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Yeya State, Wei family army station.

Two days ago, the Wei family army received a recruitment order issued by the Military Affairs Office and knew that it was a tough battle. For this reason, they recruited more staff and increased the number of enlisted hired army to more than 2.

In order to fight this time, the Legs Constellation Military Affairs Office ordered the Military Office in various earth states to release the arsenal, allowing the participating campaign squad to purchase armaments from here at a lower cost.

The Wei family army immediately seized this rare opportunity, borrowed a gold from the Silver Office, and purchased a large number of discovered armor profound weapons.

However, this time their biggest reliance is still on Azure Sun profound armor. These delegations have been delegated. Although these outer armors have some deductions, they are not as big as imagined. It is no problem to at least survive another fierce battle.

While actively preparing for the Wei family army, Qing Shu found the station and brought a message: “Mr. was invited to act with the main army this time, so this time, Mr. cannot come to the guard.”

Wei Lingying had already been psychologically prepared for this, and she seriously said: “many thanks young man Qing Shu came to tell me that Patrolling Protector Zhang’s ability to be so big should not have been restricted to our Wei family army, it was overkill.”

Jin Xiaobai was worried. Zhang Yu was not there. Their Wei family army would not have a cultivator guard. When the time comes, they might not be able to react at all.

Qing Shu said: “You don’t have to worry, Mr. Zuo has arranged for Mr. Zuo to guard the Wei family army. The Military Affairs Office also promised to give some supplements to the Wei family army.”

When everyone heard it, the mood was suddenly relaxed.

The profound cultivator Zuo naturally has the ability, and most importantly, this person now follows Zhang Yu to handle matters, obviously Zhang Yu not at all intends to abandon them.

On the other side at the moment, Liang Yi, who was seeking the dao in 4 places, also received a call from the Military Affairs Office.

These days he has challenged several famous experts in consecutive battles, all of which have won, but the sudden battle has disrupted his plan.

However, it was less than one month in the Military Affairs Office record the name on the register. It is reasonable to say that he could refuse the call, but he thought about it for a while, thinking that this might not be a bad thing. If he showed enough strength in such wars , Then it is also beneficial to him to promote his reputation.

After thinking about it, he came to the former barren hill again, found the old daoist, and told his intentions to this one.

The old daoist also agreed: “This is indeed a good opportunity, I can let you prepare a proven weapon big enough …”

Liang Yi shook his head and said: “This method is not appropriate, just like the observer is good, it is just a supplementary aid, and the largest weapon might be, it is not the power of the cultivator itself. Even if I win no less than this, Will not be accepted by the same fellow. “

The old daoist didn’t take it for granted: “profound weapon and magical item are not the same reason? But it’s all that we’re using that’s all, is there any difference?”


Liang Yi said solemnly: “Magical item is at least refining out of the cultivator itself, but it can be accepted by the cultivator, but the found weapon is creation, the greater the might, the more certain cultivator will feel rejected, want to change these, absolutely It ’s not something that will happen overnight. If you can, you may wish to prepare me with some thunder bead. “

old daoist pondered then said: “Thunder bead? … Although it is a little troublesome, I will prepare it for you.”

Liang Yi cups the hands and says: “fellow daoist, then please.”

Gloom City.

Somewhere inside the Taidian, a young disciple is telling the news to Daoist Yue on the seat.

“Teacher, Legs Constellation, and all army squads are now heading towards Celestial City. In just 2 days, they have gathered more than 300,000 troops, not including the main army of Celestial City.”

Daoist Yue focused on the Legs Constellation map in front. The entire Legs Constellation Star can be seen as a huge military camp. Everything is served by war, so if you order it, you will immediately gather enough troops.

He stroking his beard said: “It seems that Legs Constellation Military Affairs Office is going to be real this time.” He asked again: “Where?”

young disciple said: “From the information we received, the Patrolling Protector Zhang should also be involved in this time of war, but this person’s status is special, we infer that he when the time comes may act with the army, We are afraid it is difficult to find opportunities. “

Daoist Yue did not care, saying: “If there is no opportunity on the way, then we will look for opportunities during the war.”

He took a chess piece, moved it on the map, and dropped it on an earth star, saying, “This time, we first stand on the side of Shangchen Heaven.”

Yiwei Celestial City, within the Literary Hall.

Zhang Yu came out of the department hall and did not return to the residence, but kept reading the document here.

In response to the coming war, and also to thank him for his contribution, Hong Yuanqiu opened the Celestial City collection for him to watch, and said that if he fancy anything, the Military Affairs Office can also give it.

Because the outer layer does not have Profound Mansion, Military Affairs Office has replaced Profound Mansion to a certain extent.

For more than 200 years, the guard cultivator in the Military Affairs Office has also left many records and dao books, and there are many rare seals.

If it were not for this war and his Patrolling Protector status, Military Affairs Office would never let it go easily.

Zhang Yu stayed here for 3 days, during which he read a lot of records of predecessors or present people and felt plentiful harvest.

On the fourth day, Hong Yuanqiu sent people to invite him again, and then he came out of the Library Hall and came again to the office of the office.

After Hong Yuanqiu and his paid respect, he looked serious: “Patrolling Protector, I received the news that this time Gloom City may also join this battle, so we need to guard against the people of Gloom City.”

“Gloom City?” Zhang Yu thought a little, and said, “Has Office Lord Hong ever been able to tell the Golden Pupil Office?” “

Hong Yuanqiu said: “It ’s already passed, but it ’s just the Golden Pupil Office, but we can only rely on ourselves on the battlefield. We can only rely on ourselves.” He reached into his sleeves and presented a paper note, saying: “ Please take care of Patrolling Protector. “

Zhang Yu said: “What is this?”

Hong Yuanqiu said: “This is a shielded talisman from Profound Venerable Dai. There are 3 in total. I have one here. One is handed over to General Luan this time, and this one is given to Patrolling Protector. “

Zhang Yu nodded took it and said, “Many thanks.” He put away his things and said, “When will Office Lord Hong be dispatched?”

Hong Yuanqiu said: “The sooner this matter is resolved, the better. I have discovered the situation there, so I plan to set off on the 20th. If the war is delayed, we may have to spend the New Year outside.”

Zhang Yu asked: “The Office Lord has proved that this time, who really wants to be Profound Venerable?”

Hong Yuanqiu said solemnly: “It is unclear at this time, I only know that it must be a direct legacy disciple of a certain Profound Venerable, but it does not matter who this person is. We only need to capture the array pivot and drive the Shangchen Heaven cultivator out, so we can Broke this generation’s layout! “

At the moment, deep in the void, almost at the edge of Legs Constellation, there is a white earth star.

The surface of the earth star is covered with jade piles of each and everyone array pivot, and looking down from the cloudy sky, it seems to be wrapped with earth stars and jade-colored bands.

At the location of the earth star navel, there is a jade stone platform that goes straight into the sky, falling down the stairs. Each floor is a dao soldier with each face sitting on the face of each and everyone. There is an array flag in his arms, and there is a looming fiendish qi .

On the top of the platform, there are a male and a female, two young cultivators, two of whom are in their early 2s. The male cultivator is full of black hair, two eyebrows, and he is wearing a loose as a robe with clean as white clouds. clothes.

Female cultivator Zhu lips a little, delicate eyebrows, skin glowing with jade color, bound hair drooping, wearing a long flame-like Zhu suit.

The 2 people are Meng Shen and Su Ai, they are the people who intend to cut the three treasures and breakthrough.

And when 2 people sit there, there is a feeling of illusion and untrue, separated from this world, this is because they are all the heavy medicine given by the taken sect in advance, so long as the human treasure is sufficient they can try to seek higher techniques.

Su Ai at this time Zhu Lip easily said: “senior brother, I heard that Legs Constellation is ready to do it.”

Meng Shen said: “It ’s good that only when they come, will they have enough essence blood qi to irrigate the great array and become our help for the situation. Unfortunately, the timing is still a little earlier, otherwise we can prepare more adequately, the layout It can also be more reliable. “

Above Su Ai looked towards, there was a look of envy in his eyes: “eldest senior brother is most likely to succeed this time, we are just to accompany the last seat that’s all.”

Meng Shen seemed to be thinking, saying, “Since the teacher has given us the opportunity, what are we unsatisfied? With so many same sects, only two of us can sit here in the end.”

Su Ai ’s wonderful eyes looked towards him and said, “When did the senior brother become so straight? You do n’t need to be afraid, the elderly senior brother is now sealing the senses, and he will not be aware of what is happening outside until the great array is turned on. of.”

Meng Shen just chuckled.

Su Ai pouted: “senior brother is so timid, that’s all, let me talk about it.” She took a deep breath and said: “teacher let us here, on the surface is a screen for the eldest senior brother, But when necessary, we are the supplies of the eldest senior brother, you know? Second senior brother? “

Meng Shen stared at her for a moment and said, “Junior Sister, why don’t you say it?”

Su Ai said: “What if it’s broken? Second senior brother, I tell you, this time is not so easy to pass, Legs Constellation can easily summon 1000000 million army soldiers and 1000 to 10000 cultivators. Think about these people being Coming towards us, I would be breathless. We can only overcome the difficulties if we work together. “

Meng Shen said: “What are you going to do?”

Su Ai said: “Without him, think for yourself. Why should we give away the harvested spirit to the eldest senior brother? Is it not good for us to keep ourselves?”

Meng Shen’s expression is uncertain, hesitantly said: “But teacher there …”

Su Ai snorted, said: “If the teacher comes forward, I don’t believe that Legs Constellation Profound Venerable has no response, when the time comes His-Senior can’t take care of us, and we come down with our own ability that’s all. Achieve Profound Venerable, then do we still need to avoid teachers? “

Meng Shen thought for a long time, but still couldn’t make up his mind, but only vaguely said: “This matter is still too early to say, and we will discuss it again at that time.”



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