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When the daoist said this sentence, he lost his politeness and his expression became cold.

Zhang Yu lightly said: “Yes, Yu is exactly the found cultivator.”

The daoist took a step back and looked at him coldly, saying, “That’s right, I, Ilo Superior Continent Wonderful Profound Boundary, is the true cultivator discuss the dao.”

He glanced at Xu Chengtong and said, “This fellow also has a discipline to enter, but Zunjia and Zunkai ’s creation attendant are not allowed to enter.”

Xu Chengtong was not upset at this time, but panicked and pointed at him: “You …”

Zhang Yu raised his hand and Xu Chengtong immediately closed his mouth, bent down and turned into a respectful look.

The daoist was very surprised, because Xu Chengtong showed that the magical power internal qi was extremely arrogant and placed in the Wonderful Profound Boundary, which is also an upper class. I am afraid that there are not many who can win him, but now Such respect for Zhang Yu, the found cultivator, no doubt shows that his background is quite extraordinary.

Under his looks at Zhang Yu hat, his face is not clear, he thought: “Is it Profound Venerable disciple?”

Zhang Yu said lightly at this time: “Profound cultivator is not allowed to enter Profound Boundary, I do n’t know who set this rule?”

The daoist frowns saying: “In the beginning, Profound Court allowed Profound Boundary everywhere to be a true cultivator closed-door cultivation place on all continents, and it was up to us to say it.”

Zhang Yu said: “Only in name, as long as it is still within the territory of Celestial Xia, everyone in Celestial Xia is eligible to enter.”

The daoist listened to him saying that his heart was unhappy, but because of speculation that Zhang Yu might be a Profound Venerable disciple, he was still patient and said: “If Zun Jia is dissatisfied with this, then go to Profound Mansion Promise, as long as Profound Court orders, Poor Daoist will never stop Zun Jia. “

Zhang Yu said: “It doesn’t have to be so troublesome.” He entrusted the seal of Profound Court Patrolling Protector from the star bag. He said: “I’m here to track down a person. Please ask the fellow daoist to make way.”

When the daoist saw the seal, he was still a little puzzled at first, but when he recognized it, his expression suddenly changed. He surprised and uncertainly glanced at Zhang Yu for a few moments, then bowed his head and bowed a salute, saying: ” It turned out that Profound Court Patrolling Protector was here, offended. “Then he silently retreated to the side, never mentioning the matter of talent.

Zhang Yu did n’t mean to embarrass him. The opponent was just a goalkeeper, and all he could do was follow that ’s all. There was no need to worry about it.

So he didn’t say much, he changed his mind, put the white boat in the star bag, and then walked towards the Heavenly Gate. Qing Shu followed his sword.

When Xu Chengtong passed the side of the daoist, fiercely said: “It’s a confidential thing for me and Patrolling Protector to walk here. I don’t want the fellow daoist to be disclosed to others. If the information is leaked, it will cause The goal is off, but to ask you, do you understand? “

The daoist hesitated a little and said, “Yes, the trail knows.”

Xu Chengtong was satisfied with the nodded. He greeted him and followed the four disciplines behind him into the Profound Boundary entrance.

The daoist saw them go away, pondering for a moment, and then clenched the teeth, mobilizing the magical power to rush inside the body, a bloody color suddenly appeared on his face, and there was blood spilling from the corners of his mouth, and then he held his chest, slowly Slowly back to the magical stage.

Another fellow defender here looked at him like this, and was shocked immediately, saying: “fellow daoist Li, you, how are you?”

Daoist Li was powerless and said: “It seemed that I had a setback when I was running the cultivation yesterday. Today I have been trying to suppress it. I do n’t want it to happen again. The tired daoist turned back and told Quan Uncle Master to say that I need to retreat to heal the wound I’m afraid I won’t be able to come. “

No way, this matter will not be reported. In case something goes wrong, the Senior cultivator in Profound Boundary will definitely charge him, but if it is reported, then the Profound Court Patrolling Protector is easily easy to spare Passing him, in order not to be guilty on both sides, now he can only find a chance to get out.

Zhang Yu walked into the Profound Boundary, and found that the boundary standing at the moment was a lonely cliff, but ten steps square, the cloud was misty around, and the deep ten thousand zhang underneath, and looked Going away, the distant sky is covered with green hills and mist, and the mist and rain are hazy, revealing a beautiful landscape of beautiful colors.

Most of the Wonderful Profound Boundary has been transformed from Spirit Pass, which was originally the land that has not been infested by Chaos Tide on this land. Now after a long-term residential transformation by the cultivator, there is an extra Qi of Immortal Spirit is completely different from the outside world.

Xu Chengtong can’t help but sigh: “Compared with the cultivator’s residence more than 70 years ago.”

At this time, a jiao car suddenly drove past them from afar, but after a section of the road, it turned back, and a forehead with a neat beard came out of the car. daoist.

He looked towards Zhang Yu entire group, and said in a bright language from a distance: “A few fellow daoists went to a technical discussion meeting? If not disgusting, how about walking with Poor Daoist?”

Zhang Yu shouldn’t be waiting, but he looked away, but he noticed that a jade pendant was tied around his waist, and his heart moved slightly, nodded and said: “Okay, then you’re tired of fellow daoist.”

The daoist laughed, reaching for a finger, and suddenly the clouds came together and merged into cloud steps before reaching the cliff peak, said: “Several fellow daoist can get a car.”

Zhang Yu took Xu Chengtong and the entire group along the cloud steps, and soon came to the jiao car, and exchanged names with the daoist. Then I learned that this name is Luo Fuhai. The cultivator in Ilo Superior Continent.

The character of Luo Fuhai is very straightforward. Although he saw them for the first time, he did n’t even see them. After a few words, he asked with a little curiosity: “Fellow daoist Zhang, you are right true cultivator? “

Zhang Yu did n’t shy away and said frankly: “I am a found cultivator, but it seems that the found cultivator is not very welcome in your land.”

Luo Fuhai shouted and shook his head: “profound cultivator and true cultivator are both cultivator, how can there be that many differences? It ’s just that Ilo Superior Continent Many people are too old-fashioned and think they are first class experts, no Willing to be with the found cultivator that’s all. “

Zhang Yu did n’t seem to want to talk more about it, and did n’t delve into it. Instead, he asked, “Luo Fellow daoist, I ’ve been here since the outer layer. It seems that you rarely see creation here?”

Luo daoist looks strange, looks at him: “It turns out that the fellow daoist Zhang came from the outer layer.”

He pondered for a moment before he said: “I Illo Superior Continent lacks creation here, but it is because I Illo Superior Continent’s Profound Leader doesn’t like these ingenious things, preferring to use spirituality instead of creation, I Celestial Xia There are all kinds of spirits and beasts, but it is not used to drive it, and it is very delicious when it is put into the dinner plate. “

Zhang Yu heard his words, and his heart suddenly became clear.

He knew beforehand that the Profound Leader of Ilo Superior Continent is generally a true cultivator like Profound Leader Zhu. This is not that Profound Court looks down on the found cultivator, but that there are few found cultivators that can become Profound Venerable. How many Superior Continent can they care for?

Yizhou Profound Venerable’s attitude is enough to affect the pattern of inner continent. If the attitude is different, the result will be different. The Profound Leader of Ilo Profound Mansion, because it excludes creation, creation cannot flourish in inner continent.

In the conversation between the two, Jiao Che also crossed the Qifengxiu Mountain, Luo Fuhai suddenly said: “Fellow daoist and look, the technology discussion meeting location‘ Shengrifeng ’is in front.”

Zhang Yu looked over and saw a giant peak in front of him, which was shrouded in a cloud of Yeye clouds, and thousands of rays of light rushed from all directions to gather here, and at the moment the peak seemed to support a stream of light. sea.

The Jiao car did not go there, but came to a mountain dwelling leaning on a cliff and settled in the open space in front of Dao Palace.

Luo Fuhai Road: “fellow daoist Zhang, technical discussion meeting will not be open until next month, and now the fellow daoist has not arrived, several fellow daoist may wish to live here first.”

Zhang Yu looked at the Taoist house in front of him. Although it occupies a small area, it is a quiet and elegant place. He said: “Thank you for the fellow daoist.”

Luo Fuhai laughed and said with a deep meaning: “Fellow daoist need not be polite, this is what I should do.”

Zhang Yu glanced at him, nodded, and after seeing this person, he got off the Jiao car and stood on the platform in front of Dao Palace.

Luo Fuhai saluted him on the Jiao car and said in a loud voice: “fellow daoist Zhang, I have to visit several fellow daoist, and after a while, I will meet with the fellow daoist.” When the reins were pulled, the flood dragon shrugged up and drove up into the sky, so he went away.

Xu Chengtong said: “Patrolling Protector, this one is …”

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