"Yes, I'm willing. Since the day my husband saved me, I swear to accompany him all my life, and I will never regret my death." shuang'er said with tears in her eyes.

Listening to Shuanger's claim, Mo Yi sighs helplessly in his heart that Shuanger will put his status as a slave after all, which is not what Mo Yi thinks.

Although Shuanger vows to accompany Mo all his life, it doesn't matter if he gives everything, including his body and mind, but Mo doesn't think about that.

"Xianggong" shuang'er seemed to see Mo Yi's mind. He could not help stroking Mo Yi's cheek and said with a smile: "my heart is like the water of Xijiang River, flowing eastward day and night; Shuang'er likes Xianggong very much, but she never wants anything. Even if she is a slave, she can serve Xianggong and accompany him

"Shuanger" Mo also looks at Shuanger, at Shuanger's bright eyes.

Later, Mo Yi gradually absorbed the red lips of his two children, and their lips intersected. Some hormones burst out in their bodies, constantly impacting their hearts.

Mo Yi picked up his two sons and went to the bed. He was pressed on his body. He was in a state of confusion and constant contact.

However, soon, Mo also let go of Shuanger, got up, took a deep breath, and gradually calmed down. Although the younger brother below is now a hot stone Geng, Mo also can't be such a beast.

"Xianggong, maidservant is willing to" Shuanger holds Mo Yi from behind and says sweetly.

Mo Yi gently put Shuanger into his arms, sat on the bed, stroked his hair and said, "Shuanger, you are too young to do these things. When you are older, let's talk about it."

"But... My husband. "

"No, but it's not good for your health to be married now."

As a new modern youth, Mo also knows that if Shuanger's body is broken in his infancy, he will not be able to develop well in the future. Mo also does not want to hurt Shuanger by his own desire.

When Shuanger wants to make a sound, she is already pressed down by Mo Yi. Her idea is different from Mo Yi. She is not only an ancient woman, but also a normal woman who has sex at the age of thirteen or fourteen. Even some girls, at the age of eleven or twelve, are no longer virgins.

"Isn't that Xianggong uncomfortable?" Shuang'er doesn't know what it looks like. Looking at Mo Yi's crotch, she blushes and asks. Although she knows, it's another matter.

"Just be patient." Mo also looked at the rising little brother below and said sorry.

"Xianggong, although Xianggong doesn't want to do it, these things should be OK."

Shuang'er's face blushes and reaches into Mo Yi, feeling Mo Yi's little brother's blazing heat and moving slightly.

In the room, there was a gasp. Shuang Er didn't know where to learn the skill. Although she was unfamiliar, she could at least make it. More than half an hour later, Mo Yi just spewed out with a sound, which could be regarded as eliminating the fire on her body.

"Where did you learn that?"

Mo also gasps, looking at Shuanger's face to leave his little brother's liquid, carefully help Shuanger wipe, and then a pair of righteous words asked.

"The book looks like" Shuang er's face is still a little red, but still replied.

"Powerful, my Imperial Palace"

It never occurred to me that there would be such books in the imperial palace of the feudal era.

However, since ancient times, there have been a lot of plum blossoms and futons. It's no surprise that Shuanger has read these books.

Shuang'er's various skills just now are full of tricks, which make Mo feel comfortable. Although he didn't eat shuang'er, he also lost his temper, and the little brother retreated.

"In the future, don't read these books." Mo Yixin read. The venom multiplied for a while, and his clothes returned to their original state. The clothes melted by the venom would not leave anything. Now Mo is still fresh and fresh, and nothing is the same.

"Is Xianggong uncomfortable?" Shuang'er asked shyly. It's the first time for her to do these things.

"Cough... We'll talk about it then, "Mo said with a cough and a healthy face.

"Boo boo" Shuanger couldn't help but smile. Looking at Mo Yi, her smile was like a hundred flowers in full bloom.

Although they haven't been married yet, these intimate actions are all contact, kiss a small mouth, take a bath together, and frankly meet each other. They have experienced it for a long time. Now Shuanger is helping Mo also to do this thing, and their relationship is completely implemented.

Although shuang'er still regards himself as a slave and does his duty well, he doesn't dare to be slighted and doesn't want anything, but it doesn't hinder their in-depth communication.

Mo also immediately went to order, let a few little eunuchs put the bath water, the barrel moved into the front hall of the room, as Mo Yi, the eunuch of the sixth grade leader, command these eunuchs or simple things.

After several young eunuchs have gone out, Mo Yi just leads Shuanger out.

They met each other candidly in an instant, bathed and changed clothes. Mo Yi was intimate with Shuanger for a long time, and then he got up reluctantly to wear clothes together.

At night, Mo also plans to go to the CI Ning palace to have a look. It should be about the same time. He doesn't know what Hai Dafu has done in the past few days, and there's no news coming out. The dining supervisor won't come back. Mo also plans to go to inquire first.

"Shuang'er, I'll go out and have a look." Mo Yi explained shuang'er's business, so he got up and went to the ci'ning palace.

"Oh" shuang'er answered, looking at Mo Yiyuan, sighed helplessly.

Yimo also has the ability of spider man. He has no difficulty in climbing over the wall and into the ground. In a moment, he works high above the ground. Soon, he arrives at the cining palace.

Mo also casually landed on a roof, you can see the whole range of the Empress Dowager's residence.

"Not today?" Mo also bored lying on the roof, the mouth helpless light voice.

Although the time is right, but know the plot and body in the experience is not the same, this is a real world, everything may not be the original direction, just like Mo also did not let Trinket into the palace, the protagonist disappeared.

"Coming?" Mo also instantly heard some very slight footsteps.

Soon, Hai Dafu flew directly into the palace. His body was flexible, and there was no sound when he landed.

Just as haidafu had just landed, a maid in waiting came out of the Empress Dowager's bedroom. She found the existence of haidafu and opened her eyes to haidafu.

Haidafu flew up in an instant, grabbed the maid's throat directly, and said in a sharp voice: "don't make any noise, or I'll strangle you". Haidafu's voice was extremely cold.

"Ah... Forgive me, forgive me, I don't speak, I don't speak, "said the maid in a low voice, her face very frightened.

The sea rich looked at the palace maids coldly and walked all the way to the door of the Empress Dowager's bedroom without saying anything.

"What's going on out there?" The fake empress dowager Mao Dongzhu seemed to have heard something and asked in an instant.

"Slave Hai Dafu, please come to your old man," he said in a voice.

After a long pause, the false empress dowager Mao Dongzhu said, "if you want to have a good day, why don't you come here to have a good day? What's the point of coming here now?"

"The slave has secrets. If you want to report to the empress dowager, it's not right for people to hear it in the daytime." Hai Dafu said quietly.

"What confidential event, you can say it now," said the fake empress dowager Mao Dongzhu.

"I dare not go into the Empress Dowager's bedroom. Please step out of the palace. If the Empress Dowager doesn't want to know about that person, I will go," said Hai Dafu.

After Xu Hui, there was no sound coming from the palace, but soon, the fake empress dowager Mao Dongzhu came out, calm and even cold.

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