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The speeding carriage went all the way through the ground. After the long interest adjustment, the young man fell down softly, and the remaining medical power forced him into a long sleep.

Ying Zhuan glanced, and two clay dolls jumped out of the young man ’s rucksack, and he was struggling to be covered by him, and then jumped back into his rucksack.

Therefore, it is almost the end of the year, there are obviously more visitors on the way, and the speeding carriage has stopped at multiple stations.

There are also many cultivators on some stations, but after feeling the internal qi of Ying Zhuan, many people express micro-condensation, but after thinking about it, they did not at all the speeding carriage on the list, but chose to wait on the next column on the station .

Some cultivators just got on the train and chose to leave the train where Ying Zhuan was located.

The reason they did this was that they realized that Ying Zhuan was a Chaotic Chapter cultivator.

Chaotic Chapter cultivator is very susceptible to Grand Chaos infestation, saying that it may not be out of control and become a chaos monster, especially the cultivator that comes from cultivation all the way, that adds more variables, so they would rather continue to wait .

And even if you take the cultivator of the speeding carriage, it will quickly go down within one or two stops.

In fact, the Chaotic Chapter cultivator may not be so terrifying, one with firm will be able to guard yourself, and you will not do so. Pill can carry out certain suppression, otherwise the outer layer will not allow the Chaotic Chapter cultivator to come here, but many cultivators obviously have Your own set of judgments.

The same is true, as the speeding carriage gradually came to the northwest of the deserted direction, and only Ying Zhuan left a cultivator sitting in the carriage.

And just 2 or 3 stops to reach Yeya State, he suddenly opened his eyes.

He felt that a large group of things like mouse lizard suddenly appeared in front of the speeding carriage.

These things have survived for a long time where the speeding carriage passes, and they are a kind of degenerate objects of descendants of evil gods, with certain wisdom.

They proliferate very fast, they are numerous, they are bullying and fearing hard, if there are enough cultivators on the speeding carriage, they will naturally retreat, but if they are not, then they will actively attack, which depends on the guards on the car and the injured army soldiers. solved.

Ying Zhuan was sitting there unmoved, but the black robe fluttered up on his body, emitting multiple wisps of ink-like black and red fire and smoke, and soon enveloped the entire car.

The mouse lizard didn’t seem to notice anything wrong. When the speeding carriage came over, they jumped into the car, but when they encountered the fireworks, they suddenly turned into a black smoke and were quickly passed by Along the speeding carriage, it rolled away.

But its fellows seemed to turn a blind eye to it, and the young and the old rushed forward.

But in just a moment, the mouse lizard group of about 600 or so completely disappeared from this land boundary. For a long time to come, this thing will not exist in the speeding carriage range.

But the passengers riding inside the speeding carriage are simply unaware that they have avoided a danger.

At this time, the young man came awake, rubbed his eyes, and looked at the dark ground outside, saying, “Sir, where are we?”

Ying Zhuan didn’t make a sound, the black fireworks converged back, and at the same time, it seemed that a gust of wind had blown through the car, and the boundless light came in from the outside.

The young man can not help but raise the hands to cover the eyes, first looks through his fingers, then wow, let go of his hands.

On the 2nd side, there appeared a large azure lake and pine forest covered with snow. The lake was glowing with golden light under the sun, and above it was ten thousand li cloudless blue sky.

At this moment, the barriers of the carriages seem to no longer exist, and they seem to be directly involved in this natural scenery.

He saw directly in front of him, a gathering place covered in a transparent glass cover appeared.

Yeya State has arrived.

At this moment, in the upper clouds not far from the speeding carriage, a hidden flying boat stayed there.

High Master Yong is waiting in the main cabin for the discipline to sort out the messages from all parties.

After a while, the discipline raised his head and said: “High master, we have checked it out. The letter transmitted by Patrolling Protector Zhang is everywhere. Based on these clues, it is difficult for us to know where this one went.

If you look down carefully, our manpower is not enough, and the person you are dealing with is also a cultivator, and it may also expose us in the future. high master, do we want to continue? “

High Master Yong pondered for a while and thought it was better not to take the risk. He shook his head: “Forget it, report this matter first.” He sighed, looked towards Skyrim, and said: “Beg for nothing.”

In the Celestial City Military Affairs Office, Hong Yuanqiu looks at the maple leaves transplanted in the outer courtyard, and in his hand, he held a beautifully decorated sheathed dagger in his backhand.

He heard footsteps coming behind him and asked, “Are you sure?”

A close friend of the literary minor official said in the back, “It is already clear, those who intercepted Great Craftsman Wu are all enlisted hired army soldiers from outside this constellation. I have lived with us for a month, and I cannot find who is behind Yes. However, Great Craftsman Wu Fang has n’t been in the outer layer for a long time and has no complaints with anyone, but he just encountered an attack on the road we escorted … “

He didn’t point out who was behind it, but the meaning in it was quite clear.

Hong Yuanqiu said solemnly: “It’s not time to pursue them. Since they did this, it won’t make us so easy to find out. Have all enlisted hired armies that have arrived here from outside the constellation investigated. Grab everything properly. “

literary minor official said: “Yes.”

“And …” Hong Yuanqiu cared: “Protect Great Craftsman Wu, they are so anxious, it seems this person is more important than we imagined.”

literary minor official said: “The subordinates have already dispatched the most elite armored soldiers in the army to protect themselves.”

Hong Yuanqiu nodded said: “That’s fine.”

At this time, an armored field officer came in and strode in from outside. He cup one fist in the other hand and said, “The Office Lord, Frost Star great array has already come out.” He reported Going forward, “the inference of dao cultivators is here.”

Hong Yuanqiu undoubtedly valued this matter undoubtedly, and immediately came up to take the report. He looked at it for a while, with a look of awe and asked, “Is it true?”

The field officer said: “We invited a dozen dao cultivators who are familiar with array pivot, and they all made the same judgment.

Hong Yuanqiu walked two steps, said solemnly: “This matter is too big to be dealt with by our Military Affairs Office alone. I need to meet Profound Venerable Dai immediately.”

He confessed to his literary minor official, he picked up the report and walked to the back of the department hall, walked through the back hall, stepped on a flying jade plate, and came directly to the Celestial City.

Only a moment, he got under the top method, and then took out a jade talisman, facing the above, and said: “Yiwei Celestial City Office Lord Hong Yuanqiu, there is something important to ask to see Profound Venerable Dai. “

This is the jade talisman of his Legs Constellation Office Lord. The representative has urgent needs. Once it is taken out, it is Profound Venerable and cannot be avoided.

After a while, there was a voice above: “Office Lord Hong come up.”

Hong Yuanqiu set foot on the stone steps for a long time and came to the upper end of the magical stage. He looked over and saw Profound Venerable Dai standing there, just appearance indistinct. There was a haze of smoke around it, and the whole person could not see clearly.

He held a ceremony on the spot and said, “Profound Venerable Dai, I have previously found in the Military Affairs Office that there is a Shangchen Heaven cultivator in my Legs Constellation that has a great array of earth stars involved in multiple locations.

Today, it is verified that this array involves more than 20 earth stars. Although most of them are desolate stars, there are also some in the hands of Shangchen Heaven cultivator and me. Nowadays, many dao cultivators have distinguished them. This generation seems to be refining something. It is suspected that there is a higher boundary mighty figure involved here, so please ask Profound Venerable Dai to take a look. “

Profound Venerable Dai said: “Show me it.”

Hong Yuanqiu immediately took out the report, and then took it out. When the wind blew, the book flew away and floated on its own.

Profound Venerable Dai glanced at the document, and the deep red pupil light flashed a bit, and said, “This is not about refining something, but someone is trying to cut the earth qi to become a profound Venerable.”


Hong Yuanqiu was taken aback, saying, not quite daring to believe: “Achieve Profound Venerable?”

Profound Venerable Dai tone calmly said: “There are many ways to achieve Profound Venerable by true technique. This is the way to harvest 3 treasures, the lowest rank technique that’s all.”

Hong Yuanqiu didn’t know the difference here, he frowns saying: “This should be done by Shangchen Heaven cultivator, but why is it settled in my Legs Constellation? Are you afraid that I will do anything wrong?”

Profound Venerable Dai said slowly: “3 treasure means heaven, earth, human 3 treasure, the first lies in heaven, that is superior medicine; the second in earth, that is drawing an array to guard, harmonising the high and low; the third in human, that is the life essence of cultivators.

Among these the heaven and human treasures are most important, the earth treasure only being used to protect and preserve harmony; whence the human treasure? Only from killing. “

Hong Yuanqiu said with a solemn expression: “Profound Venerable Dai is saying that the other party intentionally led me to attract the slaughter so as to draw the spirit of life from it?”

Profound Venerable Dai said: “That’s it, how can the common person’s essence compare to that of cultivators and soldiers?”

Hong Yuanqiu frowns saying: “This matter Profound Venerable Yu why not found in the past?”

Profound Venerable Dai said: “Then you are going to ask Profound Venerable Yu.”

Hong Yuanqiu brows tightly knit, I know a little about Profound Venerable Yu’s removal. 2 This man may be planning something, or maybe exchanging it?

But these are not important now.

He looked up and asked calmly: “I wonder what Profound Venerable Dai thinks, what should we do at this time?”

Profound Venerable Dai said: “There are only two choices, one is to ignore it. How difficult it is to achieve Profound Venerable, it can’t be achieved by laying a position, if you don’t go then they can only slaughter their own people for the human treasure they need. As for the other method, it is nothing more than to lead the army to attack. “

Hong Yuanqiu thought about it and found that he actually had only one choice. He was absolutely impossible to look at when the other party wanted to achieve it in front of his own house and ignored it.

Even if there is only a little chance of success, he can’t sit still.

Profound Venerable Dai looks at him, his voice is calm and no wave: “It seems that you have decided. The only thing that Profound Court has given me is to sit in Legs Constellation, and I must not leave, so I ca n’t do it for you, but if there is a higher on the opposite side. The incarnation of the boundary cultivator appears, and I will come forward and block it for you. “



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