A few months later, Mo Yi drove his carriage to the eastern edge of a generation and arrived at a town at the junction. The place was very small and there were not many people. After all, the environment was rather bad.

"Mo Yi, what are you doing here?" Jianning wearing fur coat from the carriage out, looking at the surrounding harsh environment, frown disgusted asked.

"I didn't let you come with me either," Mo Yi glanced at Jianning and said indifferently.

"Hum" Jianning pouted his little mouth and hummed softly without making a sound.

Now they have arrived at the northeast border, and Wu Yingxiong, as early as after he left the provincial capital, Mo Yi released him. Mo Yi did not intend to bring Wu Yingxiong with him.

"Xianggong, aren't you cold? Put it on

Shuanger came out of the carriage in a snow-white fur coat, pure as a white lotus, worried and lovable. At the same time, she handed a fur coat to Mo Yi.

All the way down, Mo Yi was only wearing the original dark chivalrous clothes. The temperature here is so low that it's strange that such clothes don't freeze.

"My parents are the most considerate"

Mo also smiles, and then reaches for the fur coat, but Mo also immediately embraces, directly embraces Shuanger in his arms, tightly embraces in his arms.

"Ah." Shuang'er screamed and fell in Mo Yi's arms. His face was a little red with shame. Looking up at Mo Yi, he said with shame, "what are you doing, Xianggong? A lot of people. "

"Cold ah, Xianggong is so cold, so warm." Mo also hugs Shuanger tightly and says with a smile.

Shuang'er blushes and lies quietly in Mo Yi's arms, but she doesn't continue to talk.

As a matter of fact, Mo Yi's clothes are made of venom. It's just too cold for Mo Yi. Basically, Mo Yi is not afraid of severe cold and will keep the temperature stable and comfortable.

"Hum, I don't know shame." Jianning's face was also a little red. Looking at Mo Yi and Shuanger, there was a look of expectation and expectation in his eyes, and then he flashed away, snorting.

"You say a word, I will throw you back to Pingxi palace." Mo also looked at Jianning, cold hum.



Jianning just want to make a sound, Mo also issued a heavy voice, scared Jianning dare not make a sound.

Seeing this, Mo Yicai went to an inn with two sons in his arms.

Jianning followed Mo Yi behind, pouting his little mouth, a burst of unhappiness in his heart: "die Mo Yi, stink Mo Yi."

"Children, one bedroom"

Mo also went into the inn, took out a silver ticket and handed it to the little two, and said at the same time.

"Hello, moye, a room? We can't be three in one room, can we? " Jianning came in with an unbelievable look on his face and asked Mo Yi.

"You're resting here now. Shuanger and I have something important to do."

Mo also gave out a cold voice, and then holding Shuanger, turned out of the inn.

"Hey, moye, where are you going? I want to go too, you can't leave me. "Jianning ran out, grabbed Mo Yi's arm and looked at Mo Yi with tears in his eyes.

"I have something important, you stay here first, and I'll come back to you after handling it." Mo Yi took a light look at Jianning, and then said.

"But Mo Yi..."

"What? Are you disobedient? " Mo also looked at Jianning and asked indifferently.

"Well, people know. You should come back soon."

Jianning see this, also don't make a sound, low head, said a sentence.

Mo Yi nodded, held Shuanger in his arms, directly used his lightness skills, flew up, constantly borrowed strength, and went to the mountains.

Along the way, Mo also uses spider silk as a supplement. He can fly across the landscape quickly by using his lightness skills.

In fact, Mo Yi and Jianning are not very familiar with each other, and they don't know what Jianning's intention is. To rescue her, the skillfulness is soft hearted, and there is sympathy and youthful spirit.

There are a lot of things that Mo will not tell Jianning. He and Jianning are not related and have no trust at all.

But Shuanger is different. Shuanger followed Mo Yi all the way before. The emotion between them is already very deep. Mo Yi can completely believe Shuanger.

I don't know how long it took for me to fly across the cliff. Mo Yi and Shuanger jumped to a cliff, and then directly adhered to it. In the middle of this almost vertical cliff, Mo also adhered to it.

Spiderman's ability is not just spitting spider silk, climbing walls, that's the right way.

"Hoo..." Mo also breathed, and then woven a cobweb in the next, as a foothold.

"Wow, it's so beautiful" Shuanger stands on the spider silk and looks at the scenery in the distance. A river flows at his feet. The mountains and rivers make up a beautiful scene.

Mo also immediately from the system space, take out the map, carefully look at the surrounding graphics and direction.

"Between black and white, between mountain and water" Mo also looked at the map, and then whispered, and compared it carefully. For a long time, Mo also slowly corresponded with a mountain not far away.

After checking clearly, Mo also put the map into the system space smoothly.

"Xianggong, have you found it?" Shuanger turns his head and looks at Mo Yi.


Mo Yiying said, holding Shuanger in his arms, spitting out a dark black spider silk, heading for the corresponding good mountains, and rushing directly into the rocks.

Across the river, into the mountains above the rocks, the surrounding into a dark.

"I knew I should have brought a torch in"

Mo also helplessly shook his head, holding Shuanger, toward the cave.

With a certain perception, although it's a bit dark here, Mo is not able to walk without a road.

"Man made stone gate"

When Mo Yi entered a certain depth of the cave, he noticed the existence of the stone gate. With a "squeak", Mo Yi directly pushed the stone gate open without any effort.

"Web.".. Webbing. "

With a few sounds, flames rose between the caves, and the torches burned away on the walls. Then, all the way to the end of the passage, flames rose.

"I'll go" Mo also pressed in the passage. On the wall, flames rose and chuckled: "do you burn with oxygen? I'm really willing to use the method of keeping the lamp on

Mo also took a closer look. Under the flame, there are lamps with double-layer structure. A container inside is filled with lamp oil. The wick is made of vinegar. It is said that the lamp can burn for thousands of years, but it will go out if there is no oxygen, but it will burn again when it meets oxygen.

"Go" Mo also holds Shuanger and rushes into the passage quickly. At the end of the passage, he enters into a huge cave.

After all, only the gold, silver and jewels stolen in those years were stored here to ensure that the Manchu could not stay in the Central Plains. When they retreated here, there were also supplies available, so no organs would be set up.

In an instant, some pearly glittering with a different kind of light, let Mo Yi and Shuanger's eyes open.

This whole cave is piled up with countless gold, silver and jewels, which are of great value. They are all piled up outside, and those wooden boxes are even more noble.

But these valuable gold, silver and jewels are piled up outside. It can be seen that the things in the box must be more precious.

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