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An escaping light flew in the distance, and suddenly came close, and fell on the side of Zhang Yu, waiting for the rays of light to disperse, Xu Chengtong appeared from the inside, he quickly owed a gift, said: “Patrolling Protector , Xu Mou was incompetent and almost let this person go. “

Zhang Yu said: “This is not Deacon Xu’s fault. His divine ability is indeed unique, similar to that of the Deacon has several points of similarity.”

Xu Chengtong immediately said: “Patrolling Protector is really clear as a flame, but no matter how cunning this person is, in the end, Patrolling Protector can’t escape the palm.”

Zhang Yu said: “This person is too anxious.”

Changli only has his divine ability “Zhuheng Changyi”. Once the cultivator hits his divine ability, he must keep his magical power Heart Light within certain limits, not before the divine ability disappears. How drastic changes.

If you do n鈥檛 pay attention, then the divine ability will turn and the body will collapse, no matter how you change the incarnation, it is useless. If the person can self-examine in time, it is still possible to escape after the divine ability disappears.

Xu Chengtong glanced at the copper box and said, “Patrolling Protector, Xu was always unable to find this thing before. Now, it seems that this generation used this hidden magical item to hide it. “

Zhang Yu said: 鈥淚t 鈥檚 not surprising that this involves the gift of Profound Venerable, so it 鈥檚 reasonable to be so careful.鈥?

Xu Chengtong quickly agreed to say yes.

At this time, several escaping light drops from the sky revealed four young cultivators, all of whom were brought up by Xu Chengtong from the prison this time. I met Zhang Yu and Xu Chengtong at the moment, both of whom came up respectfully.

Besides them, the army inspector is also among them, but at this moment his outer armor is covered with cracks, which looks extremely embarrassing. One of the cultivators reached out and pressed behind his back. He couldn’t help with the several steps in front of Lord, and then he knelt down on the ground, barely supporting his body.

Wu army inspector gasped, he insisted that the outer armor did not untie his body, which seemed to be the only barrier that could protect his dignity.

Xu Chengtong devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence asked: “Wu army inspector, why do you want to pass the enemy?”

Wu army inspector lifts the head, the face under the face armor sneered, just said: “Communicate the enemy? Where are the enemies? I asked myself I have never done anything that is sorry about Legs Constellation. The battles between people have to involve others. “

Xu Chengtong said: “Oh? Then you talk about, who are those who instruct you?”

Wu army inspector said: “I have said that it is some cultivator. I don’t know who it is, and for me it makes no difference.”

Xu Chengtong said: “So how do you know they are not sent by Shangchen Heaven or Gloom City?”

Wu army inspector is silent.

At this moment, a buzzing sound was heard, and everyone looked up and saw that multiple flying boats were flying towards here.

The flying boats came over them, but not too far forward. When the door of the leading flying boat opened, a metal giant in a military uniform appeared above him, and he flew down when he went out.

After getting the military uniform to cover the void external influence, these armed soldiers can fly boldly without worrying about loss, and their strength has been greatly improved compared to the past.

After the metal giant landed in front of them, they greeted them cup one fist in the other hand and said aloud: “Under Diguang, the army inspector is the soldier in our army. If he does something wrong, That should be handled by me, but you are lynching him, is this not appropriate? “

Xu Chengtong took a step forward and gestured to Zhang Yu, saying, “This is Profound Court Patrolling Protector Zhang. Previously someone secretly murdered Patrolling Protector Zhang, but this Wuwu army inspector was involved in this matter. We really do n鈥檛 know if there are any associates in your army, so we can only capture them. “

Di Colonel was somewhat surprised, and then he raised his eyebrows: “Even if Patrolling Protector Zhang, before you get someone, you must show your voucher, you can’t do it for no reason.”

Zhang Yu said: “Di Colonel, I have already notified this matter at Office Lord Hong, but the matter is more involved. For confidentiality reasons, Di Colonel was not communicated. As for this person, I have to bring it back for interrogation. If it involves too much, it will be placed in your army. Not only will he not be guaranteed, but it will only hurt his life. “

Di Colonel looked at him seriously for a while. He pondered for a moment and said: “Patrolling Protector can take people away, but he needs to give Dimou a written statement.”

Zhang Yu nodded and said: “This is all right.”

He is not dissatisfied with this responsible colonel, and according to the rules, he should do the same. He immediately took out a decree with a surname and gave it to his person.

Di Colonel took a few glances seriously after taking it, and after receiving it, cup one fist in the other hand, and turned back in a vertical direction, and then the flying boat also turned away.

Zhang Yu waved his sleeves, a white smoke flew away, and suddenly a white boat appeared in front of everyone. He said: “Deacon Xu, you bring this Wu army inspector, we will leave here first.”

Xu Chengtong should be busy.

Zhang Yu stepped into the flying boat. Xu Chengtong also took on the army inspector and greeted the four cultivators.

In a few minutes, the white boat flew into the air and turned back to Tanquan State, but after a while, the flying boat landed firmly on the open space in front of Zhang Yu 鈥檚 house.

After Zhang Yu got off the white boat, he asked Xu Chengtong to take Wu 鈥檚 army inspector onto the main hall.

He sat down on the table and said, “Wu army inspector, since you said you have n鈥檛 done anything that is sorry for the Military Affairs Office, then I ask you something, and I hope you can be honest.”

Wu army inspector said: “I don’t know much.”

Zhang Yu said: “Just say you know it is better.”

Wu army inspector looked at him, and bowed his head for a while, before saying: “In July last year, a cultivator found me and asked me to cooperate with their arrangements at an appropriate time. Subordinates provided good robe and promised to provide various creation support.

Because we are campaign squad, not the main army, we are allowed to receive donations from outside, and after getting a guarantee not to violate the law, I agreed to them.

Since then, they have not contacted me. Until more than a month ago, they sent a letter asking me to try to meet a created person and wait for the follow-up arrangements. I did so.

Since then, they have sent a second letter, asking me to manage the created person and manage to send back what they got. They also explained the specific method in the letter. “

Zhang Yu then asked: “Where is the letter?”

Wu army inspector said: “How can I keep things like that?”

Zhang Yu said: “Since you have accepted the creation supported by these people, you should have an observer?”

Wu army inspector admits: “Yes.”

Zhang Yu said: “So tired of the army inspector, you wrote the original contents of the letter silently.”

Wu army inspector was silent for a moment, and said, “I need pen and paper.”

Zhang Yu gestured, Qing Shu sent the pen and paper, and laid it in front of his person.

Wu army inspector blinked his eyebrows, removed the outer armor, and then leaned down, writing on a white paper with the pen. With the help of the observer, he did n鈥檛 need to remember. The documents of the two exchanges were written silently.

After he wrote the pen, Qing Shu stepped forward to take the paper and presented it to Zhang Yu before the case.

Zhang Yu 鈥檚 eyes look down. From the letters, the sender 鈥檚 sentence sentence is partial to the old, and now the proven cultivator has not used this language for a long time, but it can be seen in the true cultivator. Most of them are cultivators that obey the ancient rituals, especially the old-fashioned cultivator. Not only that, but the curse of the magical item is also very old.

At this point, his pupil light flashed slightly. Although he could not see anything with a retelling of the letter, he had a guess.

He said: “Deacon Xu.”

Xu Chengtong hurriedly bowed and said, “What does Patrolling Protector do?”

Zhang Yu said: “Wu army inspector is a soldier in the army and should not be disposed of by us. You should send him back to the Military Affairs Office and pass the matter to Office Lord Hong.”

Xu Chengtong said: “Just give it to Xumou.”

Wu Army inspector heard his words and looked up, silently cup one fist in the other hand to pay him a courtesy, and then followed Xu Chengtong and the others.

Zhang Yu looked at the copper box in the case after they left. After thinking for a while, he rolled the object into his sleeve, but walked out of his home, escaping light, and flew north to the reporting place. .

No matter where the forces behind it come from, but since it involves Profound Venerable, then it is necessary for him to report to Profound Court.

After a moment, he came to the Land of Extreme North, and after he settled on a Snow Mountain, he took out the Patrolling Protector 鈥檚 seal, and a light appeared in the ice pit, and then he felt To the sinking itself.

As the cultivation improved, he no longer had the sense of trance that he had before. After a while, he stepped on the ground under his feet, and the giant jade, which exudes rays of light, also appeared in front of him.

He took out a post that was already prepared, and presented it one by one. He felt a slight light in his hand, and the notice was flying into it.

Wait not long, the first two rounds above the jade usually swayed like water light lines, and a golden light was spilled, and a channel was formed in a few breaths.

He immediately took a step up, and after several steps, he saw himself entering a palace platform, and the young daoist was holding whisk and stood there.

Zhang Yu was waiting for a greeting, the young daoist waved his whisk, and said: “Patrolling Protector Zhang will not need more gifts. Look at what you said in the report and say you got a treasure from a Profound Venerable. , And give me a look, I would like to see which fellow daoist is. “

Zhang Yu heard this, took the box out of his sleeve, and removed the box lid area, and a jade bead was exposed inside.

The young daoist’s eyes cast, and the jade bead flew to him, just at this time, the jade bead seemed to have sensed something. The rays of light on it burst apart and broke apart.

young daoist chuckled. With a wave of whisk, the bursting jade bead fragments suddenly condensed, and then returned. After a breath, the original appearance was restored. He reached out and took the jade beads into his hands, not being neered Tao: “It turns out to be this one.”



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