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After Zhang Yu came out of the Yaoguang Dao Palace, he turned back to the Shouzheng Palace. Before reaching the stage, he could see the various petals flying around the palace and the sound of firecrackers.

It is now the end of December, and in a few days it will be 308 years of Grand Profound Calendar.

On the Profound Court, there are only years, and there is no New Year, but those Deity values ​​seem to be quite yearning for this. Red lanterns are hung under the alley of the palace all around, and they are all new. Clothing and clothing.

In addition, there are new-year beasts in the secular folklore during the New Year, which needs to be repelled with firecrackers. This is only a legend in the folk, but it can be in the upper layer. Because of the birth of many inspirations, this year of the beast is really there. Every time the old and new years alternate, they will come out.

Of course, the Nian Beast dare not come to the Profound Venerable Dao Palace, and will only impact the Deity station. Anyone who has a Deity in the Profound Venerable Dao Palace will ignite a firecracker to show that he has a foothold. , So it will not be attacked.

He came in, a Goddess on duty came over, curtsies, handed over a gold book, said: “Shouzheng, the new year is coming, the snow master is responsible for broadcasting Ruixue, and she can be here in the Shouzheng Palace. Do you do it?”

Within the dome of the Qing Dynasty, sun and moon passage, wind and snow distribution, grooming of mountains and rivers, management of solar terms and so on are all left to Deity.

Of course, it is not that the cultivator inside the clear dome cannot do this by himself, but that these Deity have something to do, so as not to think about the lower bound all day long.

In the past, those who secretly stole into the lower realm were all contaminated by external contamination, and finally transformed into various kinds of gods and monsters, without exception.

In the beginning, Qingqiang managed to recapture the captivity, but it was found that this kind of thing was repeated for many times. Later, he strove to destroy it directly, and then ordered the divine general to inspect the defend, which was considered a ban.

Zhang Yu raised the pen and ticked the gold book, saying, “It’s as good as the old example.”

Goddess said it was worth it, and asked: “The New Year’s palaces are all equipped with dance grand play, can Shouzheng watch it?”

Zhang Yu said: “grand play is available, I will not watch it, and the palace staff can go to watch the show. Since it is the new year, I promise you to wait for the half-moon holiday.”

The female duty secretary showed joy, curtsies, grateful: “many thanks keep up.”

Zhang Yu nodded, waved his sleeves and let him go.

He went back to the side hall. He first looked at Wondrous Pills Lord. This little leopard cat is now in deep sleep. He understands that this is the nourishment of upper layer heaven and earth plus the powder powder. Into another growth, and a little mystical faintly on this little leopard, if there is no error, this is a precursor to divine ability.

He placed a layer of restraint and returned to the main hall. After sitting down in the hall, he transformed an incarnation to Legs Constellation to spend the New Year with Li Qinghe, Qing Shu, Qing Xi and the others, while he himself It is observing dao writing and thinking about how to improve the chapter order.

chaotic cultivator The problem now is that the above Chaotic Chapter cultivator does not treat them as their own, and no one is on the top, and the low level cultivator can easily become a mixed monster, which is not inviting to see, many people have temperament Twist more and more.

But this is a road to Grand Dao after all, if it can be straightened out, it also gives the cultivator one more choice.

If someone refuses to do something, he will do it.

In the depths of Western Vault of Heaven, somewhere within Gloom City, Gan Bai is staying inside the Dao Chapter, scolding back all those provocative words.

At this time, a disciplinary came up to the cliff and handed him a letter of rays of light, saying: “Profound Venerable, a letter from the main palace.”

Gan Bai withdrew from the Dao Chapter, took the letter, and said with a lip: “Now I still play the Feishu letter transmission set? Is it so difficult to find a found cultivator or chaotic cultivator?”

That letter was slightly shocked, and a voice came out from the inside: “Gan Profound Venerable, Lord said, using the Dao Chapter to spread the book, it is easy to reveal our secret machine, it is better to be cautious.”

Gan Bai嘁 said, “It’s so straightforward, I’m not afraid to use Dao Chapter to spread the book, you’ll be useless that’s all that’s waiting.”

The letter was called Qudao: “Profound Venerable has wronged the villain, the villain has no such thoughts, and the villain can be faithful.”

Gan Bai didn’t bother to talk to a letter, and pulled it away. He glanced at it, but he saw that it was approaching the New Year. As usual, the main palace convened various towns to hold deliberations. , This time to discuss, mainly how to deal with the recent emergence of training days Dao Chapter.

Gan Bo pouted his lips. The Gloom City issue was actually a case of Profound Court.

You can learn the surface, but you can’t learn the inside. Profound Court is not only in charge of the secular authority, but also in various places where Profound Mansion suppresses it, and it is integrated and organized in an orderly way. It can really solve things. Gloom City’s town guards are normally distributed throughout the void, and they are ignored. The discussion is to discuss a bunch of things that seem feasible, but the actual completion of what is impossible.

The more he compares to Celestial Xia, the more he feels that Gloom City is too bad, and here is what he’s doing like an upper layer cultivator. That’s all.

“Sometimes it will finish Gloom City.” He murmured in his heart and threw the letter aside, saying, “Understood, you go back and tell the main palace, I will go.”

The letter floated around, stopped, and did one thing. It was also very happy, saying: “Then I wish Profound Venerable prosperity and prosperity, Dao industry is permanent, and the villain retires.” After that, he flew out, and then a golden light flew away.

Qingqiang upper layer, because there is no court meeting in January, calmly passed until the middle of February, with the chime bell ringing, you Court Manager went to court again.

Ting Yi Cai was at first, and the first daoist just asked questions according to the rules. The elder Sun Daoist immediately hit chime bell, stood up for a ceremony, and pointed to the wind and the senior two:

“The first director, Feng Zixian and Gao Mo, were supported by Profound Court to sit on the position of Court Manager. However, regardless of their merits cultivation base, the two of them were not allowed to take up this position, so I played, please get rid of two The position of Court Manager, is cleared with Profound Court.”

The first daoist glanced at him, and then at the people present, saying, “What do you mean?”

Zhong Daoist knocked chime bell in the seat and said, “Zhong Mou thought that these two people still have some credit.”

He said a word for the two at this moment, it is considered to have fulfilled the previous commitment, but he is very clear that as long as the first executive does not object, this time can be done finally. If the first executive opposes, whether it is approved or not, it is general. .

Feng and Gao looked at each other, and then they both stood up.

The wind daoist saluted the above, saying: “The chief executive, the Court Managers and the grandson Court Manager are right.

Since the name of the proven techniques, they have long thought that there will be a day. Now they don’t value Court Manager as much. After all, they feel that they can’t say anything at all, and there is nothing to lose. At present, it is important to develop and improve self-cultivation.

Court Managers are somewhat surprised, if these two people hold onto the position of Court Manager, although they can understand, they will not be able to afford these two people, but now they have a high look at them.

The first daoist slowly said at this time: “Wind Court Manager, you are in the position of Court Manager, it is decided by Profound Court, why is it wrong? You can sit in this seat with peace of mind.”

The court’s various cultivators saw that he only mentioned the Court Manager, but did not improve the Court Manager, and immediately understood what he meant.

The wind daoist is Profound Court’s initiative to support the proven techniques, and it is not his own intention from beginning to end. Gao Daoist is different. His achievement is because there is a chaotic cultivator behind him. Profound Court used to just push the boat, not take the initiative. Now it is to correct this mistake.

Gao Daoist understood at this time, and said to the above: “Gao is willing to go to the position.”

The first daoist looked around and said, “What do you think?”

Zhong daoist didn’t speak, and his mind was inwardly shouted. Unfortunately, it seems that things can only be done at this step. The first executive not at all intends to fight the two of them down. It may be possible to consider today’s proven cultivator profound techniques Importance, so one still needs to stay in court to calm people’s hearts.

Chao Huan said: “Since Gao Court Manager himself is willing, why should he stop it.” He raised his jade hammer and knocked on it, so he obeyed the discussion.

Next everyone has no disagreement, so they are all striking Yu Qiong, even Zhong Daoist and Chang Sun Daoist are no exceptions, because they also know that this result cannot be changed.

However, it is good to take the position of one person, and the vacant Court Manager position can also manage to plan something.

Gao Daoist said at this time: “The chief executive, you, the Court Manager, is not the Court Manager. It is useless to stay here. Gao then leaves.”

The first daoist said: “fellow daoist Gao, the court’s deliberation, will not be announced until after the court’s deliberation. It will be counted at that time. If you stay here first, there will always be a constant.”

Gao Daoist knew that he was taking care of his face, and now thanked him by saying: “many thanks first.”

The first daoist looked towards everyone, and said: “Can you have Court Managers still have an offer?”

The voice fell, and the sound of the jade chime sounded above the light, the jade element daoist stood up, bowed, and said: “The chief executive, Ilo Superior Continent Profound Leader Guo Zhen, and Ilo Superior Continent for more than 70 years, Because of old-fashioned, so self-styled.

Their people do not follow Celestial Xia’s regulations, do not evangelize, and don’t care about people’s livelihood. Today, Ilo Superior Continent is far different from every continent. “

As soon as his words came out, Zhong Daoist cannot help but be startled, he did not expect that Yusu Daoist would actually point his finger at Ilo Superior Continent. Although he knew all the problems in this continent, he had also spoken privately in the past , So that Profound Leader Guo Zhen let go and let Zhouzhong improve people’s livelihood, at least not so ugly.

But Guo Zhen didn’t pay any attention to it, making him quite dissatisfied.

But this Superior Continent is the Superior Continent that supports him and the Chong Daoist most. He came down to promote Guo Zhen’s high position, so he couldn’t help but argue, so he stood up and said: , Court Managers, after the arrival of Chaos Tide, the land shifted, the path was cut off, and all continents were attacked by various gods and monsters different God.

The first priority of the day was to protect the people of the Superior Continent. No matter what means they used to deal with the crisis, since Guo Profound Leader finally guarded the Superior Continent, it would be of no avail. Should blame it again. “



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