Kangqin palace, Mo also with Shuanger, and a large team of bodyguards, how how to go to Kangqin palace.

According to the Emperor Kangxi's imperial edict, Mo ye went to the Kangqin palace to check aobai. After all, aobai was a minister who was in charge of his orders. He should be lenient even if he committed a great crime.

In fact, Kangxi gave Mo Yi a secret order to kill aobai.

"Ah, brother, brother, I'm waiting for you."

As soon as he arrived at Prince Kang's residence, Prince Kang came out and welcomed Mo Yi with a warm look.

"Lord, the emperor sent me to see aobai, and there's nothing wrong with it." Mo Yi's voice was very calm. He got out of the carriage and looked at Prince Kang. He didn't come to reward him. He was so happy.

"Yes, please bring the emperor's imperial edict. Let's have a drink first and see aobeinasi." Prince Kang took Mo ye into the hall with great enthusiasm.

Prince Kang exchanged greetings with Mo Yi. He could talk about all kinds of things. He didn't know how to do it. Prince Kang's ability to exchange greetings was not bad at all.

"Lord, where is your cell? I want to see aobai first

After listening for a long time, Mo Yi proposed to go to see aobai. Otherwise, if he was too anxious, he would lose the face of Prince Kang and make people feel that there is something unknown.

"Then" Prince Kang immediately pointed out a direction to Mo Yi, but he did not lead the way.

"OK, I'll see."

Mo also nodded, ready to go toward the cell.

"Ah, ah," Prince Kang quickly called twice, grabbed Mo Yi, and said with a smile, "brother, when you see the emperor, you will tell him that we guard aobai tightly, even if you have wings on your body, you can't fly out."

"That's nature, that's nature." Mo Yi gave a smile. He and Prince Kang looked at each other meaningfully and went to the cell. At the same time, he said, "little Gemini, accompany me."

"Ah" shuang'er answers and follows Mo to the cell.

The cell is not far away, Mo also directly found out the way, directly into the cell.

"My father-in-law."

In the cell, there were several guards. When they saw Mo Yi, they knew him and saluted.

"Well, you all go down, the emperor told me to judge this guy alone." Mo also looked at aobai, then waved his hand to several people and said.


Several people have to be a, have left the cell.

Mo also looked at aobai in the cell, chained, looking a little decadent.

Soon, aobai also looked at Mo Yi and gave out a roar: "roar..."


Shuang'er is scared and hides behind Mo Yi. She timidly looks at aobai, who wants to see but doesn't dare to.

"Shut up" Mo also roared, wrist move, a black spider silk fly out, directly sealed aobai's mouth. Concerned looking at Shuanger: "good Shuanger, are you ok?"

"I'm ok, Xianggong, but this man is so terrible." Shuanger points out a scallion white finger, points to aobai and says timidly.

Aobai's present appearance, ferocious face, is really easy to frighten Shuanger.

Later, Mo opened the cell door and walked into it. He watched aobai quietly, but he didn't say anything.

In the cell, there was only the sound of the iron chain when aobai was struggling. The rest was peaceful.

"Xianggong, is that what you want?"

As time goes by, shuang'er asks suspiciously.

"Etc." Mo also flatly light say a sentence, there is no other words.

If you don't wait for the people of the heaven and earth society, Mo won't kill aobai. Otherwise, how can you brush this copy? Without the leadership of the heaven and earth society, Mo also wants to find Chen Jinnan. The possibility is zero.

"Kill the dog thief aobai."

"Kill the dog thief aobai..."

Soon there was a loud noise outside, a sound of footwork at the door, and several figures were flashing.

"It's time," Mo said softly. He raised his hand and clapped it on aobai's cover with all his strength.


Coincidentally, these people from the heaven and earth society came in and saw that Mo Yi had killed aobai by spitting blood.

"He killed aobai?"

"The boy killed aobai."

The people of heaven and earth society all saw this scene and said in surprise.

"Take it back and say it."

In an instant, the people of heaven and Earth Society pried open the prison door and put a knife on Mo Yi's neck.


Shuang'er was also restrained by the heaven and Earth Society. A knife was put around his neck, just like a lamb. He looked at Mo Yi in panic, and his eyes were full of fear.

Mo also looked at Shuanger's look and clapped his hand directly on the members of the heaven and earth society who were holding Shuanger. He directly injured Shuanger, spat blood and softened his whole body.

With a bang, the members of the local assembly threw themselves on the ground that day, spitting out a mouthful of blood and unable to move.

"Don't move"

They watched Mo Yi attack, and their strength was good. They immediately took out their swords to guard against Mo Yi.

"Shuanger, are you ok?"

Who knows, Mo also ignore these people at all, directly caress Shuanger's face and ask with concern.

"I'm fine." Shuang Er looks at Mo Yi, and his heart is filled with a sense of security. Holding Mo Yi's sleeve tightly, the fear in his eyes is gone.

"Well, I don't have to. I just want to meet Chen Jinnan. Let's go with you." Mo is not doing anything. Without these people, how can he meet Chen Jinnan?


They all looked at each other and made a decision. Then they were on guard against Mo Yi and went all the way to the gathering place of the branch rudder.

The gathering place of tiandihui Qingmu hall is not a beautiful place, but a very remote house, and it looks a little shabby.

"Master Yin Xiang, the revenge has been avenged."

They knelt in front of a holy place, and a white bearded old man in front said a lot of nonsense. Mo didn't have the heart to listen.

"Shuanger, are you hungry?" Mo Yigen didn't pay attention to the public and cared about Shuanger.

"Shuanger is OK"

However, Shuanger shakes his head and makes a sweet and greasy voice. Then he quietly looks at these worships.

For a long time, Mo Yi and shuang'er were watching quietly, but these people of heaven and Earth Society were not finished at all. There were a lot of things that could be worshipped. Just talking was already a lot of things.

"Are you well? What about Chen Jinnan? " Mo also looked at these people are still here to worship, not angry shouting.

He and shuang'er have been arrested since the afternoon. Now it's night. These people are still kneeling here. Mo has no idea.

"What do you want to do with Mr. Chen?"

As soon as Mo Yi spoke, there was a deep voice outside the door, which seemed to be full of Zhongqi. The door was pushed open.

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