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Zhang Yu discovered when he was just fighting, that these swords in Ding Mao’s hands seemed to lack the necessary cultivation, and the magical power carrying was very insufficient, before only relied on the small swords’ item quality to cross swords with him.

Maybe this can’t be considered for others, but in the eyes of All-Severing Cut, it is a great weak spot.

All-Severing Cut lies in tyrannical power and fast speed, and when these two are combined in one place, it is formidable power. Each collision is a test against the enemy’s sword. If there is not enough magical power or Heart Light to step forward, it can’t bear it.

And no matter what kind of sword’s divine ability, if you haven’t refined sword to the point of compounding gas, then once damaged, the ability of divine ability will be greatly reduced.

Cultivate a deep cultivator or you can use magical power Heart Light to condense the blade to continue the battle. But when the opponent on the opposite side is also the sword cultivator, and is still in control of the intact sword, then this is in vain.

Ding Mao just noticed that Zhang Yu was wrong when he split the small sword, but in a very close collision, Zhang Yu made the sword too fast, even if he took the flying sword to retreat.

After Xiaojian was cut off with a sword, he could not help shaking.

After all, the sword and the master are connected to the mind. Now that he is destroyed, his mind is naturally under a certain impact. But he is a dao soldier situated between life and death.

But on the occasion of fighting, this is also a very obvious weak spot. When he realized that it was not good, the sword light flashed in front of him, but the Song of Cicadas Sword in the sky threw away the entanglement of many small swords and went straight to him Here, and suddenly penetrates through his body, he collapses into numerous specks of light.

At this time, Zhang Yu didn’t delay for a moment, his sleeves raised, Firming Startling Sword shook out a divine light, and slammed away with another small sword in front of him!

When Ding Mao again condense silhouette, another small sword was destroyed, and the mind was also hurt again.

It ’s just that this time with the previous experience, he was prepared in advance, and was not taken advantage of by Song of Cicadas Sword. The little sword that was flying outside was also gathered back, at the same time changes to an escaping light and flies, avoiding that cut Come sword light.

This is the first time he has taken the initiative to retreat. Originally, with Transforming Disorder, he has no fear of the other party’s attack. Instead, he can drag the opponent into perplexity.

At the moment, a word light flashed from the top, it was Zhang Yu who once again bullied him, he had to sacrifice the sword to cover it. Share its power.

But he is actively trying to protect the mind of Sword together, which is equivalent to an additional burden, which leads to the fight of the down, which is difficult to take care of everywhere.

Zhang Yu, however, boldly shot, long sword cut off, regardless of Ding Mao itself, or against the sword, he can arbitrarily sway.

All-Severing Cut Together, if he does n’t block, then he will cut your shining shadow. If it blocks, then he will face the sword, under a sudden and strong attack, but after a few breaths, it is a small sword broken Cracked.

Ding Mao originally relied on multiple handles to fight against him, but as the number of swords weakened, the transfer of swords became more and more embarrassing.

Soon, the 4th sword was broken on the ground, then the 5th, the 6th … A handle of the sword kept breaking.

At this point in the battle, the outcome has been exceptionally clear. The ordinary people have managed to escape this step, but Ding Mao, as a dao soldier, has no such idea. In order to complete the previous order, he will only fight to the end. It will not measure the gap between the two sides.

There was another crisp and broken sound in the field. With the broken sword of the last sword, 16 swords were gone, and the broken sword fragments were all taken away by the snowstorm.

Ding Mao stood empty beside him. He reached out and grabbed a long sword with magical power condense.

Zhang Yu glanced at him, because the sword was destroyed one after another, and his mind was continuously damaged. The opponent’s magical power also began to decline sharply, apparently continued consumption, using the function of the medicine to start to fade.

He stepped forward, his wrists flicked, and he scattered the concentrated power of the magical power, and then with a wave of his sword, he disbanded the Essence Soul Shining Shadow in front of him.

Ding Mao ’s Essence Soul Shining Shadow is clearly out again, but the next moment is chopped up by the Song of Cicadas Sword from the sky, but then his people appear persistently and not far away. It seems that the magical power is not completely consumed. After all, he won’t stop fighting.

Zhang Yu shook the head, this time he did not continue to do it, but looked at the past, saying: “Chen Zhen!”


Ding Mao’s silhouette suddenly broke, but on the other side, a vague silhouette appeared.

Zhang Yu moved his feet, and the star light flashed outside, suddenly appeared before the silhouette, and then handed out a sword, which suddenly penetrated his chest.

Ding Mao body trembled, his full cheeks shriveled quickly, but the rays of light in his eyes were a little brighter,

He looked towards Zhang Yu, with gratitude and admiration in his eyes, and even more regret and relief. He slowly reached out and grabbed the sword in front of his chest, and his hands seemed to have rays of light flashing.

After doing this, his eyes of lights slowly extinguished, and his head dropped.

Zhang Yu stepped forward, stretched his hand, put it on the shoulder of his person, so that he would not fall, and then slowly withdrew his blade. Under the Heart Light protection he extended, the violent snowstorm was blocked. Outside.

He then flew into the air and returned to the station with Ding Mao’s body.

He looked just now at this person’s daoist clothes, it can be determined that this person was once a Celestial Xia cultivator, but his person not at all anything that shows his identity.

But the true cultivator of excel at sword technique like this should not be obscured. It must be a sufficient weight of identity.

He has already written down the face of the other party, and he can try to check it when he returns.

He took Ding Mao’s body into the underground of the station, and lays him for the time being within the station, in the cist for those soldiers who die in battle.

He pushed the stone cabinet into the stone wall, photographed a fragment of a small sword on the blank jade wall, and after a few glances, he left here and returned to the quiet room above the ground.

He sat down here, picked up Firming Startling Sword, and laid it in front of him.

At that moment, the other party seemed to pass on something to him. He paid attention to one place, his thoughts turned inside, and suddenly found that countless pictures were swayed in front of him, but these pictures were very broken, as if they were shredded and rubbed together. And there is no clue.

This requires him to come down and straighten it out slowly.

After thinking for a while, he conveyed a consciousness to White Fruit, and then enters meditation.

A moment later, he saw himself standing on the Kuangyuan again, but there was no snowstorm around him, and Ding Mao was standing not far in front.

He looks at the small sword around Ding Mao and said, “White Fruit, evolve this person’s sword into a blade that can fully carry magical power.”

White Fruit said: “Yes, sir.”

When Zhang Yu looked away, the 16 swords were already shining brightly, and he looked up: “This time we will have a fair fight.”

Ding Mao solemnly held a sword salute to him.

Zhang Yu held out his hand, Firming Startling Sword appeared in his hand, and then stepped forward, the sword light flicked, killed in the past, and the swords flew opposite, attacked, and the 2 people were instantly in one place!

Above the Legs Constellation earth star, a rays of light suddenly appeared in an ice pit in the northern polar region. The Daoist Zuo silhouette appeared outside. He swings his whisk and looked at all around.

To his surprise, when he entered the reporting place, it was daytime, but now it was night, but he clearly felt that it was only half a minute past there.

Then I calculated it and found that it was not just a change of day and night. It was actually 2 days since he reached this time. It seems that he only went to another heaven and earth.

He glanced down at the jade receipt in his hand, revealing a cautious look, and carefully put it in his sleeve and put it away.

According to Zhang Yu’s account, after sending the report, he only needs to stay on the earth star, there is no need to do anything, as long as he protects himself.

He thought about it and thought it should be the same. Now that the situation is complicated, he doesn’t have to think about what he can do to help, because it will only cause more trouble.

After thinking about it, he looked around and rose into the air and flew down the mountain.

In the Military Affairs Office martial training stage, several armored soldiers are besieging a tall metal giant.

The outer armor of the two sides is not much different, but the skills and the use of spirituality are different. The result is that the siege of the metal giant is better, and soon all the armed soldiers are knocked down on the ground.

At this time, a literary minor official came in a hurry and said to the metal giant: “Office Lord, there is an urgent document.”

The metal giant looked sideways, then waved his hand, and all the armored soldier stood up and gave him a cup of fist in the other hand, then retreated.

The metal giant’s eyebrows flashed, and the outer armor on his body converged. Hong Yuanqiu came out from the martial training stage and said, “Where is the document?”

literary minor official stepped forward and whispered beside him.

Hong Yuanqiu looked stern, speeded up and walked out, and quickly returned to his own department. After entering the door, he saw a daoist standing there.

He gave a positive expression and raised his hand for a while, saying: “There is labor envoy for a long time, it is rude.” Putting down his hand, he said: “envoy came suddenly, but what is the explanation?”

The daoist’s lips moved slightly, as if he were talking.

Hong Yuanqiu listened attentively, but his expression became more and more serious. In the end, he was nodded, said solemnly: “Lao Envoy told me that the Military Affairs Office will handle this matter.”

The daoist bowed and turned and went out.

Hong Yuanqiu looked dignified, he came to sit on the seat, thought for a long time, and ordered the literary minor official to say: “You go to call Shi Yanxin and Yao Zhenjun 2 people, must be quick, but try all you can to not let anyone else know.

Also, you go to check, who is responsible for the delegation of Yeya State Wei family army and Fu family army, do n’t be alarmed when you find it, send someone to stare, and see who is with him contact. “

The literary minor official bowed and retreated silently.



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