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Zhan Zijing stood on the boat, standing against the wind, with the jade lotus clear on his head, long beard fluttering, his robe dancing, and the surrounding clouds surging, looking like a true deserving of True Immortal appearance.

He had expected that Zhang Yu would not let him go. Seeing the sword light coming from afar, he took a handle from the star bag and hit it at the bow of the boat, and the clouds gathered under the boat. , It blocked the sword light.

This cloud is actually not mysterious. External forces come and can use it for his own purposes. He originally wanted to use the power of a flying sword to accelerate his escape, but after this contact, he found that the strength of the sword was completely One can never borrow half.

He did n’t dare to compete with the flying sword, and was afraid of being dragged here, so he knocked the bow of Ruyi again and accelerated away.

This boat is so fast, Xu Chengtong ca n’t catch up after trying hard. Instead, he whispered: “old thief actually hides such a hand!”

Zhan Zijing shook Xu Chengtong away, glanced down, and saw the four flying boats from Legs Constellation in the four rounds of Gloom City to flee the people who had escaped.

He secretly sighed, at this moment he was insecure, and he naturally could n’t care about it. It ’s just that each minding their own business flying to the sky in the distance, but not far away from Gloom City. I thought, looking back, I saw a white boat being moved towards himself, and its speed was not slow at all.

He felt a little bit under his heart, and after thinking about it, he set off a small boat and drove to the flying boats that were fighting.

This boat is extremely flexible, and because the ten feet long is short, it is not very eye-catching. With those flying boats as a cover, it seems that the flexible swimming fish generally rotate in it.

Zhang Yu stood in the white boat and stared at the small boat. He and Zhan Zizhen had different ear choices. Anyone who saw a flying boat from Gloom City did not go to avoid at all, but Choose to hit it directly.

Those flying boats that ca n’t escape, are immediately smashed by the white boat.

Compared to the people who fled here in Gloom City, the flying boat on the Legs Constellation side was very disciplined. They recognized that the white boat was the vehicle of Zhang Yu. Seeing that they were chasing the boat, passing glow of light message transmission, the flying boat immediately avoided both sides on the way, making a spacious way for him.

In the flying boat in the front, each and everyone armored soldier flew from the avocado, forming a spirituality light curtain, trying to block Zhan Zijing.

Zhan Zijing glanced, these light curtains are nothing in front of him, but if he now conflicts with these soldiers, it will definitely be dragged here, so it is a fly The boat, relying on the flying boat is small and fast, but actually passed through the two flying boats.

Zhang Yu sees this, his thoughts move, the white boat collapses and melts a hole, and a rotating discovered weapon flew out of it, also followed through the gap between the two boats. Go out.

The discovered weapon flashed a little while there was still some distance from the boat, and then burst out.

At the same time, he himself is a step forward, the silhouette pierces out from the white boat, and Huaguang rushes forward.

At this moment, Zhan Ziji is moving the clouds and smashing the impact, and taking advantage of it to become the thrust of the boat. In this way, the speed of the boat becomes faster.

Because this is a discovered weapon capable of destroying mystical power, the light and heat that burst out obviously obstruct his induction.

And among the rays of light like the raging sun, an azure rainbow jade mist is entwined, walking with a long sword in it, and it looks like it is leaning forward slowly Pulling the sword out of the sheath, as a bright light flashes, it has already been cut in front of him!

Zhan Zijing was also shocked. He never expected that Zhang Yu would use the opportunity of a discovered weapon to burst to the front. It ’s just that he and the deacons who are different from Gloom City have a higher level of cultivation after all. When he noticed that Zhang Yu appeared, he already had the way to move his heart and called the clouds on the boat to block it.

When the word light falls, his expression can’t help but change.

Zhang Yu is a sword with more terrifying power and power. The fog alone cannot cover it, and even a small boat may be cut off by a sword.

Aware of this, he was about to point his hand a bit forward, and as the magical item lit up, magical power surged into him.

Under the combination of these three, the sword was finally resisted by him.

But he is still tense, because the attack of the sword cultivator starts, which means that the continuous offensive will come in the future, and the stamina will continue, then it will not stop. This is very difficult to deal with. .

That’s why he had to leave before and refused to confront Zhang Yu head-on.

Zhang Yu ’s sword cut was blocked by the opposite, but his purpose of getting close to the enemy was achieved, and the subsequent sword momentum also followed, and every sword was swept, all wrapped up. With the power of move mountain, collapsing sea.

Under this word momentum, a small boat controlled by Zhanziji seems to be caught in howling wind and torrential rain, which may be overturned at any time.

But in the end he has a deep cultivation base, and his eyesight is brilliant, he can make a correct judgment on Zhang Yu ’s every sword and eliminate the power to resist it, because he is still constantly flying at the moment, Therefore, it is still possible to rely on twists and turns to cope with evasion.

And he pays a lot of attention, every time he uses the help of magical item protection, and never fights Zhang Yu alone with his own magical power.

He knows his own pros and cons deeply, and he has learned a lesson from the cultivator that Zhang Yu had killed before, so each step is extremely careful.

But he also knew in his heart that blind guards are impossible to ensure that there are no omissions, and Zhang Yu ’s heart force seems to be profound, even if the competition is consumed, he always insists on this If there is no other means, it may die at any time.

He eagerly calculated, and when his consciousness moved, a shadow transformation appeared on the side. When the magic magic mantra took it, a rainbow of light swirled out, and everything he passed was left. A condensed white light.

Zhang Yu didn’t pay attention to it, and urged Song of Cicadas Sword to fly to meet, but under a sword, he cut off the white trainer.

The incarnation sees this, and then takes the magic mantra, the white rainbow is dissipated when the broken part is cut off, and the broken part grows again, still entangled.

Zhang Yu’s eyes were light flashed, the offensive on the front remained unchanged, and Song of Cicadas Sword once again cut off the extended Changhong, easily cut it off, and then shot forward.

The incarnation is yet to run the magical power again, but the sword light passes from above its head, shakes twice, and then turns into a cloud of smoke.

Zhan Zijing ’s expression remained the same, playing the same old trick, and another incarnation appeared in the field, but after only insisting on the number of interest, it was annihilated by Song of Cicadas Sword.

Despite the limited power of incarnation fighting, he did not give up such practices. Every moment, an incarnation will be called out to make him attack Zhang Yu with the main body.

The main purpose here is to make up for the weak spots and loopholes that may be exposed after a long period of time. In addition, there is a deeper intention.

Zhang Yu is light flashed at the moment, Zhanzi still has full tenacity, and deserves to be the first person in Gloom City. Under his attack like a tide, he can still hold steady, although this is also Borrowing the help of magical item, it can be replaced by another person, but it may not be able to do so without missing.

At the same time, he can also perceive that his people can keep so stable, because there is still perseverance in his heart, or if there is still a means that has not been used, or that the other party firmly believes that this means has been used. , Or may reverse the situation.

After a long battle, the two emerged as an incarnation, and rushed to attack him with the main body.

Zhang Yu is still fighting with the Song of Cicadas. After a few swords, he will kill it. During the fighting at this time, he has been killed. More than ten incarnations have been killed in succession, this time It looks very common.

But at this time, he abandoned the boat that he had been chasing in front of him. Instead, he turned around, slinged his sword with a sword, and stabbed into the void somewhere, and then a sudden meal.

In the past moment, there seemed to be a wave of smoke swaying in front of the sword tip in the past, and a silhouette of Zhan Ziji emerged from there. He looked at Zhang Yu and sighed, saying: “It covers everything, but it still breaks you.”

At the same time, the Zhanzijing hiding in the boat shattered.

It was only at that moment that he used the technique of transposition, swapped himself with incarnation once, and hid aside, intending to deceive Zhang Yu, but ultimately failed to succeed.

Zhan Zijing took a step back and walked towards the boat.

Zhang Yu did not stop him this time, looks at it step by step on the boat.

After standing still on the boat, Zhanzi stretched his robe sleeves, sat down, and then lowered his head, but the skin and bones of his body collapsed, turning into a plume of smoke and dispersed. However, it was his people who used their last breath to dissolve their own fleshy body.

On top of the boat, in addition to all the rotten robes, there is also a star bag left there, not at all with its vitality.

Zhang Yu gently shook the long sword in his hand, took it back, put it into the scabbard, and then called on his heart again. After a while, the white boat flew from a distance.

He waved his sleeves and put the boat into the white boat. He came to the main cabin to sit down, turned the bow of the boat, and flew back.

He looks into the void, Zhanzi still stands as the first, magical power cultivation is not weak,

If Daoist Yue is just strange, he loses the right, and this one has taken care of it These two sides, but their people have no fighting spirit, just blindly want to escape, this is nowhere compared to Daoist Yue brilliant.

This may also be because it has been in charge of Gloom City for too long, and has been thinking of using tricks to solve the incident, so that instinctively avoids the positive battle.

From this perspective, the true cultivator does not blend into the enter the world, but it actually makes sense.

But from the root, this is also because the cultivation is not enough, the road is not clear, even though the magical power is deep, the battle strength is not weak, but from the cultivation cultivation base, it is actually far less than what he encountered before Bai Xiu.

When he was thinking about it, when he saw an escaping light coming up, but Xu Chengtong came afterwards, he opened the cabin door and let him up.

Xu Chengtong arrived in the main cabin and tried to ask: “Patrolling Protector, I do n’t know that the show is silent …”

Zhang Yu calmly said: “I have been cut for me

Xu Chengtong was relieved when he heard it. Zhanzi was the first one. He knew more secrets than him. If he surrendered, it would be more useful than him.

But even without Zhanzijing, Gloom City’s role was greatly weakened. He couldn’t help feeling a sense of crisis. At this moment thoughts stirred, he confronted Zhang Yu and said: ” Patrolling Protector, this Gloom City still contains many rare treasures, now in the city hub, Xumou willing to take one of Patrolling Protector and take it out. “

…… > p>


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