"Ding, strength, speed, agility, reaction and defense begin to improve."

"Ding, dispel the situation that the venom causes mental decline and insufficient adaptability, dispel the situation that the venom is afraid of noise, and endow all aspects of physical strength with continuous improvement."

"Ding, the ability of venom begins to improve, the tenacity of silk spinning is enhanced, the adsorption ability is enhanced, and the ability of risk prediction is enhanced."

"Ding, improve success, add new ability of venom, and make the liquid flow random"

Mo also listened to a series of voices echoing in his mind, lifting the negative situation of the venom. Mo's own mind was also clear. At the same time, the abilities of all aspects of the venom were enhanced, making Mo more powerful.

"What is the arbitrariness of liquid industry?" Mo asked strangely, not very clear about this new capability.

As for other abilities, Mo Yi is quite clear. With the increase of venom level, strength, speed, agility and reaction will be improved, which will give Mo Yi more strength. Mo also knows this.

Moreover, the venom once adsorbed on Parker, with all its abilities, such as spinning, climbing walls, and the ability to predict danger. All these have been improved. Compared with Parker, it is more powerful.

At the same time, the situation that the venom is afraid of big decibel sound has also been removed. Today's venom should have no weakness.

"The liquid line is random, the venom can be changed into a variety of clothes according to the wishes of the host, and has a strong defense ability, which can protect the host." the system immediately responded.

"This ability is good." Mo Yi whispered in his heart. He thought that he must control the venom and began to make changes.

Soon, the venom turned into a black casual suit, a pair of black high top board shoes, tights, and a black casual T-shirt.

"I think I'll fall in love with this ability"

Mo also looked at his own situation and couldn't help laughing. Of course, venom can also be turned into other clothes, and the color can also be changed, not just black.

"Ding, the test task of the host has been completed, and the system is fully integrated with the host. Do you want to return to the original world?"

At the same time, the sound of the system echoed in Mo Yi's mind.

"What if I don't come back?" Mo can't help asking.

"The host can't stay in this plane forever. If the host chooses not to return, the system will give the host ten days to stay, and after ten days, it will force the host to go back," the system replied.

"Well, I choose not to return. At the same time, I open my property list to have a look." Mo Yihui smiles. If he can stay for a while, of course, he won't want to go back.

"Name: Mo Yi

Acclimation: venom (CCCC level)

Skills: Intermediate English proficiency

Combat power: CCCC

Points: 100 "

Looking at his own attribute list, sure enough, using an advanced item level upgrade will directly upgrade the venom to CCCC level, and Mo Yi's combat power will follow.

Then Mo Yi attached himself to the wall and climbed up step by step. Like Parker, Mo Yi could crawl on the wall, even more powerful than Parker.

After all, Parker can't even resist DDD level venom. At that time, Eddie got the venom, which is still this level, and Parker can't deal with it. It can be seen that Parker's strength should be about DD level, twice as strong as ordinary people.

Now, Mo Yi's strength is several times better than ordinary people. After all, he has been promoted to CCCC level, and his combat power is not so simple.

"Finally, Eddie and flint should deal with Spiderman and Harry together, but now, Eddie doesn't get the venom. I don't know what will happen in the future. I'd better find the Sandman first and say," he said

Mo also stood on the clock tower, murmuring, and then spit out the black spider silk in his hands, flying in the void, toward the distance.

According to the previous situation, flint, a Sandman, is washed away by the water and rushed into the sewer. In the plot, Flint appears in the alley and blocks Eddie as spider man.

Therefore, Mo Yi was flying in the void for a while, all of them were going to the alleys.

"I found you, Spiderman"

When Mo Yi crossed an alley, he heard a sound and a huge hammer coming towards Mo Yi.

And Mo Yi's head was shocked, knowing that it was a sense of danger, he responded quickly.

However, Mo Yi turned over and easily avoided a blow. All his bodies jumped up and attached themselves to the wall beside him. He looked at flint in front of him: "I hate alleys."

"Asian?" Flint looked at the person in front of him, not Spiderman. As soon as he wrinkled his eyebrows, he didn't pay any attention to anything, so he turned and left.

Mo also looked at flint and ignored himself. He couldn't help laughing: "look how strong you are." when the voice fell, Mo just spat out a black spider silk, grabbed flint and pulled back.

That Flint's body shape instantly flies to Mo Yi, and Mo Yi directly blows flint out.

"Bang." Flint's body hit the wall, countless sand flow down, Flint's half face is also turned into sand flow down.

But very soon, Flint recovered. He is a sand man, and his body is Sandy. How can he be killed by ordinary physical attack.

"You pissed me off." flint stood up, turned his arm, and turned it into a huge hammer, which bombarded Mo Yi.

In the eyes of moye, who is extremely quick in response, Flint's strike is extremely slow.

Mo Yi one hand against flint's hammer, easily suppressed down, in an instant, fist like thunder, hit Flint's arm, the huge hammer turned into countless quicksand.

At the same time, the starting hand is a throwing fist, which throws it on Flint's right face and blows it away.

"It seems that you are not so good," Mo Yi jumped down from the wall, looked at flint, said disdainfully.

Flint stood up from the ground and gave a roar of Fury: "roar...", Then, its body suddenly swelled up, countless quicksand from the ground to flint.

"Can also become big" Mo also vomited a light, the hand vomited out a black spider silk.

The spider silk attached to flint's body, instantly tied up, tied up Flint's whole body, only left a head, the bottom was all tied up, without leakage.

Even if flint wants to turn into sand, there is no space for the spider silk binding, and the sand can't get through. Turning into sand is also in the spider silk, and it can't break free.

"Cut..." Mo also disdained to spit out a, from the side of the sewer, picked up two cash boxes, put into the storage space.


With a sound, Mo Yi's figure gradually disappeared in the original place.

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