"Master, although it's impossible to assassinate the emperor, we see that this man is guarded by countless officers and soldiers, and the battle is no less than that of the dog emperor. It's good for us to capture this man as a threat."

One of the most beautiful women in green is holding Mo Yi with a sword in one hand. At the same time, she looks at the hut.

The two girls holding Mo Yi are extremely beautiful, but the woman in green is more exquisite in face and figure, and has a friendly temperament, which undoubtedly shows the color of love.

"So, good." a solemn female voice came from the hut.

Then, a nun came out with a white robe in her hand and a pale face. She was obviously injured.

"Master, are you ok?" The woman in purple came forward to support the nun and asked with concern.

"En" the nun nodded slightly, then looked at them and said, "AKI, AK, is he the one you two brought back?", The nun said, then pointed to Mo Yi.

"Yes, master, when we saw his thousands of officers and soldiers escorting him back to Beijing, we must have a good identity. Those officers and soldiers are also full of wine and rice, and they can't stop us at all," said ako in green to the nun.

"Hum" nun Jiunan, wearing a white monk's robe, snorted and said with a smile, "if it wasn't for your martial uncle's mercy, you two would have left your heads there long ago."

"Martial uncle?"

A Ke in green and a Qi in purple look at each other, and then wonder together.

"Elder martial sister, I haven't seen you for a long time," Mo said with a smile, looking at nun Jiunan.

"Yes, it's almost two years since that day." nun Jiunan nodded and responded.

"Teacher... Master, when will we have a martial uncle? "

A Ke and a Qi all run to nine difficult there, doubt of ask a way.

"Why ask so many questions?" Nine difficult scolded a, didn't give two people to explain at all.

"Ha ha, if I didn't find the shadow of the elder martial sister in the sword moves used by the two martial nephews, I couldn't recognize it. I almost beat myself." Mo also chuckled.

"Uncle? Don't brag, you may not beat me. "Ah Ke looked at their young martial uncle, and then said with disdain.

I'm afraid that for some special reason, Mo Yi will become their martial uncle. As for martial arts, I'm afraid it's not very good. Maybe I won't do it at all, or I won't be held hostage by them.

"Ha ha" Mo also chuckled, did not say much.

"It's none of your business. Do you know what it means to respect the teacher and respect the way? Even the martial uncle is disrespectful. If you are a little older, don't you even recognize me as a master?" Jiunan asked Ke, just a light drink.

"I don't dare to" ah Ke bows down, looks at Mo Yi with a look of fear, then looks at Mo Yi with a look of grievance and resentment, and says in her heart: "a tattered martial uncle, who has no strength at all, is not an extra burden, hum."

"Found it. There it is."

"Go, go, go"

When Mo Yizheng was about to speak, there was a loud noise. In an instant, dozens of lamas quickly surrounded Mo Yiyi and others.

"Elder martial sister, did they hurt you?" Mo also turns to look to nine difficult to ask a way.

"Well, younger martial brother, you must be careful. The other lamas are not convincing, but the six internal forces in the middle are all good, and they have the same array together, which is really powerful." Jiunan nodded slightly and reminded Mo Yi.

"Then break their array first." Mo Yi's eyes coagulated, and then he spit out a black spider silk and went directly to one of the six lamas.

The spider's silk shoots out, and immediately the Lama is bound. The more struggling the Lama is, the more powerful the binding will be. Mo Yi immediately pulls the Lama with great strength and flies him directly.

"Coagulation God claw" Mo also eyes a coagulation, a hand into claws, looking at the flying Lama, a claw down.

"Poof." The Lama fell directly at Mo Yi's feet and spat out a mouthful of blood from the corner of his mouth. Within a moment, his breath died out.

When ah Ke and ah Qi are watching Mo Yi in the nine difficulties, they kill the weak Lama, and spit out the cobweb rope with their hands.

People are still in shock. One of them has died before long.

"Kill him" and then a Lama yelled, and everyone rushed up to kill Mo and others.

Ah Ke and ah Qi also pulled out their silver swords and killed the Little Lamas around them.

But the five remaining lamas looked at each other, then jumped up and surrounded Mo Yi. Some Tantric moves hit Mo Yi.

Mo Yi used his coagulation claw very quickly. In a moment, he was able to repel these five people. With the great strength of his body, no one could defeat them.


Five people did not because of the move was repulsed and how, Qiqi light drink a, body shape a turn, internal force sent out, five internal force cohesion, toward Mo also kill.

"Younger martial brother, be careful" nine difficult to see this, hurriedly remind Mo also way.

"Compare with me?" Don't drink it lightly. The great internal power of Yijinjing gushes out in an instant.

With a bang, the five lamas around Mo Yi flew out in an instant and fell to the ground. Their faces were very pale. Originally, the array without one person was incomplete. Mo Yi's internal power was the Yijinjing, which was far more powerful than ordinary people. In an instant, he injured five people.

"Let's go.. Let's go

Five people yelled a few times, and then left in a hurry.

Mo also has no mind to hunt down these lamas. Anyway, it is enough to make them seriously injured.

"It's amazing"

A Ke and a Qi are looking at Mo Yi with stars in their eyes. They are shocked. They didn't expect that these lamas who are chasing them were seriously injured by this unknown young martial uncle.

"I didn't expect you to become the Yijinjing of Shaolin."

Nine difficult eyes is also a little surprised, but is surprised, Mo also practice is not pass the secret of Shaolin Yi Jin Jing.

For Mo Yi to hurt these lamas, originally Mo Yi had the strength no less than her. Her pure physical strength was 100 times stronger than her. Later, she practiced the internal skill, and it was normal for her strength to improve by leaps and bounds.

"It's just a coincidence. Elder martial sister, I'll heal you first." Mo Yi immediately supports nine difficulties. Once the technique is turned, he and nine difficulties join each other, and his internal power moves in.

Mo Yixing used the internal healing method in the Yijinjing to help nun Jiunan with her internal power. She soon cured all her internal injuries.

Mo Yi has more than half of his internal power left. This is the miraculous effect of Yi Jin Jing. He can exercise his own power and attack at night. The more he practices and understands, the stronger the internal power he can absorb. It's rare in the world that his internal power is magnificent.

"Good deep internal power"

Nine difficult immediately light vomit out a turbid gas, in the mouth exclaimed.

"Oh, elder martial sister, come to fight?" Mo also immediately smile of see to nine difficult to say.

As long as he conquers the nine difficulties, Mo Yi has already completed three tasks, and he is short of points at this time.

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