"Younger martial brother, is that why you are cured?" Nine difficult not from of joke way.

"Well.... Of course not, but there are a few factors. Elder martial sister, I made an appointment with you two years ago to fight. I practice martial arts diligently for today

Mo can't help but accentuate his tone and emphasize his reasons. In fact, no matter what, Mo also needs to get these skills.

"All right, all right, come on, I'll do it with me as soon as I'm healed." Jiunan grinned bitterly, and then he put on his posture, eyes united, ready.

"Elder martial sister, be careful, coagulation God claw" Mo also reminds nine difficult, then hands into claws, toward nine difficult attack.

Mo Yi used his coagulation claw to attack the nine difficulties. Every move seemed to have the breath of yin and cold. His claws attacked the nine difficulties rapidly. The nine difficulties are worthy of being the old man among the class B strong men, and he has rich experience in performing them.

Although Mo Yi's coagulation claw is extremely strong, his kung fu is not weak.

"God makes changes"

"God makes changes"

Mo Yi and nine difficult are light to drink a, the body shape of two people then begins to move continuously to attack.

Then, Mo Yi and nine difficult into a circular arc attack, and then two people's body shape constantly leap up, mutual attack, the same banner, two people are not inferior to each other.


The two fell to the ground, and the nine difficulties came to Mo Yiming's door with one blow, and Mo Yizhang dealt with it with one hand.

Mo also looked at the nine difficult, and then the palm of his hand directly grasped the fist of the nine difficult, then twisted, locked the wrist joint of the nine difficult, and the powerful force kept pressing down.

As soon as Ninan's face changed, Mo's strength was far beyond her imagination.

Then, as soon as Ninan's wrist turned and his body turned, his whole arm was rotated to break through Mo Yi's claw, and then he went straight down to Mo Yi's ribs.

Mo Yi was surprised. He blocked Jiunan's fist with the other hand and grasped the middle joint with the other hand, but he didn't do anything.

"Younger martial brother, it seems that we are equal." Jiunan chuckled and looked at Mo Yi.

Mo Yi then smiles and says, "not necessarily." Mo Yi's face moves, and the dark spider silk comes out of Mo Yi's hand. It quickly binds the whole arm of Jiu Nan and binds him to his whole body.

"This Nine difficult quickly back two steps, looking at the spider silk on the arm, the whole arm she can't control, completely bound by the spider silk.

The more the nine difficulties struggle, the faster the spider silk is bound to its whole body.

Mo also see this, instantly step on God to do a variety of methods, body shape quickly toward the nine difficult to attack, a claw to the sky and down the fight, directly hit the nine difficult.

"Drink." Nine difficult immediately lightly drank a, the whole body internal force movement, the strength is in vogue, those spider silk unexpectedly instantly expose crack, start to break continuously.

However, before the spider silk was completely broken, Ninan gave a bitter smile and did not continue.

"Younger martial brother, I lost"

Nine difficult helplessly said a, then sighed.

Mo Yi's claw is already on the top of his heavenly cover. Just now, as long as Mo Yi's claw goes down, nine difficulties will die, and these nine difficulties have not been completely broken.

"Ding, task completed, defeat nine difficulties (task reward: 200 points)"

Listening to the system prompt sound in his mind, Mo Yi was in a very good mood, and then said with a smile: "elder martial sister is just accepting."

"If you lose, you lose. I didn't expect that I haven't seen you for two years. My younger martial brother's strength has improved by leaps and bounds." Jiunan said with a smile, without the slightest frustration of being defeated.

"Elder martial sister praised" Mo Yishi and nine difficult mutual humility.

But a Ke and a Qi two girls look at Mo Yi with an unbelievable look on one side. They didn't expect that this young martial uncle has such strong strength that even their master is defeated.

Then, the second daughter remembered her arrogant words, and her face felt hot.

"Come on, those two thieves should be running in this direction. Give me a full search. If you can't find Mr. Mo, let's lose our heads together."

With the sound of a big drink and the sound of a lot of footsteps, you can hear that countless people are coming here.

"Younger martial brother, this Nine difficult naturally also heard, immediately hope to Mo also ask a way.

"Elder martial sister, you leave first, lest I have to go back to the palace." Mo also nodded, looking at nine difficult said.

Nine difficult looked at Mo also, then nodded, with a Ke and Qi quickly left the place.

"Mr. Mo, Mr. Mo is here."

Soon some officers and soldiers of the Xiaoqi battalion found Mo Yi and quickly and neatly gathered towards Mo Yi.

"Mr. Mo, are you ok?" Shi Lang hurried forward, looking at Mo Yi asked.

If there is something wrong with Mo Yi, they will lose their heads. Mo Yi's position in front of the emperor is extraordinary.

"Well, it's OK, let you worry," Mo also nodded with a smile and replied.


With a sound, I saw Shuang Er wearing a beautiful white satin dress coming to Mo Yi, just like a kitten into Mo Yi's arms, worried and reluctant.

Although Mo also gave her a look before, Mo was taken away after all. How could she not worry?

"Back to Beijing"

Mo Yi immediately arranged to return to Beijing. This mission has almost been completed, but Mo Yi can't leave the palace for the time being, because the last task is about GUI Xinshu. Although GUI Xinshu didn't appear in the palace for the first time, Mo also knows that he is going to enter the palace to assassinate the emperor. If he wants to have a relationship with the palace, he is more likely to meet him.

Mo Yi was not far away from the capital. Within half a day, Mo Yi returned to the palace with a group of soldiers.

"Mo Yi, vice governor of zhenghuang banner of xiaoqiying, and vice chief of imperial guards, was present"

With a sharp voice in front of the study, Mo also stepped into the study.

"Mo Yi, do you know sin?"

As soon as he stepped into it, Kangxi's voice came. He also stood up and went to Mo Yi.

"Know sin" Mo also nodded, very flat response way.

It's true that Mo Yi's fault was that he was absent from duty without permission, and the original task was not completed. But even if Shuanger was taken away, Mo still chose to do so.

Mo Yi and Kangxi are just from different angles. Shunzhi is Kangxi's father. It can be said that he has a great sense of closeness for Mo Yi to protect his father, while Shuanger is Mo Yi's most important person. When he is taken captive, Mo Yi must not let him have any loss. Therefore, it's hard to separate this matter. Who can be selfless and look at the problem from the perspective of absolute justice.

"You say, you say, how can I punish you"

When Kangxi saw Mo Yi's attitude, he was trembling with anger. Pointing at Mo Yi, he didn't know what to do.

"At will, the emperor will punish you as he wants to," Mo said calmly. You can punish me as you want, but whether I will be punished or not is another matter.

"Good, good, very good," Kangxi said angrily. Then he said, "three days later, Princess Jianning will marry in Yunnan. The Royal edict, the commander of the yellow flag and the deputy commander of the Imperial Guard, Mo Yi, will accompany her and protect her life. She will not return to Beijing within ten years. If the princess has any injuries, please come to see her."

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