"Ah." That empty shadow pain roared, the body shape began to become illusory, finally directly turned into a flying smoke, gradually dissipated in the void.

And Mo Yi's face is also a turn, did not feel the feeling of being pinched throat, sitting on the ground, mouth constantly panting, eyes cold, gradually turned into ordinary.

Gradually, gradually, Mo Yi's consciousness began to be confused again, and then gradually fell asleep, and his eyes turned into darkness.


When Mo Yi woke up again, the scene in front of him was under the bell tower of the church.

Parker has disappeared. It seems that he has not found moye. After all, Spiderman generally doesn't know the stairs and goes away in the void.

"Venom?" Mo also looked at his arm, it is wrapped in a layer of black tights, it is the venom of the situation, Mo Yi's whole body are wrapped up.

Ding, congratulations on the completion of the task of the host. The Tianshu plane system is fully integrated with the host

"Ding, start the full function of the system"

"Ding, turn on the main function, plane crossing function, and regularly let the host cross to different planes to test and challenge, and improve their ability"

"Ding, the storage function is turned on. There is a layer of infinite space in the Tianshu system. At present, only inanimate objects can be stored. Please be careful."

"Ding, reward 100 points. Points are used to use various functions of the system. Please use them carefully."

"Ding, turn on the merge function. The host can merge two or more pieces into each other, so as to achieve greater potential. It will cost quantitative points."

"Ding, with the function of domestication, can tame all kinds of living and conscious forms, submit to the host all one's life, be a slave and a servant, and die without regret, which requires quantitative points."

"Ding, reward one advanced item level upgrade"

"Ding, congratulations on the completion of the host task, reward A-level English proficiency, and give it to the host completely"

Mo Yi is constantly listening to the voices echoing in his mind. This "Tianshu plane system" is now completely integrated with Mo Yi, opening up countless functions. This is the real system.

"There is storage space, merging function and domestication ability, plus 100 points." Mo Yi listened to a series of voices, nodded, and his face was excited. Then he looked at the venom on his body, and his face became flat: "system, what's the matter? I've finished my trial. He's still on me. "

"Ding, open host properties"

"Name: Mo Yi

Acclimation: venom (DDD level)

Skills: proficient in English (a)

Combat power: DDD

Points: 100 "

"I tamed the venom?" Mo also looked at his attributes, in the domestication, more venom.

However, Mo also feels that he can control the venom at will. The venom is completely under Mo's command. In the invisible world, Mo also feels that he has completely controlled the venom. Even if the venom disappears, it seems that he is in a moment's thought.

"Yes, this time, the host resisted the negative emotional effects of the venom and killed its own demons. In the future, all negative emotions will be controlled by the host, not by the demons."

Soon as like as two peas, the sound of the system is echoing in MOE's mind. It is also a way to let Mo understand what the shadow is like before.

"I control my own emotions." Mo also understands the truth of the system. All negative emotions will still appear, but there will be no more demons. Mo will control his own emotions.

This is also the advantage of Mo Yi's killing the demons. If he is willing to kill himself, he can kill others. If he is cruel, the demons will not be traced.

"What about DDD?" Mo also looked at the grade and asked.

"The system will evaluate the power of all items. The power of venom can bring DDD level power to the host, which will make the host upgrade. The next level is dddd level, and then to level C. the host can spend points to upgrade or use the advanced item upgrade function."

The system gives a comprehensive answer to Mo Yi's question, but the sound is mechanical and cold.

"How many points do I need to spend if I'm promoted to dddd? What's the advantage? " Mo can't help asking.

"Thirty points will raise the level of the venom, and the combat power of the host will also be improved. All aspects of physical quality will be upgraded to a new level, but the negative situation brought by the venom will be relieved." the voice of the system is still so cold and mechanical, reverberating in Mo Yi's mind.

"Negative? Didn't I tame the venom? " Mo also asked strangely, now his demons have been killed by his own ruthlessness, which is equal to killing himself, all emotions have their own control.

"Yes, the venom has been submitted to the host and owned by the host. It will not cause any negative emotions of the host, nor can it cause any negative emotions of the host, but the venom will cause mental decline and lack of adaptability," the system explains.

"And reduce intelligence? How many levels do I need to upgrade to release? " Mo Yi was shocked. If he had reduced his intelligence, he would have been designed to exist with this powerful power.

"CC level, need to spend 300 points, at present, the host points are not enough" system, all of them are explained by Mo Yi, the provincial Mo Yi asked again.

"If I use that advanced item level upgrade, what level can I upgrade the venom to?"

Although there is only one reward for upgrading the level of high-level items, it's better to solve the problem of intelligence decline and lack of adaptability as soon as possible. Mo can't manage so much.

"It can be upgraded to CCCC level. Does the host use it?" The system responded.

Hear the voice of the system, Mo Yi's eyes a joy, can't help laughing: "so powerful?"

"Yes, the ability to upgrade the level of advanced items is very strong, but it is not easy. That is to say, when the system is fully turned on, a reward will be given. Does the host use it?" The system answers.

"No matter how to use it, it can't be delayed for too long." Mo Yi made a quick decision without hesitation. Just now, he thought his situation was stupid enough, and his brain reaction was slow.

In this way, being affected by the venom, although the mood will not have anything, but the intelligence is obviously not enough, very simple problems, are not very good.

"Ding, the host uses the advanced item level upgrade function, please lock the upgrade item" system can make a cold, mechanical sound.

"Venom" Mo also immediately responded.

"Ding, begin to ascend..."

With the sound of the system falling, the venom covered with moye began to emit a layer of light, and moye also felt a crisp feeling.

Soon, the whole venom was released by light. Mo Yi felt that he was wrapped by the venom, and his strength gradually increased. After all, the venom was subordinated to Mo Yi and brought him strength. To enhance the venom is to enhance himself.

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