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"Ding, task one: defeat Chen Jinnan( Task reward: 150 points "

At the same time that the voice in Mo Yi's mind rings out, Chen Jinnan's body also flies upside down and spits out a little blood from the corner of his mouth. The injury is not very serious. Mo also has hands.

"Fortunately, I still practice Vajra is not bad, as Vajra is not bad body" Mo also watched Chen Jinnan fly out, a burst of joy in the heart, is also a sigh of relief.

If it wasn't for Vajra's immortal skill, it would be Mo Yi who was afraid to fly backwards this time.

Before, Chen Jinnan's coagulation claw was really powerful. The claw force rushed directly into Mo Yi's body. Originally, Mo also thought that he could be safe with the protection of the "venom" clothing.

After all, Mo Yi has a deep understanding of the defense ability of venom. But who knows, the claw strength of coagulation claw has penetration power. The venom protects 70% or 80%, and the rest goes directly to Mo Yi's blood. Fortunately, Mo Yi's body is still King Kong's body, which is the only way to protect these claw strength.

However, if the coagulation claw does not have the power of penetration, how can it coagulate the blood under one claw? It is powerful and extremely insidious.


The people of Qingmu hall look at Chen Jinnan's fall and injury. They take out their weapons one after another and look at Mo Yi with hostility.

"Stop" Chen Jinnan gave a soft drink, slowly stood up and arched his hand to Mo Yiyi: "thank you for your mercy, Chen Jinnan is inferior to others and lost."

"Commander Chen is too modest. If it wasn't for his body protection and his claw strength, I would have been defeated long ago."

Mo also saw that Chen Jinnan was like this. Naturally, it was left to Chen Jinnan to go down the steps, so as not to make Chen Jinnan lose face. That would not be very good.

"If you lose, you lose. It's just because of your brother's martial arts. Why don't you stay in the imperial court? Why don't you join our heaven and Earth Society? Chen is the master. His brother is the Deputy helmsman. After the anti Qing Dynasty and the restoration of the Ming Dynasty, his brother is the founder of the country," Chen Jinnan says seductively.

"Ha ha ha, thank you for your kindness, but Mo has no such ambition. You are against your Qing Dynasty. I won't stop you. I enjoy my wealth. Who is the emperor? What do I have to do with you?" Mo also chuckles, shakes his head and refuses.

As a modern man, he is not in the same world. Sooner or later, he will leave. In order to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, he has nothing to do with Mo Yi. Mo Yi does not have much nostalgia for this world.

"This... Chen Jinnan listened to Mo's firm tone, hesitated for a while, and did not continue to persuade.

"However, I'm still interested in martial arts. I'm quite curious about master Chen's coagulation claw. Of course, I can also communicate with master Chen by refining my own body," Mo said with a slight smile.


Chen Jinnan's eyes lit up as he listened to Mo Yi's words. It was obvious that he was also interested in Mo Yi's eight layers of blood coagulation claw.

"In this way, brother Mo, please come to the inner room," Chen Jinnan said. He took Mo into a slightly empty house and closed the door.

Although it's an inner room, it's actually isolating everyone. Mo Yi and Chen Jinnan are the only two people in the room. After all, what they want to hand over is their own secret. How can they let others see it? This is also a habitual closed thinking.

"Brother Mo, this is my way to practice coagulation and divine claw, but this skill is quite insidious. I hope brother Mo can use it carefully." Chen Jinnan took out a slightly old thread bound book from his arms and handed it to Mo Yi.


Mo also took it with a smile. At the same time, he took out the secret script of Vajra's immortal skill and handed it to Chen Jinnan.

"King Kong is not bad? It turned out to be one of the five lost magic skills of Shaolin. No wonder the effect of refining body is so powerful. "Chen Jinnan looked at the secret script and said happily.

Obviously, although the coagulation claw is strange, it is still a little worse than Vajra's immortal skill.

"Was chief commander Chen satisfied?" Mo also looked at Chen Jinnan and said with a smile.

"It's Chen who has taken advantage of it. Brother Mo can watch the coagulation claw at will. He can ask for advice if he doesn't know anything." Chen Jinnan said with a smile, happy and comfortable.

"Thank you very much, then," Mo Yiwei arched his hand and said to Chen Jinnan.

Immediately, Mo Yi opened the blood coagulation claw and examined it carefully. Although Mo Yi had learned martial arts, he was still dizzy when he looked at the secret script of blood coagulation claw.

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The book of heaven in Mo Yi's mind, with Mo Yi's mind, opened a new page.

"Name: coagulation claw

Attribute: claw power

Function: after practice, it will form a cold claw force, which will penetrate its skin and flesh. Within a few hours, it can coagulate its blood to death. If it needs to be relieved, it is necessary to bury itself in the mud, only to breathe, four hours a day, for seven days.

Grade: CCC "

"Hiss." Mo also looked at the introduction of coagulation claw, and took a breath of cool air.

Although the level of this coagulation claw is not high, its effect is really terrible and extremely poisonous. It can kill later and has a marvelous effect. Moreover, it is extremely difficult to remove it. If no one tells me, I'm afraid I'll have to wait to die.

"Ding, you need to pay 430 points if you find the coagulation claw; Learn to DD level, need to pay 70 points; To learn dddd, you need to pay 120 points; To learn Level C, you need to pay 310 points; To learn CC level, you need to pay 360 points; To learn CCC level, you need to pay 430 points. "

"Did not expect, coagulation claw than King Kong is not bad, the magic power is not much less" Mo also looked at the required points, the heart whispered. Although a lower level, but the integral distance is only 70 points, which proves that the difference is not big.

In fact, systematic skill learning does not overlap with each other. It takes 120 points to learn dddd level. If Mo Yi learned DD level first and is learning dddd level, it only takes 50 points. The two are subtracted.

"Learning to dddd level, write down the last two levels for the time being," Mo Yi whispered in his heart.

"Ding, coagulation claw, learning dddd level, a total of 120 points; The last two levels of records, a total of 20 points, a total of 140 points, whether to pay? "


Mo Yi said without hesitation that in an instant, Mo Yi felt that his hand gathered a special strength, and his claw force was very strong, at least he made great achievements in claw skill.

In this instant, Mo Yi has already achieved dddd level, the skill of coagulating the divine claw. The Yin cold claw strength in his hand can be wielded at will. This Yin cold strength is different from some martial arts such as ice and cold. This is Yin cold, the only one that can coagulate people's blood and has extremely penetrating and cohesive force.

At the same time, the coagulation claw, all the methods of practice, are recorded in Mo Yi's mind, later can learn and preach at will, there is no problem.

After learning the first two levels, Mo Yi not only has the power of coagulation claw of dddd level, but also has a clear practice method. The latter is recorded in his mind with integral points, which he can't forget.

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