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After discussing matters with Wei Lingying, Zhang Yu turned to his residence, and then he also sent a letter to Daoist Zuo, stating that this refusal would be more detrimental to his own side, and only the positive response is the best policy.

At the same time, he also reminded Daoist Zuo to be more careful this time and to enhance the strength of the campaign squad as much as possible. Next month 2 teams can agree to set off together for a certain time.

Wei family army and Fu family army are also the campaign squad of Legs Constellation Star, the life of army soldiers is also life, he will not be unconcerned with their lives because he is in the Wei family army. This time the 2 teams will work together and he will do his best to take care of it.

However, he is not familiar with the Fu family army, maybe the Fu family army may also have the internal response to be bought, so there is no plan to disclose that the Wei family army is made as an outer armor.

The Fu family army has much more financial strength than the Wei family army, and if there is no need to spare no effort to strengthen itself, there are ways.

After Li Qinghe sent the letter out, he came to the study and read Yeya State ’s recent newspapers, because Yeya state is equivalent to a military state, so most of the information published above was about clearing up and developing matters. There are only a few things about out-of-states.

After seeing it, he returned to the quiet room, and when he was settled down, he summoned it and summoned the Chaotic Chapter of the Grand Dao.

He focused on Spirit’s Awareness Seal, and in the lower layer he had thought about this seal clearly, now is the time to refine it into his visualization picture.

As soon as his thoughts fell, he put spirit essence into this seal, and as the seal lighted up, there were rays of light standing on it, and fell on him. After a while, the rays of light retreated.

He thought together, then the wings of the Mysterious Chaos Cicada, seeming like brilliant stars, appear above his head.

He glanced up, and this visualization picture turned into a little rays of light and dispersed.

The visualization picture is the integration of the divine ability seal, is the specific manifestation of a profound cultivator’s studied dao techniques and strength, before changing from death to life it is not a thing of substance.

But now he wants to incorporate Spirit’s Awareness Seal into it, making it one of the core seals supporting the visualization picture, he needs to reconcile and control it again.

His eyes were drooping, his breath slowly settled, and at the same time, the Profound Chapter of the Grand Dao also appeared on the other side of the body.

After a long time, stars of light came out around him, and then flew upwards. At the same time, a group of gloomy qi floated there and took the light into his body.

After just a dozen breaths, the Mysterious Chaos Cicada visualization picture appeared there again, but vaguely it can be found that it seems to have more spirituality than before.

Zhang Yu felt a little bit at the moment, and felt that all things outside him were much clearer than before, unaware of slightly nodded.

Spirit’s Awareness Seal Fang Cheng, still need to continue to improve, but from this moment on, his ability to identify crises and to grasp opportunities when fighting, as well as the sense of spirituality are raised to a level on the original basis.

And he can feel that as the fusion of this seal and Zhuyin deepens, plus the subsequent filling, when the opportunity arrives, he will comprehend another divine ability.

After trying to check it for a while, he put away the visualization picture.

Next, it’s time to work on the next core seal.

He had also thought about it for a long time, and his gaze moved to the Profound Chapter of the Grand Dao, and there was a one seal where he slowly came out.

but no name has yet to appear on the seal, which means that in his self-knowledge, this seal is not yet complete.

But in his mind, it was a set of thoughts. If this seal is successful, it should be named light seizing!

If Spirit’s Awareness Seal is the spirit of the cicada, then this seal is the legs of the cicada “.

He is now fighting with people, in most situations he can search for an opportunity, detect the enemy’s flaws, and then rely of speed and strength to defeat them in one move.

But if there is capturing and binding technique, then with his sword technique, then the fighting ability will jump to a new level.

He previously once used the gloomy qi of the visualization picture’s cicada body to bind an enemy, but achieving that required the appearance of an opportunity, the restriction is not small, and the Speech Seal should be used with caution, 2 to have the distance and the limit of heart force , If this seal can be completed that would mean he’d be able to capture an enemy from a distance.

It’s just that he didn’t understand this method in the past, and he didn’t know anything about it, so this time, he needed to borrow the help of Profound Chapter of the Grand Dao.

Profound Chapter seals are not the same as Chaotic Chapter seals, you can quickly learn the method of use by drawing on the seals of the predecessors and absorbing the experience, or simply improve the seals of the predecessors into your own seals.

He had observed many seals before, and some of them had binding and enemy-capturing techniques.

However, these seal might be limited, and have little effect in the fighting of the instant 10000 changes, so this seal is currently only a little prototype, not even worth the addition of a seal name.

He also considered the solution of this method, the easiest of which is to exchange learning from a cultivator who is good at this way.

Here he already has a goal.

At the beginning of the month when he was in the Mizar lesser hall of the Hanging Star Palace, there were many seals left by the cultivator that once lived there on the found pillar there.

Some of them leave the seal while also leaving the news that they are good at seal. This is actually hoping that someone will help them improve and exchange with them, so that they can benefit each other.

He once noticed that there is a cultivator who is good at binding technique, so if the seal he left is difficult, if he can perfect this deduction, then it may be exchanged with him.

Of course, the premise is that the person still needs this seal.

Before he had written a letter and sent it, but so far no response has arrived, if he has still not received news in a few days then he will go and visit in person.

At this moment, he changed his mind and disappeared all the Profound Chapter 2 and disappeared. He got up and walked out of the quiet room. He found Wondrous Pills Lord and brought him to his side. Travelling Sundial, in between, the quiet room was once again shrouded in rays of light.

After the rays of light dispersed, he saw that he was standing on that stone plate, and Wondrous Pills Lord also appeared at his feet.

He looked up for a moment, and the army rampart in front of him looked rough, and the broken rock pillars that had collapsed on the ground were also cleaned up.

Dense footsteps came from a distance, but Li Bailiang and old Yang 2 found the movement and rushed over with the army soldiers. They were a little vigilant at first, and when he appeared, they were all showing joy, coming up cup one fist in the other hand, said: “Profound cultivator Zhang, you are back.”

Zhang Yu is slightly nodded, he just spent a day in the outer layer, but the lower layer has passed for ten days.

He asked about it and learned that these days army rampart has added more than 3000 troops and a batch of artillery hand cannon, which has restored a certain battle strength.

Because it is an important pass here, it does not lay out a large army of more than 10000, so usually only a few 1000 people can hold it, but the battle involving mystical power is not just about the number of people, almost depends on the strength of the upper layer of both sides Strength.

After knowing the situation here, he said: “I’m back here, I need to go out and walk around. Since you are stable here, I won’t stay here any longer.”

profound cultivator cultivation, spirit essence is the most important, since there is source energy here, he will never miss it, decided to go out and do some searching.

Both Li Bailiang and old Yang have no objection to this. Zhang Yu is not a person sent by the Military Affairs Office. It was already very moral to defend the army rampart for them. They impossible stopped him from letting him go. It’s cups the fist and says: “I wish profound cultivator Zhang all the best.”

Zhang Yu thought for a moment and said, “If the man comes here again and asks where I am going, he can tell his person that there is no need to hide it.”

Li Bailiang and old Yang are both known as yes.

After taking care of it, Zhang Yu took the long sword and took Wondrous Pills Lord out of the army rampart along the way.

The more than 200 army soldiers who survived the last battle heard that he had left, and all went to the city, silently watching his back gradually disappearing over the wilderness. .

Zhang Yu walked in the direction of the setting sun, passing through the battlefield where the two sides were fighting a few days ago, and after turning over a small hill, the sky gradually faded, but he did not at all intend to stop and continue to go forward .

When Wondrous Pills Lord arrived here, he did not run around arbitrarily, and was always next to him, looking around all cautiously and curiously.

From time to time on the road, you can see some broken wooden sheds, and some remaining tall buildings. The main body has been demolished, and only some foundation walls remain.

It used to belong to the territory of Yue Dynasty, but under the pressure of the believers of Different God, it has been shrinking back. Now it only occupies an extremely small area and may face the crisis of demise at any time.

After rushing to the middle of the night, a tall mountain beam appeared in front of him. According to the army soldier in army rampart, I turned over here and had another 4 days to go, which is the old capital of Yue Dynasty, but has now become a place for sacrificial offerings to evil gods.

And there was his first goal on this trip.

In the bright light of the next morning, he was already standing on a high ridge, so he looked far away. At a point to the northwest, he did see a dilapidated big city, where he could see some spiritual rays. of light flashes.

He squeezed the long sword in his hand and stepped forward, and Wondrous Pills Lord also followed lightly.

On the 2nd day after his departure, 2 rays of light appeared on the stone plate. Surnamed Xu cultivator appeared with an appearance about seventeen or eighteen, which has several points of frivolous cultivator.

Then the young cultivator looked at all around and said with interest: “Is this the lower layer?” He looked at his hands and feet, “Interesting, interesting, as if I were here.” Then I raised my eyebrows, “That’s the heart force has been suppressed a lot. “

Surnamed Xu cultivator is wary of looking towards all around, saying: “junior brother Su can adapt a little bit, and the person we will deal with later may not be simple.”

junior brother Su faint smile said: “Is the senior brother killed by that guy right?”

Surnamed Xu cultivator somewhat angrily says: “This person does have some ways, junior brother Su, this time to help me succeed, I said that good things I will not lose you.”

The junior brother Su laughed, said: “We follow apprentices, why should we say such out-of-sight things,” he looked around, but where is this person? “

The surnamed Xu cultivator immediately sought Li Bailiang and old Yang and the others to ask, and the two received Zhang Yu’s instructions without concealing them, and truthfully told his whereabouts.

After asking, surnamed Xu cultivator had a little discussion with junior brother Su, and immediately left army rampart to follow along.



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