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On the second day, An young man set off for Legs Constellation.

After all, he is still young, even if he is a master craftsman, but when he goes to a family member outside, he is not at ease, so his uncle Anri takes a team to take him there.

An young man sat in the main cabin of the flying boat and asked, “Second uncle, what did Guo teacher say, have you heard?”

An Li glanced at him and said, “I didn’t hear much. I only listened to the elder brother’s sentence, saying that the founding techniques are not good. It is necessary for us to step up the creation of armaments in the creation workshops, which may be of great use.”

An young man said: “The teacher also said this, but are there any proven techniques Profound Venerable at Profound Court? How can the proven techniques suddenly fail?”

He studied the breathing technique for more than half a year at Legs Constellation, which is not optically indifferent, and the situation of the cultivator is much clearer than the average person.

An Li said nothing.

An young man felt that his uncle must have known more than that. His eyes turned and he deliberately said, “Second uncle, don鈥檛 they tell you what grandfathers did?”

An Li laughed and scolded: “Boy, don鈥檛 provoke me, okay, I tell you, it seems that the current proven techniques have nothing to do with the Profound Venerable on the Profound Court, and the current proven techniques cannot be repaired into a brilliant divine ability. , I know so much. You are not going to see Patrolling Protector Zhang, he should know more than I do.”

An young man whispered: “Is it so…” Although he is confident in his teacher, he really has some concerns at this time.

The flying boat passed the Heavenly Gate quickly, and Anri glanced under his eyes and said, “Here it is.”

The flying boat descended and stopped above the mooring station. Anli felt that the hatch was opened. When he turned around, he saw that the young man had run down, and helplessly said, “This kid.”

An young man called a creation carriage when he flew the flying boat, and drove towards the house of Zhang Yu.

At this time, two silhouettes appeared in the rear, but two cultivators in ordinary costumes.

One of them said: “That’s the recipe that Patrolling Protector Zhang had received before? I heard that it is a master craftsman at a young age. The above tells us to pay attention to him. What do you say about a little child? “

Another said solemnly: “Speak less and do more. Let’s do what we said above. We just take the newspapers we see, whatever else we do.”

After the two followed along the way, they saw Ann young man got out of the car, and one of them strangely said: “Where is he going? There is an empty space in front.”

Another humane said: “It should be the estate where Patrolling Protector Zhang is located here. There may be an array outside, so we can鈥檛 see it.”

The man tsk tsk twice before, said: “Then we can’t stare.”

Another person said: “We just need to report his itinerary. The rest of the matter has nothing to do with us and nothing else. That’s Profound Court Patrolling Protector. We were caught and there was no reason to go.”

Zhang Yu This house is invisible to people passing by now, but the young man is here, and his body is light flashed, but the whole courtyard is revealed in front of him.

A creation attendant is guarding in front of the door, but this person knows him, bowing down and saying, “How come An Young Man?”

An young man said: “I come to see the teacher.”

Attendant let go, pushed open the door, and said, “young man go in.”

An young man walked into the middle of the road. At this moment, several shadows flashed, but a few jade foxes ran over and yelled around him. He couldn鈥檛 help but smile and took out a prepared box of jade paste. Tao: “I haven’t forgotten you.”

After appeasing these jade foxes, he walked across the courtyard and came under the corridor. Qing Shu was standing in front of the lobby door and he said: “Mr. knows that young man is coming, young man enters it is .”

An young man is busy: “Thank you Qing Shu senior brother.”

He crossed the threshold and walked into the lobby, and saw Zhang Yu sitting there, but his body was covered with fog, so he could not see the specific face. He came forward and said, “I have seen the teacher.”

Zhang Yu nodded said: “You don’t have to be too gifted, why are you here?”

An young man raised his head and raised his chest, loudly said: “teacher, I will learn the proven techniques with you.”

Zhang Yu looks at him: “What have you heard?”

An young man said: “I heard from my uncle that the above message was saying that the found techniques are not enough. I know that my knowing is to prove that the found techniques are possible! teacher, students are on the teacher’s side.”

Zhang Yu slightly nodded, said: “Your filial piety is led by the teacher, but these things are related to your future choices, and the teacher does not want you to make an impulse.”

An young man said: “Anyway, the students follow the teacher.”

Zhang Yu un’ed, looked at him a few times and said, “There is indeed one thing here for teachers, but you can do it all at once.”

An young man was excited, and his eyes were full of expectation, saying: “Teacher, please explain, students must do well!”

Zhang Yu pointed a bit, a dao talisman book flew into the arms of An young man and said: “You follow the above care and do this well.”

An young man grabbed the rune book, and after a few glances, immediately put it on his body and said, “Student must find a way to do it well.”

Zhang Yu nodded and said: “Go ahead.”

An young man bowed his head and hurried out.

He just left, an old man walks from inside with a tall figure, wearing glasses and white temples, he said: “Zhang Profound Venerable This student is very spirituality, talented people are very common, but there is spirituality Very few people.”

Zhang Yu said: “His talents are good. If no one had interfered, no surprise he would become a great craftsman focused on creation, but I made one more choice.

He once asked me, creation profound techniques, can the two have both?

In fact, creation and discovered techniques should not be opposed, but Celestial Xia people can choose. “

creation can only pretend that foreign object is powerful, and cultivate is its own strength. Although he thinks that both of them are actually a kind of Tao, the world can also choose, and they are general at the end. They don鈥檛 have to be higher or lower. When they can coexist, they don鈥檛 need anyone to replace them. But some people don’t think so.

In the eyes of these people, the founding techniques that help people become enlightened may not only be not advantages, but may also threaten them, but creation seems to be a better use.

Zhang Yu looked towards the old man and said: “Great Craftsman Wu, please sit down, we will continue to talk about the talent.”

Wu Ze pushed his glasses off, nodded, and sat down in front of him.

Azure Sun Superior Continent, Peaceful Longevity Prefecture Profound Mansion.

Profound Leader Yun Chen received a report sent from Profound Court. He glanced at it and summoned a recipe, saying, “Fate will invite Profound Corrector.”

In a moment, Wei Gao came to the hall, bowed, and said: “Profound Leader is courteous.”

Yun Chen has another gift to pass the report, “Profound Corrector please watch.”

Wei Gao then took a look and astonished, said: “In the past, the proven techniques were flawed, so they took the correct name?” They looked again. “The law created by Zhang Shouzheng is the correct method of Profound Dao?”

Yun Chen said: “The teacher has already told me that Patrolling Protector Zhang has become a Profound Venerable, and has walked out a path that is enough for the later found cultivator to travel.”

Wei Gao quickly changed his mind and said, “But if this matter is exposed, it will also cause some turbulence.”

Yun Chen said: “Profound Court’s transmission of this book will require me to stabilize the situation, and there will be no turmoil. After all, only a few of the found cultivators that can cultivate to the fourth chapter, and the way forward is not lost. Explaining this matter below, the reputation of the proven techniques must suffer a certain loss.”

Weigao thought about it and agreed.

At this time, there is a recipe outside: “Profound Leader, there is a message below.”

Yun Chen asked him to bring it in and got it in his hand, frowns saying: “Heavenly Secrets Institution has changed?”

He was immediately vigilant. Azure Sun Heavenly Secrets Institution has been staring at Profound Mansion since the last time there was a situation, afraid that another similar thing will come out, and when the situation changes, Heavenly Secrets Institution made another move, how could he not think much?

Weigao took a look at the news report and said abruptly: “I’ve visited and asked.” He immediately went out and asked with the glow of light message transmission. After a while, he turned back and said: “I have I have asked, this time Heavenly Works Division has envoy come down, summon great craftsman in the continent to learn skills.”

Yun Chen knew that this was just an excuse that鈥檚 all, and also guessed that someone wanted to do something at this time. However, Azure Sun Superior Continent is not only the western Yiluo Superior Continent, Profound Mansion from top to bottom, almost all found cultivator, but also the entire Superior Continent to resist foreign enemies, an important reliance to clear the inner danger, and never allow problems.

He said solemnly: “Trouble Profound Corrector staring at them, I don’t care elsewhere, Azure Sun Superior Continent Here, as long as I am in a day, everything needs to follow Azure Sun’s previous rules.”

Wei Gao solemnly nodded.

Qinghua Dao Palace, Zhu Yisheng is standing here to watch the scenery above the clouds. He is surrounded by an empty platform, which has similarities with the Azure Sun Profound Mansion pattern.

In the distance, a recipe came, standing at the edge of the great stage, and bowed and said: “uncle master, Zhong Court Manager came to visit.”

Zhu Yisheng said indifferently: “Please come in.”

In a few minutes, Zhong Court Manager came in and bowed to him, saying: “Zhu Dao brother is courteous.”

Zhu Yisheng turned around, there was another gift, and then he made a gesture, saying: “Zhong Court Manager, please sit down.”

Zhong Court Manager Xie made a sound, opened his sleeves, and sat down on the futon in front of him.

On the previous tea case of the two, two cups of clear tea emerged out of thin air, exuding the mist and fragrance, and they looked like they were in the mist and cloud.

Zhong Court Manager said: “Zong Mou knew that Court Manager was fond of quietness and was not tolerant of dust and vulgarities, so he said it directly.”

He gave Zhu Yisheng another salute, saying: “We want to mention creation instead of proven techniques on the next court meeting, and hope that dao brother will not block it at that time.”

Zhu Yisheng’s response to this was very flat, saying: “What do you do, I didn’t want to ask, but can the creation really be as you wish?”

Zhong Court Manager said: “If you want to gain power, you must rely on me. If you have established techniques, but you are hindered by me. The dao brother must not want to see it. One day, the court will be mysterious Chaos. Do you?”

Zhu Yisheng said: “Today’s creation, Ahn Chi-fei is tomorrow’s discovered techniques?”

Zhong Court Manager smiled and said, “If you don’t cultivate your own way, you will eventually be vain, and you will be concealed by yourself. How can this generation remain? If there are any variables in the future, it will be a push.”

Zhu Yisheng reached out to pick up the tea cup in the case, indifferently says: “I will not participate in this court meeting, you might as well think about how to pass the first level, your choice, if it is not beneficial to Celestial Xia, the first You can鈥檛 live there.”

Zhong Court Manager didn鈥檛 feel nodded, stood up, the first gift, said: “Zhong Mou disturbed today, Zhu Dao brother, leave.”



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