Gradually, Mo Yi's consciousness was in a coma and fell into an endless darkness.

Outside, Mo Yi's whole body is wrapped up in poison. An invisible force is infecting Mo Yi's mind and emotions. A very negative emotion fills Mo Yi.

"This is..." Mo is also in a daze, as if to see something, see a figure gradually towards him, want to integrate into his body.

Mo Yi's head is very heavy, and his consciousness is very confused. He seems to be unable to resist all this, and he doesn't have the heart to resist these things.

"Do you want unparalleled power? Want to stand on the top of the world and not be bullied? " A voice rang as like as two peas in his mind. It was just the familiar voice, and the same voice as Mo's voice.

"Power?" Mo also responded vaguely, and his eyelids felt heavier and heavier.

"Yes, endless power, accept me, I can give you endless power, no one dares to resist you, Zheng Heheng, you can easily kill, Yang Yixin also dare not look down on you." the voice floated in Mo Yi's ear, as if constantly hypnotized Mo Yi.

"Good" Mo also face a joy, blankly issued a sound.

I saw that the shadow began to gradually integrate into Mo Yi's body. Mo Yi felt an endless force rising on his body. He could control other people's lives at will, which was the strength of absolute power.

"Power, endless power" Mo also whispered, feeling that this power is getting stronger and stronger.

At the same time, the figure has been completely integrated into Mo Yi's body, as if it is completely integrated with Mo Yi, and is imperceptibly changing Mo Yi's mood.

However, the picture in front of Mo Yi's eyes turned and nothing could be seen. Mo was very confused: "what is this?"

At this time, Mo Yi just saw a "heart" beating constantly. The heart was gray white. Every time it beat, it output countless "gray white" blood, flowing through the blood vessels and surging all over the body.

These gray blood in the body of moye constantly flow, it is very mysterious.

And Mo's head is also gradually awake, not as confused as before, eyes instantly opened, angrily denounced: "go away."

With a huge drink, the virtual shadow quickly separated from Mo Yi's body and retreated.

"Even sober up." the virtual shadow stood not far away from Mo Yi and made a voice that was the same as Mo Yi.

No one looked as like as two peas, but the face of this shadow was what he looked like, without any difference.

"You ah" Xu Ying looked at Mo Yi and gave a strange smile.

"Are you me?" Mo also looked at this empty shadow, his eyebrows wrinkled, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

The virtual shadow left Mo Yi for a day, and sighed helplessly: "since you can't control it, you just disappear. I really don't know what you've touched. If you don't have any accomplishments, you inspire me."

After that, Xu Ying continued to come to Mo Yi. With a stroke of his finger, a scar appeared on Mo Yi's chest and blood splashed out.

"Ah." Mo Yi yelled in pain, stepped back a few steps, looked at his wound, and soon calmed down. When he crossed into the plane of spider man, Mo Yi's insight was improved a lot, and he didn't lose his calmness and calmness.

"Get away from me" Mo yelled and hit Xu Ying on the cheek.

Xu Ying's figure retreated a few steps, with blood hanging from the corners of his mouth and some blood red cheeks: "it's really painful, don't you?"

"Yes?" Mo also made a sound, his cheek turned red instantly, and there was a trace of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, which was exactly the same as the virtual shadow's injury. Mo's eyes were surprised: "what's the matter?"

"I'm you, you're me, I'm hurt, you don't get a little hurt, isn't it very unfair?" Xuying looked at Mo Yi, a strange smile.

After that, Xu Ying quickly attacked Mo Yi. His palm was like a sharp blade. Mo Yi had a deep understanding of this, and his chest injury was still bleeding.

"That is not very unfair, my chest injury, how do you not have" Mo also can only repeatedly avoid this and their own virtual shadow attack, but dare not have any offensive.

Mo also repeatedly avoid, but the body is more or less with some injuries, a pair has been broken.

"Ah Mo also yelled, grabbed a gap, kicked out, directly kicked out the virtual shadow for several meters.

At the same time, Mo Yi's face was grim. He felt pain coming from his stomach, as if he had been kicked by someone, and his figure was retreating.

"I'm going to..." Mo also murmured in pain, looking at the empty shadow: "who are you? Why kill me? "

And Xuying got up from the ground with a cruel smile: "me? You, since your negative emotions have completely burst out, and I can't control you, I can only destroy your consciousness. I will control this body for you. Don't worry, you won't die. It's just that your body will change into my consciousness and be controlled by me. "

"Consciousness has been destroyed, is it not death?" Mo also looked at the empty shadow, panting, no good gas said.

"It's not up to you"

Xu Ying smiles cruelly, as if he hasn't been hurt at all. He gets up and attacks Mo Yi again.

Constantly on Mo also impact, palm like a sharp blade, on Mo also a burst of attack.

And Mo can only keep avoiding. Fortunately, the strength of this shadow is not very strong. That hand is as sharp as a blade. It's extremely strange, which makes Mo hang a lot of colors. Other aspects are OK.

Along the way, Xu Ying's strength is stronger than ordinary people's, causing a lot of injuries to the evil heaven.

The most important thing is that Mo Yi didn't dare to do it all the way, because once he did it, he would get hurt, but the shadow seemed to have nothing to do.

In this way, Mo Yi was holding back all the way to defend, and he also suffered a lot. The wounds on his body were bleeding constantly, and there were a lot of injuries in his chest, abdomen, arms, thighs and cheeks.

"Bang..." At last, the shadow kicked Mo Yi's stomach and let Mo Yi's weak body back a few steps, then he sat down on the ground.

"Really interesting, I will slowly torture you until you die." Xu Ying looks at Mo Yi and says cruelly.

"Hoo... Hoo.. Whoa Mo also sits on the ground, looking at the virtual shadow with fierce eyes, shining with endless anger.


The virtual shadow raised her hand, and the fingertip was like a sharp blade, piercing toward Mo Yi.

As like as two peas, he was shrinking rapidly. He felt the endless killing in this stab. He suddenly turned over and grabbed the hand that was exactly the same as himself, and clenched the throat of the shadow.

Locking the throat of Xu Ying, Mo Yi gasped: "I killed you."

"Dare you? In this way, you will also die. "Xu Ying was locked by Mo Yi, but he was not afraid and asked coldly.

As soon as Mo Yi's eyes opened, he let out a "Er". Mo Yi's throat seemed to be locked, and five red fingerprints gripped Mo Yi tightly.

As for the virtual shadow, the more force Mo Yi exerts, the greater the force he receives.

"Let it go" virtual shadow face is also some red said, the mouth is also breathing.

"Ha... ha-ha.. Ha ha ha After a few laughs, Mo Yi's face suddenly cooled down and his anger disappeared. All that remained was calm, calm and endless cold killing opportunities: "if you want to kill someone, you have to kill yourself first. If you want to be cruel, you have to torture yourself first."

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