"Shuang'er, just choose some, and I'll go and have a look." Mo Yi said, and went to the twelve big wooden boxes over there.

Although the gold, silver and jewels piled on the ground at random are luxurious, Mo also knows that they are far less than those in the twelve wooden boxes.

Immediately, Mo went to the first box and opened it directly.

"Two boxes of gold ingots with official seal" Mo Yicha said, looking at the first two big wooden boxes and holding a gold ingot in his hand.

This is no longer pure gold, and even more inclined to antiques. In ancient times, gold ingots were cast from gold and printed with official seals. The value of gold ingots is far more than gold.

"Two cases of gold ingots, two cases of porcelain, two cases of jade, two cases of gold and silver jewelry, two cases of precious jewelry, and one case of famous books and paintings" Mo Yi kept checking, all of which were extremely precious things.

Whether it's porcelain, or jade, or gold and silver jewelry, they are very valuable things. Compared with those stacked outside, their value is several times higher.

"What's this?" Mo Yi continued to open a large wooden box, only to see a huge bronze in it, occupying the whole box.

"Four legged tripod with animal pattern?" Mo Yi looked at the bronze tripod and then called out.

Although Mo can't recognize the name of the tripod, it's a four legged tripod with animal pattern.

"This box is clothes." Mo Yi opened a big wooden box again, in which were stored some extremely luxurious and exquisite dresses and gowns.

"The last box" Mo also immediately went to the last wooden box and opened it directly. He murmured in doubt: "what is this? "Jade box?"

There are two jade boxes in the last wooden box. It's not too big. It's a little empty in such a big wooden box.

"The workmanship is good." Mo Yi picked up one of the jade boxes and looked at the patterns and carvings on it. They were very delicate, delicate and lifelike.

Mo also strangely opened the jade box in his hand, and saw twelve spherical pills placed in it.

"Pills?" Mo also made a strange sound, and then said in his heart: "check the information"

"Name: Da huandan

Attribute: pill

Function: it can increase the internal power of a Jiazi, increase the skill, and cure the internal injury, detoxify and expel the cold.

Grade: C "

"I'll go? Da Huan Dan, a Jia Zi's internal power, I hope to practice in the future. "Mo Yi showed a smile in an instant.

Although it is said that adding a Jiazi's internal force may not make Mo Yi break through to the top, after all, Mo Yi cultivates the anti heaven Yijin Jing, which needs to be understood and practiced, at least when breaking through, when attacking the meridians and acupoints and enriching the internal force, Mo Yi does not have to worry about the lack of internal force.

Moreover, there are twelve big returning pills here, which are enough for Mo to practice for a long time.

"Is this one, too?"

Mo Yi immediately picked up another jade box and opened it. There were 12 pills in it, but it was not dahuandan. Dahuandan was opaque brown, and this box was translucent snow white.

"Check information" Mo also said silently in his heart.

The book of heaven in Mo Yi's mind turns a new page, and then new information emerges.

Name: Xueshen Yuchan pill

Attribute: pill

Function: it has the effect of detoxifying, dredging meridians, treating internal injury, invigorating blood and activating collaterals, and filling vitality

Grade: DDD "

"Although the level is worse, it's not bad. At least it has a lot of effects that the big pill doesn't have." Mo Yi looked at Xueshen Yuchan pill and thought in his heart.

"Shuang'er, come here to have a look." Mo also immediately asked shuang'er to come.

"What happened to Xianggong?"

Shuang'er immediately trots to Mo Yi with a sweet smile.

"What's in these boxes is the treasure. Come on, choose by yourself." Mo Yi said with a smile. There are so many things here, Mo Yi can't take them all by himself.

"Shuang'er don't want to" shuang'er shook his head and said innocently.

"Why not? These are good things, "Mo Yi said with a smile, rubbing Shuanger's head.

"Shuang'er belongs to the prime minister. It's no use asking for these things. Shuang'er just needs to be with him." shuang'er then holds Mo Yi's bear waist and lies quietly in Mo Yi's arms.

Mo also looked at Shuanger, stroked Shuanger and said with a smile, "OK, I'll put it away first."

Immediately, Mo first put all the twelve wooden boxes into the system space, and then quickly put the gold, silver and jewelry piled up into the system space.

Mo also doesn't know how long it took to put all these things into the system space. To get into the system space, Mo also has to take these things into his hands before he can get into it. It's more troublesome, so it naturally takes more time.

"Ah, I'm so tired. The first time I collected my baby, I was so tired." Mo Yi looked at the empty cave around, and there was nothing left.

"Xianggong, I'm a little sleepy," Shuanger said with hazy eyes.

"Let's go. I don't know how long it took."

Mo also immediately left the cave with Shuanger, walked out and stepped on the cliff.

I saw that between the water and the mountain, the sky turned white, and then a round of rising sun gradually.

"It's been a day and a night, but the next morning, no wonder I'm so sleepy."

Mo also looked at the first sound of the sun, it was a sigh with a smile, because there are too many treasures, piled up into a mountain, so it took too long.

Mo Yi himself is practicing martial arts, and his spirit is still better. Shuanger is sleepy and gradually falls asleep.

"Let's go" Mo Yi holds her two children, makes great changes, and then returns to the previous town very quickly with the help of dark spider silk.

It took more than ten minutes for Mo Yi and Shuanger to return to the town. At this time, although most people in the town were still sleepy, many of them had already set up stalls to work.

Find the inn before, Mo also directly into one, to a room, with Shuanger up, then, quietly holding Shuanger, fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took for Mo Yiyou to wake up from sleep. A ray of setting sun shines into the window. There is neither the warm sun in the morning nor the strong sun at noon. Now it is almost sunset and dusk, with a cool sunset.

"Didn't expect to sleep so long" Mo also light Nan a, the double son in the bosom unexpectedly still sleeps drowsily.

"I look really tired."

Mo also stroked the green silk of Shuanger, then said with a warm and loving smile.

Looking at Shuanger, Mo also immediately smiles, slowly pinches Shuanger's small face, and then tightly pinches Shuanger's Qiong nose, with a smile on her face.

"Yes?" Shuang'er then let out an uncomfortable sound, and then slowly opened his eyes.

"Xianggong, I hate it," Shuanger said with a small mouth, and then slowly rose from Mo Yi's arms.

At this time, there was a sound of footwork and words outside the door.

"Did you hear that? There was an accident in the imperial court. I heard that the Empress Dowager was a fake and pretended to be. After being found by the emperor, she was furious. Now the imperial edict was issued. Who caught the fake empress dowager? He was promoted to two levels. He was rewarded with 100 taels of gold and countless gold, silver and jewelry. "

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