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After Hong Yuanqiu returned to the Military Affairs Office lobby, he took a document, gazed at both eyes, and stamped a letter on it.

As for whether that superior armor is going to take over, he has been squeezing it. Whenever great craftsmen Yu and Long asked, he avoided it.

Now that he has decided to launch a war, he must have a sufficiently strong military force, and the support from Jade Capital’s Heavenly Secrets Institution must be indispensable, so he must make a choice in this matter.

He called a literary minor official and gave the document to him, saying, “Send it to Great Craftsman Yu.”

After the literary minor official went, he summoned the waiting waiting outside and took care of it: “The next notice is ready, before the end of the year, all the army and ordnance must be prepared.”

The deputy was awkward, a military salute, and said: “Yes!”

Hong Yuanqiu took the pen again and began to issue one after another collection order. In order to ensure the victory of this battle, he planned to distribute campaign squad and enlisted hired army at the same time.

In fact, since last year, he has been preparing for battle. If Profound Venerable Yu was suddenly replaced, he would have already started.

After a long time, the literary minor official turned back and said ritually: “Office Lord, document I have sent it.”

Hong Yuanqiu handed over the issued document to him, and then he seemed to remember something, saying: “I remember Profound Venerable Yu, those disciplines are still near Tanquan State?”


Hong Yuanqiu said: “Then you will send people to visit there later, saying that the Military Affairs Office needs their help in this war.”

In order to destroy the great array set by Shangchen Heaven, enough troops and cultivators must be gathered. Profound Venerable Yu disciple is numerous. In the past, Celestial City also enjoyed many benefits. This time, they need to ask for their efforts.

But to ensure the odds, he still has to convene more and more powerful cultivators. Thinking of this, a silhouette flashed in his mind.

The literary minor official reminded at this time: “Office Lord, if it is such a big move, it is impossible across the board.”

Hong Yuanqiu said solemnly: “Yes, but they are already waiting for us to go.”

In a pavilion in Tanquan State, Great Craftsman Yu received the document from the Military Office, and he only turned it over twice. He heard a sharp whistle from outside and opened the curtain to look over and saw a team The army soldier was riding on the creation horse and ran across the road, leaving only one silhouette after a quick glance.

He said: “It seems that the war is about to start.” He turned around and shook his hand with the pact stamped with the seal. “We also waited for the reward in return.”

Great Craftsman Long took a sip of tea and said, “At this time we take a bite and they will accept it if they don’t accept it.”

Great Craftsman Yu shook his head and said, “No, there are still people who can replace us, so we must not only take a bite at this time, but also try to think about them in terms of consumption, and fully support him in this fight, only He won and gained the benefits to better promote creation in the outer layer. “

Great Craftsman Long asked: “You are certain that he won’t consider us weak and making concessions?”

Great Craftsman Yu said with a smile: “As long as he is a reasonable person, as long as he still sits in that position, he will make the right choice. Just like this time, didn’t he not come to check us? Okay, brother Long, please return to the inner layer first, and we will have many orders. “

In the void, Zhang Yu is returning from the outside on a white boat. He holds the jade slip given to him by Daoist Hu in his hand, and his thoughts are transferred into it, looking through the contents of looks at.

Although there was no exchange to seal, the above was undoubtedly very useful to him.

Perhaps in Daoist Hu’s view, these experiences are nothing, but just a testimony that can be used to prove their own performance. At best, they are only used to throw bricks.

Because Zhang Yu is a cultivator inclined towards fighting, it is the most appropriate choice to get a perfect seal directly, so you do n’t have to go to the top to study it yourself. This is time-consuming and wastes energy.

But Zhang Yu doesn’t think so, because besides Profound Chapter of the Grand Dao, he can also read Chaotic Chapter of the Grand Dao, and seek seal in Chaotic Chapter. In addition to spirit essence, it comes from the cultivator’s own experience and knowledge.

So getting this jade slip is actually bigger than getting a complete seal.

Now he has the core 5 seal, from the Chaotic Chapter there is the Sword Seal which signifies the cicada’s wings, and the Spirit’s Awareness Seal that signifies the cicada’s spirit.

From the Profound Chapter there is the Prime Form Seal which signifies the cicada’s body, the Speech Seal that signifies the cicada’s cry, and the Light Seizing Seal that signifies the cicada’s legs.

At the time, he pushed the Mysterious Chaos Cicada visualization picture, which is to take a seal from the Mysterious Chaos Chapters.

Nowadays, the core 6 seals should follow this example, and Mysterious Chaos Chapters should be 3 seals.

So the next signifying the cicada’s eyes should fall on the Chaotic Chapter.

This requires him to understand this seal thoroughly, and the thing on this jade slip undoubtedly fills the gap in this.

As for finding the recipe for Daoist Hu, he also decided to try to help this. He can ask Yun Chen to pay attention to such things, but he will not force others to do this for his own path.

Thinking about it, Legs Constellation earth star was already in front of him, he glanced at it, and suddenly saw that there was a flying boat outside Yiwei Celestial City that was going in and out, and the density was more than 2 times more than usual.

He realized that something had changed, and after seeing it for a while, he accelerated to fly the flying boat to Yeya State. After passing through the atmosphere, he gradually slowed down the speed and fell in front of the door.

He collected the flying boat and walked to the high platform. After entering the porch, Li Qinghe greeted him: “Mr. is back.”

He stepped sideways and said, “A visitor has arrived at the Military Affairs Office and has been waiting for Mr. here for a day. Also, Mr. Ying came to visit Mr. Yesterday. He heard that there was something wrong with Mr. Ying, so he left again. He did not at all said where to go. “

Zhang Yu nodded, said: “I understood, you go first.”

Li Qinghe said yes, stepped aside.

Zhang Yu walked into the hall. A literary minor official and a Yeya Military Office field officer sitting here immediately stood up, both of whom tried to tell him: “I have seen Patrolling Protector.”

Zhang Yu returned a salute, he invited 2 people to sit down, came to his seat and sat down, said: “Why did 2 people come to me?”

The literary minor official cups the hands and says: “Patrolling Protector Zhang, under the Military Affairs Office Overseer Zang Liu, this time the Office Lord ordered me to come, there is something to ask Patrolling Protector to recount.”

Zhang Yu said: “When I came back, I saw a lot of flying boats going in and out of Celestial City, but is there any war?”

Overseer Zang said: “Exactly. Don’t hide Patrolling Protector. This incident is very important. It may involve the safety of the entire Legs Constellation. The Office Lord also attaches great importance to it.”

Zhang Yu thought for a while and said, “The military situation is urgent. Since that is the case, I will go to the Military Affairs Office.”

Overseer Zang rejoiced in his face and said, “I have a flying boat, it is better to patroling Protector Zhang with me …”

Zhang Yu shook his head and said: “It’s not necessary anymore, um, I still use my flying boat to go faster.”

Overseer Zang froze for a moment, and said busyly: “Alright, okay.”

The thing is certain, Zhang Yu will not be with the other two. After turning back, he will call Li Qinghe and say, “If the fellow daoist Ying comes again, you will greet me as a good student. Also, let fellow daoist Zuo be in the lower layer. Pay more attention to it. “

Li Qinghe said seriously: “Qinghe wrote it down.”

Zhang Yu did a little tidying up, and then stepped on the high platform again. At this time, he directly disappeared into the sky. Flying took less than half a minute, and landed on the Celestial City. The Soldier who had been waiting here had already greeted him, and Invite him into the Military Office lobby.

Hong Yuanqiu was negotiating military tactics with several field officers. When he saw his arrival, he asked several times to let others retreat, and he offered a salute, saying: “Patrolling Protector Zhang.”

Zhang Yu replied with a courtesy and said, “I heard that Office Lord Hong has an important battle here?”

Hong Yuanqiu said: “In fact, this matter is also related to the great array Patrolling Protector Zhang found at Frost Star last time.” He reached out and said, “Patrolling Protector Zhang, let’s sit down and talk.”

After sitting down, Hong Yuanqiu recounted the judgment of the found Proven Venerable Dai.

After he finished speaking, he stood up again, walked over to the huge map placed on the table, and reached out a hand, and the rays of light rose up for a while, and the main earth stars everywhere in Four Vaults of Heaven were appearing from inside.

He said: “Please see Patrolling Protector Zhang.”

Zhang Yu stood up and approached the table. As you can see, this picture shows the situation in the void.

The outermost is the Star Mist Cloud, which is very thick and full of the entire void, and what is wrapped in it is Four Vaults of Heaven, but there is only a thin layer on it, which may be crowded at any time. Rupture.

Hong Yuanqiu said solemnly: “This is the situation we are facing now, Celestial Xia is certainly very strong, but the opponents are not weak, especially when these opponents unite together, it is enough to cause us considerable pressure.

In order to keep the entrance to the inner layer, we must frustrate the opposite plot again and again, and this time must not be an exception! “

He said sincerely: “Hong knows that the Patrolling Protector Zhang dao technique is high and deep, and he once pressed the same way on the true and profound technique discussion. Later, he was alone in the Celestial City, and Profound Venerable Yu disciple was no longer the enemy of Patrolling Protector. So it ’s this time to destroy the enemy ’s great array, and we hope to get the help of Patrolling Protector Zhang. “

Zhang Yu nodded, replied: “For Legs Constellation safety, regardless of Yu’s status, will contribute.” He paused, and said: “I just have a problem.”

Hong Yuanqiu hurriedly said: “Please say Patrolling Protector.”

Zhang Yu said: “The great array on the Frost Star should have been abolished, and the great array arranged in the Legs Constellation under the jursidiction of is not difficult to break, then the great array of this generation should be a broken one. Why does Office Lord Hong attach so much importance to this great array? “

Hong Yuanqiu sighed: “I asked Profound Venerable Dai, this array’s earth qi is only used to harmonise the heaven and human treasures, no need to be strict, so even if the array strength is insufficient, you can use the remaining magical items instead, as long as the array pivot Not bad, the great array still exists. “

He pointed his finger at an earth star above the map, “This ‘Guo Star’ is where the array pivot is, this is not one of Legs Constellation’s original earth stars, but was brought in from elsewhere by Shangchen Heaven cultivators As a stronghold, 4 places invaded Legs Constellation, and we can only stop this generation at this time by breaking this place! “



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