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Zhan Zijie came to worship this time. It seemed that there was a strong wind above the magical stage, and the flag streamers standing on both sides suddenly fluttered.

The incense head of the three incense sticks inserted in the copper furnace for the case was simultaneously illuminated, emitting a blazing spark, and the light smoke curling upwards rose up to the sky.

Smoke into the sky, like three thin lines, connecting the sky to Gloom City, there was no movement at first, and after a moment, the void seemed to melt, and a vortex hole appeared. Inside is extremely deep, and at the same time a huge internal qi comes down.

Zhang Yu stood on the stage, looked up at the sky dome, and the big cloak robe was hunted in the gust of wind.

Xu Chengtong opened his mouth at this moment, and he could not help panicking, but he saw that Zhang Yu still calmly calmed, clenched the teeth, stunned for half a step, still standing there.

Actually, he also knows that if there are Profound Venerables to deal with them, it is useless to escape, but it is better to stand on the spot, so it is not so ugly to die.

The whirlpool above is getting bigger and bigger at that moment, and the monstrous power is also getting stronger and stronger, and there is thunder and turbulence in it.

It seems that the might has accumulated to the apex. A lightning bolt threw from the air and fell on Zhang Yu. The dazzling rays of light suddenly overflowed, making Xu Chengtong on the side all Screamed and went backwards.

After a few breaths of rays of light, an unprecedented burst of sound came out, and the huge Gloom City all shook, and the city walls trembling and echoing.

At this moment, everyone in Gloom City has a chest tightness. The weak base of the cultivation base immediately loses consciousness, and each and everyone falls to the ground.

Just the aftershock of this blow, it made the people in Gloom City lie directly to most of them.

At the same moment, above the Yiwei Celestial City magical stage, Profound Venerable Dai suddenly looked in one direction, calmly said: “I found you.” The misty mist rolled up on him.

next moment, his silhouette suddenly disappeared.

Because of the blessing of array restriction, Zhan Ziji had already been prepared for a long time. When Lei Mang fell, he was not at all affected by the shock.

Looking at the blooming white light in front of him, he could n’t help but smile slightly, only to wait for the rays of light to gradually dissipate, but the smile on his face was solidified, and his eyes showed surprise and uncertainty.

Zhang Yu was standing in the rays of light, and there was no damage on his body. Only the tiny electric awns that had n’t dissipated flickered away from time to time.

The paper note given by Profound Venerable Dai that he carried with him is now completely ashes.

He looks at the vortex of clouds over the sky. After that blow, there was no other means against him, and what seemed to have happened there, the rays of light flashed a few times Next, he hurriedly converged, and in a few moments, everything was disappeared.

Zhan Ziji couldn’t help but see this scene.

After a while, he seemed to remember something. He looked back and saw that the three incense sticks had burned out. He thought he had found the answer and quickly took out three incense sticks from the star bag. It was replaced, and then ignited again.

He stepped back two steps and bowed his head, loudly said: “Please Proven Venerable to lower the divine ability to accept the enemy who committed the crime!”

He guessed privately, Zhang Yu There must be some means for defend, so I escaped the disaster, but think about it, this is also reasonable, as Profound Court Patrolling Protector, dare to go alone into Gloom City, how can there be no Be prepared?

In the case, Changxiang lit up suddenly, like a cigarette pillar, and each of them went up, and there was a rumbling sound, and the swirling flow appeared again, but it was only in the eyes of Zhanzijing. Lu Xinyue, but saw that the whirlpool only came out for a moment, then it shrank suddenly, as if it was just a splash of water in the lake, and it disappeared instantly.

He did n’t feel well. Busy is another week, and he hurriedly said: “Please High Venerable to cast spells, accept the enemy who committed this crime!”

Xu Chengtong was only affected by the Raymond and the shock, and he was almost untenable. Fortunately, his cultivation was not weak, and now he has recovered.

He saw Zhang Yu standing there intact, and his heart felt stable. He looked at Zhan Ziji’s anxious state again and said with irony: “Zhan Ziji, it seems that you are already poor in skills.”

However, he still dared not export ridicule. Profound Venerable, otherwise who knows whether the lightning just fell on his head? Zhang Yu can stop it, but he can’t stop it.

Zhan Zijing was deaf to this. He kept on praying for several weeks, but there was no response.

He finally realized what he was, straightened his back, and then slowly turned around, sighing: “Patrolling Protector is a good deal. I think it was the Profound Venerable Dai from Yiwei Celestial City, right? After all?” I was too lucky. “

He knew that when Zhang Yu arrived, the whereabouts of Gloom City had been exposed to Legs Constellation.

If he is decisive, he should leave desperately after the arrival of Zhang Yu, then he must be able to get out of it.

However, as the first person, how could he be willing to leave this Celestial City in vain?

He shook the head and stopped talking. He just sat cross-legged on the spot and closed his eyes.

Xu Chengtong walked to Zhang Yu and said, “Patrolling Protector, what do we do when we get down?”

Zhang Yu glanced at the motionless exhibition sitting in the light curtain , Said: “Deacon Xu, you are here to watch this person on my behalf, I will pick up the rest.”

Xu Chengtong said: “Okay, I will watch this person for Patrolling Protector.”

Zhang Yu’s eyes turned around. At the highest point of this magical stage, he saw the situation under Gloom City at a glance.

After a few breaths, the Heart Light on his body moved a bit, as if a brilliant star light flashed, the silhouette was already disappeared from the magical stage.

At this moment, not far from Gloom City, crossing the Heavenly Gate, there are two escape flying boats that are observing the movement of the city from afar.

The soldier in the boat felt the frequent turbulence in Gloom City before, but now it is even more obvious to see that a flying boat is leaving the city and fleeing away. Obviously something is out of the city Something happened.

One of the flying boats immediately traveled back through the Heavenly Gate. It did n’t take long to pass here, but it can be seen that at the moment, there are more than a thousand flying flying boats standing quietly at the other end of the Heavenly Gate .

The boat came to the main boat, and a cultivator came down from the top. The person was quickly invited to the main cabin.

In the main cabin, stood a burly body, thick shoulders, about 40 years old Armored Colonel, he saw this daoist, asked: “Chen dao cultivator, what is the opposite situation?”

Cultivator Chen surnamed him with a gift, saying: “Li colonel, since two moments ago, there have been a lot of turmoil in this Gloom City, and then the sound of the explosion of the discovered weapon.


After this, a higher boundary mighty figure internal qi appeared, but it soon disappeared, and now there are many flying boats escaping outside, when Zhang Xun succeeded. “

Li colonel praised: “Well, it ’s really good! Well! Send me the whole army and send forward!”

deputy reminded: “colonel, no Confirm again? In case … “

Li colonel waved his hand and said,” What ’s better to confirm? Is n’t the thing obvious already? Let ’s subpoena. “

He knows that deputy is for prudent purposes, but the problem is that in addition to their own team, their guard team also has many cultivs from Jade Capital. The ator guard, as long as it does not encounter Profound Venerable, how can it be easily retreated.

But there must be Profound Venerable to lower the might. Whether they are withdrawing or advancing, the result is the same, so there is nothing to hesitate.

As the mang light flashes on the main boat, more than a thousand flying flying boats simultaneously release the rays of light, and then head towards the direction of Heavenly Gate. The ships sailed out and quickly opened a fighting array in the void.

At this time, the main boat also confirmed the news again from another patrol flying boat staying here.

In fact, there is no need to confirm it. At this time, everyone can see that more and more flying boats are escaping outside Gloom City, which definitely shows that there is a big problem inside.

Li Colonel quickly figured out the situation and sneered: “A group of stray dogs! Orders, give me a step forward to intercept them, and do n’t let anyone out of sight!”

Order, the flying boat of the fleet scattered out various squads, and flew out, and went to intercept those flying boats that escaped.

Within the magical stage light curtain, Zhan Zijie suddenly opened his eyes at the moment. He took out a risky light magical item from the star bag and looked like a flying boat.

Xu Chengtong has been staring at him. When he saw his behavior, he could n’t help being vigilant and mockingly said: “Zhanzi Silence, could it be that you want to escape? You are not saying that you are in this restriction array Isn’t it impossible to go away? “

Zhan Ziji has recovered his previous calmness at this moment. He smiled and said,” Will I stay here to die? Naturally, I have to try to escape As for this restriction array, where would I really trap myself in a Danger Land with no escape route? “

It was only when he closed his eyes that he did n’t do anything, but through the array Pivot secretly paid attention to the movement outside, and found that Zhang Yu was far away from this magical stage, and there was a fleet from Legs Constellation outside. He naturally had to manage to get out.

Xu Chengtong said with a sneer: “Do you think you can go away? In my opinion, Patrolling Protector Zhang deliberately left, that is, let you come out from here, so that you can clean up.”

Zhan Zijing smiled and said, “I do n’t know why, but there is still a glimmer of survival at the moment. If you stay, it is a dead end.”

After tossing the magical item out, and then reading the magic spell, during his spellcasting, the object suddenly changed into a small boat for two people. He stepped on it with one foot, and saw the clouds surging, and the small boat Wrapped up, a bright light in front of the boat’s head lit up, and as if to lead the way, the flying boat rose slowly upwards, although suddenly, he rushed towards the light curtain.

Xu Chengtong is willing to let him leave so easily, but also an escaping light, follow him up.

The little cloud boat came to the sky above the light curtain in a blink of an eye. This leap through the sky is coming!



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