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After Zhang Yu slaughtered the surnamed Xu cultivator again, he calmly returned Song of Cicadas Sword to his sheath.

After he arrived at the lower layer, although many divine ability dao techniques could not be performed calmly, he found that this did not affect his ability to perform the All-Severing Cut technique.

Although this technique might also weaken accordingly, even if the speed and power are only increased a little, you can get a great advantage in combat, especially in the same level of competition.

The few battles since his arrival here were all won by speed and strength, but now I think again, in the dao technique does not show the territory, this is instead the sharpest and most effective means.

His eyes fell at this moment, looking at the headless corpse. In an instant, the flesh of the corpse turned into a bone, and after a few breaths, it turned into a dust and drifted away with the wind.

After the arrival of this projection, after being killed, it will not survive forever, and it will melt into heaven and earth.

Li Bailiang and old Yang have been running from far away to near, and they happened to see this scene, and they couldn’t help staring: “This, found cultivator Zhang, this …”

Zhang Yu lightly said: “Two people don’t need to be surprised, this person seems to be unwilling to give up again, and I will be cut again.”

He seemed to have thought of something at this time, and he took care of the sentence, “This person may come again, holding the army soldiers away from the stone plate, lest this person come to breathe innocent army soldiers.”

Li Bailiang cups the fist and says: “Carefully follow the order of the found cultivator.”

He is also stunned, and the founder cultivator Zhang is also really brave and courageous. It seems that the found cultivator’s tone and expression may have a history, but this one starts with no hesitation.

Zhang Yu didn’t stay outside for a long time, returned to the army rampart, looks at the broken city wall under the sunset, it seems to indicate that this lower layer will not be able to keep for long.

He thought about it. If it was purely for the sake of war, the situation here was too bad, and Legs Constellation Military Affairs Office would not be wrong to give up here.

But since the Mysterious Chaos cicada wings flag hangs here, then it is considered the territory of Celestial Xia, and the people here are considered people of Celestial Xia – how can one lightly speak of abandoning them?

He can’t control the Legs Constellation earth star military tactics, but he can make some efforts here, such as asking more cultivators and soldiers from Azure Sun Continent to enter this lower layer help.

It should be known that he is both patrolling envoy and Azure Sun Profound Corrector. He can open and aboveboard to contact Azure Sun Continent and recruit people. It is just how to arrange this matter. I still need to think about it.

Within the Overcast Light Stage secret cabin, the surnamed Xu cultivator jumped up suddenly, and the powerful Heart Light on his body radiated out at once, crashing into the secret cabin.

Fortunately, the secret cabin is particularly strong, and it can even be used as a protection for the cultivator at the critical moment, so it just makes a rumble, not at all any damage.

Surnamed Xu cultivator first coughed while covering his throat, then straightened up.

He was blamed for 2 degrees, and all of them were killed by beheading, which made his heart suffocated and reached an unbearable place, and his eyes became very red.

He wanted to go to the lower layer again, but missed 2 degrees. He also realized the gap between him and Zhang Yu, and he said in his heart: “I can’t succeed alone, no, I have to find a helper!”

Although this kind of practice is a little embarrassing, he has been unable to take care of this at this time, he should calm down the visualization picture as soon as possible in the past few days, otherwise the cultivation will be damaged.

He secretly thought: “junior brother Su has always been me and kindness. If I ask for mercy, he will help me, but I only learned that I was cut twice, and I will be ridiculed, but as long as I can kill the projection, a little face Loss is nothing. “

As soon as the plan was ready, he immediately left the secret cabin and hurried to find someone.

After returning to the temporary residence, Zhang Yu continued to sit and watch the cultivation. After almost 20 days, he felt that he had come here for a long time, or he might go back first.

So he greeted Li Bailiang and the others, but came to stand on the stone plate in the army rampart, and as the rays of light flashed, the whole person wasappeared.

When Zhang Yu eyes opened again, he found that he was still sitting in the quiet room, Song of Cicadas, Firmament Startling 2 The sword was placed on the side table.

He looked at the sundial, and stayed in the lower layer for nearly a month, but it just passed for almost 3 days.

At this moment he felt it and found that the spirit essence in his body did increase, which shows that the source energy received by strength projection can also be used by himself.

This is undoubtedly a good news.

But he also discovered that although in the lower layer he absorbed much source energy, at the moment he feels only a slight promotion.

But even so, that’s not bad.

There are many beliefs about evil gods in the lower layer world. I believe there should be many similar things. In the future, I can go to the camera several times.

Then he reached out and took the jade talisman out of his sleeve.

This thing was also projected into it at the time. At the moment, a rays of light flashed slightly on the rune, but it showed the scene that he killed the god’s progeny and surnamed Xu cultivator.

Once this jade talisman is impacted by the power of mystical, it will faithfully reflect his passing in the lower layer, which is used to confirm his military merits, but if there is something he does not want to be seen, he also Can be erased.

He thought about it, but did not make any changes, put it away, put away the double swords, stepped out of the quiet room, and then walked onto heavenly station.

Heavenly station has already built a dome-shaped glaze above him as required. At the moment Wondrous Pills Lord is flying here and there, playing the game of chasing fat balls,

Zhang Yu looks at the seven colored spiritual mist scattered on this little leopard’s body, a slight movement in his heart, thinking that maybe next time he can bring Wondrous Pills Lord and the “old spirit” that can find hidden treasures to the lower layer.

Before he came to the book case, he saw two letters placed on it, to see that the date was sent yesterday. One comes from the Wei family army and the other comes from the Fu family army.

He picked it up and opened it. The letter from the Wei family army was written by Wei Lingying. It was said that the Military Affairs Office’s delegation was handed down next month. This time it was necessary to go beyond the Legs Constellation earth star.

Legs Constellation earth star under the jursidiction of there are more than 160 earth stars, except Legs Constellation main star because Celestial City is located, it is relatively stable. Most other earth stars are often attacked by evil god and Shangchen Heaven cultivator.

The Frost Star this time is one of them. Although it is not too far from the Legs Constellation main star, it is not too close, but he noticed that this time Wei family army is still cooperating with Fu family army.

Seeing this, his pupil light flashed slightly.

After thinking about it for a moment, the letter from Fu family army opened again, as expected, this was from Daoist Zuo.

This one was also writing for this matter, and his people suspected that the delegation at this time seemed to be aimed at them intentionally, which may also be related to Pei Yue, so it was proposed that they 2 people report together and the delegation was rejected as much as possible. .

Zhang Yu knew Daoist Zuo’s idea and wanted him to use his Profound Court Walker’s identity to solve the matter.

However, if the root cause is not resolved, even if he can stop it once, he cannot stop it for the second time.

And this is a serious delegation. Once the delegation is issued, the military law is executed. The Military Office is the superior, and in wartime, is there any reason to violate the military order?

This time, anyway, two campaign squads can act together, and they can work together. If the other party finds a way to separate them, it will be easier to clean them up.

After carefully thinking about it, he summoned Qing Shu and said, “Qing Shu, you hold the decree, go back to Azure Sun Superior Continent for me and do a few things for me.”

Qing Shu said in awe: “Mr. please tell me.”

Zhang Yu passed the voice and took care of a few words in detail. Qing Shu was nodded again and again. Finally, he bowed his hand and said, “Qing Shu wrote it down.”

Zhang Yu said: “You set off now, try to be careful on the road.”

Qing Shu nodded, bowed, and then retreated.

Zhang Yu thought about it for a while after he left, so he got up from the platform and came to the Wei family army station. After a short time, he came to the station.

He came to the hall all the way, and after a while, Wei Lingying, Jin Xiaobai and soldier Lin 3 were rushed back from the martial training stage.

After meeting each other, Zhang Yu said: “I have received the letter from Army Lord Wei, but there are some joints to talk to Army Lord Wei.”

Wei Lingying asked closely: “Profound cultivator Zhang, but is there anything wrong?”

Zhang Yu said: “I said to Army Lord Wei that I was assigned to the Fu family army ’s fellow daoist Zuo and I met a Shangchen Heaven cultivator there. , So the report has been modified.

In this delegation, it was Fu family army who cooperated with me and left main star to go to distant sky. I suspect that this was intentionally arranged by someone, and it is likely that something will change. “

Jin Xiaobai got nervous and said, “Mi- might it be a coincidence?”

Wei Lingying said seriously: “Xiaobai, no fluke, we bear the safety of everyone in the Wei family army, and would rather consider the worst.”

She took a deep breath, looked towards Zhang Yu, and said, “profound cultivator Zhang, what should we do?”

Zhang Yu looked towards her: “If I write a letter as Profound Court Walker, or I can try to refuse this delegation, what is Army Lord Wei’s idea?”

Wei Lingying thought about it carefully and gritted his teeth: “No! The Military Affairs Office’s delegation is a military order. The reason why the military order is rejected? We Wei family army cannot set this precedent.”

Jin Xiaobai said: “Yes, we can’t back down.”

Zhang Yu slightly nodded, said: “Then use another method, this time away from Legs Constellation Star, I will take care of the Wei family army as much as possible, but because I do not know what kind of enemy will be encountered, Wei family army must try Strengthen yourself. “

Wei Lingying thought for a while and said, “I’ll wait for someone to distribute the Spiritual Liquid of Longevity Noble Dendrobium to try to awaken spirituality to more people.”

Zhang Yu said: “It ’s not enough. The divine robe outer armor used by the Wei family army is too unusual, not so much as the inner layer, and it is difficult to exert its own strength. I have ordered Qing Shu to go to the inner layer and order 30 The outer armor is good on the piece, and the consumption can be recorded first, and then slowly returned in the future. “

Wei Lingying hearing this, I was very pleasantly surprised. The outer layer armor is only a consumable item, and the superior armor is only available in the main army. These listed hired army can not be found through this channel. If you can really get 30 pieces of superior armor, the price only needs to pay For some money, it is worth looking at anyway.



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