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Year 379 of the Grand Profound Calendar, November 20.

The densely packed flying boat leaps out of the Celestial City. This time, the 150,000 main army was dispatched within the Celestial City. They are the most elite armed army soldiers. This army will be commanded by the general Luan Bing.

Office Lord Hong Yuanqiu sits in the rear and is responsible for coordinating scheduling and coping with various matters.

Although Celestial City has only 50000 troops left, Profound Venerable Dai is sitting in the back, and there is great array protection outside. It is still very stable. Only the earth star is slightly empty.

However, considering the fact that Shangchen Heaven is also so easy to give up in this battle, it will definitely concentrate on the defense, so Legs Constellation is actually more stable than normally.

This time under the main army, there are still recruited garrisons, campaign squads and enlisted hired army. A total of more than 50 10000 people.

These armies will attack the earth stars acting as array pivots from all directions, occupying or destroying this place, creating opportunities for the main army to impact the center array pivot.

In addition, the Military Affairs Office also recruited a large number of army cultivators from Legs Constellation and the surrounding earth stars. Among them, the middle position cultivator reached more than 1000, and the peer’s low position cultivator reached more than 10000. Most of them are found cultivator. .

Zhang Yu is now standing in a flying boat that looks very ordinary. This is because his white boat is too conspicuous, and the caring person will know when you see it is his car, so it is covered with this.

This time it was not the person responsible for military tactics, so he did not know exactly how the entire army was arranged.

But this time military operation is relatively simple, because the target is there, it will not be avoided at all, it is far away from looks at, but it is more than ten days away.

They are also not facing the army, but a group of loose forces formed by cultivators. These people may have an advantage in small-scale fighting, but once the dignified battle is put out, it will be short.

Since it is not yet time for the cultivator to come forward, he did not pay much attention to the outside, but was pondering Hong Yuanqiu and what he said was cutting the three treasures technique.

He had seen this before in the jade slip given by Profound Court. But it is used as a negative example, saying it is the lowest technique, because this kind of method is taking external strength and merging it into oneself, even upon success one shouldn’t expect many divine abilities or methods.

That human treasure said that it is based on essence, but in fact it is a way to refining blood essence, and it is not an exaggeration to say that evil law.

But even if this method is malicious again, if a cultivator succeeds by this, it is also Profound Venerable, so he must try to prevent it.

At the other end of the fleet at the moment, Liang Yi looks at densely packed outside the cabin, seemingly endless flying boat, with emotion in my heart, so many flying boats, so many armed soldiers, cultivator before reaching a certain level, personal strength is in Such an army is not trivial.

He lamented: “The future of Celestial Xia, creation should be the mainstream.”

“Fellow daoist Liang said, I don’t agree!”

When Liang Yi looked back, he saw a young daoist who was looking forward to the light and stood there. He said: “It turns out to be a fellow daoist Wu.”

Daoist Wu walked up and said: “These things can only prevail in we that’s all. If you get a higher boundary, you can wipe it off with a wave. How can you discuss it with dao technique?”

Liang Yi did not argue with him, but looked towards the front, saying: “fellow daoist Wu knows that I originally wanted to seek your argument, but unfortunately this Military Office call only missed.”

Daoist Wu said: “It’s a pity, we will talk about it after the war.”

Liang Yi said: “In fact, if the fellow daoist does not object, then we can discuss the law now.”

Daoist Wu raised his eyebrows and said, “fellow daoist Liang, I know what you said about the ‘observer’ everywhere recently, which is beneficial to my found cultivator. fundamental.”

Liang Yi said: “What is the root, dao heart that’s all, dao heart does not move, how to speak of losing the root? Blindly resist, but fear that’s all, as if this generation could not hold the right heart.”

Daoist Wu did not get angry, and said: “Correct heart? Ha ha, some meaning. Fortunately, follow daoist Liang, after this battle, I can promise to talk to you about the superiority, but the conditions …” He slightly joked: “If you lose, I will use this foreign object.”

Liang Yi looked at his both eyes, said solemnly: “Yes!”

Legs Constellation Since the set off, the progress has been very smooth. According to the layout of the Military Affairs Office, the desolate star seats with great arrays are occupied, destroying the above array pivot, and finally showing the direction of all directions. The Guo Star group bearing the array pivot is surrounded.

At this moment the army was dispatched, but only ten or two days.

Coach Luan Bing looks at the bound by white clouds earth star outside the cabin.

This star is only about one-half of the size of Legs Constellation, but that is why it can be pushed in from outside of Legs Constellation, and it is certainly not something that ordinary people can do. It is very likely that it will come from Profound Venerable incarnation.

He sighed with emotion in his heart: “higher boundary cultivator really divine ability unfathomable.”

He knew very well that those earth stars had been captured by them rather than the other party intentionally giving up, but what they are facing now is the really tough bite.

He said: “Prepare to put a discovered weapon.”

He ordered that Xunguang immediately passed the multiple message transmitting flying boats from the center to the surroundings, and spread throughout the fleet in a short time.

About 10000 fighting flying boats galloped out from the inside, and the muzzle under the belly opened simultaneously, aiming at the earth star full of mist below.

As the next command arrived, there were bursts of prestigious rays of light in the muzzle, and more than 10000 mighty profound weapon moved towards earth star!

Since the outer layer does not have Chaos Tide, these discovered weapons are exceptionally stable. The army soldiers watched the one after another crystal rays of light. The meteor generally crossed the void and went towards the target, but it was the moment when it met the mist. However, like a big firework bursting, one by one burst in advance.

More than that, as if something touched, mist rolls outwards, and quickly approaches those flying boats.

Luan Bing knew that things were not that simple. At the moment, when he saw the changes below, he immediately ordered: “Retreat.”

Despite his timely orders, more than a dozen flying boats failed to escape, silently disappearing into the clouds.

Luan Bing turned around and looked towards an old daoist standing there, saying: “dao cultivator Wen, how do you think?”

Surnamed Wen daoist looked at it for a moment, and said in a plain tone: “General Luan, look at those that are just some mist, but under the pivot of the array pivot, it is as strong as an iron wall, and needs to withstand enough collision force to enter. In battle.

In my opinion, only a few flying boats can withstand this force. The best way is to choose the elite soldiers and the cultivation high rank cultivator to break in and destroy the array pivot, but according to the previous information, this move is also expected from the opposite side. “

Luan Bing thought about it, turned around, and said to the line of counsellors standing behind him: “Talk about it.”

The advisers discussed it softly, and some people came out and said: “General, since these positions can’t be attacked with the found weapon, let our soldiers rush into it, and it’s just unnecessary sacrifices. It’s down to those cultivator.

His opinions represent most people, and most of the counselors think that this place full of array pivot changes is still safer and more appropriate for the cultivator to come forward than to the military.

This is not because they consider it from their own standpoint, but they do think so.

The outer layer is different from the inner layer. The cultivator and Military Office often collaborate, and can also recognize each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

Luan Bing looked towards surnamed Wen daoist and said, “How do you see dao cultivator Wen?”

surnamed Wen daoist said: “If the general asks me, then my advice is to try to get more people into it, because the more people enter, the more dispersed the array strength and the more opportunities to enter.”

Luan Bing carefully considered and said, “Go tell those dao cultivators, I hope they will lead the cultivators to destroy the array pivot below, and I will also dispatch 20 elite main army to join them. Also, tell the Patrolling Protector Zhang said. I hope he can help. “

As the fleet decided to release, Zhang Yu also quickly saw envoy envoy here, he nodded and said: “You go back and tell General Luan that I know.”

Sitting in silence for a moment, he stood up, holding the long sword and stepping out.

The flying boat he was riding at this time slowly moved, facing the boat towards Guo Star. As the hatch opened, the white earth star in the sky appeared in his eyes.

The Heart Light on his body rose like fire, the big cloak robe fluttered without the wind, and the face under the hat could not be seen clearly.

He leaned forward, and with a bang, he turned into a light rainbow surrounded with jade mist moved towards and rushed down!

On the other side, Liang Yi is also flying towards the white mist at the moment. He was the first to jump out of the flying boat after receiving the Military Office request, so he rushed to the front.

Behind him, there are countless 10000 spiritual light flames, which are also interspersed with multiple rainbow-like escaping lights.

Liang Yi looks at those clouds, he knows that under the turbulence of array strength, no matter how strong his heart force is, he ca n’t resist it, so he must cross it at the fastest speed and do n’t oppress his own array strength. opportunity.

Seeing the distance getting closer and closer, he moved his thoughts, the visualization picture emerged, and he enveloped himself faintly, next moment, as he rushed into it, he punctured a big hole in the cloud, and immediately some cultivator followed The channel he opened broke into each and everyone.

The breakthrough cultivator from other directions can only rely on its own strength. Some have successfully passed through like him, and some people have not been able to pass by safely.

It can be seen that due to poor strength, many people did not penetrate the cloud and smashed their heads on it. The powerful force immediately made him burst into a group of blood mist, essence and blood gathered by the array qi.

Although some people took advantage of at first and followed the path opened by the same path in the front, the speed was not fast enough during the crossing, and was gradually trapped by the bridged cloud and the speed was getting slower and slower, and then was killed by life and life Inside, all vital essence blood energy is absorbed.

Zhang Yu saw this scene at this moment. His eyes were light flashed, and the speed suddenly accelerated. Before jumping to the crowd, a Heart Light outside him suddenly appeared. As he continued to increase his speed, it seemed that there was an extra dazzling meteor in the void .

And as he rushed over that layer of aerosol, a behemoth giant force also pressed up, the layer of cloud and mist on the surface actually collapsed, and then an unprecedented huge hole appeared in the public. In front of the army!



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