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Zhang Yu’s main body has been in retreat while he was traveling abroad. Yujue’s inner grain has turned into a ray of fresh air and floated into his body.

When I was entering the Ding, I suddenly felt a move in my heart, and it felt like Heavenly Secrets should be sent. He opened his eyes and sensed it, and found that this time was just the time when the court had passed. If there was no accident, it was Profound techniques have been finalized.

He looked towards the outside, and after a while, the duty voice came in from the outside and said, “Shouzheng, there is news from the court.”

Zhang Yu opened the great hall door with his sleeves and said, “Come in.”

A Deity staff walked in with a jade dish in his hands, raised his hands up, and handed it over his head and said, “Shouzheng, this is from Yusu High Venerable.”

Zhang Yu glanced at him, and the jade dish also flew to him in front of him. He took it into his hands and cared in his mouth, “You go out first.”

The Deity bowed down on duty and retreated with respect.

Zhang Yu’s consciousness turned around, and he immediately knew all the passages above Profound Court. From this moment, Profound Court has recognized that the law established by the wind and the high two in the past is not the Fa, but the law he holds. Fang is the Fa-rectification, and he is the one who opened the way for the found techniques higher boundary.

Only Profound Court has made a decision, but this matter will not be so directly announced, but it needs to be first transmitted to the inner layer of the continent of the continent, so that they should be prepared to avoid seriousness. What caused the turmoil, there is no need to guard against the people of Shangchen Heaven and Gloom City to take advantage of the opportunity, so it will take some time to spread the world.

He looked towards the outside world, and the proven technique of the founding name would make many found cultivators on the right path.

Only he also knows that if something like this happens, it must be a blow to the reputation of the found techniques. This is why the Court Managers who previously intended to abandon the found techniques also agree with this matter.

With the separation of the two Court Managers and proven techniques, there is no Court Manager on behalf of the proven techniques. This may give the following people an illusion that Profound Court no longer supports proven techniques. .

What is the foundation of the found techniques? It lies in many Celestial Xia students.

If students no longer choose the proven techniques, then the found techniques will never be the same as in the past, and if there are other options, and they are still supported by Profound Court, then even if Profound Court is not clear Abandoned discovered techniques, and discovered techniques will also decline.

And those who propose to abolish Xuan will certainly do so, because he has already thought about it, the found techniques must have an irreplaceable and extremely powerful effect, so large that the creation is currently incomparable.

He actually has grasped a nodded thread here, but there are still some obstacles that still need a little time to solve. If it can really be done, even if Profound Court really gave up the proven techniques, he can still find a way Pull it back.

Outside of Tanquan State, in the Profound Venerable Yu all disciples station, Bian Lan suddenly stood up from the seat with a look of shock on his face, facing Liang Yi sitting opposite: “senior brother, you, you know What are you talking about?”

Liang Yi looks the same, said solemnly: “I know it myself.”

Bian Lan was very excited, pointing at him: “senior brother, you say these words, put them in the past, then, that is deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors!”

Liang Yi shook his head and said: “You are wrong, the Master has already mentioned something about this, and I just wanted to understand it recently.”

Bian Lan startled, said: “Is the meaning of Master?” He hesitated a little, his tone softened, and said: “But the Master is not here. Although you are a senior brother, I won’t believe your words.”

Liang Yi said: “I will not force the junior brother to believe, but I think you should know that this is more beneficial to your cultivation. In fact, if you get the cultivation method, you don’t need to say it, you can also feel it. .”

Bian Lan said seriously: “No matter true or false, senior brother, please don’t tell these things to the junior brother first.”

Liang Yi said: “No, they have a shallow foundation, and it is useless to say it. It may mess up their dao heart, but this matter may not be hidden for long.”

Bian Lan frowns saying: “What does this mean?”

Liang Yi said: “I can feel such a big movement, and others can also feel it. Do you think Profound Court will be indifferent? I can tell you that there is such a change because of my probable cultivator. A Profound Venerable appeared.”


Bian Lan looked shocked, without asking: “I don’t know how to call this Senior?”

Liang Yi glanced at him and said, “Now that Profound Court is not telling the world, I will not express it clearly, but I think you will know it soon.”

Legs Constellation, Tanquan State.

In the pavilion under the Military Office, Great Craftsman Yu held a report in his hand, and in his voice was unstoppable joy, saying: “brother Long, just before the news from Jade Capital, The proven techniques used to seem to have any problems. They have been named by Profound Court, and it requires us to prepare for the bigger changes.”

He couldn’t help smiling, saying, “Next, it’s time for me to wait for the founding techniques to be replaced by creation instead of creation techniques.”

Great Craftsman Long is also stood up, some say, not quite daring to believe: “Really?”

He took the report and looked at it, and he also appeared inexplicably, and lamented: “True didn’t expect, I really can see this day. Since Heavenly Secrets creation has prospered, we How long have you waited for this day? At least six 70 years?”

For more than 100 years, found techniques and creation have been called opponents in some respects, because creation wants to rise, it must rely on countless talents, especially the handsome in ten-thousand does not have one However, most of these people will be absorbed by the cultivator first.

true cultivator It’s okay to say there, because the conditions for selecting the discipline are harsh, so not at all how many people, but the found cultivator is in a competitive relationship with them. Every year, a large number of elite students are absorbed, and creation wants to rise, then Profound techniques must be suppressed.

Great Craftsman Yu took several steps in situ and said: “Today 28 Constellations Military Office is already inseparable from the creation we provide. Many cultivators can do things, and creation armored soldiers can do the same. The time has indeed come.”

If you want to replace something, it does not mean that it will be useful if it is forcibly abolished or forcibly supported. Just as the founding techniques can be vigorously promoted by Profound Court, it is also because the founding techniques can indeed fill the deficiencies of the lower layer battle strength. .

If creation is to replace discovered techniques, then at least the performance is more useful than discovered techniques, and it becomes more irreplaceable. Even what found techniques can do, most of the creation can also be done. It is only possible to achieve the goal, otherwise Profound Court will not allow change.

Great Craftsman Long reminded: “We have not yet reached the final victory, which is not enough, we still need to complete that thing before it can be considered a success.”

Great Craftsman Yu said: “That thing takes time to complete. We can’t expect it to be done now. After we suppress the found cultivator, we can slowly advance this matter. To be honest, I am very satisfied with the situation now, we are at least worthy of our predecessors and juniors.”

Great Craftsman Long nodded, feeling that his life’s efforts are also rewarded, then he suddenly looked up and said: “There will be no repetition?”

Great Craftsman Yu pointed to the letter in his hand and said: “This was sent from Jade Capital main institution. This is a Profound Court decision. How can it be repeated?

Great Craftsman Long nodded and said: “This is fine.

Great Craftsman Yu thought for a while and said, “The above has also been taken care of, so we should try not to have any problems during this period of time, so as not to drag on the overall situation, brother Long, it seems that we will be watching more closely.”

Bi Su, within the creation workshop, An Zhizhi is building a creation outer armor, an outer armor prepared for himself.

Perhaps for others, the outer armor and the flying boat are two different directions in the creation, but he is not a problem at all. In the past, he put most of his energy on the flying boat, and now the flying boat is boring. Then, focus on the outer armor.

But he also didn’t let go of breathing. Due to his age, in the past he created a creation, which could only last up to one day. It was a hindrance to him. Now after cultivation of the breathing technique, it’s just casual. Can persist for several days.

After finishing today’s progress, he walks from inside, but he is still not very tired. When he arrives outside, the attendant comes over and salutes, “Will the young man have a shower?”

Anzhizhi looks at the quiet courtyard, said curiously: “How about them, Father?”

attendant said: “Yesterday the great craftsman of each earth state was summoned by the Military Office, and there seems to be something to discuss.”

An Zhizhi oh, he never cares about these things, let the attendant prepare some food and hot water, change his clothes after bathing, it is in great spirits again.

He was going back to finish today’s breathing homework, but the attendant came in a hurry, saying: “young man, Guo great craftsman is coming.”

“Guo teacher?”

An Zhizhi is a bit strange. Guo Ying taught him knowledge, and he ordered people to give him the books and his old notes from the past. He rarely came. Why did he come in person this time?

Recalling that his father and grandfather were summoned by the Military Office before, he wondered if a major event occurred.

Thinking about it, I saw the manager in the house walk in with a beautiful woman in her 30s, dressed in a plain skirt.

He stepped forward and said, “Guo teacher is courteous and hasn’t been seen for a long time. Students miss the teacher for a long time.”

Guo Ying couldn’t help being touched and guilty, and said softly: “It’s the teacher who has less control over you. Well, the teacher lives here during this period of time. I will take time to accompany you and teach you more. Knowledgeable.”

An Zhizhi: “…”

Guo Ying said again: “Did you read the teacher’s notes for you?”

An Zhizhi made a loud noise, “Look at it.” He waited and said, “Well, teacher, what are you doing today?”

He always looked at the book and only looked at the ideas and directions. When he was interested, he went directly to the workshop to build it. If he didn’t work once, he would do it twice. If he tried a few times, he would understand. No need to write down, it is a waste of paper, so it can only be ambiguous.

Guo Ying originally wanted to ask him about his recent situation, but was distracted by his rhetorical question. She thought about it and said, “Are you still in touch with that teacher, um, that teacher Zhang?”

“Zhang teacher?”

An Zhizhi opened his innocent eyes and said, “No, the student didn’t contact Zhang teacher after returning.”

Guo Ying’s expression was entangled for a moment, so he said: “After all, it is your teacher. If you are free, you still have to visit him more.”

An Zhi’s doubts: “Teacher, what’s wrong with you? Didn’t you let me interact with Zhang Teacher?”

Guo Ying hesitated and said: “Don’t tell others, the proven techniques will not work. We will use Heavenly Secrets creation to become the mainstream of Celestial Xia in the future. You come back to study creation. That is the right choice.

But one day as a master, lifelong as a teacher, the proven techniques can’t be done, but you can’t look down on the teacher in the past, nor can you do such a deliberately alienated and contemptuous villain’s trip. The more you do, the more you want to Respect him. “

An Zhizhi’s eyes turned and said, “Guo teacher, rest assured, students will visit Zhang teacher tomorrow, but they can’t accompany Guo teacher.”

Guo Ying was very pleased to see this, saying: “You are a good student, go, teacher doesn’t blame you.”


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