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In the wasteland, a hidden flying boat landed steadily on a relatively gentle hillside. The entire boat changed for a while, turning into a gray color, which looked almost the same as the mountain .

Chang Li penetrated from inside the boat. He looked at the vast broken terrain under his eyes and slowly drifted down.

After confirming that the army inspector had been safe for more than a month, he decided to come here to retrieve the jade bead.

This thing is very important. The things given by Profound Venerable are unusable and cannot be easily lost, and if they find the right opportunity next time, the thing can still be used again.

At this time, I suddenly saw a flying boat flying over the top of my head. After a few breaths, I drove past again.

He looked up and recognized that this was the campaign squad scout flying boat, in other words, Wu army inspector was coming soon.

So he thoughts move and the silhouette became unreal. At this time, he took a broken piece of porcelain from the star bag and threw it on the ground, and the whole person wasappeared.

After scouting the flying boat, a densely packed fleet appeared in the distant sky.

Wu army inspector led a small team out of the home team alone, and flew in one direction along a dry river bed.

The young cultivator staring at him in the back noticed this, but also followed, because he was afraid that he would be spotted by the campaign squad, so he just hanged it far away, not daring to get too close.

Wu army inspector passed a hill, the flying boat simultaneously of his team sank down, and then disappeared for a moment under the cover of the terrain, and at the same time, all the flying boats appeared for a while. The change, after reappearing again, flew away in different directions.

Because the young cultivator is following a long distance, the disappeared moment has not been able to be watched, but it is not clear at this moment, which one is the flying boat that Wu army inspector is riding.

But fortunately, he knew that he was not staring at himself, so after thinking about it, he chose to follow one of the suspected pursuits.

Wu army inspector is very cautious, even if he does n’t know that someone behind him is following him at this moment, he does n’t take it lightly. In the name of investigating, he let all his flying boats be sent out.

After turning around alone for a few times, his eyes swept somewhere, but he saw something on the ground shimmering rays of light.

He let his friends continue to control the flying boat, but he came to the side of the flying boat cabin and jumped from the sky as the cabin door opened.

He was still in the air, his eyebrows flashed, and he instantly turned into a tall metal giant, while waving his hand, a high-collar military uniform shaped like a large cloak was draped over him.

He did n’t weaken his impact. He let his huge body fall to the ground and hit a small hole. His knees bent slightly, and he straightened up without any damage and was hit from the hole. The coming ramp came up.

He walked to the front, took the broken porcelain piece over and picked it up, and looked at all around.

There was a voice behind him: “You came early.”

Wu army inspector turned around and saw Chang Xu standing in the distance. With a hard hand, he crushed the porcelain pieces and let the debris fall to the ground.

He said solemnly: “When the garrison is set off and when it arrives, it is not under my control, at least it is early, and it will be late.”

Changli said: “It’s not good to come late or come early,”

Wu Army inspector said: “I do n’t have much time. If you do n’t want to take things away now, then I will go back.”

Changli looked at him, said with a smile: “You do n’t have to try, I ’m not going to treat you, Wu army inspector, you do n’t deserve us to do this, but you keep it, but it is more useful to us. . “

Wu army inspector is silent, but he relaxes a little in his heart. Changli is far better than him. If you want to take him, you do n’t need to lie to him.

Chang Long casually said, “What about things?”

Wu army inspector extend the hand, and read a few words that look like spells. The spirit rays of light shook for a moment, and then a light appeared slowly in the hand, and a palm-size copper appeared on it. cassette.

Chang Li suddenly extended his hand, suddenly appeared in front of him, and grabbed his wrist.

Wu army inspector’s expression under the metal mask changes, said solemnly: “What does this mean?”

Chang Laughed, turned her head and said, “Woo army inspector should not be nervous, just beware of those who follow you take this thing that ’s all.”

Wu army inspector realized something, turned around and saw a light and shadow appearing in the distance, as the light and shadow gradually converged, Xu Chengtong walks from inside.

Inwardly shouted in his heart. Unfortunately, only when he saw the copper box coming out, he wanted to go up to snatch it, but didn’t expect his breath to be revealed by the other party.

Changli looked at him and said with great interest: “Looking at the appearance of driving, I remembered one person, but driving is Xu Chengtong of Legs Constellation Gloom City Xu Deacon?

I heard rumors that you have been captured by the Military Affairs Office since Gloom City was broken. Now it seems that you are selling their lives for them? “

Xu Chengtong sneered: “Is there anything to do with Zunjia?”

Chang Hui faintly smiled, says: “Wu army inspector, give me things, you can go.”

Wu army inspector did n’t dare to say much, let go of the box when the hand was loose, but this thing was not at all dropped to the ground, as if it was being pulled by an invisible hand He walked forward.

Chang Ling held the copper box and released his hand that grabbed Wu ’s army inspector, who knew that he had no ability to stay in front of the two cultivators and flew away.

Xu Chengtong did n’t move much while standing there. Compared to Changli, Wu ’s army inspector obviously did n’t matter.

Only he looks at Changli with fearlessness, and he is also very cautious not to take random shots, as long as the other party does not leave, he would rather spend here.

Changli put the copper box in his sleeve, but he also wanted to join the army. The army inspector generally collected this properly, but he needed to read the spell, but Xu Chengtong was on the opposite side, obviously he would not give him this opportunity of.

He laughed and said, “I have something to do today, so I will not be here to accompany.” His body flicked, and he came out of several people exactly like him.

Xu Chengtong’s expression changed, but he knew that he was improper. Immediately, a surge of magical power on his body, a piece of white sand surged from behind him, within a circle of several dozen li, the gully collapsed, and the wind fluttered.

Chang Laughed and said, “It’s late.” He stood still, and the people who looked like him suddenly flew to several places.

Xu Chengtong ’s expression of abnormal hate came out, because he recognized that the method used by the other party was very similar to Daoist Yue ’s divine ability dao art, and these two people are definitely related.

But Daoist Yue’s ability is the most annoying. The opponent knows the changes, and there are few ways to crack it.

At the moment, being excited by the sand storm, the silhouette standing in the same place was disintegrated with a bang. The silhouette flying halfway also had several successive broken ones, but some still ran out.

But for a moment, Chang Yi reappears in place, and he faint smiles, “Deacon Xu, are you staying here to look at me, or are you looking for those incarnations?”

Xu Chengtong snorted, he really could not find out where he really was, but he knew that it was absolutely inappropriate for him to stay in place, so he waved his sleeves and crushed the mad magical power, and once again shattered the silhouette of Changli , And then chase away by himself.

After a few breaths, Changli appeared again in the same place. He looked at Xu Chengtong’s direction and played with a smile. He said, “What if I catch up?”

“Is it?”

Changli heard this voice, and could n’t help her expression change suddenly. Suddenly turned around, she saw a young daoist holding a long sword, dressed in jade-colored big cloak, appearance like a celestial standing there.

His eyes were condensed, but he no longer calmed down before, very nervous: “Zhang Yu?”

In order to deal with Zhang Yu, he naturally also tried to understand Zhang Yu’s experience, but the results were arranged one by one awesome, he thought that in front of this person there is no chance of winning.

His body was scattered, but at this time, Zhang Yu glanced at him. His body could not help but was slightly paused. At the same time, he seemed to have several bright flashes of light flashing towards him.

He did n’t know what he was doing. Divine ability turned into silhouettes again, but under the bright light, they were shattered. At this moment, he also knew that if he did n’t pay some price, it would be impossible to get away safely. of.

He clenched the teeth, flicked his hand, threw the copper box far away, and flew into the sky.

He knows very well that after throwing the copper box, at most the things can’t be recovered, but his life is possible to be preserved, but if the thing is guaranteed by death, it may lead to the loss of the character.

Zhang Yu stood still, looking at not at all to catch up with Changli’s plan. He just turned his gaze, and the copper box flew back again, hovering in front of him.

He saw the prohibition of not at all above, and his mind turned. This thing opened a gap, and he could see a glittering bead inside. This was the jade bead that the created person said.

What he needs to know now is what strength is aimed at himself, but since there is Profound Venerable on it, then Profound Venerable must know each other, so it is better to look for it slowly. Take this thing to the reporting place and ask.

Chang Hui has been flying for a long time. Seeing Zhang Yu never came, he could n’t help but relax. At this time, he dared not go back to find the flying boat, and he did n’t dare to stay on Legs Constellation. Prepare to escape the atmosphere and leave this star.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt that his body was empty, and he was shocked to find that his arms were separated from the body for no reason, then the legs, and then the body, all of which were scattered.

It ’s just that between the moments, his body was completely split and separated, leaving only one head remaining intact. At this moment, he did n’t know that he had already hit the means, but he refused to give up, intending to control the flying of this head go back.

But not too far away, a bright light erupted from the mouth, ears, eyes, and nose, and the divine soul within the brain scattered, and then fell from the air.

Falling for a long time in the air, finally hit the ground with a bang, this head hit a hole on the ground, bounced a few times, and finally rolled to the foot of Zhang Yu, but at this moment it seems to be already Beyond recognition.

Zhang Yu glanced at her, waved her sleeves, and the head was smashed into a soot.



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