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Li Qinghe heard that the middle-aged man said he wanted to take Xiao Miao away by himself. He looked a little more serious and asked: “Uncle, what’s the matter? But someone bullied you?”

Bearded men are very submissive to Celestial Xia people, but as a tribe that maintains the ancient tradition, the interior is naturally not all peaceful.

middle-aged man shook the head, saying: “Not really, we bearded men, there is a master like you in the clan, how can you be bullied? It’s just the child of Xiao Miao. I can see some weird things, so I have asked her to take a cat with her when I go out these two days, so she can feel at ease and can’t see those things.”

Li Qinghe’s heart moved. He has seen a lot around Zhang Yu, knowing what it means, and tried to ask: “Miao, did she awaken the ancestor’s Bloodline?”

Bearded men, as a native tribe living in wasteland in the early years, can continue to multiply, naturally they also have their own god’s progeny and priest, and the number of bearded men tribe has always been sparse, so it is not a matter of awakening Bloodline Rare.

The middle-aged man mumbled: “What’s the use of awakening? What can I do? I will be an elder in the future? But I will be an elder for the rest of my life in the village. I can’t bear to be a father. See her like this.”

Li Qinghe unconsciously nods. Before encountering Celestial Xia people, bearded men could only survive on wasteland. The only way to progress is to become the elder of the clan. The clansman is good for worship.

But it’s different now, because Eastern Court Protectorate has been working hard to improve people’s livelihood in the past few years, and naturally takes care of the bearded men of dependent races. It not only allocated a large area of ​​land to them, but also taught them more advanced farming and pastoralism. Raised skills, even ordinary clansman, relying on farming and hunting can satisfy general survival needs.

With the constraints of the Celestial Xia law, the clansman cannot do too much with ordinary clansman. Therefore, some of the previous rules are becoming less and less applicable. Of course, follow Celestial Xia The point that people dominate has not changed.

This aspect is the most ingrained tradition of bearded men. On the other hand, they know very well that if they become Celestial Xia people, then Celestial Xia people will no longer trust them as before.

middle-aged man said: “In recent years, many youngsters in the village are unwilling to obey the old rules. They secretly went to the city or Celestial Xia to make a living. They are also living well, and they send things back from time to time. .”

The looks at Li Qinghe he was looking forward to, “Ahe, if you have a way and leave here with Xiao Miao, she will do everything, as long as she has a bite of food to eat.”

Li Qinghe hurriedly said: “Uncle don’t say this, I was raised by you, we are a family, Xiao Miao is also my younger sister, before I leave, I will find a way to take her away.”

middle-aged man happily said: “Okay, you just have to say that. I will let Xiao Miao prepare some good dishes. At noon, our master nephew will have two glasses together.”

Li Qinghe said: “Uncle is not in a hurry, I came back with a lot of things this time.” As he said, he took out some large and small bags from Zhang Yu’s own star bag, and said “This is bought from the local area. It is not a valuable thing. What I have is that Uncle has kept it.”

The middle-aged man looked at the things he took out with great interest. At this moment, he saw a box and opened it, but saw that it was a gem in it. He picked it up and asked, “Ahe, this What is it?”

Li Qinghe said: “This is divine robe. It was originally intended to be brought to Xiao Miao, but it seems that she can’t use it now. But… I will ask Mr. again later.”

Of course, the middle-aged man knows what a divine robe is. In the past, the Celestial Xia Divine Army was the main force against different Gods. He was surprised: “You can buy a divine robe?”

Li Qinghe modestly said: “It’s all Mr.’s favor.”

The middle-aged man sighed: “You have followed a good master.”

Li Qinghe nodded and said: “Yes, Mr. is very good, I am very fortunate to have followed Mr.”

“That’s good.” The middle-aged man sighed, he thought about it, and said: “Ahe, you rarely come back, stay a few days before leaving?”

Li Qinghe said: “I was planning to live for a while before going back.”

middle-aged man happily said: “If so, that would be the best. The past few days I will take you around the village,” he was very emotional, “I asked elder to look at them, Ahe You are not what you used to be.”

Li Qinghe couldn’t help laughing. It seems that the village has really changed a lot. Uncle, who didn’t know a word before, now uses Celestial Xia’s elegant words. He nodded and said: “Okay, Uncle. “

Above the Mountain of Serenity, the lonely and tall Goddess Peak stands there. This mountain has been a place of native worship since ancient times, but since it was used as the beacon of Eastern Court, it was given Another meaning.

Especially after lighting the beacon that year, people often come here to watch, and also see the native of the Heavenspan beacon rays of light, and go to the foot of the mountain to worship.

In view of this, Eastern Court Protectorate and Profound Mansion classify this as an important place. Profound Mansion is not allowed, and it is not allowed to approach this place. Any creation and cultivator daoist are not allowed to go to the top of the peak or leap over it. In the past few years, this place has once again fallen silent.

At this moment, a great clear light fell from the sky, instantly illuminating the entire peak, as the rays of light spread out, Zhang Yu walks from inside.

He glanced back at the magnificent land below. It was the first time he drove the Heart Light flying through the sky back then, feeling like yesterday.

At this moment, the Goddess statue standing on the top of the mountain flashed, Goddess Yaqu’s phantom walks from inside, she respectfully saluted with Celestial Xia etiquette, saying: “Yaqu meet Profound Leader Zhang.”

Although she is Goddess, she can be the wife of the second Chief Commander Yang Gong. She is the grandmother of Yang Jue from the blood. So she has been secretly watching over her descendants for these years, but as Protectorate recovers from the mainland After contacting her, her strength no longer possesses deterrence, but she is still very clear about some changes in Protectorate.

Zhang Yu nodded his first gift in return, saying: “Mrs. Yaqu, I am here this time to inquire. You must know about Protectorate expansion. Going down to Fuzhou or building a city near Mountain of Serenity, Mountain of Are there any sleeping different Gods you know about Serenity North and South?”

Goddess Yaqu pondered for a moment before he said: “Mountain of Serenity has always been the landfill of the fallen gods. No god has taken it as his own, except for the serenese who worshipped Serenity God/calm the mind. , And there are very few native tribes settled at the foot of Mountain of Serenity. At least in the previous era, there are no sleeping gods here, but if it is ancient, then I don’t know.”

Zhang Yu is slightly nodded, he is optimistic about the third picture, and he is also preparing to establish a new continent administration on the side of Mountain of Serenity, but before that, he is going to sort out the inside and outside of Mountain of Serenity, even if there is Something was dealt with in advance to minimize future problems.

Goddess Yaqu was a little nervous at this time and asked: “Consult Profound Leader Zhang, if Mountain of Serenity is to build a city, then how should the concubine deal with it?”

Zhang Yu said: “In the first battle, because of the advance protection of Mrs. Yaqu, the beacon was lit later. Mrs. Yaqu has done a great job in Protectorate. I can grant orders from the Eastern Court Profound Mansion Profound Leader. This mountain is still good. As the residence of Mrs. Yaqu.”

Goddess Yaqu felt relieved when he heard his promise. After a gratitude, her silhouette gradually faded and she soon disappeared.

Zhang Yu looked at the mountain range that was winding away, and looked up at the sky. After a while, the thunderbolt was heard, and the clouds and mists gathered in the sky, covering the entire mountain range, and then there was a clear light. The pouring rain fell from the sky and began to wash away the old filth.

Outside Auspicious Light City, Dawn Harbor.

The inconspicuous flying boat is slowly approaching the mooring station under the guidance of the light beam.

In the main cabin of the flying boat sits a spirited old man wearing a round neck black robe. He looks at his early 50s, but he is actually more than 80 years old.

However, in Jade Capital’s government, there are still hundreds of years of service.

Celestial Xia has a long life span, and ordinary people can live to more than one hundred and twenty. It is not uncommon for him to normally adjust his body and swallow the pill. Right now, it is not uncommon for him to maintain a hundred and fifty years old.

At this moment, he looks below the sea and land scenery, stroking his beard nodded and said: “The sea and land are vast, heaven and earth are magnificent and promising.”

An official next to him said: “Although this place is good, it is fortunate for Mr. Min to come here.”

Gong Min smiled, and didn’t mind him patting his horse. He glanced at the staff and managers in the main cabin, and said, “I hope so, all the princes encourage it.”

Everyone responded with a smile, but because Min Gong is normally not serious, he also likes cracking a joke when he is fine, so the atmosphere is very relaxed at the moment.

At this time, the flying boat has steadily stopped on the boat mooring heavenly station, and a personal guard came over to a cup one fist in the other hand and said: “Min Gong, here it is.”

Min Gong closed his eyes for a while before he opened his eyes, strangely said: “From entering the port to the mooring station, it only took 50 interest, which is not worse than Jade Capital.”

The official who had just spoken said: “Gong Min, the next official checked. The mooring station manager is from Jade Capital. He was asked to be transferred here. Can Duke Min call for a question?”

Another official suddenly said: “That might be where he knew that Duke Min is coming, so he held on tighter.”

Min Gong said with a smile: “You don’t have to call people anymore. If I can get him to focus on things, wouldn’t it be a good thing? I’ll stay here forever, and watch over time. .”

Everyone nodded to agree.

At this moment, the manager literary minor official next to me asked, “Min Gong, I will leave the mooring station later, can I play the Continent Governor?”

Gong Min waved his hand and said: “It doesn’t have to be this way. I’m here to benefit the party, not to show off the power. Why do you bother the Protectorate people when you first come here? When you get off the boat, go directly to Chief Commandery. “

manager nodded says yes.

At this moment, I suddenly saw a white light flying from the west. When I got closer, I stopped abruptly, revealing a shallow silver flying boat. Looking at its shape, it was clearly a magical item flying boat.

An official glanced at it and whispered: “Min Gong, it seems that person’s car.”

Min Gong stroked his beard nodded, he stoded up and said: “Since I met here, then the old man will go down and say hello, and I will deal with this one after all.”



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