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Yue Luo whispered next to him: “I heard the teacher say that after the seal is put inside, except for a few parts, most of them have never been changed.”

Zhang Yu thought about it, slightly nodded, which was consistent with what he thought.

profound cultivator seal In addition to the predecessors, there is also the cultivator itself created by later.

But by the strength of a single person, it is inevitable that it is not very complete, so many cultivators will choose to print these defective seals into the found pillar.

If you are interested in the same way, you can expand it, or perform deduction and improvement, or communicate with the rest of the same way, and in the process, more seals will be born.

If the discovered cultivator continues to put on the discovered pillar on the discovered pillar, it will inspire more people and even promote the further improvement of the seal. This is a virtuous circle.

But such ideal situations can actually only be intentionally guided by Profound Mansion or under a relatively loose environment.

After all, most cultivators are reluctant to show the seal that they have worked hard to show.

Not to mention the outer layer and the cultivator that secretly leans towards Shangchen Heaven. Although Shangchen Heaven does n’t necessarily need proven techniques, you can know these seals, so if you know your way, you can also find the crack. Law.

So now the seal on the found pillar is just to express the original idea or question of the cultivator, and it is not perfect after deduction, so it is called “old deficient seal”.

But even the old deficient seal can inspire people.

He already has some ideas on how to climb the higher boundary. One of the things he needs to do is to perfect the visualization picture, but there is no seal that can be used directly, and he needs to make up his own. For example, by observing the spirituality and improving the Mysterious Chaos Cicada visualization picture, so in his view, these seals are equally valuable.

Yue Zhong stopped the carriage at this time, he came closer and bowed slightly: “profound cultivator Zhang, I took Little Luo to visit her teacher, I wonder where the procured cultivator is going?”

Zhang Yu said: “I’m going here, many thanks Mr. Yue took me a ride.” He took a jade slip from the purple star bag and handed it out, “This is what I wrote Looking for some of the found principles, you might as well take a look. “

Yue Zhong’s eyes lit up, and at the same time he felt a little pity. In fact, he would rather Zhang Yu give him nothing, so that in the future, with this good karma or more communication, but he also knows that he can not be greedy, but also know I know it, so I extended my hands and took it over, and then I respectfully said, “Then we will not disturb the found cultivator Zhang.”

After saluted, he turned to Yue Luo and said, “Daughter, let’s go.”

Yue Luo also treated Zhang Yu curtsies, and followed her father to the palace.

Zhang Yu and his father and daughter were separated and walked over to the found pillar.

Under the profound pillar, there are also several found cultivators at the moment, but it seems that the cultivation base is not high, mostly low position cultivator. When they came to see Zhang Yu, they all bowed to the ceremony and took the initiative to avoid it.

After all, the internal qi on Zhang Yu is covered by the big cloak again, which is also the fourth chapter cultivator level. When it is placed in the found cultivator, it is definitely the group of people who are close to the top.

Zhang Yu nodded his first salute, and then stood under the found pillar. He looked up and felt a little bit. Between the moments, he saw a densely packed seal appear on the found pillar. It was hard to count for a while.

However, the found pillar has been here for 300 or so years, and it is common to have many seals.

It’s just that most seals are useless to him. He just intends to find seals that can inspire him.

While he was watching, a daoist with a face of vicissitudes came over and looked at him and said, “Is this fellow daoist’s first time here?”

Zhang Yu glanced at him and said, “That’s right.”

The daoist said with emotion: “Fellow daoist did not come by accident. In the past 100 years, even though the dao seal is lacking here, all kinds of whimsy and thoughts are emerging, but now it is different.”

Zhang Yu said: “What’s the difference?”

The daoist shook his head and sighed: “After several of my found cultivators walked through the higher boundary, many cultivators wanted to follow the methods of their predecessors, or hoped that they could become the disciples after making merits even wanting to become a disciple of their disciples, so many people now no longer have the urge to study the dao technique. “

Zhang Yu thought about it, but did not feel that these cultivators are short-sighted. Although one person has a path, but there are methods to follow, and it is not necessary to necessarily pursue his own way.

Even the true cultivator is not inherited like this?

The point is that here is to recognize yourself, if you think you have no such talents, it is still safer to go like this.

And if you really have the mind to strengthen the proven techniques, it is not necessary to sigh for a long time. With such idle time, it is better to look up and try to open up a path for people to pursue.

Seeing that he didn’t answer, the daoist shook his head again and again and left after a few sighs.

Zhang Yu looked carefully here, unconsciously, the sky gradually faded, his robe swayed in the evening breeze, and behind the Hanging Star Residence, a little bit of star light lit up, plus 7 more outside the main hall The small hall is shining brightly under the night sky.

After the night completely covered the sky, he turned his gaze back and turned to the residence.

As soon as I entered the gate, I saw a bright rays of light oncoming. The interior of the hall was as bright as daylight. Compared with the deserted and empty outside, it was quite noisy.

In the grand and magnificent hall filled with glazed gemstones, there are many cultivators in exquisite costumes sitting or standing at the moment. They gather in twos and threes and exchange happily with each other, but he glances at a glance Go, most of these people only cultivated the Heart Light discipline, er, there are some people who just started.

He listened a few words, very few of these disciples are exchanging cultivation knowledge, but they tended to be fun and novel topics.

But he doesn’t think there is anything wrong with it. Young’s vigorous life is eligible to chase these, if not for his already experiencing a lifetime, there is a higher level of pursuit of life, maybe it will join it.

He stepped forward, walked through the huge colonnade, and walked to the platform on the side of the hall. The manager in charge of the residence saw his background is quite extraordinary and greeted him on his own initiative.

This person is more than 30 years old, wearing a collar with wide sleeves in ancient clothes, round faced and growing a beard, looks at a face, he came to the front and back, he said respectfully to Zhang Yu joins palms and bows: “This profound cultivator , But do you want to settle in the residence? “

Zhang Yu said: “That’s right.”

The manager asked: “Don’t know whether profound cultivator wants a high palace or low palace?”

Zhang Yu said: “High palace is better.”

He knew before that Hanging Star Residence lesser hall high palace has a wide view, and the convenience of cultivation is far superior to other places, and each high palace has a found pillar, and the above seal is previously reserved by the cultivator who lived here.

And what can live here is not only that reading is as simple as the fourth chapter, but most of it has a history. In this way, he can use this to learn from observation 4 2.

As for the consumption required to live in the high palace, he is the Profound Court patrolling envoy. Nowadays, all expenses are borne by Profound Court. Of course, there is a certain limit here every year, but after he reaches the outer layer, he almost has Instead of spending a penny by myself, there are a lot of inputs, so gold is not lacking.

manager replied: “Dubhe, Merak, Phecda, Megrez are now full of 4 high palaces in lesser halls, Alkaid Palace has already been booked by someone, only Alioth and Mizar 2 have 2 high palaces remaining Where does the cultivator mean? “

Zhang Yu thought for a while, but felt that Mizar’s name was related to himself, and said: “Then Mizar Palace is good.”

The manager took care of a very capable attendant who looked at him behind him: “Luo Guo, you take this discovered cultivator to Mizar lesser hall.”

The attendant first pressed Zhang Yu, and then gave a sideways gesture, saying, “This proven cultivator, please here.”

As soon as Zhang Yu was nodded, he followed him.

There was some movement here, but the young profound cultivator in those halls noticed and asked each other.

“Who is that high master? Just let Manager You come forward in person, can anyone recognize it?”

“I haven’t seen it before. It looks like it is probably the high master of Profound Fusion Boundary.”

“That’s natural. I can live in the cultivator in the Hanging Star Residence high palace. Which one is not the cultivation base? The dao brothers haven’t seen it before, maybe it’s from the inner layer.”

The disciples deeply believe that the people who come to the Lord in each house are of great origin. Not to mention the cultivation base, the daily consumption of the temple is not affordable for ordinary people.

Some disciples sighed: “Ai, really envious.”

A disciple beside him smiled pats his shoulders and said: “Why should Dao Zhu Zhu envy and cultivate well, maybe he will also be stationed in the high palace in the future.”

surnamed Zhu disciple sighed: “How difficult is cultivation, the search for found principles has blocked the younger brother how many years, I can’t make it, now I am 25 years old, and my teacher teacher told me that ten If you do n’t succeed after the year, then you have to send your brother to an earth star to be an ordinary resident, maybe this will be the case for a lifetime. “

Hearing this, most of the people present were in a state of sorrow and were worried about the future.

They are all unrespected disciplines. Most of the future and this surnamed Zhu disciple will usually be assigned to a small earth star to be an earth state station, and those real elite disciples are now following the teacher ’s side. In the future they are destined to go two ways.

At this moment, in the lesser hall Dubhe Palace, a man dressed in silver robe young cultivator sits by the pool. From time to time he drops some bait and feeds the golden carp swimming in the pool. His face is like many cultivation base. Quite flawless, especially striking, is his binocular, looking foggy and unfathomable.

At this time, a young cultivator came to the back and said: “Dao brother Shi, but have you heard that the high palace of Mizar lesser hall has settled in the same channel again.”

The cultivator surnamed Shi did not look back, just un’ed, saying, “I don’t know why it came from?”

He flicked his wrist, threw the bait, a golden carp jumped high, swallowed first, and then swayed his tail for a moment in midair, before he fell into the water and splashed large waves.

The young cultivator glanced back before looking back. “The interesting part is here. We have never seen this person before. Xu is like a dao brother Shi, but also from the inner layer.”

cultivator surnamed Shi calmly said: “That’s not bad, we can talk more about the fellow daoist argument with Bright Splendor Residence two days later.”

The young cultivator laughed and said: “Speaking of ‘profound and true technique discussion’ in the coming year, we have lost every time in the past ten years, but this time with dao brother Shi you, we have won a lot.”

The cultivator surnamed Shi did not speak, but shook his sleeves. In an instant, all the golden carp in the pool were turned into light spots and dissipated. Even the huge pool of water was disappeared together. There was only a clean wall opposite him. Stand there.



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