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When the white boat arrived, Qing Mo had received the light from Mangguang a few days ago, and had already stood in front of the lake in front of the manor to meet him.

Behind him, there are more than a dozen created persons, six men and six women, which are all created persons customized at Mizar Academy.

After the cabin door unscrewed and Zhang Yu came down from the boat, Qing Mo took everyone to bow to Zhang Yu for a ceremony, and said in unison: “I have seen Mr.”

Zhang Yu nodded, he glanced at the created person, there are few people in the outer layer house, this time there are these people, enough to fill the vacancy.

He led Xu Chengtong entire group into the manor, let Qing Mo arrange for everyone to rest, and entered the inner courtyard by himself, and changed into a wide slacks robe.

He then sat down on the cushions paved in the viewing gallery, took out dao writing and turned over the looks at.

After arranging everything, Qing Mo turned around and saw Zhang Yu reading a book. He did n’t dare to disturb. He stood under the steps and waited at any time.

After a while, he heard a voice: “Come on.”

He bowed and bowed, and then came to the viewing gallery, said: “Sir.”

Zhang Yu said: “In the past two years, you have been stationing the manor diligently, doing all the things, and being praised, what do you want?”

Qing Mo did n’t say anything polite, because he knew Zhang Yu could see through his thoughts at a glance, and he said: “Qing Mo has nothing to ask, just thinking about whether he can get a robe like Qing Shu. A. “

Zhang Yu nodded said: “You work here, it is really inconvenient to have no robe, okay, I will let you go to Heavenly Secrets Institution to order a robe.”

Qing Mo was very happy, bowed and thanked, “Thank you, Mr.”

Zhang Yu said: “You should also talk about the inner continent situation.”

I learned from Yun Chen that his situation is a big thing, and Yun Chen is only in charge of the cultivator. The specific affairs of the inner continent are the affairs of the two governments, which are not within his jurisdiction. Will talk more.

If he is a Profound Corrector, he does n’t have to go to multiple tubes, as long as the inner continent does n’t have the kind of creation school to target the cultivator, but he still has an identity of Patrolling Protector, so I have to ask one or two.

Qing Mo was already prepared, he gave a command, and an attendant pushed a cart over, with a booklet stacked on it, he said: “Sir, the issues I have found in the past two years are all remembered. Here it is. “

Zhang Yu had a glance, the books seemed to be moved by invisible hands, all flew up, and crash-bang opened, and he circled around him under the gallery, just in a flash , He read all the news accumulated over the past two years.

Then the register book fell back again, and it was stacked there again. It was as good as the original one. The corners were evenly aligned. The four sides looked like a knife. Looks at made people feel Very comfortable.

According to the news submitted, generally speaking, there has been no much movement in the past two years within the continent, because the lack of battles and the restoration of contacts with Jade Capital, the people are more wealthy and stable than before. Too.

As for Heavenly Secrets Institution, since the last incident, Heavenly Secrets Institutions in various places have been under the joint supervision of Profound Mansion and Correctness Examining Division.

Qing Mo said: “My husband collected the antiques that I collected. In addition to the items I had previously sent, some of them have been collected recently, and some of them are larger and inconvenient to transport. They are now placed underground in the manor. Within the library.

There are also clues about some divine items in ancient rumors that Mr. had ordered me to collect. Qing Mo has found a lot of them in the past two years, but they are all unprovable things. “

Zhang Yu said: “No problem, you can send all these records to my study room later, you are working hard today, and go to rest first.”

Qing Mo bowed his hand and retreated respectfully.

After Zhang Yu let him go, he continued to drink tea here. After sitting for a long time, he always felt that there was nothing missing at hand, only to think that Wondrous Pills Lord did not bring it out with him.

He stood up and came to the depths of the manor and walked down a stone staircase before entering the storeroom. Instead of picking up the key, he reached out to the wide stone gate and pressed Heart Light to launch a heavy stone. The gate rumbled to both sides, revealing a huge secret cave built with heavy gold stones.

He walked into it. There are two idols up to ten zhang. I do n’t know where Qing Mo came from. The style has never been seen. It should be the spoils of war after breaking a divine country.

This thing is so huge, and it is still a different God statue. It is no wonder that the outer layer cannot be delivered.

He felt the heat flow from these things, and turned to look at some objects placed on the bamboo and wooden shelves, some were just ordinary antiquities, and some had a trace of heat flow out.

After all, it’s the inner layer. After several epochs, it’s relatively easy to collect antiquities. Unlike the outer layer, there are barren earth stars and ignorant evil god believers everywhere.

While going to the lower layer can be rewarding, but if evil god has been operating for a long time, impossible is everywhere, and the source energy it absorbs will be there after he returns to the inner layer. Weaken.

Eastern Court Protectorate is the easiest way to find these things, because Celestial Xia invests less power there, but there are still many different Gods left, and even the existence of antiquity gods.

In fact, Protectorate only occupies a small area of ​​the land, and to the east of the Mountain of Serenity, there is a wider and unproven area.

When he was thinking, the heat flow was also absorbed by him, and at the same time, he came to the statue and reached up and pressed.

After half of Xia hour, he walked out of the secret storehouse and returned to the study.

Scattered bark, ancient manuscripts drawn by animal skins, and many broken and cracked clay tablets are placed on top of the big case, and some slate with only a few symbols resembling pictures and characters, this should be Qing Mo collected some clues about divine item.

He carefully recognized that if he was someone else, he could not see anything, but his specialty was ancient natural history, and as a cultivator, he could distinguish some useful clues from these things.

When I was looking through it, Qing Mo said outside the door: “Mr. Mr. Wan Ming is visiting.”

Zhang Yu said: “Understood, please ask him to go to the main hall first, and I will come later.”

Qing Mo’s voice outside the door is.

Zhang Yu sorted out the contents of the case and walked out of the study, along the corridor to the main hall,

Daoist Wan Ming was standing here waiting to see him out, mind rouses, cups the hands politely, saying: “Profound Corrector!”

Zhang Yu nodded his head as a gift, saying: “fellow daoist Wan Ming, sit down and talk.”

Daoist Wan Ming should say, he sat down for the first time and sighed: “I have n’t seen Profound Corrector for a long time. Although I am in Azure Sun Superior Continent, I still listen to Profound Leader Yun ’s book about Profound Corrector. The daoist heard, it was also overwhelmed by emotions, and it was inevitable to recall the profound corrector’s conquest of Frost Continent several years ago, to flatten the inner danger and other things. “

Zhang Yu looked at it and said, “Fellow daoist Wan Ming came for the new Profound Corrector?”

Daoist Wan Ming did not deny it and admitted frankly: “I ca n’t hide Profound Corrector. I was indeed entrusted by fellow daoists. Profound Corrector and Profound Court sent Wei Gao here, but he is a true cultivator, not I will really think about it for us, and only Profound Corrector sitting on top of this fellow daoists can be at ease. “

Zhang Yu said: “Is it possible for me to decide privately the position assigned by Profound Court? fellow daoist Wan Ming, I know what you mean, you can go back and tell fellow daoists without too much concern, I have Having spoken to Profound Leader Yun, he will try his best to protect you.

If it’s really troublesome, you also come to the outer layer to find me. As a Profound Court Patrolling Protector, I won’t ignore the fellow daoists. ”

Daoist Wan Ming himself believed Zhang Yu very much, but others were not at ease, so he was asked to come here, but with this promise, he also felt that he could have an explanation when he went back.

And he has a lot of knowledge in mind, and now all the states have established a lot of found cultivator academy, this is Zhang Yu’s proposal, Yun Chen personally led others to establish, as long as Yun Chen is still in office, you are not afraid of being blamed flip over.

If there is not much change, after a few years or even several decades, there will be more discovered cultivators appearing in the continent. At that time, I am not afraid of others about the discovered cultivator.

So he bowed his hand and said, “Yes, I will tell fellow daoists what Profound Corrector means when I go back.”

Zhang Yu nodded said: “Since the fellow daoist is here, I will live in the manor for a few days. I also have something to ask the fellow daoist.”

Daoist Wan Ming was willing to obey himself.

At that night, Zhang Yu hosted a banquet in the manor to entertain Wan Ming. After the banquet, he went back to continue to look at the clues recorded in the old words, but he was sorted out some clues until late at night, this Only then returned to the quiet room.

In the early morning of the second day, he came out of his seat, and suddenly had a feeling in the heart, he walked toward the corridor, but he saw a daoist with a sword on his back, looking out distant sky Lake and mountains.

He said: “senior brother cultivation has improved again.”

Tao Dingfu turned around and smiled and said, “Little one step further. By the way, Jade Airlines Superior Master of Yilu Superior Continent has become Proven Venerable. Is it reportedly related to the junior brother?”

Zhang Yu said: “The senior brother’s news is well-informed. It was true that he had some dealings with this guy while staying at Profound Boundary in Ilo. Does the senior brother know this person?”

Tao Dingfu laughingly says: “This famous expert is a cultivation senior. I just heard about him but I do n’t know it. It ’s Yuhang Superior Master there is a person disciple. Nie, Junior Sister Nie has recently complained to me in letters, so I know some. “

Zhang Yu somewhat surprised, said: “Oh? Nie Senior Sister? Senior brother has the whereabouts of Nie Senior Sister?”

Tao Dingfu said with a smile: “It was only years ago that there was correspondence between letters. At the time, she also had the words of the teacher, so she went to find a way to spread the word.

However, she has a lot of luck as a brother. In the early years, she was valued by a Senior. The Senior personally took her away and took her around to teach her. It is said that she is going to inherit a method of teaching.

Junior Sister Nie is now at Jade Capital. I was invited by a book to invite me to be a guest a few days ago. I expected her to be in trouble. I am planning to go there. The junior brother has not been to Jade Capital. Can Fan want to go with him? “



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