"Name: Mo Yi

Acclimation: venom (CCCC level)

Skills: proficient in English (level a), big catcher (level DD), Vajra's immortal skill (level DDD / / CCCC)

Combat power: CCCC

Points: 70 "

Sure enough, there is one more Vajra not bad skill in one skill. Now Mo Yi has reached DDD level, followed by the highest level.

That is to say, Mo Yi's cultivation of Vajra is not bad. At most, he can only cultivate to CCCC level. One is the level of Mo Yi's cultivation, a level of skill value.

"The combat power has not changed at all." Mo also looked at one of the combat power items, and there was no change at all.

"Vajra is not bad at miraculous skills. Now the host has been trained to DDD level, and the host has the strength of DDD level, but the venom gives the host the strength of CCCC level. The host's strength is too low, and the combat power is high."

The mechanical sound of the system reverberated directly in Mo Yi's mind.

Listening to the voice of the system, Mo Yi nodded and thought about it for a while, then he understood that his strength was too poor, and there was no strength given by venom, so it didn't increase, but there were some effects that were invincible and harmless.

Mo also saw clearly after a few steps, went to the study before, listening to the paging eunuch, voice for a while, Mo also directly into one.

Kangxi took a look at Mo Yi and waved to the two eunuchs who were waiting on him: "you all go down. You don't have to wait here."


The two eunuchs answered, bowed out of the study and closed the door.

"The white flag and the inlaid yellow flag" Mo also handed the wooden box to Kangxi, and said flatly. Then he found a seat and sat down. There was no one here, which was enough for Kangxi's face.

Kangxi opened the two brocade boxes, looked at them, nodded, looked at Mo Yi and asked, "how about it? How much property does the aobai family have? "

"According to the preliminary survey of sauertu, the total amount is 1.384 million 318 liang of silver," Mo said flatly. If it wasn't for him and sauertu's greed of 1 million Liang, I'm afraid there would be more.

After hearing this, Kangxi opened his eyes: "this bastard, he has seized so many people's fat and cream, more than 1.3 million taels. It's really amazing."

"Hoo... I'm going to send the Buddhist scriptures to the Empress Dowager. Brother, you Kangxi picked up the two boxes, got up and said, and then looked at Mo Yi with concern.

Originally, he wanted to take Mo Yi with him to let the Empress Dowager know that Mo Yi had helped her find 42 chapters of the Sutra. The Empress Dowager would certainly give her a big reward. However, Mo Yi was free and free. He didn't care who he saw, and he was afraid of friction when he met the Empress Dowager.

"OK, I won't go. The palace is not suitable for me. If I go, I won't kneel down, and your face won't be able to pass." Mo clapped his hands and said carelessly.

See the Empress Dowager? It's not the right time. Besides, he doesn't want to kneel down to the Empress Dowager. It's not time to tear his face. Mo will stay in the palace for the time being.

"Here.. Well, at that time, I will issue another imperial edict. "Kangxi nodded, walked straight out of the upper study, and drove directly to the CI Ning palace to see the Empress Dowager.

The matter is basically settled. Now we are basically waiting for a good play in the evening. Mo also reckons that the time is almost up.

Later, Mo also left the study and went back to his dining supervisor.

"Shuanger, practicing again"

Mo also went back to the room, watching Shuanger practicing his changeable footwork, he could not help but feel some shame.

For such a long time, he has never practiced his own footwork. In terms of diligence and hard work, he is far less than Shuanger. He never thought of practicing himself, but blindly relied on his system ability.

"Well, when Shuanger has the power to protect himself, Xianggong doesn't have to worry about Shuanger. Shuanger can also protect Xianggong." Shuanger nodded heavily and said sweetly.

"Shuang'er" Mo also listened to shuang'er's words, but his heart was not touched by a moment.

"Xianggong, what's the matter with you?" Shuang'er looks at Mo Yi's appearance, tilts his head and asks in doubt.

"No.. It's all right. "Mo Yi chuckled, pursed his mouth, and then said," come on, shuang'er, don't practice. Xianggong takes something for you. "With that, Mo Yi took out gold wire soft armor and black iron dagger from the system space.

"Xianggong, what is this?" Shuanger stretched out his head and looked at the things on the table.

Mo Yi looks at shuang'er's lovely appearance. He doesn't know why. When he explains these things to shuang'er, Mo Yi has a sense of achievement. Looking at shuang'er's silly questions, Mo Yi has constant ripples in his heart.

Perhaps, this is love, men will always like a silly woman, silly questions, silly behavior, naive and lovely and quiet state.

"The gold soft armor is made of Tiancan gold silk by hand. After wearing it, you can be invulnerable. Even if you are a master of internal skill, you can completely block it without injury; The dark iron dagger is made of the dark iron from tianwai. It cuts iron like mud and blows hair. Although it's a dagger, it's easy to carry, and sometimes it's even more unexpected. "Mo Yi picked up two things and introduced them to Shuanger. Then he said," you can take these two things to protect your life. "

"Ah? Xianggong, such an important thing, Shuanger can't have it. "

After hearing this, shuang'er quickly pushes back the two things. She knows that they are extremely precious and rare things, and they are also life-saving things. It would be better to stay with her husband.

"I told you to take it, you don't want to worry about it." Mo also put things into Shuanger's hands and said coldly.

"But, but, these are all life-saving things. Shuang'er hopes that his husband will be OK. Shuang'er is just a slave and doesn't deserve to have these things."

Fundamentally, Shuanger has been planning to serve Mo Yi all his life since he was rescued by Mo Yi. He doesn't want anything but to take care of Mo Yi's clothing, food, housing, transportation, tea and water.

"What are you talking about?"

Mo also listened to Shuanger's words, his face was cold, and he couldn't help drinking.

"Ah." Shuang'er was startled by Mo Yi's sudden voice. She shrunk and looked at Mo Yi with some sadness. Her tears rolled in her eyes.

Mo also looks at shuang'er's look and can't help shivering. He knows that he's scared shuang'er. His face slows down. He looks regretful and doesn't know how to deal with shuang'er.

"Shuanger" Mo also stood up and called.

Shuang'er looks up at Mo Yi. Her eyes are red, but they are full of water.

Then, shuang'er's eyes opened and startled. The next feeling was that he was hugged in his arms by Mo Yi. He held it quietly and heard the masculine man's breath.

"Shuang'er, Xianggong has never regarded you as a slave. From the day you followed me with scars, you are the most important person in Xianggong's life. There are two luckiest things in my life: one is that my love for you is exhausted in the end; One is that one day, a long time ago, I met you; Are you willing to go all the way with Xianggong? "

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