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Zhang Yu waited for a while, and Xu Chengtong walked in from outside. When he arrived at the seat, he bowed down and said, “Patrolling Protector, this Xu from that person has already figured it out.”

He took a thick report from the star bag and handed it respectfully.

Zhang Yu took it for a look, this report is much more abundant than the contents in the jade talisman last time.

The last thing passed by the discipline was Xu out of caution. Some places not at all said too clearly, but this time some details were added.

With these alone, there is enough evidence to prove that this one is involved with Cao Kang and has participated in the murder of many discovered cultivators.

After he stopped watching, he closed the report and said, “Deacon Xu has worked hard.”

Xu Chengtong bowed in a hurry, and the tone was slightly excitedly said: “It is Patrolling Protector who gave this Xu the opportunity to atone for his sins. If this Xu doesn’t have to work hard, I’m sorry for my conscience.”

Zhang Yu thought for a moment, and said: “Deacon Xu is also working hard. He can rest for a few days. The rest of the investigation should be released in advance, waiting for my command.”

Xu Chengtong mind rouses, he knew that there was definitely something to be done, and he replied: “Yes, this Xu is always waiting for orders.” After he saluted, he walked backwards respectfully.

Zhang Yu glanced at the report and looked far away. The flowers and trees swayed in the courtyard, and the tree shadows swayed below. Even though the sparse broken spot is working hard, it ca n’t be aggregated. together. And the lush foliage grows, it has extended to the corridor and into the eaves.

He lightly said: “It ’s time to trim.”

Righteous Purity lineage and its subordinates, relying on the support of higher boundary mighty figure behind, have repeatedly shot at the talents in the found cultivator.

Because many talented people in the found cultivator are not like true cultivator, there is no teacher biography, and they rely solely on their own power, so they ca n’t resist the secret plot against of these people, which also makes this generation repeatedly succeed. Now it is even more unscrupulous.

Therefore, he has decided in his heart that he is ready to take down the people mentioned in the Xu Chengtong report, so as to deter this generation, and also let this generation realize that there are some things that they cannot do wantonly.

It’s just that this person is different from Cao Kang and Gao Zhiyin, and has a great reputation. If you do it, it will have a greater impact, so he wants to say hello to Profound Court in advance.

He took the pen and paper, dropped the brush, wrote a report, sealed it, put it in his sleeve, stood up, walked into the courtyard, azure light flashed outside, and then saw There was a flash of rays of light above the sky dome, and then disappeared.

A moment later, Legs Constellation earth star Northland.

Zhang Yu landed from the air, took out Patrolling Protector’s official seal, and after the rays of light took photos, the whole person sank into the reporting place. He took out the pre-prepared report and sent it forward, Ren Qi fell into the jade jade in front.

Only at this time, the young daoist not at all showed up, and there was no movement after waiting for a long time.

However, he knew clearly that no one came out to stop him, which means that the opposite party had already acquiesced to it.

Cao Kang and Gao Zhiyin were killed, and the news was unavoidable. Now we need a few people with enough weight to calm down the resentment qi of the found cultivator.

Because the report was already sent, he did n’t stay here anymore, and he stepped back from it, driving the escaping light and returning to the manor again.

After returning to the residence, he not at all hurriedly set off, and for more than ten days, he had been sensing me in the residence.

At the beginning of August, a creation carriage came to the door of the manor, and Wei Lingying and Jin Xiaobai walked down from inside.

Zhang Yu said frankly: “As long as I am the Profound Court Patrolling Protector, then the Wei family army can be regarded as an enlisted hired army under the Profound Court, so I will no longer hold this position, you have this resume, Profound Court will have Any assignment will consider yours first. “

Jin Xiaobai’s both eyes lighted up suddenly, and she grabbed Wei Lingying’s arm and shook it, urging: “sister Wei, what are you waiting for, hurry up, hurry up.”

Wei Lingying took a deep breath. She took the document and gently swiped her fingertips, using her finger as a pen and blood as ink to sign her name.

She then faced Zhang Yu with a cup one fist in the other hand, and said seriously: “Thank you Patrolling Protector for being so important, we Wei family army must cherish this opportunity.”

Zhang Yu nodded, said: “Wei family army has been hired by me, so it is not suitable to stay in Yeya State. If you think it is possible, I can find a boundary outside of Tanquan State for you as Wei family army ’s The resident, but in the future, you need to run it yourself. “

Wei Lingying and Jin Xiaobai were very pleased to hear this, and they were grateful again.

Zhang Yu explained some things to them and let them out. They walked out of the main hall until they walked out of the main hall, and the whole person still had an unreal feeling.

Jin Xiaobai suddenly grabbed Wei Lingying and tried hard to shake: “Gosh, is this true, will I not be in a dream? sister Wei shoot me quickly, shoot me quickly.”

Wei Lingying said ill-humoredly: “Don’t make trouble, Mr. Zhang is so important to us, we have to do things well.” She thought about it and said, “After going back, we first put the ones in Yeya State The industry was disposed of, and the whole army moved to Yeya State. “

Jin Xiaobai became accustomed to Chief Steward, and was reluctant for a while, and said pitifully: “Sister Wei, have you sold them all? The station is made by the old army lord, do you want to stay a little?”

Wei Lingying resolutely said: “No, deal with it all, Mr. Zhang trusts us, and we should show our determination and listen to me.”

Jin Xiaobai like a lack of energy, the voice is low: “Okay.”

Wei Lingying patted her head lightly at this time and said, “Don’t look listless, give me a spirit. When we reach Tanquan State, our Wei family army is like a fish into the sea. To grow stronger, you may not be able to look down on a resident in the future. “

Zhang Yu sat down for a while after disposing of the Wei family army, and ordered Qing Xi to summon Xu Chengtong and said, “Deacon Xu, bring a few of your disciplines and follow me. “

Xu Chengtong immediately realized that it was Zhang Yu who was going to do something with that one. He suddenly shone in his eyes. Somehow, he was very excited at this time and took a deep punch, saying: “Yes, Patrolling Protector.”

After he retreated, he immediately summoned all four disciplines and returned to the courtyard. Seeing that the white boat was parked there, Qing Shu was standing in the melt-opening door Waiting before.

He took the disciple and stepped forward. Qing Shu gave him a cup of one fist in the other hand and said: “Mr. is already in the boat. Xu Deacon please.”

Xu Chengtong didn’t ignore him, but also paid a gift before he walked into the boat.

Qing Shu waited for them to enter the boat, facing the Qing Xi nodded standing under the courtyard, they also turned around and walked into the cabin. Empty, and then the rays of light flashed, then shot into the cloudy sky.



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