PS: not to mention the reward and so on, you can collect it, join the bookshelf or something, thank you brothers!!


"Who are you?" Mao Dongzhu looked at Mo carefully and asked.

In front of him, this man, dressed in eunuch clothes, looks young, but his behavior is mature. His eyes are plain and deep. The most important thing is that he doesn't kneel down to her.

"Master Hong, immortality, happiness, longevity and heaven"

Mo also thought about it for a while. Although these words are a little disgusting, they still come out. After all, we have to deal with the situation.

Listening to Mo Yi's words, Mao Dongzhu opened her eyes, which was obviously an instinctive reaction. She immediately followed him and said, "master Hong, immortal and blessed, longevity and heaven together."

"Well, you still have some snacks. Why haven't you found the Scriptures for such a long time Mo also a pair of old, tone is very insipid asked.

"I have found a scripture, but I haven't sent it back to Shenlong island."

Mao Dongzhu listened to Mo yiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyi.

"Well, it's good. It's not in vain. I'll come to help you," Mo said immediately.

"Yes, please"

Mao Dongzhu took out a white silk and red edged Sutra, which was exactly 42 chapters of Sutra with white flag.

"A book?" Mo also took this Scripture in his hand, whispered in his mouth and took a look at Mao Dongzhu.

Mo also knows that there are at least three scriptures in Mao Dongzhu's hands. One of them is the 42 chapter Scripture with white flag. Originally, it was Duan Jing's, but later Mao Dongzhu killed Duan Jing and put it into his hands.

The other two books, which are inlaid with yellow flag and Zhengbai flag, were copied from aobai Mansion by Mo Yizhi. The broken sheepskin in them has been taken out and is basically useless.

"Just right, the other two books are useless, but this one with white flag still has broken sheepskin." Mo Yi whispered in his heart, weighed it up, and put it in his arms.

"Hoo." Mao Dongzhu was relieved to see Mo also put it away.

Just now, Mo Yi looked at her eyes as if he had seen through her. Everything in his mind was revealed in Mo Yi's eyes, and there was no hiding. The kind of eyes that were seen through was too terrible.

"I know what your purpose is. Only one of the three classics can be handed in. The Baotai Yijin pill will attack regularly, and the antidote can only relieve it. The three classics can guarantee the safety of at least three years," Mo said calmly.


Mao Dongzhu was sweating in an instant. She couldn't hide her every move from her partner. She was aware of her thoughts. This kind of blank feeling made her very insecure.

"Hum" Mo also cold hum, do not do the slightest words, but in the heart is laughing.

This kind of scaring, especially the feeling of winning, is very comfortable. Although it's useless to scare Mao Dongzhu, it's at least a forty-two chapter classic.

"Step on... Step on

"When the Empress Dowager starts to play, something happens in the garden, and the Empress Dowager is happy in Jin'an"

Soon there were footsteps outside, and then a respectful boy came in.

Mao Dongzhu then respectfully and carefully made a no sound gesture to Mo Yi, and restored the high posture.

"What's the matter?" Mao Dongzhu's tone was instantly flat, a tone of being a superior.

"It's like the eunuchs are fighting. It's no big deal. Please go to bed. The slaves will play the emperor in detail tomorrow." the bodyguard outside said immediately.

"You go down," Mao Dongzhu said calmly.


After many bodyguards answered together, with the sound of foot steps, the whole bedroom was calm again.

"Hoo..." Mao Dongzhu was relieved. He took a look at Mo Yi and did not dare to speak.

Mo also listened to these bodyguards leave, then said: "you try your best to complete the task, I will report the situation to master Hong, you don't have to worry."

"Yes, please" after hearing Mo Yi's words, Mao Dongzhu's face showed her joy.

Mo also said that, it's just to find an antidote for her. However, who can know that Mo Yigen is not from Dragon Island, but a passer-by who is familiar with the plot.

"En" Mo answered, and walked towards the door.

Seeing this, Mao Dongzhu quickly bowed and sent Mo Yi out of the room.

After going out, Mo also had nothing to do, so he went directly to the Shangshan prison. Now it's deep into the night, everything has been done, and it's time to go back to sleep.

"Why is the light still on?"

Mo also went back to the dining supervisor and saw that the light in the room was still on. You know, it's almost midnight now. It's late. According to the habit of the ancients, they would go to bed early.

Then, Mo also directly pushed the door in, watching Shuanger sitting by and looking at some books.

"Shuanger, why don't you sleep?" Mo Yi went into the room and asked.

"Xianggong hasn't come back yet, Shuanger can't sleep"

Shuang'er looks at Mo Yi's coming back and closes the book with a sigh of relief. The worry in her eyes also disappears.

"Good pair, let's sleep"

Mo also naturally understood Shuanger's words and didn't say much, so he picked up Shuanger and walked towards the bed.

Naturally, Mo also just quietly holding his two children, sleeping one night, the two quietly cuddled up, fell into a deep sleep.

"My father-in-law, my father-in-law..."

The next morning, before Mo Yi woke up, a sound came from outside, disturbing Mo Yi's dream.

"Xianggong, go and have a look." Shuanger naturally woke up and said.

"Well, you stay here." Mo also shaved Shuanger's Qiong nose and got up.

Shuang'er answers, and then serves Mo Yi to put on the eunuch's clothes, so that Mo Yi can open the door.

"Who is it?" Mo also impatiently opened the door, looking at several eunuchs at the door, and then asked.

"I'm very glad that the emperor has issued an edict. We have come to announce the edict as soon as possible. The emperor has reached the edict, and I can stand up to receive it."

The eunuch, holding an edict in his hand, said with a smile: "the emperor ordered that haidafu, the food supervisor, should be given the post of deputy manager of the five grade food supervisor because he died of illness."

"Thank Lord long en" Mo also said casually, and then he took over the imperial edict.

"Congratulations to my father-in-law, but there is a secret order here. If you check it alone, I'll leave." the eunuch took out another piece of paper and handed it to Mo Yi, and then left respectfully.

"Secret order?"

Mo also looked at it, and then a smile appeared on his face.

The content of the letter, Mo also had psychological preparation, just did not expect to come so soon.

It's just that aobai's life is an eyesore. Please don't deal with it. However, it involves the heaven and Earth Society. If you want to see Chen Jinnan in the first World War and complete the task, you will have a chance.

"Shuanger, get ready, let's go out to play." Mo Yi immediately looked at Shuanger in the cabinet and yelled.

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