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Zhang Yu followed the attendant. After walking along the bright light promenade for half a minute, he came to the Mizar lesser hall. As soon as he entered, he felt that internal qi was refreshing.

Looking up, I saw a fine jade inlaid above the dome, and immediately recognized this as the famous “Void Cicada Jade”, can be used to change the turbid into the pure, to ward off evil and correct qi.

He can not help but nod, there is this thing, whether it is a found cultivator refined spirit or true cultivator conditioning atmosphere, it can twist the results for half the effort, the key is that it can also resist void external influence at the moment, standing here, he will There is no need to go to maintain Heavenly Domain Jade Gift Clothes from time to time.

Only this one, it is worth entering this palace.

He looked at it for a while, then waved his hand, and let the attendant step back, and then walked down the steps.

For the elegant layout here, he not at all went to see more, but walked through the court and walked directly to the open space before the lesser hall. There really was a found pillar here.

The found pillar is about two zhang high, with a jade light floating on it.

He came close, reached out and pressed it up, and suddenly a continuous seal flashed in front of his eyes.

However, compared with those incomplete old seals in the outside world, the seal here is a lot of brilliant.

Here, because the found pillar on the square can be copied on it, there are many seals left by the cultivator of Chapter 3.

These cultivators themselves have a low cultivation base and lack of understanding of dao technique, so it seems to him that there are too many omissions, which can only provide him with an idea and inspiration.

But here is different. Those who can settle in this high palace must be Profound Fusion Boundary cultivator, and they are all heroes in this situation, so even if they are short of print, they are relatively complete, even in the third chapter cultivator. It can be used directly.

He just observed it for a moment, and he felt very rewarding.

He stood there for the night, and it was only after dawn that he returned to the lobby and sat down, then fell into long-term thinking.

At the beginning, he used the word seal and the Speech Seal as his core seal, and used it as the basis for the Mysterious Chaos Cicada visualization picture.

Now to further improve this visualization picture, he needs to fill in more core seals to use as support, which is also a necessary process after his cultivation cultivation base is improved.

profound cultivator cultivate techniques has always been supported by 6 upright seal and completed by 6 seals, so he still needs to fill in at least 4 seals in order to act as the core to complete the visualization picture changing from death to life this step .

Today, he was touched and inspired by many seals, but his heart was full of ups and downs, and his movements continued. After a long time, his eyes shines, and the chaotic light flashed instantly. The Chaotic Chapter of the Grand Dao was already in front of him, and then he extends a finger, a seal appeared on it.

In the Alkaid lesser hall, a handsome and handsome daoist of thirty years leaned half on the couch. He held a picture scroll in his hand and was tasting it carefully, but the characters or images in the painting were moving. Like living creatures.

Yue Luo walked in here carefully under the leadership of a cultivator. She faced the daoist curtsies and said, “teacher.”

The daoist said at random: “You don’t have to be too gifted, disciple, have you had an evening meal?”

Yue Luo glanced at the painting curiously, and quickly withdrew his eyes, saying: “Go back to the teacher, the discipline just took an energy pill.”

The daoist shook his head and said: “Hey, tasting food is the joy of life, not to be forsaken. You are still young and you don’t need abstain from grains.”

Yue Luo puzzled: “But won’t eating the impurity of the five grains dirty the dao body?”

The daoist shook his head and said, “While in the big dye tank of heaven and earth, what is not dirty? When can we transcendence out of this heaven and earth, can we talk about the purity of the party, this is your teacher I have not reached , You do n鈥檛 have to fight to do it yet. “

Yue Luo said seriously: “teacher must be able to.”

The daoist was amused by her slightly innocent words. He put down the scroll and said, “Listen to your father, you met a fellow on the way back?”

Yue Luo said: “Yes, the high master can see at a glance that the recipe has made Heart Light.”

The daoist nodded slightly, but he didn’t comment on it. The cultivation of Heart Light by cultivator cultivation actually breaks the barrier between mortal and mystical, and the convergent discipline like Yue Luo does not understand. Even if you have not shown Heart Light, as long as you have a little cultivation base, you can learn from internal qi Identify above.

Yue Luo bowed his head at that moment, took out a jade slip from his sleeve, and handed it over: “That’s what the found cultivator left to the discipline.”

The jade slip floated out of thin air and fell into the hands of the daoist. He consciously turned inside, and the original casual expression suddenly calmed down a few points, then sat straight, pondered, and sent it back, warned repeatedly: “Fold away. “

Yue Luo said: “teacher?”

The Daoist said: “The above words are very thorough, both reasonable and forensic. Only with this advice, if you can thoroughly understand, you can save at least 3 years of hard work,” he shook the head. To the same person. “

3 years is not long. Before cultivate 2 chapters, every year is crucial. If a common student it would be nothing much, but he regards Yue Luo as a disciple, this can’t help but be affectionate.

Hearing what he said, Yue Luo was a little uneasy and said, “Shouldn’t the teacher or the disciplinary be closed?”

That daoist said with a smile: “This matter has nothing to do with you, this kind of good matter, I wish you could keep seeing you, you needn’t feel any burden.”

He took care of an attendant next to him, who was nodded out, and after a moment, he turned back and said, “Sir, the villain inquired, the superior cultivator is now stationed in the Mizar lesser hall. , But ask the villain to come … “

The daoist said: “No, it will be true and profound technique discussion in 2 days. You will be able to meet each other by then, but you can also pay close attention. If this person goes out, let me know in time.”

attendant bowed down to say yes.

2 days passed in a flash.

On May 5 20th, on the square in front of Hanging Star Palace, there were more than ten daoists. These people were all dressed in ancient clothes, robe and daoist topknot. In between, there seemed to be a faint sound, and behind them, dozens of recipes followed.

Immediately after their arrival, a middle-aged found cultivator greeted them with many disciplines and paid respect with them outside the door.

The leading daoist bowed, without much talk, followed this middle-aged profound cultivator into the Hanging Star Residence.

At the same time, the young cultivator came to the Dubhe high palace again, facing Shi Yanxin who was playing chess with another cultivator: “Dao brother Shi, the man is here.”

Shi Yanxin stared at the chessboard and said, “Which fellow daoist do you not know?”

Although the number of true cultivator is not as good as the found cultivator, but after reaching a certain boundary, the cultivation base can usually be maintained above a certain level, so they can not be sure in advance, who will be sent to discuss the law with this time.

The young daoist expression calmed and said: “No matter what is left, but the leading two are Shen Ruoqiu and Nie Yin.”

Shi Yanxin originally wanted to press the child. Hearing this sentence, the movement was slightly paused in his hand, and the voice calmly said: “It seems that they are determined to win.”

young cultivator said solemnly: “Yes, they want to come to them also to hear dao brother Shi come to participate in the discussion this time, so I don’t want me to wait for the discovered cultivator to gain the upper hand this time.”

Shi Yanxin slowly lowered his chess piece. After the chess piece was settled, the entire board instantly disappeared, and the found cultivator sitting opposite him regretted that it also turned into a golden light to disperse, leaving only an empty quiet room.

The young cultivator’s eyes lit up and said, “Dao brother Shi cultivation sees growth again.”

Shi Yanxin is extremely calm, saying: “without reaching a higher boundary, it’s all negligible skill.”

He sat straight, thinking for a short time before saying: “” he thought for a while, “profound and true technique discussion 3 days, if Shen Ruoqiu and Nie Yin are on the field, if I win one, I can’t win the other, so 2 are not there That day is particularly important. It is best to win. The fellow daoist thinks who is the most suitable to come forward? “

The young cultivator thought about it and said, “The fellow daoist Yu of Alkaid lesser hall is quite suitable. These 2 days fellow daoists privately discuss the law. There are few people who can beat him. We may let this one try. “

Shi Yanxin nodded and said: “Then trouble the fellow daoist to invite fellow daoist Yu to come forward and try to win today’s ratio.”

The young cultivator cups the hands and bows, said: “I will go.”

In the Mizar lesser hall, Zhang Yu woke up from the fixed seat, but at this moment, he suddenly felt that he found a lot of strong internal qi in the distant main hall, and judged from the breath, that each and Everyone is a true cultivator.

His thoughts turned, and the reason was clear.

It 鈥檚 a true and profound technique discussion every year, and I do n鈥檛 want this discussion to be set in Hanging Star Residence.

In the past ten years, true and profound technique discussion and found cultivator have lost all times, not only Legs Constellation earth star, but also Four Forms Heaven various stars’ technique discussion.

In fact, after 20 years or even 30 years, the found cultivator has always lost more and less, but after all, it can win a few games, so the scene is not so ugly, but it has been getting worse in recent years.

It was decades ago when profound techniques were prosperous and there were many talented outstanding people. It is now that the founders of Proven Venerable also found the path at that time before they entered the higher boundary. , The found cultivator really overwhelmed the true cultivator.

However, these scenes are short-lived. After these people have climbed the higher boundary, it seems that there will be no successors, and it can be described as repeated defeats.

It is no wonder that there are many true cultivators who despise the found cultivator, and it is indeed an impression gradually formed in this field theory.

And because this matter is just a simple fighting method, and does not involve discuss the dao, so he is not too interested in this at all.

Unless it is necessary, or in the face of an unavoidable opponent, he has no intention to do it with people, not to mention that the human frontal fighting method is very easy to reveal his own dao art divine ability, need to know that this is not in the inner layer, but in the outer For layer, beware of the peeping of Shangchen Heaven cultivator.

He has not forgotten his “Profound Court Walker” identity, there is really no need to expose too much details.

It was another thing that attracted him more, but he prepares to act after the Profound Venerable explains techniques.

But sometimes, some things cannot be avoided just by wanting to avoid them. After one day of contemplation, someone came to the door.



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