PS: the results are poor. We all have recommended tickets. We can add them to the bookshelf for collection. It's all a little work. Of course, if you have money, you can hold a cash market


"Name: Mo Yi

Acclimation: venom (CCCC level)

Skills: proficient in English (Grade A), Vajra immortal skill (grade DDD / / CCCC), coagulation claw (grade DD / / CCC)

Combat power: CCCC

Points: 80 points

The combat power is still unchanged. After all, although the coagulation claw has a great help to Mo Yi, it is still inferior to the venom. This is also an inertia of the system.

It's the points. Originally, Chen Jinnan's task was completed, and 150 points were collected. With the original 70 points, there were 220 points. With the learning of coagulation claws and memory, 140 points were used all at once, and only 80 points were left.

"Chen's coagulation claw is really magical." Mo also chuckled, closed the secret script and handed it back to Chen Jinnan.

"Ah?" Chen Jinnan Leng for a moment, looking at Mo Yi: "brother Mo, this is finished, don't study more?"

"No, I just want to have a look. Excuse me, Mr. Chen."

Mo also chuckled and handed the secret script of coagulation claw to Chen Jinnan.

"Oh, good" Chen Jinnan's face was a little bit bad, and he took it. At the same time, he handed back the secret book of Vajra's immortal skill to Mo Yi.

It's less than half an hour before and after they return the secret script. Even if Chen Jinnan is a genius, he can't just turn over all the contents a few times. What's more, Chen Jinnan just turned over a few pages.

He took the secret script of "Vajra is not bad" and put it in his arms. Then he entered the system space.

After that, Mo Yi got up to the door and went out, saying, "please, Mr. Chen, we won't disturb you. Now it's late, we'll leave."

"Good, then Chen will not be far away to send," Chen Jinnan dry smile, will be Mo also sent out of the door.

Mo also nodded, looked at Shuanger outside and said with a smile, "Shuanger, we're going."

"Yes, Xianggong"

Shuang'er quickly trots to keep up with him, pulls Mo Yi's arm and leaves the courtyard one after another.

Mo also took Shuanger to stroll in the capital and went to the palace.

"I didn't expect that the night was so prosperous." Mo also looked at the scene in the city, and it turned out that there were people setting up stalls and doing business.

Now, it's the Qing Dynasty, but I don't have the habit of closing the door to sleep at night before.

"Xianggong, look at that" Shuanger shouts excitedly, pointing to the juggler over there.

Mo also chuckled, took shuang'er over, looked at it, gave some silver coins, and then left.

The capital at night is no worse than that during the day. There are lots of lights everywhere, and there are many things.

"Xianggong, look at this

"Xianggong, this

"Xianggong, this is very interesting..."

Shuanger looks at things like this. They are all things that they have never seen before. They are very cute and clever with a curious baby's appearance. Such Shuanger is more spiritual and will not accept Mo Yi blindly.

"Shuang'er, it's very late," Mo Yi said as he walked into the street and looked at shuang'er.

"Xianggong, are we going back?" Shuang'er answered, took Mo Yi's hand and asked hopefully.

"Well, it's time to go back," Mo Yi and Shuanger walked towards the palace, saying as they walked.

"Oh" shuang'er answered and didn't continue to speak.

"Does Shuanger like to come out and play?" Mo didn't look at shuang'er. He asked in a flat tone, intentionally or unintentionally.

Listening to Mo Yi's words, Shuanger looks at Mo Yi and says with a smile, "in fact, it's the same everywhere. The prime minister is there."

"After a period of time, my husband will take you out to have a good time, OK?" Mo also looks at pair son to ask a way.

"Really? "Good," shuang'er said with a happy face.

Mo also stroked shuang'er's head and walked towards the palace with a smile.

Before, shuang'er followed Mo Yi all the way into the palace, and stayed in the palace all the time. What she saw and heard was really not much, and she had never seen anything.

With the token, Mo Yi and Shuanger return to Shangshan prison all the way.

Now, it's getting late, and Mo has no intention to report to Kangxi. He asked someone to send him a meal. After washing, he was ready to go to sleep.

"Xianggong, don't you sleep?"

Shuanger sits on the bed, wearing white silk pajamas, blinking big eyes, looking at Mo Yi and asking.

"You sleep first" Mo Yi chuckled, got up and walked out of the room, stood in the yard, standing quietly.

Mo Yi closed his eyes and flashed the information of coagulation claw in his mind. The information engraved in his mind was constantly understood and speculated by Mo Yi.

"Coagulation God claw" Mo also instantly opened his eyes, a light drink, body shape constantly flashing.

However, Mo Yi's claws are made of both hands, dancing the tricky and ruthless coagulation claws. Layers of cold claw strength are constantly emitting. This claw skill, which can condense other people's blood, is evil and poisonous.

Of course, Mo also has no resistance to the coagulation claw. Martial arts are used by people, and the key is to depend on people.

Time does not know how long, Mo Yi is gradually stopped, the whole body's breath has calmed down.

"Well, it seems that I'm not very qualified."

Mo Yi took a breath and said to himself that he didn't expect that his progress in practicing martial arts was so low.

Originally, Mo Yi, with the help of the system, had already completely mastered the DD level of coagulation claw, and had a thorough understanding of it. He also had the next level of practice in his mind. Mo also wanted to try it on his own, but he didn't expect that the progress was not big at all. After practicing for a long time, he didn't have much effect.

"Forget it" Mo also helpless, now it is late, Mo also did not plan to continue to practice, went back to the room to sleep.

The next day, Mo also went to the study to see Kangxi. He didn't plan to stay in the palace all the time. It was inevitable that he would collect 42 chapters of scriptures.

Mo Yi, deputy director of Shangshan prison

The paging eunuch yelled, and Mo went into the upper study.

"Big brother? Are you ok? " Looking at the arrival of Mo Yi, Kangxi quickly got up and stepped forward.

"No problem, I went to meet the people of the heaven and earth society, but I found out a piece of news," Mo said with a slight smile.

"Oh? I don't know what news you've got? "

Looking at Mo, Kangxi turned to sit back on the Dragon chair and asked.

"It is said that emperor Shunzhi did not die, but became a monk in Qingliang Temple of Wutai Mountain," Mo said with a smile.

"What?" Kangxi instantly drank a, suddenly stood up, eyes open.

"80% of the information is true, and the details are unknown. I believe it should be correct," Mo said immediately.

Kangxi thought for a moment, then sat down again, his eyes wrinkled tightly. After a long time, he said, "brother, I've just been in charge, and the affairs in the palace have not been controlled. At this time, I can't get away."

"I understand. It doesn't matter if I go."

Mo Yi shrugged his shoulders. That's what he told Kangxi in advance. On the one hand, there was a forty-two chapter classic in Shunzhi's hands. On the other hand, Mo Yi didn't want to stay in the palace all day long.

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