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In Yiwei Celestial City, inside a bench away from the void, Chen Qianding is in the cultivation.

At this moment he suddenly opened his eyes, reached into his sleeves, and took out a finely carved jade token from above, above it is a ‘Mao’ character in the writing of ancient Xia.

Only at this moment, there appeared a one after another crack on the word, and quickly spread to jade token all around, and pieces of small pieces fell from the top, and finally turned into a pile of gravel in the palm of the hand.

He still looked calm in his expression, rubbing his 5 fingers slightly with his palm, and suddenly the jade chip fell from the palm edge.

This thing is Ding Mao’s control talisman, once this thing is bad, it means that Ding Mao is dead, and this action naturally failed.

His eyes are deep, Ding Mao is the least afraid of siege, the more the people the stronger the strength displayed, the one who can kill Ding Mao on Frost Star, I am afraid that only Zhang Yu, the Profound Court who has defeated Nie Yin Walker.

But Ding Mao is the previous Profound Court Patrolling Protector, even if he is, 20 years ago when the cultivation is not completed, it is definitely not his opponent, can a mere Profound Court Walker kill him?

So he inferred that if this matter really is the behaviour of this person, then they very likely have an additional status.

Combined with some recent reports he received, he already had a guess in mind.

But this is not good news for him.

And Ding Mao’s death, unless he personally shot, there is no way to do anything with Frost Star, there is also no way to hide, and now I can only try to make up for the loopholes.

He thought for a long time and said, “Come here.”

A disciple walked in from the outside and bowed, saying, “What did the teacher say?”

Chen Qianding said: “Go to junior brother Luo to come here.”

The discipline should come down, bow down and exit.

not long, a skinny daoist came in from the outside and said, “I heard senior brother calling me?”

Chen Qianding said: “There are several things you need to do in person.”

The thin daoist said: “senior brother please command.”

Chen Qianding did not speak directly, but passed on the voice. After hearing the thin daoist, he nodded again and again and finally fell back, saying, “Little brother will do it immediately.”

He paused, “One thing, the senior brother asked the younger brother to check the background of Zhang Yu’s background, but when the younger brother checked, he found that the junior brother Xu was doing the same, and he was still looking for his residence in 4 places. , I realized that the junior brother Xu seemed to have some contradictions with this one. “

Chen Qianding looked up and said, “Oh, is there anything else like that?” He glanced at the sundial and said, “Now is the beginning of the month. Fighting competition between junior brothers is about to start?”

The thin daoist said: “Yes.”

Chen Qianding said nothing more, waved his hand, and said, “I already know, you go.”

The skinny daoist raised his hand and backed away.

Chen Qianding stood up at this moment, took several steps in place, then walked to the table, opened an image book and starts to turn through it.

It can be seen that these are both outstanding and true cultivators. There are both true cultivators such as Shen Ruoqiu and Nie Yin, as well as found cultivators such as Yao Zhenjun, Shi Yanxin and Zhang Yu.

Ding Mao is the biggest bargaining chip in his hand, but now it is destroyed and the loss is huge.

Not only that, he also lacked such a great help.

And although things haven’t reached the worst step yet, he also felt a hint of threat, he must refining one or even a few dao soldiers on his side.

As the pages turned, his gaze finally settled on a person’s image.

In the virtual realm, as a sword light flew through the sky and accurately passed through Ding Mao’s body, he looked at the wound in front of his eyes, facing Zhang Yu a nodded standing in the distance, and then the light disappeared.

Zhang Yu’s figure slowly fell to the ground. After he gave Ding Mao a complete sword, the latter was no longer a pure defensive, but launched a counterattack.

In this battle, he did not use other means, purely fighting with his opponent by sword skills, but in the end, the battle ended with the exhaustion of his magical power.

Although not at all can win or lose in Sword Art, but he is very happy. With such opponents, he can know where his sword skills can continue to make up.

He looked forward, and under the evolution of White Fruit, Ding Mao’s silhouette appeared again.

At this time, he will abandon the word, relying solely on the visualization picture and all kinds of divine ability to fight against each other, this is not only to sharpen himself, but also to perfect his seal.

This kind of fighting, he must use his escaping technique from beginning to end in order to maintain distance with the opposite party, absolutely cannot be bullied by the other party, once such a situation occurs, it also needs to get rid of it quickly, and in this , Really puts to the test his movement and capturing and binding techniques.

He clenched his fist with 5 fingers, and the long sword suddenly turned into a light spot in his hand, saying: “White Fruit, let’s get started.”

The time flickered, and ten days passed.

The blizzard that raged outside finally finally receded.

Zhang Yu exits meditation, bright light flashes in his eyes, the internal qi that suddenly appeared on his body was raised, and the entire inner chamber seemed to be squeezed and collapsed by the expanded internal qi, but the next moment, all this again They all converged, and everything around them returned to normal.

During these more than ten days, he has been fighting with Ding Mao within his evolved virtual realm, but he has abandoned the word, purely based on the visualization picture and divine ability dao art.

Faced with a sword cultivator that masters the sword’s divine ability, the divine ability is slightly inadequate, and he will take advantage of it, which forces him to continue to use capturing and escape techniques.

Under this temper, he also had a deeper understanding of this way.

At this moment, he called to his heart, and Profound Chapter of the Grand Dao appeared on his side.

He looked up at the Light Seizing Seal and immediately put the spirit essence into it.

In the meantime, this seal was released from the Profound Chapter, and a bright light was released, and he was enveloped inside. For a while, the rays of light were taken back.

This seal can be used as its 4th core seal, just like spirit’s awareness, sword seal, and the other seals. This seal is still far from its upper limit and needs to be continuously improved.

He still needs to add it to the visualization picture, but it is not the right time, and this place is not suitable.

When he thoughts stirred, he took back the Profound Chapter of the Grand Dao, stood up, walked out from the peaceful room.

There are army soldiers waiting outside, cups the fist and says: “Walker Zhang, Marshal please.”

Zhang Yu micro-nodded, he walked along the promenade, and came to the inner hall not long after. Miao Guangwu saw him coming and stood up immediately, cups the fist and says: “Patrolling Protector is out of customs?”

Zhang Yu had another gift and said, “Army Lord Miao has something to look for me?”

Miao Guangwu said: “Patrolling Protector Zhang, now the blizzard is receding, and Deputy Deng has also gone for 2 days. It seems reasonable to be back, but it is still missing. I think about what Patrolling Protector said before. What is wrong? “

Zhang Yu said: “The situation outside is unknown. We can only continue to wait for the news now. I have asked fellow daoist Zuo to send the news to Profound Court. If there is no accident, there will be a reply in the near future.”

Miao Guangwu tried to ask at this time: “Patrolling Protector, and now that the snowstorm has receded, can Patrolling Protector let go of its station?”

Zhang Yu considered for a moment, nodded and said: “Yes.”

For so many days in the past, the other party should have known that it was understood. Even if there was a problem on the Deputy Deng side, Daoist Zuo should have sent the report to the Profound Mansion. The blockade is meaningless right now.

Miao Guangwu heard him let go and couldn’t help a cup of one fist in the other hand, saying: “many thanks Patrolling Protector.”

After getting permission from Zhang Yu, he immediately took a team of army soldiers out of the station on a flying boat and went straight to the north end of Frost Star.

After reaching the boundary, he first met the Wei family army stationed here this month. The latter personally took a look at it, and finally found that there is indeed a great array covering almost the entire northern end.

He knew that if the Military Affairs Office came later, he would definitely check this place. In order not to be destroyed, he immediately transferred 1000 army soldiers from the station, and also made Daoist Niu in the station responsible for guarding.

As for the station, there is Zhang Yu guard who holds the great array token there, so I’m not afraid of any problems.

On the other side, Fu Cuo stood in the cave and looked out. Since these days, he has been hiding here with the remaining soldiers. Although the water is not lacking, his mood is extremely dull. I was afraid that the garrison would not let them go and would come over at this time.

The Daoist Zuo disciple saw that the other room was already available, so he took the initiative to ask him to go out and look for Daoist Zuo.

This is a good thing to say in advance, and Fu Cuo did not object, but at this time, someone pointed out and shouted in a panic: “young army lord, look over there.”

Fu Cuo looked up and saw that a flying boat was flying towards them. He suddenly turned pale, because it was clearly the flying boat of the garrison. He couldn’t help but panic. At this moment everyone was in the cave, if it was a shot The profound weapon came, it was impossible for one person to escape.

Daoist Zuo ’s discipline still kept calm. He stared at it for a while, and said, “young army lord, you see the light above the flying boat. This flying boat does not seem to attack.”

Fu Cuo startled, squinting, and sure enough, the flying boat has been hovering above and does not fall. There are also flashes of rays of light appearing above the boat. Although he knows much about the glow of light message transmission, he knows this Probably the meaning of the same robe, he could not help but calm down a bit.

The flying boat circled above for a while, and then it slowly landed. When the hatch opened, Fu Yong walks from inside under the help of people.


Fu Cuo rushed out in surprise, he came up to hold Fu Yong, looked up and down, excitedly said: “Father, are you okay, are you okay?”

Fu Yong coughed a few times and shook his head: “How can it be okay, things have not passed yet.”

Fu Cuo said nervously: “Where is the garrison?”

Fu Yong sighed: “It’s not there, we may be involved in a bigger trouble, and we haven’t got a choice yet, now can only stand by that person, 10000. If this one has something to do, then our Fu family army not only has no future It ’s fair to say that everyone must sign to eternal damnation. “

When Fu Cuo saw him talking so seriously, he panicked again and said, “Father, this, this, you said this is …”

Fu Yong shook his head and said: “It’s inconvenient to say here, go back to the station first, and then talk to you after you go back.”



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