PS: the recent plot is a little boring. Please bear with me for a while


"OK, I'll make an order immediately. Brother, you should prepare to go to Wutai Mountain for business as soon as possible," Kangxi said solemnly.

Mo Yi nodded, then turned around and left the upper study. As for when to go to Wutai Mountain, Mo is not in a hurry. It should be OK in the near future.

"I don't know, when will the incident of King Mu's entering the palace to make trouble and trying to frame the Pingxi palace happen?" Mo Yi walked all the way back to Shangshan prison, thinking.

According to the plot that Mo Yi knows, these things will happen in the near future. However, Mo also doesn't have the heart to manage these things.

Mo also didn't fulfill Trinket's ambition of seven wives. The only thing that Mo loves and cherishes most is shuang'er. So far, Mo has no intention of taking care of the people in King Mu's residence.

"Xianggong" shuang'er looked at Mo Yi coming, and instantly burst out a smile and called out sweetly.

"Well, shuang'er, we're going to Wutai Mountain soon," Mo said softly, stroking shuang'er's head.

"Really?" Shuang'er asked brightly. She has been staying in the dining room of the imperial palace. Although she follows Mo Yi wholeheartedly, she is always so boring. If she can accompany Mo Yi to play, it's the best.

"Of course, the edict will come soon," Mo said with a smile.

Congratulations on your promotion

Sure enough, a few eunuchs were carrying a suit of clothes and some fragmentary things.

"By royal decree, Mo Yi, the food supervisor, disguised himself as eunuch for helping to capture aobai. Now things have come to an end, and Mo Yi has since regained his status. He specially granted Huang mandarin jacket to the former deputy head of the Royal Guard. That is to say, he went to mount Wutai on business a few days ago, and was dispatched by local civil and military officials

The eunuch yelled, and then a eunuch next to him handed the things in his hand to Mo Yi, a set of honest and upright official clothes, a token, and a yellow mandarin jacket. At the same time, the imperial edict was also handed over to Mo Yi.

"Thank you, father-in-law." Mo also took all these things and said with a smile.

"It's OK, it's OK, Mr. mo. if it's OK, we'll leave."

The eunuch didn't dare to tell Mo Yi anything. He knew that the relationship between Mo Yi and the emperor was unusual. We could see from all kinds of things that he read out the imperial edict. After all, the emperor always ordered that Mo Yi didn't have to kneel down and stand to receive the edict. This was different. Of course, these were things. He was rotten in his stomach and didn't dare to speak half a word.

Mo also watched many eunuchs leave, smiling, and casually put his things in the room without paying much attention to them.

After that, Mo Yi practiced Vajra for a while, but the effect was not as good as expected. At the same time, he watched Shuanger practice his magic power.

"Brothers, brothers"

I do not know when, outside came some footsteps, or a few shouts.

"Lord, what's the matter?"

Mo also opened the door and saw Prince Kang enter his courtyard. Then he asked strangely.

"Congratulations, brother. I didn't expect that brother Yi had such a great mission before, and now he is promoted," Prince Kang said.

"It's just a fluke," Mo said flatly, with no change in his mood.

"Brother, I've prepared a feast in my house to celebrate for my brother. Let's go." Prince Kang took Mo Yi's hand and wanted to go outside.

"Don't use it, Lord. These are small things." Mo also didn't plan to go to Kangqin palace.

"How can this work?" Prince Kang said quickly, and then his face changed: "brother, I know. You are still blaming my brother. Ah, yes, if the guards in my brother's house are not too useless, how can I let my brother be caught by those traitors? You don't know. During that time, my brother felt very guilty and couldn't sleep at night, Now I see you come back safely, brother

"Well, well, Wang Ye, is it OK for me to take one more person?"

Mo Yi doesn't have the heart to listen to Prince Kang's long speeches. It's OK to deal with trinket. Mo Yi is a modern man, but his mind is not so immature.

In a word, they are all Foxes of a thousand years old. What kind of Liaozhai do they play.

"Nothing, nothing, go," Prince Kang looked at Mo also agreed to come down, quickly nodded.

"Shuang'er, I'm going out of the palace. Are you going?" Mo also yelled to the room.

In an instant, shuang'er's figure trotted out, quickly took Mo Yi's arm, nodded his head and said, "go, shuang'er wants to go. My husband can't leave shuang'er alone."

"Good" Mo nodded, then looked at Prince Kang and said with a smile, "excuse me, Lord, let's go."

"Oh, good, good"

Prince Kang nodded and turned to go out. At the same time, he looked at Shuanger, but he didn't say or ask anything.

A sedan chair has been prepared outside Mo Yi's yard to reach Prince Kang's residence.

"Brothers, come on, come on"

In front of the gate, Prince Kang himself welcomed Mo Yi into the house. The food was already ready, and several people were waiting on him. In front of him, he also prepared to sing opera.

Later, Mo Yi was bored to listen to these operas, but the prepared food was delicious, and many of them protected animals, but this is the world of Lu Ding Ji.

Mo Yibi is actually a modern man. How can he listen to those operas? Shuanger is very interested in them.

"Lord, where is the cottage?" Mo also immediately got up and asked.

"Go out and turn left, brother. I'll let someone take you." Prince Kang looked enthusiastic.

"No, no," Mo waved and hurried away.

After Mo Yi went out, he found a place where there was no one, and the "venom" on his body began to evolve. He directly changed into a set of night clothes, which covered up Mo Yi's appearance.

See, Mo Yi one by one rummages for a room, but all is enter one by one, do not do more stop.

"This should be prince Kang's master bedroom." Mo Yi looked at the whole bedroom, locked his eyes in a Buddha statue, and found a key made of gold in his left ear. He said with a smile: "I'm not as good as the one who knows the story."

Mo Yi immediately knocked on the surrounding walls. According to Mo Yi's knowledge, the key was put in the Buddha statues, and the place of collection was in these walls, but Mo also didn't know the specific location.

"Empty?" It was not until Mo Yi hit a position in the lower corner of the left wall that he found that his voice was obviously empty.

Mo Yi fumbled for a while, pulled out a brick and revealed a keyhole like thing, which was obviously symmetrical with the key in Mo Yi's hand.

Don't use the key too much. Just put the key into the key hole. After a while, you just hear a "Lo" and the lock is already open.

But in an instant, a few crossbows shot directly towards Mo Yi's chest, but Lai even Mo Yi's clothes didn't Pierce, so they fell to the ground.

"Hidden weapon?" Mo also looked at a few small arrows on the ground and whispered.

He is wearing clothes made of venom. His defense is amazing. He has also practiced Vajra's immortal skill. It is extremely difficult to pierce Mo Yi's body.

Mo also put his hand into the cave, took out a package from it, opened it, looked at it, laughed and put it away.

After that, Mo Yi pretended to be nothing, changed his clothes, and returned to the banquet hall. About half an hour later, Mo Yi and his son returned to the palace.

As a food supervisor, Mo also took out the package in his arms and handed it to Shuanger, saying, "Shuanger, take it down."

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