In the reception hall, on Wu Sangui's mahogany chair, the white tiger skin on the chair did not know where he had gone, and next to Jianning, there were two people standing, not like ordinary servants, but like special guards of Jianning.

"Mo Yi"

Jianning saw Mo also came, worried face some ease, just want to get up, toward Mo also came, but was next to two servants to press back, simply don't let it up.

Mo also took a look at Jianning there, is to look at Wu Sangui, said with a smile: "do not know what the emperor is looking for?"

"Oh, it's like this. Xiao Wang is worried that Mr. Mo is haggard and distracted, lest he can't protect the princess. He specially invited three martial arts experts to guard the princess, so Mr. Mo doesn't have to worry." Wu Sangui then said with a smile, but there was a sense of killing in his smile.

"Oh? I don't know who are the three masters who are going to rob me of my job? " Mo Yi said with a light smile.

"Ha ha, Mr. Mo is joking. Xiao Wang is just worried that Mr. Mo is tired. Of course, if Mr. Mo can prove that they are not strong enough to protect the princess, it's another matter," Wu Sangui laughs.

"Good, then I'll see the so-called master." Mo also immediately sat aside and drank a cup of tea.

Mo also knows that Wu Sangui is looking for an excuse to remove Mo from Jianning. Jianning has cut off his son's life, that is, the incense of his Wu family. Naturally, Wu Sangui will not let Jianning go. Mo Yi, the so-called personal guard, is not easy to fight. After all, Mo Yi has so many soldiers. Once he fights against Jianning, he will flee back to the capital, It's not good to spread the news to Kangxi.

"Go" Wu Sangui then motioned to the guard at the door.

The bodyguard nodded, did not know where to go, soon three footsteps came, straight into the reception hall, one of them was still wearing white tiger skin.

GUI Xinshu and others took a look at Mo Yi, and their eyes widened instantly.

"I don't know. Are these the only three invited by the Lord?" Mo also strange looking at return Xin tree three people ask a way.

Wu Sangui also took a strange look at GUI Xinshu. These three people saw that Mo Yi's look was abnormal, but at this time, he had to say: "yes, that's right."

"To tell you the truth, these three people are afraid that they can't protect the princess." Mo Yi stood up and said with a disdainful smile.

"Oh? Why? " Wu Sangui's eyes coagulated and then asked.

"These three people are not as good as me. How can they protect the princess?" Mo said with a smile.

"Hum, if it's not for your strong defense, it's not sure who will win or lose." Gui Xinshu snorted and looked at Mo Yi, unconvinced.

"Joke, GUI Xinshu, are you cured, just shout with me here?" Mo also cold light hum a.

"You GUI Xinshu was very angry, but his face turned white again. It was obvious that the injury had not yet healed.

"The three of us are better than you. Zhong'er, let's go up." Gui Er Niang said angrily when she saw this.

"Niang" dressed in white tiger skin, Guizhong's face trembled. She couldn't help retreating. She looked at Mo Yi with fear on her face.

"Zhong'er" Gui Er Niang saw her son like this and cried out in disbelief.

"Niang, I dare not" Gui Zhong shakes his head and steps back two steps, obviously scared by Mo Yi.

"Wang Ye, is this the master you invited? It's really high, ha ha ha, "Mo couldn't help laughing.

Wu Sangui's face also changed. When he invited GUI Xinshu, he knew that they had excellent martial arts skills and high strength, but he didn't expect that they were the defeated generals of Mo Yi.

"Hum, I'll go to ER Niang to learn from you"

GUI Er Niang's face was angry, and then she stood up and patted Mo Yi with her hands.

Mo also looks a Lin, foot God line change, constantly Dodge, body shape escape speed is very fast.

"Drink." GUI Er Niang ran after Mo Yi and stepped up. Then she turned her waist and clapped her palm on Mo Yi's chest. The sound of breaking the wind came.

GUI Er Niang's hand is very fast, and Mo can't dodge. With a bang, GUI Er Niang's hand hits Mo Yi's chest with great power.

With the impact, GUI Er Niang's internal force is scattered a lot, and the tables and chairs around her make a sound of fragmentation. It can be seen that Gui Er Niang's palm is almost as powerful as possible.

"Hoo.... Ha GUI Er Niang breathed out a breath, and her face was slightly pleased.

"Is that your strength?" Mo also stood up in the same place, his steps did not move half a minute, his face unchanged, looking down at GUI Er Niang, and asked disdainfully.

"You GUI Er Niang just raised a smile and looked at Mo Yi in surprise.

Mo also drew a evil and cold smile on the corner of his mouth. He thought that Gui Er Niang's strength was similar to Gui Xinshu's, but he didn't expect that Gui Er Niang was still inferior to Gui Xinshu.

In an instant, Mo also quickly shot, from the top to the bottom, split GUI Er Niang's palm, then turned around and kicked, directly kicked GUI Er Niang's belly and kicked her out.

In fact, GUI Er Niang's reaction is also very fast. Although Mo Yi's attack speed is very fast, she also reacts and blocks Mo Yi. Unfortunately, GUI Er Niang's strength is not enough. Her strength is very different from Mo Yi's. If she wants to block it, she can't stop it. Finally, she is kicked out.


GUI Er Niang flew out backwards, rowed seven or eight meters on the ground, and then he stopped and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Ding, congratulations on the host's defeat of GUI erniang. 80 bonus points"

At the same time, the sound of the system echoed in Moy's mind.

Originally, GUI Er Niang's strength is not as good as GUI Xinshu's, and it's not a task. Mo also thinks it's OK to have 80 points in all points.

"Niang" Gui Zhong quickly helps GUI Er Niang up, and looks at Mo Yi in fear.

"Cough..." GUI Er Niang coughed and reluctantly stood up, pale and bloodless.

"Zhong'er, return the things to the Lord." Gui Xinshu said solemnly.

"Dad?" GUI Zhong looks at GUI Xinshu suspiciously. He loves the white tiger skin very much. Now he wants him to return it.

"Return back" Gui Xinshu roared.

Guizhong is reluctant to take off the white tiger skin and put it on the next chair.

"What is it?" Wu Sangui also looked at GUI Xinshu in embarrassment.

"Wang Ye, we are inferior to others, so we retreat." Gui Xinshu let out a sound, and then took GUI erniang and GUI Zhong to leave the room.

Mo also looked at GUI Xin Shu and others to leave. This is the way to Jianning. At the same time, he said with a laugh, "it seems that the strength of Wang Ye's looking for people is not very good.

Immediately, Mo Yi pulled Jianning's catkin and left the reception hall directly.

"It's so powerful, my lord Mo, I didn't know you were so powerful. When you saw the old tortoise's face just now, you trembled with anger. Ha ha ha." Jianning followed Mo Yi all the way, and then said with a smile.

"Smile slowly, it's impossible to laugh like this in the future." Mo Yi went all the way back to his room and made a plain voice.

"Why?" Jianning's face calmed down, feeling a little bad looking at Mo Yi.

"I'm ready to leave. You should be careful when you are here alone." Mo Yi chuckled and walked in front of Jianning.

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