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The white boat flew past the station. Indeed, as the Zheng Daoist said, he could see a pile standing on the wasteland and opposite sides.

The piles under ten zhang high are all polished with jade stones all over the body, with luminous stones embedded in them, and there are about one pair every 10 li.

Some mooring heavenly station and flying boat stand on the side of some boundary piles, and a large piece of bright jade glaze is erected above, obviously it is the cultivator stationed here, which should be responsible for patrol and glow of light message transmission.

According to the news of Zheng Daoist, in the past two years, due to the reduction of external pressure, more energy has been transferred to the people ’s livelihood. Now the boundary piles leading to Jade Capital have been completed, and now the two places have gradually recovered. Traffic, and the next step will be to build an underground ride from Jade Capital to Azure Sun.

With these boundary piles, the white boat no longer needs to go to the Chaos Tide on the unexpected side, but at night, the luminous stones inside and at the top of the pile will also shine, so the speed of the boat is also accelerated. .

Only one day later, the white boat came over the original Square Stage station.

In addition to the station, the outside is an army rampart that sits on the desolate wilderness, but now it is centered on the earlier Square Stage station and Heavenly Secrets Institution station, and it has expanded to another larger gathering place. .

From the correspondence that Yun Chen sent to him, there are now three other states in Chauzhong, two of which are Du State and Mi State after the Frost Continent was captured.

These two realms were separated from Azure Sun Superior Continent and belong to the restoration of the old land.

However, because these two boundaries were directly under Jade Capital 70 years ago, and now they are very ruined, so Susaka simply threw the trouble back to Jade Capital.

Jade Capital also accepted it directly, and turned these two places directly into garrison places. After the path was clear, it was already preparing to strengthen the jurisdiction over local continents.

In addition to this, there is another new state, the Square Stage station here, which has been named “Expansion State”, and has migrated 200,000 people from the inner territory of the continent to settle here.

Zhang Yu looked at the sky a few times, not at all stopped here, but continued to travel east. After another Xia hour, I saw a large azure light in front, the silhouette of great azure banyan has Is vaguely visible.

Xu Chengtong looked at the huge blue shadow straight through the sky in front of him, his face was shocked, and asked Qing Shu: “Qing Shu young man, is that just …”

Qing Shu said: “Deacon Xu, that ’s the great azure banyan I said before. I heard that when Chaos Tide arrived, it was a higher boundary mighty figure blessed Azure Sun.”

Xu Chengtong’s eyes showed a trace of awe, as well as a trace of admiration.

It was only after his boundary that he knew what kind of proven magical power cultivation was needed to do this.

While repairing this kind of boundary, you can still abandon yourself without the slightest hesitation and cover all peoples. It ’s no exaggeration.

Although he thinks he cannot be such a person, it does not prevent him from admiring such a person.

It’s just that as the white boat gets closer and closer, when entering the great azure banyan, the hanging branches are slightly shaken.

Zhang Yu immediately felt a burst of coercion coming from outside, but with the light of Profound Corrector and Patrolling Protector’s official seal on his body, the pressure quickly subsided.

For these changes, whether it is Qing Shu or Xu Chengtong and the others, they are unaware,

He understands that if the strength does not reach a certain level, I am afraid that it will not attract the attention of great azure banyan. This should be that his breath power has already far surpasses his peers, which has affected the induction of great azure banyan.

Of course, even at this step, the power of contrast and great azure banyan is still very different. This step is a difference between heaven and earth.

He gazed at the great azure banyan above, looked at the swaying hanging branch, and the thick cloud-like canopy, his eyes became very far-reaching.

Qing Shu said at this time: “Sir, Gao State is coming soon, can you go to Mizar Academy to take a look?”

Zhang Yu said: “No need, there are no old people there. Let’s go to Ju State first and take a walk to Profound Mansion.”

He still holds the post of Azure Sun Profound Corrector, but he has never returned in the past two years. Since he has arrived here, he needs to go to Profound Mansion first.

After the white boat re-enters the continent, there will be more patrol flying boats and creation flood dragons along the way, and you can see that new cross-state arched bridges have been erected.

Although Frost Continent is now extinct and the Taibo Gods and Monsters in the north are also nearly disabled, there are still various chaos monsters and different God forces on wasteland, as well as powerful spirituality creatures, and the most orderly The nature that people are afraid of is Nightmare Demon parasitic insect. No one knows when something will happen, so it is necessary to maintain a certain military strength.

Because the inner continent was inconvenient to speed too fast, Zhang Yu slowed down a little bit. Half a day later, he entered Ju State, and half a minute later, he entered Peaceful Longevity Prefecture.

The scenery here is completely different from the outside. The outside is a group of lakes that are like pearls adorned on the green land, but just across the mountain, it is the Misty Rain Building platform and the Qingshanxiushui like poetry The Celestial Xia is the most ancient realm in the entire Azure Sun Superior Continent.

The crowd in the white boat is now a towering Crane Hall that stands far in the heart of the lake.

Zhang Yu looked around and found that there were many small-scale restriction arrays outside the Crane Hall. In the past, due to the influence of Chaos Tide, the restriction array could not be arranged around the Profound Mansion. It could only be supported by some magical items. Now it is different. As Chaos Tide fades, it is clear that many of the old methods of cultivator are available.

At this time, within Profound Mansion, Profound Leader Yun Chen had already received the news of Zhang Yu’s return in advance through the glow of light message transmission that he had previously sent. At this moment, he also welcomed Daoist Ming Shan.

The white boat slowly stopped outside the Profound Mansion. Zhang Yu took Xu Chengtong and the others steps out. Yun Chen also greeted him. The first ceremony was: “I have n’t seen Profound Corrector for a long time. Profound Corrector can be well. No? “

Zhang Yu has another gift, saying: “Profound Leader is well, even if there are minor problems, it is now all solved.”

Yun Chen couldn’t help but smiled and said, “I know Profound Corrector can’t help it.”

He looked at Zhang Yu at this time and saw that his breath was difficult to discern, and he could not see the depth at all. It should have grown within two years.

It ’s not surprising that the found cultivator is much faster than the true cultivator before the higher boundary, and in his eyes, Zhang Yu has always been an excellent person of aptitude, let alone Ji Jie. Waiting for more outstanding characters.

At this time, in a partial temple of Profound Mansion, a daoist in his twenties appears to be writing in front of the case, and the beautiful characters of each and everyone appear under his pen.

He trims his elegant eyes, his skin is as greasy as jade, and his clothes are extremely neat and wide, but his body is a little weak, and his looks at some are feminine.

He seems quite complacent at the moment, and he is also indifferent to the outside world.

At this time, a discipline ran in and saluted him, saying: “Guardian, that Profound Corrector Zhang is back.”

Wei daoist gently un’ed.

The disciple saw that he did n’t respond, but the voice said excitedly: “The guardian is the new Profound Corrector appointed by Profound Court. However, after the guardian arrives, the Profound Leader Yun always pushes three obstacles, since this Profound Corrector Zhang is back, then … “

Wei Daoist said flatly: “I understood, you go down.”

The disciple was shocked and said, “Guardian?”

Wei Daoist waved his hand at him, but the discipline was helpless, and no matter how much it was, he had no choice but to retreat.

On the other side, Yun Chen asked Daoist Ming Shan to greet Xu Chengtong and the others, and he invited Zhang Yu to the inside.

After the two had a different relationship, Yun Chen said: “Profound Corrector, Profound Court seems to know that Profound Corrector is going to return to the inner layer. A few months ago, a co-worker was sent here, saying that he came to replace Profound As for the Corrector, I am also going to give Profound Corrector a letter to say this. “

Zhang Yu said: “Although I am in the position of Azure Sun Profound Corrector, but I have not been in the middle of the continent for these two years, and I have not done much, and it is time to get rid of this position.”

Yun Chen pondered then said: “Be that as it may, Profound Corrector is not in inner continent, but Profound Corrector is very different when it is or not.”

Zhang Yu ’s reputation was fought in several previous battles, and he completed the merger of various factions in his hands. During this period, Frost Continent was eliminated, and the rebellious creation faction was suppressed. The prestige is unparalleled. .

Although he was absent for two years, this is no different for the cultivator. As long as he is also the Profound Corrector, he is very relieved, but the newcomer may not be convinced.

The most important thing is that Zhang Yu is a found cultivator, so he is also relieved to sit in this position with many discovered cultivators, and now this new Wei Daoist is a true cultivator, which makes Zhu Dao quite uneasy.

Zhang Yu also knows Yun Chen ’s concerns. He thought about it and said, “This way, I still have to stay in Azure Sun for a while, and I will say a few words with fellow daoists when I can calm down. They, again, have Profound Leader here, are they afraid of any injustice? “

Yun Chen nodded and said: “I can only do my best for it.” He is not Profound Venerable. If a Profound Corrector disagrees with him, he may not be able to suppress it, so this is not a polite word.

Zhang Yu does n’t think it ’s difficult, so he ’s not Azure Sun Profound Corrector, or Profound Court Patrolling Protector. If there is anything wrong, everyone can come to him or send him a book. Even if he does n’t show up, he can report to Profound Court.

And he believes that Profound Court will not be unaware of the situation here, but still dispatched a true cultivator, then this one must have a history, and most of them will not act indiscriminately.

After having a long talk with Yun Chen, he fixed some things and he quitted his job and returned to the palace that belonged to Profound Corrector.

He stayed in Profound Mansion for five days, and by the way, he also dealt with some things that should be done by Profound Corrector, but during this period, he never saw the Wei Daoist, obviously This one is very calm.

On the sixth day, he said goodbye to Yun Chen and took everyone away from Profound Mansion, traveling from north to south. It only took half a day to come to the Liang State manor at the southernmost point of the continent .



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