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Upon hearing this, Gao Biaodaoist couldn’t help but regret, knowing that the other party was coming to Luo Chengfeng, then he shouldn’t rush out so hurriedly.

He has more than 100 same sect, but the overwhelming majority of people are those chosen by his teacher at dao meetings, they have not grown cultivating together, and normally divided into several circles to fight each other.

Therefore, he will be closer to 3 or 5 same sects. Luo Chengfeng and he are not in a circle, and he doesn’t want to be in his heart at all.

Fortunately, he has stood up now, and there are a few of the captured cultivator under his door, he can’t withdraw at all.

He said: “Patrolling Protector Zhang, this is the cultivation ground of the discipline of the Celestial City Xu Yu our teacher and our teachers. You do not send a letter but come here directly to arrest someone. Here? “

Zhang Yu said: “My authority is granted by Profound Court. If Zun Jia is dissatisfied with this, I can write to Profound Court. Now I ask Zun Jia,” Where is Luo Chengfeng? “

Gao Biaodaoist looked at him and sighed: “Patrolling Protector Zhang, I’m sorry, I cannot allow your excellency to carry off from here my fellow apprentices.”

At this moment, he had to take the lead. Even if he was finally convicted, the worst result would only be captured by Profound Court.

But if Zhang Yu takes people directly here, then he will not only lose his prestige in the same sect, but also damage his teacher’s face.

When the crowd of cultivators around him saw him, he became bold.

Someone said: “senior brother Wei is right, what about Profound Court Patrolling Protector? Here Profound Venerable dao temple, Profound Court Patrolling Protector can not come here to catch people at will!”

Many disciples on the scene heard, immediately expressed solidarity, and each and everyone leaned up.

Hundreds of cultivators came forward and surrounded Zhang Yu, surrounded by clamor for a while, and the momentum was huge.

Zhang Yu raised his head and looked around, facing these 100 cultivators, he said lightly: “If someone hinders patrolling envoy from exercising his authority, I will regard it as an accomplice.”

All around suddenly there is a moment of stagnation.

But after a while, someone said, “So many of us, and senior brother Wei is here, what are you afraid of?”

As soon as this remark came out, some disciplines, either intentionally picking things up or ignoring the situation, echoed.

“Not bad!”

“He is nothing more than a person!”

“This is Master Dao Temple, what is Profound Court patrolling envoy? Get him out!”

Gao Biao’s daoist serene stands in the sky, which looks very calm, but in his heart it is insulting.

What is Profound Court patrolling envoy? How dare I say this.

Still rushed out?

Why don’t you guys go by yourself?

Do n’t look at the number of cultivators present, but the middle position cultivator is only a minority. Among the same sect, cultivation to chapter 4 only accounts for a very small part, and many people are not here. Looks at is a crowd of people, but there are What use?

But he had to brace oneself at the moment to say: “Patrolling Protector Zhang, you also saw that, in order to avoid things from getting out of hand, otherwise, I will go back first, I will go back to find the junior brother Luo, we will sit down Come down and talk slowly, this matter can finally have a proper solution, Patrolling Protector what do you think? “

Zhang Yu looked up towards him and said, “Is this your decision?”

Gao Biaodaoist said nothing.

Zhang Yu nodded and said: “I know.”

As his words fell, wings bright as stars appeared in the field, an incomparably bright ray shone out, and instantly shone into the hearts of everyone here.

At the same moment, Heart Light was released outside him, and the heart force like a vast ocean instantly covered 100 miles!

As you can see from the void, the upper end of the entire Yiwei Celestial City is bursting with extremely bright rays of light.

Gao Biaodaoist only saw the dazzling rays of light when he came over, and he knew it was not good. He quickly resisted a magic mantra with a defensive mind, but then the mighty Heart Light surged in. In a huge wave shot, body cannot help but be knocked flying.

When he barely fixed his body shape, he looked up and saw the clouds above the mountain. Only Zhang Yu stood in the sky with a sword.

All the cultivators that surrounded him were rejected. Except for a few cultivations who advanced deeply, he was generally quite awkwardly standing in mid-air.

Seeing such a situation, he dare not step forward anymore.

This is not just because of the strength displayed by Zhang Yu, but just such a big move. It stands to reason that it should have been noticed by its own teacher, but there was no reaction on the magical stage above. Is this because the teacher doesn’t want to control it or has it already defaulted?

Either way, it does n’t seem to be a good thing to go out on your own.

He turned his mind and sensed the situation of the many same sect all around, seeing that they were mostly okay, and his heart was slightly loose, and he came to the sky.

He cups the hands politely and said: “Patrolling Protector Zhang, many thanks you show mercy, we are not your opponent, I can’t stop you, but junior brother Luo is not here, I don’t know where he went.”

Zhang Yu calmly said: “It doesn’t matter, since this is where the Celestial City promised your cultivation, then I think he will always come back and I will wait here.”

Daojiao Daoist suddenly had a headache. If Zhang Yu waited so long, then the news here would not be concealed. Once it was spread, the entire sect would lose face.

He couldn’t handle this alone. He immediately found a same sect who was still standing there, and said: “The eldest senior brother is not here, and I can’t make up my mind. Please go and invite senior brother Chen and senior brother. Bian, let them come and deal with the matter together. “

At the same time, inside a void-facing great stage of Celestial City, Chen Qianding is standing here and looking out.

Luo Chengfeng walked in in a hurry, he bowed, and said with a little panic: “senior brother, did not think that Zhang Yu turned out to be Profound Court Patrolling Protector, he is now rushing into Celestial City, looking for the younger brother in 4 times.”

Chen Qianding said: “I have known this.”

Luo Chengfeng hurriedly said: “The senior brother, what should the younger brother do? Should I find a place to hide?”

Chen Qianding turned his back to him and said, “You leave Celestial City.”

Luo Chengfeng was shocked and said, “Leave Celestial City?”

Celestial City is the easiest place to hide, moreover his fellows and teacher are here, if you go outside, there is no shelter, and he is extremely reluctant to leave here.

Chen Qianding said: “Did you not see it? This person dared to come directly to the door, but the teacher never came forward, so most of the move was Profound Court.”

“Profound Court?”

Luo Chengfeng felt a sudden fear, and his heart trembled: “senior brother, could Profound Court find out about us?”

Chen Qianding calmly said: “Not so much, this time Zhang Yu came in and just shouted to catch you, I expected you to have spotted a weak spot that he was aware of.”

Luo Chengfeng hurriedly defended: “senior brother, I have cleaned all the hands and tails cleanly, leaving no trace at all!”

Chen Qianding stood there and said: “I believe in you, but Zhang Yu is keep on saying to take you, what do you say about you?”

Luo Chengfeng looked at him and then lowered his head. After a while, he lifts the head and said hardly: “senior brother, I will leave Celestial City immediately!”

Chen Qianding raised his hand, a bamboo token flew over, Luo Chengfeng grabbed it in his hand, Chen Qianding said: “With this token, go to the safe place, you can find the same fellow of Shangchen Heaven, you first hide there Let’s go for a while. “

Luo Chengfeng said: “Yes, senior brother, that little brother left first?”

Chen Qianding didn’t speak anymore.

Luo Chengfeng hurriedly retreated after the first ceremony. After returning to the concealed residence, he brought several of his celebrity disciplines and the armed armored private soldiers, rides a long-prepared flying boat, and then established Celestial City , Escaped into the void.

Zhang Yu was light flashed at this time, his induction has been shrouded in the entire Celestial City upper layer. There are various arrangements for shielding induction within Celestial City, but whoever comes out of Celestial City, he can immediately feel it.

In his vision, he rushed in and fetched people, and the other side either refused to make a deal, or just managed to escape. With the delay of time, when the other party realizes that Yu Chang cannot help himself, most of them will choose the latter path.

Among the flying boats that went out at this moment, there is an internal qi and Ding Xuanping consciousness left by the consciousness can be described as exactly similar.

He immediately knew that Luo Chengfeng had fled.

He no longer went to everyone in the field, flicked his sleeves, and instantly flew away a light rainbow. After a few twists and turns within the Celestial City, he suddenly shot into the void and went straight to the flying boat!

Luo Chengfeng was sitting in the main cabin at the front of the flying boat at this moment. He was in a state of anxiety, and he looked at the rear from time to time, and urged the discipline of the flying boat to hurry up.

It was only at this time that he seemed to perceive something, and when he looked back suddenly, he suddenly could n’t help but suddenly shrink, I saw a light rainbow surrounded with jade mist flying out of the Celestial City, and was moving towards him quickly after him.

He stood up and urged: “Hurry, hurry up!”

The disciplinary that controls the flying boat is brow beaded with sweat at the moment, he has urged it with all his strength, this is already the flying boat’s quickest flying speed.

Luo Chengfeng saw that escaping light was getting closer and closer, and a very ruthless color appeared on her face, shouted: “profound weapon! Cast me a discovered weapon!”

The disciplinary of the control did not dare to disobey his orders, and hurriedly pressed down on the jade board on the side.

Flying boat where the stern is located, as the bulkhead unscrews, a row of muzzles is revealed, and then the rays of light flash, multiple revolving shuttle-shaped crystal jades fly backward!

Zhang Yu looks at that discovered weapon, light flashed, a sword light has already flew away, and immediately cut the discovered weapon into the sky, a group of extremely bright rays of light exploded in the void, he did not flash Avoid, goes directly through the place of the explosion.

Luo Chengfeng originally saw Zhang Yu rushing into the boundless rays of light, but his heart was still a joy. Subsequently sees an escaping light emerge from inside. It seems that there has never been a moment of stagnation. His expression is another big change.

At that time, the escaping light was stricken, caught up with the flying boat in a flash, and directly crashed into the flying boat!

With a bang, most of the people in the cabin were untenable and were hit by huge forces against the bulkhead.

Luo Chengfeng stood alone. He looked in horror. He saw a big hole at the tail end of the flying boat and directly penetrated from the back to the front. A young daoist dressed in a big cloak stood there with his sword, and the face under the hat could not be seen clearly. Behind him is endless void.



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