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In Celestial City, because of the huge changes in the upper layer, the news about this place was immediately delivered to Hong Yuanqiu’s desk, but he didn’t press it and ignored it at all.

At this time, a servant rushed in, whispering in front of him, Hong Yuanqiu said: “Let him come in.”

As soon as his voice fell, the door of the department’s hall was suddenly opened, which seemed to be pushed away from the outside. A tall cultivator with a big face and big face walked in.

Hong Yuanqiu recognized this as the third disciple Bian Lan under Profound Venerable Yu.

There are many Profound Venerable Yu disciple, but few people are truly trusted.

Eldest disciple has been in inner layer cultivation for a long time, and second disciple is unknown to outsiders. The main responsibility for all disciples is this Bian Lan, and this person has always been a leader of all disciples.

Bian Lan’s temper was very straight. As soon as he walked into the hall, he came up with a questioning tone: “Office Lord Hong, I am here to ask, the Patrolling Protector Zhang wantonly shot me at the same sect fellow apprentices, Celestial City Military Affairs Office, just sit back and ask? “

Hong Yuanqiu said: “Profound cultivator Bian, Profound Court Patrolling Protector should do everything, and they are all authorized by Profound Court. How Patrolling Protector Zhang acts is not something my Military Affairs Office can control. If found cultivator Bian has If you are in doubt, you can go directly to Patrolling Protector Zhang. “

Bian Lan stared at him and said, “putting it that way, in this matter, Celestial City will only stand on its side and will not help anyone?”

Hong Yuanqiu said solemnly: “As long as the Military Affairs Office has not received the official order from the Profound Court. Then that is the case.”

Bian Lan said: “Okay, it’s all right if you have this sentence.”

As soon as he finished his speech, the whole person disintegrated into a rays of light, and it turned out that what he came here was only a magical power incarnation that’s all.

However, the blast that he rushed out when he dissipated broke out in the entire department hall, which caused Hong Yuanqiu’s eyebrows to flicker, and the outer armor had to float out, but then disappeared again.

The literary minor official said angrily: “Office Lord, this person is really rude.”

Hong Yuanqiu seemed calm and shook his head: “This person goes straight, it’s better to deal with people who like to play with conspiracies.”

He knew very well that this Profound Venerable Yu student only looked at aptitude, regardless of the origin of character, and there were a lot of arrogant people in the discipline. Care about.

The literary minor official reminded me indistinctly at this time: “Office Lord, do we really care? This may be detrimental to Office Lord afterwards.”

Hong Yuanqiu, I do n’t know, I am not pleased with this kind of practice. Profound Venerable may be dissatisfied with his attitude, and Zhang Yu, the Profound Court patrolling envoy, may not say that he reported it afterwards. Good words.

However, he also has his own insistence, he seeks the stability of the whole Legs Constellation Star, so it will not make Military Affairs Office blend into this matter.

He said solemnly: “The responsibility of Military Affairs Office most important is to defend enemies from the outside, not from the inside. If there is anything wrong with this, I will bear it.”

On the other side, when Bian Lan dispatched magical power incarnation to Hong Yuanqiu, he actually flew out of the Celestial City first, and moved towards the void in the sky.

Profound Venerable Yu disciple was all excited to learn about this.

In their view, the senior brother Bian is powerful. In the absence of the eldest senior brother, the fighting ability can be called unrivalled. When he comes forward, the Profound Court Patrolling Protector is certainly not good.

Here, only the high-knot daoist is not optimistic about this. Luo Chengfeng escapes by flying boat, no matter how he looks at it, there is a problem.

Now that their people are gone, their best choice at the moment is to not see what they are doing. But Bian Lan took the initiative to get up, which is by no means a good idea.

He shook the head, the senior brother Bian was too concerned about the same sect friendship, and sometimes he could not distinguish the priorities.

At that moment in the void, the broken flying boat rays of light were lost, unable to drift there.

Luo Chengfeng looks like Zhang Lin at the front of the enemy, only when he is in Celestial City, he sensed the powerful strength this person displayed.

At that time, he participated in the siege of Ding Xuanping, and intuitively felt the weight and strength of a Profound Court Patrolling Protector, but the one before him actually suceed in defeating Ding Xuanping. Under normal circumstances, he was definitely impossible as this person’s opponent.

But he was not willing to obediently surrender, loudly said: “Stop him.” Those armored soldiers he raised immediately rushed up without the slightest hesitation.

He himself took out a pill and stuffed it into his mouth, and the magical power suddenly rose suddenly.

After seeing Zhang Yu’s ability to fly a sword, he knew that he could not escape even if he chose to escape into the void at this moment, so he only managed to take a risk.

Those armored soldiers just rushed forward, and suddenly they were shrouded in a cluster of fluorescent lights, and then each and everyone held their posture and solidified there.

Zhang Yu didn’t look at these people, and walked forward with his sword.

Luo Chengfeng couldn’t help but retreat because of this pressure. He said, “Why should Zun Jia come to catch me? I think I have never made any mistakes.”

Zhang Yu lightly said: “Then why are you running away?”

Luo Chengfeng sighed: “That’s just that I don’t want to cause trouble to sect because of my own affairs, just think about avoiding it …”

And between his speeches, a ray of shadow that no one could see except himself emerged from behind and penetrated beyond the flying boat.

It can be seen that in the void, there appears to be an extremely large monster with only a head, which is slowly opening its mouth, as if the next moment is about to swallow the entire flying boat.

This is his visualization picture “Hideous Anomaly”.

There is a divine ability in this visualization picture, once an opponent is swallowed by Hideous Anomaly’s mouth then they will be locked in place for several breaths, and at this time, his heart force can explode with several times the normal strength, he I believe that under those circumstances, even Zhang Yu will not be his opponent.

When he was involved in the siege of Ding Xuanping, he tried to suppress his people several times. However, he could n’t find the main body of Ding Xuanping at all, and because he was confused, he almost attacked himself several times Therefore, it did not play a big role in that battle.

And now he is using the unique environment of flying boat to display divine ability, but the possibility of success is great.

Zhang Yu looked towards him at the moment: “No matter whether you have been before, you launched an attack on the premise of knowing my identity, then it must be an unpardonable crime.”

Luo Chengfeng showed an apologetic look, he said: “Regardless of Patrolling Protector believing or not, that’s just my disciplinary claim …”

At the time of speaking, the distance between the two people is getting closer and closer. The monster outside the flying boat seems to have reached the extreme point at the moment, and suddenly shut up, but it will swallow the entire flying boat!

At the same time, a shadow shrouded in, and Zhang Yu was walking forward, but at this time he suddenly stood still and seemed to be dragged by some force.

Luo Chengfeng grinned and reached out and grabbed him.

With a bang, an unprecedented huge heart force erupted from him. The Heart Light in an instant even completely illuminated the interior of the flying boat that was originally enveloped by the haze.

This is the first time he has successfully used this divine ability in front of more powerful opponents. No one can resist under his heart force several times.

However, in the next moment, his expression froze.

Zhang Yu’s body suddenly rose a flame-like light, looks at the momentum is not prestigious, but his Heart Light ran into it, like a surging tide hit the sturdy dam, actually It was kept out.

Luo Chengfeng revealed the expression of disbelief, and then his face twisted up, roared, and began to urge his heart force in spite of everything, trying to overwhelm his opponent.

Heart Light on Zhang Yu easily resisted these impacts. At this moment, he earned a little, got rid of the last binding on his body, and slowly came forward.

Every moment, the Heart Light of the two sides are colliding, and this purest competition also aggravates the consumption of both sides.

If this time is not to catch this person alive, then he does not need to spend this effort at all, just go up and down killing move, his person will not have the opportunity to use divine ability.

But the current situation is exactly what he wants to see.

Luo Chengfeng looks at Zhang Yu gradually approaching himself, he showed a terrified look, but under the influence of heart force, he was also impossible to do other things.

Zhang Yu was already walking in front of him at this time, he extended the hand, and cleverly faced his forehead.

With a loud bang, Luo Chengfeng suddenly shook all over, and his heart force suddenly broke apart.

Zhang Yu stretched out his hand at the moment, holding the hilt, and then pulled out the sword.

At this time, a surprised and angry voice came from behind him: “Stop!”

He didn’t care about it at all, a sword crossed Luo Chengfeng’s shoulder and nailed it to the bulkhead in front.

Luo Chengfeng shuddered violently again, his whole body force was broken up by the sword qi rushing into his body, and could not be moved to even a little bit anymore, but he was paralyzed there.

It was only then that Zhang Yu turned to look around.

Bian Lan walked in from outside. He glanced at Luo Chengfeng, who was lying there looking dying. He said angrily: “Patrolling Protector Zhang, are you doing too much?”

Zhang Yu turned around and said, “Why did you say that?”

Bian Lan says while enduring their anger: “As a Patrolling Protector, you should know that even if the junior brother Luo is guilty, it should be punished by the teacher, no outsiders can control it.”

Zhang Yu lightly said: “This is just the way Profound Court keeps its face for Profound Venerable that’s all, and it is not written in any rules.”


Bian Lan glared at him, then he clenched his fists, said solemnly: “I cannot let you capture someone and take them away like this, otherwise where is my teacher’s face?”

Zhang Yu looked towards him: “I spoke very clearly just now in the Celestial City, once he started, and someone tried to stop it, it would be regarded as an accomplice.”

Bian Lan didn’t speak anymore. He directly expressed his attitude by action. The internal qi skyrocketed on him. Outside Celestial City, there was a huge strange monster with a spine like antlers.

Zhang Yu stood there still, his face under the hat could not be seen clearly, and suddenly a dazzling bright light burst out behind him, and then a pair of wings bright as a galaxy instantly opened in the void!



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