PS: ask to collect, join bookshelf, can collect, achievement is dismal!!


Hear, cry, Mo also eyes a coagulation, and then toward the voice of the place.

"Help me..."

Mo also toward the side room and go at the same time, a once again came.

When Mo Yi arrived, Wu Sangui was standing at the door of Jianning's room. Wu Yingxiong was lying on the ground, and there was a pool of blood on the ground.

"Wang Ye, what's the matter?" Mo Yi strangely approached, looking at Wu Sangui and asked.

"Mo Yi" Jianning was wearing clothes at this time, but it was not dressed, and it was a bit messy. When he saw Mo Yi, he rushed to Mo Yi, hid behind him, and sobbed: "Mo Yi, he... He

After arriving at the destination, it's natural to bathe and change clothes first. This is the room Wu Sangui arranged for Jianning.

"What's the matter?" Mo also looked at Jianning strangely, then looked at Wu Yingxiong who was singing on the ground and asked, "what's the matter?"

At the same time, Mo also has some bad feelings in his heart. He seems to have guessed something.

"I.. I.. I don't know. I was bathing in my room when I suddenly found someone peeping outside the door. Then he.. He broke in and wanted to be unfaithful to me. "Jianning's crying voice on his face was extremely aggrieved and pitiful.

Wu Sangui was holding a sutra book in his hand, clenched his fist, and his figure was constantly shaking.

After a long time, Wu Sangui turned around and said with a forced smile, "I'm sorry, Xiao Wang has no way of discipline. I didn't expect him to do such a thing."

"I'm afraid there are some misunderstandings. I'd better ask the king to take his son down for medical treatment first. If there's anything, I'll talk about it later." Mo Yi said with a smile. At the same time, he laughed in his heart: "Wu Sangui can tolerate it. He doesn't care about his son's life for the sake of sending troops to rebel."

"Yes, I will apologize to the princess when the child recovers."

Wu Sangui bowed to the princess and said with a smile. At the same time, he handed the Scriptures to Mo Yi: "Mr. Mo, this is the Forty-two Chapters you want. Please put them away."

"Thank you, Lord." Mo also took the scriptures with a smile.

Wu Sangui nodded and then ordered someone to take Wu Yingxiong away.

Mo Yi watched Wu Sangui and others leave, then turned his head and looked at Jianning: "you, you are so bold. You are not afraid that Wu Sangui will kill you angrily."

"How dare he? I'm a princess. "Jianning's face was in a hurry, and she blurted out.

"Hum, joke, Wu Sangui is the king of Pingxi, holding a heavy army, you cut off his son's life, angry people, no matter how many you are, this is someone else's place, you can't run away." Mo Yiwu looked at Jianning with a smile.

"Here.. Mr. Mo, you have to protect me. "Jianning reacted instantly, then crossed his face and begged.

Mo Yi shakes his head and doesn't respond. It has nothing to do with him.

"Mo Yi, the emperor's brother asked you to protect me, and people don't want to marry Wu gouxiong. You have to protect me." Jianning simply played a temper, pouted and muttered.

"This is someone else's place. What can I do?" Mo Yi shook his head and looked at the Forty-two Chapters in his hand, his face brightened.

"I don't care. You have to protect me. Otherwise, otherwise... Otherwise, I'll tell the emperor brother that you're insulting me. "Jianning called a few times, and then his face was in a hurry.

"Oh, then you go to talk about it." Mo Yi shook his head, took the Scriptures in his hands, and walked away from the room.

"Mo Yi, Mo Yi" Jianning watched Mo Yi leave unexpectedly, and could not help crying out anxiously.

"Xianggong, what happened?" Shuang'er just arrived. Looking at the situation here, she asked strangely.

"It's nothing. It's about the unruly princess. Come on, you can put it away." Mo also handed the 42 chapters of the Sutra to Shuanger.

With this forty-two chapter Sutra of Zhenglan Banner, all the sutras are in his hands. At that time, just go to Luding mountain and follow the map to get the Qing Dynasty treasure.

"Oh" shuang'er answered and put the Forty-two Chapters in his arms.

"Let's go" Mo also immediately embraces Shuanger and goes to his room.

"Hey, Mo Yi, Mo Yi, you can't go." Jianning watched Mo Yi leave, his face was in a hurry, but he didn't know what to do.

Mo didn't pay any attention. He took Shuanger back to his room, looked at it, and then closed the door.

"Shuang'er, take out the broken sheepskin and put it together." Mo also looked around and said cautiously.

Shuanger nodded, took out a dagger, quickly took out the broken sheepskin and piled it on the table. At the same time, he took out a package from the side and took out all the broken sheepskin inside.

"The eight books are all together, shuang'er, you have time to piece them together." Mo Yi saw the pile of broken sheepskin on the table and said.

"I know, Xianggong" Shuanger nodded, and then began to piece together these broken sheepskins.

Mo also wanted to help, but he found that he couldn't do such a thing at all. He couldn't figure out which one was connected with which one, and finally chose to give up.

Then, helpless, Mo also can only sit on the bed, began to practice.

According to the information of Yijinjing, doing all kinds of movements, the body is constantly distorted. At the same time, the Qi of Yijinjing is running fast in the body, and the surrounding aura is constantly pouring into the body.

Even if Mo Yi doesn't take care of it, he will run it by himself and increase his power. When Mo Yi begins to practice, he will run faster and continue to make breakthroughs to the next level with continuous understanding.

Time goes on and on, until Mo Yi feels a little tired, he just opens his eyes and doesn't continue to practice.

"Unexpectedly, it's already night." Mo Yi looked at the scenery outside, sighed, and then looked at Shuanger: "Shuanger, are you still fighting?"

Mo also said, looking at the map on the desktop, it turned out that he had already pieced together more than half of it.

"En, Xianggong, I'm going to put it together." Shuanger nodded and continued to put it together.

"Don't fight, all what time, this time should sleep" Mo also immediately picked up Shuanger, the princess hugged the Shuanger put on the bed.

"But, Xianggong..."

Before shuang'er's words were complete, they were blocked up by Mo Yi's mouth. In an instant, shuang'er's eyes were wide open, and he and Mo Yi began to absorb slowly.

"Hate, Xianggong" after a long time, lips, Shuanger a face blushing at Mo Yi.

"Well, tomorrow's the fight."

Mo also did not mind, laughing, and then blow out the candle, holding Shuanger, gradually fell asleep.

The next day, I don't know when, Mo Yiyou woke up. Before he was tired, Mo also didn't have a good rest. Naturally, he would rest later.

"Xianggong, you wake up." at this time, Shuanger is already sitting in front of the desk, or is he piecing together the map.

"My good Shuanger" Mo also holds Shuanger from the back, looking at Shuanger still there to spell the map, some inexplicably moved in his heart, he knows that Shuanger's efforts are all for him.

"Well, Xianggong, there's a facial cleanser. Shuang'er will serve you to wash and gargle first." shuang'er smiles, and then takes a wet towel to wipe and wash Mo Yi.

"Mr. Mo, please come to me."

Outside the door came a strange male voice, which should be accepted by Wu Sangui.

"OK, I'll be there soon." Mo Yi thought for a moment, then nodded and said.

"Yes" came from outside, and then the figure outside left.

"Shuang'er, you'd better stay here. Don't let people find these broken sheepskins. I'll go and have a look at them." Mo Yining asked.

"Don't worry, Xianggong" Shuanger nodded and answered.

Mo answered softly, then turned to go out and went straight to yesterday's reception hall.

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