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On the flying boat mooring station, a young cultivator came down from the silver-gray flying boat. He was dressed in a bamboo azure and silver-rimmed robe. His face was stiff and sharp, and his two eyes were sharp and powerful.

After leaving the mooring station, he stood under the glass-covered station and looked out. He saw a patter of light rain falling down, and the jade stone Grand Dao was already wet. It was still raining. There is a growing trend.

He did not ride the creation cart on the station, nor did he use magical power to cover the rain screen, but took out an oil paper umbrella from the star bag and opened it, and stepped into the rain screen.

After entering the city, he saw street shops, and would stop to buy a few small things from time to time. When shopping, he still asked a few words casually. Most of the questions asked were about Eastern Court Profound Mansion.

Protectorate originally has many Profound Mansion cultivators, and now there are many foreign cultivators here, so these shops are not surprised to ask him questions, and the attitude is very natural.

At this time, he walked into a bamboo shop and saw a vermilion tassel hanging in front of the door. It looked very delicate and unique and very pleasing. He praised: “Good craftsmanship.”

The shopkeeper smiled and walked up and said: “The customer has a good eye. This is made by a teacher from Jade Capital. I can only make three each month. The customer holds the last one.”

The young cultivator asked: “What’s the price?

The shopkeeper raised a finger and said: “A Celestial Xia gold.”

young cultivator pondered then said: “It’s a bit expensive.”

The store said with a smile: “This craft can’t be seen anywhere else, and customers will never suffer a loss if they buy it back.”

The young cultivator didn’t say anything, he really liked this thing, and he took out a Celestial Xia gold places on the table.

The store Lisuo took it, and then unzipped a simple bag from the hanging tray on the side, and presented it with both hands, saying: “Many thanks to the customer for taking care of the business, I will give the customer a medicine bag.”

The young cultivator distinguished it. There are a variety of powders in the medicine pouch, but they are blended in a certain proportion, which is useful for refreshing and refreshing. It is also good for the cultivator. Obviously, the store often does cultivator business, so He also took these things and said, “The store is interested.”

At this time, he heard a bell ringing, as if it was coming from the square near the West City, and it sounded one after another, but not in a hurry, he said: “What is it?”

The store said: “That should be dealing with different God.”

“Disposal of different God?”

The store owner angrily said: “In the past few years, many native tribes have always moved from inland. You said they have discussed it carefully. My Eastern Court Protectorate is not tolerant of them, but they never thought about it. Killing, burning and looting, many of these have different Gods behind them.

But I, Celestial Xia, can these different Gods insult? After the superior cultivators of Profound Mansion caught these different gods, they would pull them to the square for public disposal. This is rare and can be seen once or twice a year. Guests might as well go take a look. “

young cultivator nodded and said: “Well done, these different Gods dare to offend my Celestial Xia territory, they are all damned. But the store has a sentence wrong,” he corrected: “Now it should be called Eastern Court Fuzhou, and It’s not called Eastern Court Protectorate anymore.”

After saying this, he saw that the rain outside had stopped at some point, and the sky was clear as a wash. He walked out of the shop, but he could feel that heaven and earth seemed to be somewhere and just now. Some are different, but this feeling is so subtle that it is difficult to express it in detail.

He stood for a moment, looked up in the direction of the Mountain of Initiation, and then moved towards the Eastern Court Profound Mansion.

On the other side, after Min Gong entire group got off the flying boat, he got on the creation cart and brought a group of staff and officials to Chief Commandery on the inner city platform.

Chief Commander Yang Jue has already received the news first, and Office Duke Liu Fengquan and the six Office Lords have all come to the gate of the government to welcome the new Continent Governor.

After the two parties paid respect in front of the door, Yang Yu invited Mr. Min in. After a tedious handover, he officially entrusted the rights and responsibilities of Protectorate to Mr. Min.

Seeing that things are going well, Min Gong is in a good mood, and said: “I don’t know what arrangements Yang Jun has for coming down?”

Yang Jue held the gift of the younger generation and said: “If there is a question from the public, the younger generation may go to Jade Capital to study.”

Min Gong was slightly nodded. He took a name card from his sleeve and said: “old man has some old friends in Jade Capital. If Yang Jun encounters any difficulties, you can look for them and look at the face of the old man. They will help out if they want to.”

Yang Yu didn’t make any trouble with entrust affairs, so he was also willing to help him.

Yang Yu did not decline, and took the name card, cups the hands and says: “Then many thanks to Mr. Min.” He said again: “By the way, Mr. Min, here are three pictures, Mr. . Zhang ordered it to be sent for Min Gong to take a look.”

Min Gong suspiciously asked: “Mr. Zhang?”

Liu Fengquan sitting at the bottom said: “Mr. Zhang is Profound Mansion Profound Leader Zhang.”


Gong Min was somewhat surprised. He looked at Yang Jue seriously and asked seriously: “Jun Yang is a student of Profound Leader Zhang?”

Yang Jue said: “Mr. Zhang taught kid etiquette, so he is suitable for him.”

Min Gong couldn’t help but nod, and he took a high look at Yang Yu.

With such an identity, if Yang Jue wants to stay in the position of Chief Commander, or push Liu Fengquan to the position of the Continent Governor, it is not impossible, but he is willing to give up and can only say that he is sure Unintentional, but thinking that Yang Jue is just a youngster, this kind of thinking seems not surprising.

At this time, the attendant next to him took the three picture scrolls and submitted them to him again. He discerned it and knew what it was, so he opened the three picture scrolls one by one.

Liu Fengquan and all the Office Lords here know that this is the new continent administration map, but this is for the purpose of the Continent Governor, so no one dared to open it privately before. At this moment, it is also curiously watching.

The first two paintings of Min Gong were opened and put aside for a little while, but only when I turned to the third scroll, I saw that there were a lot of comments on it, so I paid careful attention.

After watching it, he was also amazed in his heart, and said: “What a big handwriting.”

He could see at a glance that if the city is set up according to the third picture, it will not only protect the old land of the west, but the new city continental administration on the east will face the vast inland. This is an aggressive city-building strategy.

He considered it for a while and said to Yang Jue: “Thank Jun Yang to inform the Profound Leader. Now that Commandant and Government Inspecting Envoy have not yet arrived, the old man still needs to discuss with them before giving the Profound Leader a reply. , But the old man believes that Profound Leader’s comments are very reasonable.”

Yang Jue seriously said: “The younger generation will bring the words to you.”

Min Gong’s entire group arrived in the afternoon, and did not leave the government until the day when he entered, and lived in a prepared guest house on the side.

He pushed open the window and looked at the Mountain of Serenity mountain range hidden in the mist in the distance. His heart suddenly became broad. He stroking his beard and said: “It seems that this Profound Leader Zhang wants to have something It’s a big deal.”

The manager worriedly said: “Min Gong, I’m afraid that this Profound Venerable is too enthusiastic to manage things, so it would be difficult for a continental government to do it.”

Min Gongdao: “Since the Profound Court has sent this person to be the Profound Venerable, it also has the principles of the Profound Court. I and the ordinary people should not make any arbitrary comments. Besides, what Profound Venerable does is its own Profound Corrector is not our responsibility.”

At this time, the young cultivator who was walking slowly outside also came outside of the Profound Mansion. The guardian in front of the door could recognize him as the cultivator of the Eastern Court Profound Mansion, but recently there are often foreign cultivators coming here. He folded his hands and asked, “Where does this colleague come from?”

young cultivator bowed, said: “My name is Cui Yue, this time I was ordered by Profound Court to serve as Eastern Court Profound Mansion Profound Corrector.”

The guardian discipline dumbfounded and hurriedly summoned Xuntian Dao Chapter to pass the matter inside.

Xiang Chun immediately took Xu Ying, Fan Lan and the others to greet him from Profound Mansion after hearing the news, but when he came to the door of Profound Mansion and saw Cui Yue himself, he was a little surprised. Because he discovered that this person is not a true cultivator previously thought, but a Chaotic Chapter cultivator.

However, he didn’t show anything on his face. He came up with a kind attitude and said, “This is Cui Profound Corrector, right? Under Xiang Chun, he was ordered by Profound Leader Zhang to serve as Profound Mansion chief. I don’t know Cui With the arrival of Profound Corrector, we have not been able to welcome it far. We hope that Profound Corrector will not be offended if it is rude.”

Cui Yue said: “Don’t blame Chief Xiang, I didn’t inform Profound Mansion in advance.”

Only when he came down, he expressed a straightforward expression and said: “It’s just that I haven’t shown the seal, so how can Chief Xiang believe in my identity so easily? This is really wrong.”

Xiang Chun nodded and said: “Cui Fellow Daoist is right, I don’t know where Dao Seal believes in?”

Cui Yue’s expression slowed down and took out his own seal. After Xiang Chun read it, he gave him a formal salute.

After Cui Yue returned the gift, he asked: “Chief Xiang, but Profound Leader Zhang has arrived?”

Xiang Chun nodded and said: “It’s just that Profound Leader Zhang is now out patrolling envoy inland, and he is not in the mansion at the moment.” He asked sideways and said: “Cui Profound Corrector, enter the mansion and speak.”

Cui Yue shook his head and said: “Profound Mansion matters. Don’t delay business for me. Chief Xiang will send a discipline at will to tell me about the situation in the mansion.”

Xiang Chun persuaded him a few words. Seeing that he insisted, he stopped to say more, so he ordered a discipline to take Cui Yue to various places in the house to understand the situation.

After this person left, Xu Ying was puzzled and said, “senior brother, why did the Profound Court send a Chaotic Chapter cultivator to me? Chaotic Chapter cultivator is the Profound Corrector, is this really no problem?”

To know what happened to the Eastern Court Ji guarding him before, he remembers clearly. This one finally fell into the Grand Chaos. It’s hard to say when this one couldn’t control it, but he also fell into it. As the Profound Corrector, the damage caused will be even greater.

Xiang Chun said: “Profound Court dispatched Chaotic Chapter cultivator to this, I might also have to choose.”

Xu Ying said: “Why?”

Xiang Chun said solemnly: “Because Xuntian Dao Chapter.”

He looked towards the direction that Cui Yue left, “After the creation of Dao Chapter in Xuntian, the cultivator above and below my Profound Mansion can communicate without hindrance, and even let go of the superficial words, but if it comes to a true cultivator , Can’t join here, even if it comes, but if it’s not there, how can you exercise the authority of Profound Corrector?”



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