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After the white boat entered the inner layer entrance, a cloud of turbulent flashes of Rayman appeared outside.

Zhang Yu looks at the outside room. When he left the inner layer two years ago, he was sitting on a giant boat dispatched by Profound Court. At that time, not at all felt too much.

At this time, he controlled the white boat from the outer layer to the inner layer himself, but he had a very strange feeling.

He feels as if he is emerging from a sluggish muddy pond and into a vast ocean where he can ride freely.

For a while, he seemed to have gotten out of shackles. The internal qi heart force also became more lively, and as he went to the inner layer, the feeling became more obvious.

It ’s no wonder that the forces of the outer layer are trying to invade the inner layer, leaving aside whatever else, only from the perspective of cultivation, the cultivator is obviously easier to reach the upper layer boundary in the inner layer.

From this point of view, those who went to the outer layer cultivator no matter what their original purpose was, they undoubtedly made sacrifices for Celestial Xia.

At this time, the flying boat is slightly lightened, as if to relieve the burden.

He looked up and there was a huge vortex-like cloud layer. The inner outer layer entrance and exit usually take the initiative to draw people or things close to it. Only after such changes, it should be completely out of this place The influence range of the boundary.

It’s just around the white boat. At the moment, it’s still a fog. This is influenced by Chaos Tide, so I can’t see the farther boundary.

In fact, if it is not the inner outer layer, the frequent crossing will cause more and more inner outer layer gateways, and this is a disadvantage, so it will be less inconvenient to travel between the continents.

Fortunately, Chaos Tide has been retreated for the most part, and the situation has completely disappeared. The communication between the Superior Continent can be restored.

Because the inner layer has been completely entered at this moment, Zhang Yu also increased the urge of the idea, a layer of shining light illuminates outside the white boat, and presents a slanting angle, so as to go faster Galloping down several times.

After about half of Xia hour, the clouds that obstructed the sight gradually became thinner, and an endless and uneven land appeared below, but it looked very desolate, only some bits and pieces A little green embellishment.

Zhang Yu knows that although he enters the inner layer entrance to Ilo Superior Continent, it only provides a general location that ’s all.

And because of Chaos Tide, it will also cause them to deviate from the direction, so the person who returns from the outer layer to the inner layer is generally impossible to exactly where he wants to go, and the rest to the end of the trip The last section of the road requires them to find it themselves.

Xu Chengtong looks below the scenery, the expression is quite complicated.

It ’s been more than 70 years, and he has to return to the inner layer again.

When he left, the cultivation base was far less than it is today, and because of the suppression of Chaos Tide, it was impossible to fly for a long time outside the continent. At that time, although the outer layer also had void external influence, it can be resisted by taking pill. However, the operation of magical power is not affected too much.

And now it seems that Chaos Tide has really receded a lot.

He thought for a while and said to Zhang Yu: “Patrolling Protector, Ilo Superior Continent occupies a large area, as long as I wait near this continent, I can listen to the sound of the big river.”

Zhang Yu un’ed, he looked at all around, in fact, even if they deviated from the direction, they are not very young salamander from Ilo Superior Continent, it is also possible to find it slowly, but it is too time-consuming, so Pupil light flashed, and two flying swords were shot out, wandering around the perimeter, looking for the location of this continent.

He said in his mouth: “I have seen from the deacon’s register that fellow daoist Xu used to be a senior continent of Yiluo in the past?”

Xu Chengtong repeatedly scolded Daoist Yue several times in his heart, and the face was respectfully said: “Reporting back to Patrolling Protector, this Xu is indeed a person from this continent, but it is the earliest arrival of the outer layer, mostly Iraq. Luo Superior Continent. Because Ilo Superior Continent was less impacted by Chaos Tide at that time, the first batch of cultivators to go to the outer layer defend came from here. ”

Zhang Yu just asked a few words casually, and he found out that the flying boat was out. He immediately turned the white boat and drove away in one direction.

After about ten breaths, the front seemed to enter an open field, the thin clouds spread out in front of the boat, and then a continent, which was sitting on the endless land, almost occupied the entire horizon. The most striking of these is the two floating Tianhe Rivers wandering above the continents.

The two rivers converge from time to time, circling and rising from time to time, and the sound of the rumbling surge when the river collapses.

Xu Chengtong was also excited, saying: “Ilo Superior Continent!”

Zhang Yu walked two steps forward at this moment. Looking forward, he looked closely, but found that there were two Yau Kyo White Dragon shuttles in the two rivers. It was not just an illusion, but it was really alive. True dragon.

Xu Chengtong saw him pay attention to the true dragon, and explained: “Patrolling Protector, when my teacher taught me the dao technique, I said that when I was here, Celestial Xia would cross the water of ancient Xia and attract the earth artery Rebuild the Yiluo dihydrate, so the dihydrate must have spirituality.

On the arrival of Chaos Tide, a mighty figure was drawn with big magical power to turn Ershui into Chaos Tide, which has become the defender of Ilo Superior Continent. “

Zhang Yu clearly nodded, Chaos Tide is very harmful, Azure Sun Superior Continent has great azure banyan protection, Ilo Superior Continent here has double dragon water, it seems that the other Superior Continent also has corresponding strength protection .

Seeing that he had found the place of this trip, he no longer rushed forward, but collected the heart force and returned, pushing the white boat slowly toward the continent.

Until we approached the edge of the continent, I saw a mist rising from a hill somewhere, and then I saw a flood dragon coming out from them and flying towards them.

Flood dragon was standing with a blue clothed daoist on his back, dragging a rein with one hand. When he came near, he asked the white boat and said, “Newcomer stops, please report your name. “

Zhang Yu said: “fellow daoist Xu, you can talk to him.”

Xu Chengtong mind rouses, he said that he wore a flying boat, communicated with the daoist, and gave Zhang Yu the roster he had prepared for him.

After reviewing the daoist, he told Xu Chengtong two more words, bowed, and then he left the flood dragon again.

After Xu Chengtong came back, he said: “Patrolling Protector is done, but this fellow daoist said, even if I have an envoy roster of the outer layer Military Office, if I want to stay in the continent for a long time, I still need it. enter the name on the register. “

Zhang Yu said: “It ’s okay, we are going to Wonderful Profound Boundary. It has little to do with Zhouzhong and ca n’t stay too long.”

Xu Chengtong thought about it and said, “Patrolling Protector, 70 years ago, the entrance of Wonderful Profound Boundary of Ilo Superior Continent was in Yangzhou and Yingzhou. I do n’t know if it has changed now.”

Zhang Yu said: “I asked in advance that these two places can still be entered into Profound Boundary, but now there are two entrances in Shenzhou and Changzhou in the south.”

Xu Chengtong muttered: “putting it that way, the Wonderful Profound Boundary of Ilo Superior Continent has expanded a lot.”

Wonderful Profound Boundary is transformed from Spirit Pass. The more places you go in and out, the wider the boundary. It is likely that multiple Spirit Passes will be connected in one place.

Zhang Yu knows that Spirit Pass and other territories have not been infested by Chaos Tide, so they are easily targeted by all influence.

Here the true cultivator can firmly occupy this place, that is because in the Ilo Superior Continent, the true cultivator is extremely powerful, and the continent still maintains a part of the old pattern when the proven cultivator was not raised.

This may also be the reason why Huang Menghuan came here, and his people probably want to use the local true cultivator to bless themselves.

Because their entire group entered the continent from the north, he did n’t mean to go around the road anymore, and urged the white boat directly to Yingzhou, which is located in the northernmost part.

After driving for more than a hundred miles, everyone saw a winding long ridge appear in the fog in front, and the ridge directly extended into the sky like Dragon Snake.

At the end, there is a huge archway vaguely visible. Under the sky, the Auspicious Light is blooming outwards. At this moment, many cultivators are flying along the mountain road towards the archway.

Even if they do n’t ask, they can see that it ’s the entrance to Wonderful Profound Boundary.

Xu Chengtong said with a little emotion: “‘ Cars and horses go to the sky, ask in the peak of the cloud, ”Patrolling Protector, this is‘ ask Heavenly Gate ’, did n’t expect for more than 70 years, and nothing changed. “

Zhang Yu raised his eyes and looked at the glittering archway. At Azure Sun Superior Continent, the entrance of Wonderful Profound Boundary is located in a hidden realm, not known to outsiders. It can really be said to be living away from the world. Ilo Superior Continent, but open and aboveboard is there, as if afraid of the world can not see the general.

This shows that the true cultivator of the two states also behaves differently.

In addition, he also discovered one thing. They came along the way and hardly saw the creation. The majority of the people who carried them were spirit birds and animals and a few flying boat magical items.

He urged the white boat, also walking along the winding mountain road, and gradually approached the entrance, where he could see that there was an altar in front of the archway, and a daoist with a crown of feathers standing on it. At this point, they will take the initiative to stop, and will continue to go to the door after the person has asked for a conversation and carried out the ceremony.

This should be the gatekeeper here.

Short time, the white boat also came under the huge archway. After falling slowly, Zhang Yu took Xu Chengtong and the others walks from inside.

After seeing their entire group, the daoist looked at the internal qi, and he looked helplessly. After finishing his clothes, he walked down from the altar and bowed solemnly to the two, saying politely: “Two fellows Is daoist going to Profound Boundary? I do n’t know which fellow to visit on this trip? “

Xu Chengtong stood up and said: “I heard that there has been a grand meeting on Falun Dafa recently in Profound Boundary, so I came here deliberately and wanted to hear the same high theory.”

The daoist nodded and said: “It turned out that I came here for this puja, two fellow daoists and please wait a moment, after I used the mirror, if the recognition is not harmful, put a few into it … offended . “

As he said, he forms a mudra, and a moment of light shone down from the altar, enclosing the entire group of Zhang.

However, this light fell on Xu Chengtong, but when Zhang Yu came to him, he was immediately repelled and scattered away.

The daoist does not feel frowned, saying, “Is Zun Ji a proven cultivator?”



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