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2 huge visualization pictures confronted in the void outside Celestial City, Mysterious Chaos Cicada body gloomy qi and fuse together in the void, but the pair of wings seem to have launched 2 brilliant silver rivers, which looks gorgeous and gorgeous . The strange monster on the opposite side is also very large, with ten thousand zhang spread.

At this moment, some people in Celestial City have seen this scene.

Although the visualization picture in this boundary is just phantom, is not something that truly exists, but it is also enough to bring shock to the mind.

Hong Yuanqiu said solemnly: “Go down and pass on the command immediately, saying that the founder of Profound Venerable Yu is learning from the same path to deter foreign enemies, so that the soldiers below do not have to be surprised, nor do they have to step forward to intervene, and they are not allowed to comment on it.”

If these army soldiers know that they are fighting first, or that patrolling envoy has come to the door, and there is a conflict with the Profound Venerable door, there will be four rumors. The unstable military will also attract Shangchen Heaven ’s cultivator to take advantage of it. So now he only managed to cover up.

After climbing to the top in an imposing manner, Bian Lan took the initiative to launch an attack. The huge strange monster visualization picture behind him suddenly swooped forward, and the huge silhouette pressed straight forward!

Zhang Yu saw at a glance that Bian Lan’s move was rare and overwhelmed by the positive momentum.

For such enemies, it is generally necessary to avoid their sharp edges, but he is facing the visualization picture that is almost like a mountain, but he has no idea of ​​dodge at all, directly extend the hand, click on it!

In the next moment, two people Light Heart hits the ground, and suddenly brightly ray shines out, like more than 2 discovered weapons burst at the same time, the rays of light continue to flash continuously, as if a bright sun was born there, The Celestial City not far away is also bright.

There is no collision of air waves and sounds in the void, but all people observing in the Celestial City feel shock at such a scene.

Zhang Yu stood in the rays of light, and the visualization picture was held by him at this moment, but he also realized that this was not Bian Lan’s full strength, the latter obviously gained momentum and left room.

Although the attack caused by this time is extremely powerful, it can be considered as a tentative attack at best.

He felt the subtle induction from internal qi, and suddenly understood Bian Lan’s intention, it seems that the opposite person is not so rash as they just appeared.

After the rays of light dissipated, Bian Lan not at all shot again, but looked at Zhang Yu and said: “Patrolling Protector Zhang, I am not your opponent, and I cannot stop you, but I have a request.”

In the collision of Fang Cai, he is not difficult to detect. From the perspective of Heart Light, he is far from Zhang Yu ’s opponent.

If you really want to win or lose, then you can only compare fighting skills. But he can’t overwhelm his opponent where he is good, let alone the rest, and just before that blow, he has already explained those same sect.

Zhang Yu said: “What does Zun Jia want to say?”

Bian Lan sincerely said: “Junior brother Luo is my junior brother even if it is really wrong, please Patrolling Protector Zhang to give me a chance, I will try to persuade him to take the initiative to tell the truth, this is also good for me to leave a little face.”

Zhang Yu understood what he meant, if Bian Lan participates in the investigation then he can say to others that it is his own investigation, and can save a little face afterwards.

He is not obsessed with how to interrogate, only concerned about the final result.

Luo Chengfeng is not very valued under Profound Venerable Yu, without the capability to carry out so many of the previous matters, he believes there must be someone else behind him.

As for whether this person is Bian Lan, this may be very small.

He had read the register book of these people before, Bian Lan this person never stationed on the main star, but took the same sect for a long time to fight back and forth with foreign enemies in the count of 100 stars, and only came back at the beginning of each month Replace manpower on trips.

When he was at Frost Star, this person was still on an edge earth star, even if he could not give orders.

Moreover, if he is the person behind the scene, then he should try to hide away from being noticed at this time, instead of jumping out to stop, because doing so would cause suspicion.

If his people can persuade Luo Chengfeng, it can save a little time, and it is even more convenient for him to find people hiding deeper.

Based on such considerations, he nodded and said: “Yes.”

Bian Lan seriously said: “Many thanks.”

Zhang Yu didn’t care about the attitude Bian Lan showed at the moment. If it was only then that he failed to show the strength to deter the other party, then his people would have taken Luo Chengfeng directly away, and would never be as polite as him.

He stepped aside, stretched his hand to pull the sword, put the blade into the scabbard, and then extended his finger a little, awakening the dying, almost unconscious Luo Chengfeng.

Luo Chengfeng eyes opened, in addition to Zhang Yu, he also saw Bian Lan on the side, and he also had an unrealistic expectation in his heart, “senior brother Bian?”

Bian Lan said with a sullen face: “Since you still call me senior brother and admit that you are under the teacher’s door, then wait for Patrolling Protector Zhang to ask what you want, and everything will be told truthfully.”

Luo Chengfeng’s hope in his heart suddenly shattered. He leaned back and became weak.

Zhang Yu looks down at him and says, “Luo Chengfeng, I have evidence that you were besieging Patrolling Protector Ding 20 years ago. Who are your accomplices? Who instructed you?”

Luo Chengfeng leaned there silently.

Zhang Yu lightly said: “Luo Chengfeng, you need to know, I’m asking you aloud now, if you answer, you don’t have to suffer any more, but you should also be clear that some of the Profound Court is divine ability dao art from your memory Get something from it, then you wo n’t stay here in good manner. “

Luo Chengfeng seemed to think of something, shaking his body. After a while, he said hardly: “Yes, there is indeed me in the siege of Patrolling Protector Ding.”

Zhang Yu said: “Who else besides you?”

Luo Chengfeng hesitantly said: “There were many people besieging him at that time, many were Shangchen Heaven cultivator that I didn’t know, also, also, a same-sect senior brother ……”

When Bian Lan heard the words Shangchen Heaven cultivator, it was known that Zhang Yu did not find the wrong person, and his heart was suddenly full of anger and disappointment, but when he heard that he mentioned the same sect involved in it, he was suddenly unable to bear Then, he asked, “Who? Who is it?”

Luo Chengfeng hesitated and did not reply immediately.

Zhang Yu thought about it, but did not rush to ask, but asked a question he thought was the most critical: “How did you defeat Patrolling Protector Ding?”

As he said before, Ding Xuanping is only one step away from Essence Soul, and with his ability, he is not afraid of siege at all. How did Luo Chengfeng beat him?

After all, it seems like Ding Xuanping and the others, under normal circumstances, it is almost impossible to catch alive.

Luo Chengfeng lifts the head. At this moment, he suddenly showed a blank look on his face. He seemed to be trying to remember something, but in the end he shook his head and said: “I don’t know.”

Speaking of which, he hurriedly said again: “I didn’t intentionally hide it, but I really don’t know how this battle was won. We thought that so many people were besieged as a siege, but this Patrolling Protector Ding was really too outstanding.

After our divine ability gradually adapted to him, he swiftly launched several swords, successively killing several people. At that time, the situation reversed, I thought I must have died, but at this time, he seemed to have suddenly lost his resistance. Force, unfathomable mystery was taken by us. “

Zhang Yu pupil light flashed for a while, and he could clearly tell that Luo Chengfeng was telling the truth at this moment, and since this person admitted that he was a member of the siege, it was meaningless to hide these details.

But this result actually made him deepen his original judgment.

Although he still has no actual proof.

After thinking for a while, he looked at Luo Chengfeng and said, “Who is the same sect senior brother you are talking about?”

Bian Lan stared at him too.

Luo Chengfeng was silent for a long time before slowly saying: “It’s senior brother Chen …”

Bian Lan frowned suddenly and said, “Which senior brother Chen?”

Luo Chengfeng said: “Chen Qianding, senior brother Chen.”

Bian Lan stunned for a moment, then said angrily: “Luo Chengfeng, have you refused to be honest? It seems that you really have to ask Profound Court to send experts to interrogate you.”

Luo Chengfeng hurriedly said: “senior brother Bian, I was telling the truth. When I participated in the siege, senior brother Chen took me to go. Those Shangchen Heaven were also found by senior brother Chen, and later everything was also me. Follow the instructions of senior brother Chen. “

Bian Lan resolutely denied: “This is absolutely impossible!”

Zhang Yu looked towards Bian Lan, said: “Why did the fellow daoist Bian think this matter is impossible?”

Bian Lan takes a deep breath, said: “Because Chen Qianding senior brother Chen was killed in battle as early as 30 years ago, the teacher has always been a pity, and this is also something that some long-time entry sects know, Patrolling If Protector does n’t believe me, ask them to come and ask. ”

“Senior brother Chen is dead?”

Luo Chengfeng stunned for a while, then he loudly said: “Impossible, I saw senior brother Chen just now!”

Zhang Yu recalled that in the register book given to him by the Military Affairs Office, the description of Profound Venerable Yu eldest disciple and second disciple image is the least. Apart from the image graphics, there are only a few sentences, and there is no mention of this. thing.

However, this is not surprising. There are some direct legacy disciple under Proven Venerable door, which rarely leak specific information to the outside. Military Affairs Office can have image description, which is pretty good.

He thought for a while and said, “You said that you have only seen Chen Qianding. Did you see it in Celestial City?”

Luo Chengfeng was very sure: “Yes, he just gave me a bamboo token as a token.” He reached for a while, but then his expression stiffened, and he found that the bamboo token had disappeared.

Zhang Yu said: “Since you are the Chen Qianding you saw in Celestial City, then you will take us to see him now.”

Luo Chengfeng hesitated a little, but still nodded.

Zhang Yu grabbed him immediately, and then vacated to return to Celestial City, Bian Lan also frowns followed.

Under the guidance of Luo Chengfeng, 3 people quickly came to a void-facing great stage.

Luo Chengfeng said: “It’s here …”

But he immediately stunned, because it was an empty platform, and it looked like a thick layer of dirt, and no one had been here for a long time.

Bian Lan snorted, but instead of scolding Luo Chengfeng at this time, he talked with Zhang Yu a few words, then went out, and after a while, he turned back and took the high bun daoist back together, Dao: “I asked Celestial City guard soldiers. This open space has not been occupied by people for more than ten years.”

He told Gaoji Daoist: “junior brother Wei, you.”

Daoist Wei said to Zhang Yu: “Patrolling Protector if I asked senior brother Chen, I do n’t know if he really died, but I have never seen him for more than 30 years, and in Celestial City, other fellow apprentices have never heard of it. Say or have seen him. “

Luo Chengfeng suddenly turned pale. If Chen Qianding does not exist, who is the person who has always ordered him in Celestial City?



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