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When Zhang Yu and Cao Kang and the others were fighting before, they could see at a glance that these people were roughly at the level, but they would not work here.

At this moment, Gao Zhiyin’s breath is unknown, and his body is also erratic, which is covered by some means.

Under such a protection, whether it is “Zhu Heng Chang Yi” or “Tian Xin Tong Jian” falls on his person, so he came up first to experiment with a “Cicada Wings Flowing Light” technique.

Gao Zhiyin is aware of Zhang Yu ’s past record. She still has the courage to dare Zhang Yu at the moment. On the one hand, she would would rather break but cannot be bend.

All the restriction arrays around this tower are arranged by her own hand, and all the air pulses are in line with her divine ability magical power, and there are various magical items. Here, fighting, her strength can be increased by 30 %.

If she wants to give up her defeat, she will refuse.

At this moment, the flying wings saw a stream of light. She called array pivot and pushed forward with her magical power. After a sip, she met directly.

After the two streams of light came in, they were gradually worn away by array strength magical power, approaching three feet in front of Gao Zhiyin before they were completely eliminated.

Although the attack was completely blocked, she felt a shock in her heart. She could see that the attack that she needed to do her utmost to resolve was only Zhang Yu’s one that’s all.

She didn’t dare to wait for Zhang Yu to attack again, raised her sleeves to take the magic mantra, and opened her lips to make a whimper.

After the sound came out, the statues of spirituality creatures sultaneously screamed, and the spirits of spirituality creatures with more than 100 suppress and seals were stimulated by array strength and all of them jumped out.

Zhang Yu pupil light blinked for a moment, and he almost immediately distinguished them. The spirits of these spirituality creatures were refined by some means, and their temperament tended to be consistent. If they just let these things out, they will gather Go to one place, and then transformed into a divine ability monster.

It was just too slow for him to launch this method. When his thoughts turned, a brilliant light shone out suddenly, and the whole hall was immediately filled, not only into Gao Zhiyin’s mind, but also shone into it. Above the spirits of those spirituality creatures.

For a time, these souls fell into the sun like a snow, and the suppress and seal stone statues had not yet been fully produced, so they were simultaneously destroyed and turned into smoke.

Gao Zhiyin has array strength and magical item protection. When she is focused, she blocks the “Illusory Light Divine Cut” technique. But in this way, she is unable to support those spiritualities. She can only watch at at These things that took a lot of hard work to refining have dissipated before they had any effect.

As Zhang Yu erased these things, neither too fast nor too slow raised his hand and pointed a finger towards the front, and a “Sun and Moon Shine Again” was released!

For those who are fighting against him, who are not unavoidable, he is also willing to greet this mighty divine ability.

Gao Zhiyin’s expression changed, but she clenched her teeth, and her straight temperament made her refuse to take a step back. With all her heart, she immediately mobilized all the array strength magical items around to protect herself.

In a flash, a dazzling light bloomed on the entire tower, as if sun and moon fell together. The earth state under the tower only felt a sky above the sky, and then there was a white cloud Guanghua, after a while, was a tumultuous sound!

Under this blow, all array pivot magical items burst together, but in the endless rays of light, there is a phantom flying out of it, rushing towards the place where Zhang Yu stands Come.

This is Gao Zhiyin ’s Essence Soul Shining Shadow. On top of the shining shadow, she has a possessive divine ability. With the cooperation of the teacher ’s magical treasure, once it rushes into the opponent ’s Heart Light, it may be attached. Stay on top of it, thereby holding down the opponent.

When Sun and Moon Shine Again came, Gao Zhiyin knew that he would not have a chance if he did n’t fight back, so this blow could be said to take all on one throw.

Zhang Yu stood still, but calmly looked at the shining shadow that flew, but the latter had n’t reached him yet, but he first violently swayed, and gradually turned from substance to faint.

Without the protection of the restriction array, the shining shadow was naturally affected by the “Tianxin Tongjian”, so that it was shocked by Heart Light. Knowing that the main body of Gao Zhiyin is being impacted by Sun and Moon Shine Again, take There is not much magical power to support the shining shadow, so it is only halfway through, and it has lost its supposed might.

Zhang Yu looks at shining shadow when he rushed to the place where he didn’t have it, but refused to disperse, so he flicked his sleeves and broke it into a light smoke.

At this time, the dazzling rays of light in the front also converged. It can be seen that the upper end and the four walls of the entire tower tower are nowappeared, and the rest is just an empty platform still there.

Gao Zhiyin was standing, her face was pale, her fingers outside the cuffs were trembling, even though she had no trace of magical power on her body at the moment, with the shining shadow shatter, her spirit was extremely deficient. He just gritted his teeth and refused to fall.

She just expressed a willingness. I did something wrong, and I recognized it, but you do n’t want me to bow down and admit defeat.

Zhang Yu saw that she had lost her fighting ability, and she did not embarrass her again, saying: “Since dao cultivator Gao has lost, then let me take a trip. What you have done before, you need to find Profound Court has an explanation. “

As soon as the voice fell, Gao Zhiyin was surrounded by a beam of light.

Zhang Yu’s consciousness moved, and a white mist floated out from behind him. After landing, it turned into a white boat. The door collapsed and melted, and the light that Gao Zhiyin transformed was moved into the cabin.

He beckoned at this time, the jade beads floating on one side fell into his hands, and then walked into the flying boat. As the cabin door merged, the white boat flew up and blinked.

And within a high tower not far away, the girl who recalled Yuxu woke up at the moment. After her eyes opened, she saw a friendly old man standing in front of her.

The old man said to her: “Are you the discipline of fellow daoist Gao? I am your teacher’s friend Gu Xin, you call me Gu Lao will be fine, I have sent a book to you sect, wait for you The uncle master will come to pick you up. “


Yixu was surprised, she sat up at once, eagerly said: “Gu Lao, teacher how is she now? I want to pass on the Military Affairs Office ……”

Gu Lao reached out and held her, sighed slightly, and shook his head: “Do n’t go, this is your teacher ’s own choice, even if you find the Military Affairs Office, it ’s useless. You know your teacher ’s temper, let her wish it. “

Yixu heard this, her eyes turned red, but she quickly restrained herself and said, “I am understood.”

Gu old daoist: “You have a good rest first.” He was about to leave, and Yi Xu called out again at the back: “Gu Lao.”

Lao Gu turned around and said softly, “Is there anything else?”

Yixu looks at him and said: “Who is that person, and the discipline is saying, who is the opponent of that teacher, can you tell the discipline?”

Gu Lao stroked his beard and sighed: “I will not say this, you will know it sooner or later. That one is Profound Court Patrolling Protector Zhang Yu.”

His looks at Yixu said: “But the cause of this matter is not the fault of this Patrolling Protector Zhang. In public and in private, it ’s all because the fellow daoist Gao is wrong, so you know why the fellow daoist Gao does n’t go Called Tongdao to help? That’s because she was unreasonable. “

Yixu lowered his head.

Gu Lao looks at a little unbearable, comforted: “Do n’t think too much, Patrolling Protector Zhang is not an indiscriminate person. Fellow daoist Gao should not have mortal danger yet.”

Yixu’s eyes lit up, anxiously: “Really?”

Gu Lao nodded and said: “This grasps the old daoist.” He thought for a while, “Yes, if someone comes to you in these two days and says something to help revenge, do n’t trust them. . “

Yi Xu said: “Xie Gu always mentions, the discipline remembers, the discipline will not think of revenge. If the teacher makes a mistake, the discipline is still right and wrong, so do n’t you think that the teacher is not punished enough ?? disciple won’t do that. “

Gu Lao was pleased: “You can think about it like this. You should rest well, reconcile your mood as soon as possible, continue to work hard in cultivation, and don’t live up to your teacher’s expectations.”

After Zhang Yu left the Stomach Constellation, he borrowed Heavenly Gate and returned to the Tanquan State manor. After getting off the white boat, he took care of Qing Shu and handed the book to the Military Affairs Office.

This place is very close to the Military Affairs Office. It is not like Yeya State is remote. It is inconvenient to travel. After waiting for half a day, I saw a light drop from the sky and fall into the courtyard.

The daoist who met him last time appeared here, and the person bowed to him, saying: “Patrolling Protector Zhang, come here to mention people, do not know where they are?”

Zhang Yu said: “Envoy, please come with me.” He took the daoist to the white boat. Gao Zhiyin was trapped there by Heart Light and looked like amber in the light.

The daoist looks at her standing there, with a very hard look, saying: “Oh, the fellow daoist Gao is still this temper.”

Zhang Yu said: “Does envoy know this dao cultivator Gao?”

The Daoist said: “I know, after all, Kui and Wei Ersu have a lot of interactions, and there are only a few of them who are famous.”

He pondered for a while, and said, “Patrolling Protector Zhang, I recently received a report from Profound Court, and only then did I know what happened. Cao Kang’s generation should indeed have done what he did.

It ’s just that Fellow daoist Gao Pingsu did n’t do anything against the found cultivator. I expected her to owe humanity to her. This was her temperament, even if she made a mistake, she would die if she made a mistake. Should be carried on the body. “

Zhang Yu said: “It was also because of this that I didn’t kill her. After Cao Kang was killed by me, if he had waited for the guilty conscience, he would have escaped from the Stomach Constellation and didn’t have the sting of her.”

The daoist unconsciously nods, said: “Fellow daoist can understand, but the punishment is still to be punished. I will take the people away. After the result, the poor Dao will tell Patrolling Protector. . “

Zhang Yu nodded and said: “There is labor envoy.”

The daoist bowed left Gao Baiyin with the white boat, and left in the sky as usual.

Zhang Yu watched him leave and returned to his former residence. He continued to sit down and cultivated, searching for me, and it was a few days later.

In mid-July, Qing Shu came to report: “Sir, Deacon Xu is back.”

Zhang Yu opened his eyes, and inside the rays of light flashed, saying, “Call him to talk.”



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