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Pui Gu ordered, and immediately a cultivator stepped up, facing the crystal jade outer armor gently clapped, the outer armor without the protection of spirituality could not stop his magical power at all, the face armor shattered at once, revealing that Frost Continent old man’s old face came.

The cultivator grabbed the Frost Continent old man, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and shot directly into the latter’s eyes. After a while, he let go of his hand and let the human body fall back .

He stood up and said: “dao cultivator, this person looks at aging, but in fact this body is very young, like it was spawned with mystical power.”

Pei Gu frowned, this way he sounded familiar, like the legendary God Restoration Group skill? But he didn’t care about it now and asked, “Did you see anything?”

The cultivator shook his head and said: “There are only a few memories, all are useless things, there is no whereabouts of Frost Continent skill.”

Pei Gu sneered, said: “It is properly prepared, do you think it can be avoided?”

He gestured, and now another cultivator stepped forward and put a paper note on the forehead of Frost Continent old man. After a while, there was a mist of water-blue mist floating on it, and it stopped. For a moment, it turned into a rays of light and cast it in the direction of distant sky.

Pei Gu shouted: “follow.”

Even if this body is spawned, it appears impossible of thin air, there must be a foot.

He was ordered to seek this time, and he was naturally well prepared. Since the other party was exposed, don’t blame him for following the trend.

entire group Followed by the rays of light, after chasing in the middle of the night, found a cave leading to the underground.

Pei Gumu noticed for a moment, waved his hand, and more than ten cultivator escaping lights from around rushed into it.

After waiting for half of Xia hour, a cultivator turned out and said, “Cultivate, we found a boundary, which seems to lead to the lower layer.”

“lower layer?”

Pei Gu expression changed, saying: “Are you sure?”

That cultivator nodded.

Pei Gu took several steps, thought for a while with his chin, and said, “So that’s how it is, I said why this group of mice is hidden so deep, it turned out to be hiding in the lower layer, these Frost Continent mice really have Ability,” he turned around, “may be sure where to go?”

The cultivator said: “With our means, we can enter with strength projection, but when we get there, it is not necessarily the opponent of those Frost Continent. It is best to enter in real body, but that requires Heaven Travelling Sundial. This is not me. Wait for it now.”

Pei Gu said: “This is no problem. I will immediately pass a book to Jade Capital. Let someone send over there.” He said aloud here, “If there is a proven cultivator here, it would be convenient. .”

In the Shouzheng Palace, Zhang Yu is still thinking about the chaotic cultivator. At this time, he moved a little in his heart and looked around, but he saw Gan Bai’s message.

looks at This one left this sentence, he is nodded, this one is true despite the fact that he likes to stab.

If these magic mantras left by Dai Gonghan can be successfully developed, it is indeed very useful and helps to help those who are covered, but this magic mantra is a cultivation mentality that favors true cultivator.

An ordinary chaotic cultivator It is not an easy task to calm down with this cultivation. At most, only a few people can do it. There is room for improvement.

Maybe he can try to deduce one or two. Although he is a discovered cultivator, he can understand the method of true cultivator after all.

It was only at this time that he also noticed that several cultivators were aiming at Gan Bai, and they were unreasonably refuted. He took a look at those talisman seals and immediately found out where they came from.

Ilo Superior Continent?

His pupil light moves slightly.

Ilo Superior Continent can be said to be the most powerful land of true cultivator in the 13 continents.

Just in the Dao Chapter of Xuntian, this Superior Continent with a population of 300 million, even less than two hundred of the found cultivator resides in the Dao Chapter, this continent is clearly living in various continents, but Celestial Xia’s population is ranked at the end.

He has been there, and knows that the Celestial Xia people there are still as usual as before or so years ago. If you want to compare, it is almost the same as before Eastern Court Protectorate returned.

If there is no external force to exert influence, then in a hundred years, perhaps there will not be much change.

When he set up the main palace station on the inner layer of the thirteen continents, the obstacles here were the biggest.

Only a few of the disciplines found from here are found cultivator, they are quite hindered to do things, and those called true cultivator disciple can not say not to do things, but they are not very active, most of the time in their closed-door cultivation.

Up to now, the monthly report, the continents inside and outside, has also reported the least with Ilo Superior Continent.

At this moment, he was born and transferred Xu Chengtong to the inner layer, responsible for the idea of ​​stationing in this continent. After all, the latter was originally a person of Ilo Superior Continent and was more familiar with the situation.

But immediately he rejected this idea. If the overall environment of Ilo Superior Continent remains the same, Xu Chengtong alone can’t help it.

He looked up and looked at Celstial Xia maps hanging there, looking at the center of the various continents. Since that was the case, he managed to change.

He knows that there are some people in Profound Court who have not given up their original plan to abandon the original Xuan Xuan, but the appearance of Xun Tian Dao Chapter, so that they can only temporarily stop willingly, but there are still a lot of small movements, such as Go to Azure Sun Superior Continent to find Frost Continent skill, maybe there are other plans.

He had to stabilize various issues before, so he didn’t have time to ignore this generation, and now he should give this generation some response and counterattack.

Ilo Superior Continent here will be a good breakthrough.

Thinking about it, he left the Shouzheng Palace and went directly to Yaoguang Dao Palace.

Yusu daoist noticed that he was coming and welcomed him into the Houyuan tea garden. After sitting down, he smiled and asked: “I heard that I was closing the door for cultivation recently, but now I have come to my place. Why?”

Zhang Yu said: “This is for Ilo Superior Continent.”

Yusu daoist looked a little more serious. He reached out and flicked two more cups of tea. “Fellow daoist how to do it?”

Zhang Yu said: “As Chaos Tide gradually recedes, all continents are now booming. Only Ilo Superior Continent is still stubborn and conservative, and does not want to make progress. The reason is that Ilo Superior Continent Profound Leader does not I follow the rules and do nothing, so I will report to the Profound Court and restore the old system to Ilo Superior Continent.”

Celestial Xia Thirteen Superior Continent, used to be a general pattern, so in the past, Ilo Superior Continent and Azure Sun Superior Continent are actually no different.

The difference is that after Chaos Tide, all continents cut off contact, and Ilo Superior Continent, a Profound Leader, does not like this kind of regulation. Although it is not Righteous Purity lineage, it can also be regarded as the most ancient Xia pattern. it is good.

In fact, if it’s done well, that’s all, but the problem is that the true cultivator of Ilo Superior Continent is basically not a manager in these years, but it is quite hard to suppress the found cultivator and creation.

Although it’s an inner continent, many disciplines also recruit disciplines, but for more than three hundred years, only a small number of people in the entire Superior Continent have paid respects to join the door. This seriously blocked the upward path of the Ilo Superior Continent people. .

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