared ancient clothes and was about 1 years old. He said to him: “But is this profound cultivator going to Hanging Star Palace?”

Zhang Yu glanced at him and said, “That’s right.”

The man said enthusiastically: “There is still a long section of the road in the past. Now I am going to the Hanging Star Residence. If the found cultivator is not disgusted, it is better to come to my carriage and we will go together.”

Zhang Yu thought, nodded and said: “Then many thanks.”

The man couldn’t help smiling, said: “Where, where, the found cultivator is able to get on my horse and it is also my pleasure.” He pushed open the door of the car from inside, and said: “profound cultivator please.”

Zhang Yu stepped up and looked at the interior of the car. It was very spacious. It seated 7 or 8 people. The floor was covered with a splendid soft blanket, and a sandalwood short table was placed in the middle. The arched corner turned into a bronze The incense burner exudes fragrance.

In addition to this middle-aged man, there is a young girl 15-16 years old sitting on the opposite kotatsu. She is looking at the book at this moment, so no one comes in and does not look up, seemingly uninterested in external matters.

After the middle-aged man invited Zhang Yu to sit down on the couch, he raised his sleeves and cupped the hands politely to him, saying: “In Yue Zhong, the found cultivator is polite.”

Zhang Yu raised his sleeves and returned with a ceremony, saying, “Zhang Yu.”

Yue Zhong said with a smile: “Originally it was found cultivator Zhang.” He pointed his finger at the girl. “This is the next daughter, she is also a found cultivator. Now she is following a high master cultivation. The second time was to visit her teacher, um, Luo’er, yet to the proven cultivator Zhang paid respect? “

The girl put down the book, stood up from the couch to Zhang Yu curtsies, and then sat down again, picked up the book and looked at it again.

Yue Zhong was a little embarrassed and said: “My daughter, I am naturally indifferent in nature, and I don’t see strangers. I also hope that the found cultivator will not be strange.”

Zhang Yu indifferently says: “No harm, in my opinion, it is with this focus that Mr. Yue daughter has the focus to cultivate Heart Light at this age. Mr. Yue is blameless.”

The girl heard this sentence and could n’t help but be surprised that lifts the head came. She did n’t find the Heart Light Seal any time ago. Did n’t expect was broken by someone. She could n’t help but look at Zhang Yu seriously, but the latter The face is covered by hat, see not quite clear.

Yue Zhong was also surprised and secretly rejoiced.

The reason he was willing to receive Zhang Yu onto the carriage just now was because he felt this person was absolutely not simple, so I wanted to be a good karma, and now it seems that this one can see the cultivation of his daughter at a glance, obviously it is not ordinary Cultivator, thinking of this, his attitude is respectful and eager.

The girl was obviously not accustomed to the attitude of her father, she slightly lowers her head to read, but occasionally looked up at Zhang Yu.

The horse and horse walked for about half of Xia hour, Yue Zhong looked outside, removed the glazed window and reached for a finger, loudly said: “profound cultivator Zhang, there is Hanging Star Palace.”

Zhang Yu looked around and saw the Grand Dao side, about half a mile away, a row of endless pavilions, the most prominent of which. It is a very grand dome residence, seven lesser halls encircling a main hall.

The entire residence is located on the highland by the southwest cliff corner. It is backed by a long and distant sky dome, like a lofty dwelling above the clouds, overlooking the world, and in front is an open square with in groups of The three or four cultivator was walking there, as if talking about something.

At this time, it was the evening, the evening glow shrouded the great hall, reflecting the rich and varied level. The warm wind blew, the flowers beside the square 2 swayed, and countless petals were rolled up and flew into the sky.

The creation carriage turned to the square, and in the rhythmic sound of horseshoes, it finally stopped under a stone corridor at the edge of a square.

Zhang Yu stepped down from the carriage. He looked up and was immediately attracted by something.

It was a huge and solid jade pillar standing in front of the square. It was 6 feet high, the column surface was delicate and smooth, and a fine and bright light flashed from time to time.

This should be a found pillar, just like the one standing on the Profound Mansion, it is used to carry the secret seal of the found cultivator and the chapter order.

“The seals inside are all old deficient seals.” A clear and sweet voice came from the side.

Zhang Yu glanced sideways to see Yue Yue ’s daughter Yue Luo, who was not tall, standing next to him and not reaching his shoulders. He looked thoughtful and said: “Old deficient seal …”



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