"Ding, it costs 230 points to memorize all, but the host's points are not enough"

The sound of the system reverberates directly in Mo Yi's mind. At present, Mo Yi's score is only 110 points, which is not enough.

"Forget it."

Mo Yi shrugged his shoulders, but he didn't worry about anything. The level of these swordsmanship and cracking methods should not be very high. In addition, none of them is precious as Dugu Jiujian.

"Cough." Mo also coughed a little, and directly began to sing: "pride in the sky, who can be with me, green front in hand, who can kill the dragon with a sword. "If you want to be a hero, you'll be able to be a hero. You'll be a hero in the Wulin. You'll be a hero in the Wulin."

A song "Wulin wind" is produced by Mo Yi's internal force, which resounds through the whole mountain.

"Xiaoyou, isn't he from Huashan?"

I saw a blue figure flying, the wind was clear, wearing a Tibetan blue robe fell in front of Mo Yi.

View this person's properties

As the book page of Tianshu plane system in my mind turns, the information of fengqingyang is revealed in it.

"Name: Feng Qingyang

Alias: Master Feng

Martial arts: Dugu nine sword, lethal three immortals sword, Huashan sword

Internal skill: Huashan mental skill

Combat power: BCCC

Psychology: this man is full of pride. He doesn't look like a villain. I don't know what happened here. Do you know I'm here? "

"Nobody in the world, meet fengqingyang senior," Mo Yiwei said.

"Nobody?" Feng Qingyang was slightly stunned for a moment, and then said with a laugh: "it's very simple for you to have such internal power and be famous all over the world at your age."

"The elder said and laughed." Mo also said nothing with a smile.

"You sang well just now. You talked about the pride of the river and the lake, but the past goes with the smoke. Now think about that year, I was so strong. I wandered the river and the lake with one sword and one person. My pride is in my heart, and I can swallow thousands of Li River."

Feng Qingyang recalled that his eyes were full of memories, and Mo also stood quietly and did not speak.

"By the way, if you know me at your age and find me here, you must be guided by your elders, right? You may be the son of an old friend

Fengqingyang stroked his white beard and said slowly.

"The elder of my family is no longer here. Now I'm alone. I just heard that master fengqingyang came back to Huashan school that year. Seeing that both Jianqi and Jianqi were defeated, he was disheartened and lived in seclusion. So I guess that the elder might live in seclusion in Huashan, so I came to see him."

Mo Yi's words are calm and mysterious. With a smile, it makes Feng Qingyang feel that he can't see through the young man.

"Looking for me? Ha ha ha, I've lived in seclusion for many years. What do you want to do with me Feng Qingyang looks at Mo Yi, laughs, and then asks.

"The boy is conceited. He thinks he has a good strength. Come and have a competition with the elder." Mo Yi laughs.

Feng Qingyang's eyebrows wrinkled, he did not feel Mo's hostility, nor any intention to kill, that is to say, the person in front of him is not an enemy, maybe he is really just looking for him.

"Then ask Xiaoyou to do it"

Feng Qingyang smiles and says with a smile.

See breeze clear open mouth, Mo also didn't push off what, a hand into claws, lock dragon hand directly meet.

The Dragon lock hand not only has the abilities of blocking moves, holding acupoints, locking pulse, forbidding energy and locking quantity, but also has a high attack power. It's just that the main aspect of the Dragon lock hand is not attack.

Feng Qingyang's eyes are fixed, and one hand is a sword finger. He can directly suppress Mo Yi with more rapid attack. The move is extremely exquisite. He wants to do it as he pleases. One move is to break Mo Yi's Dragon lock hand.

With the move of "breaking the palm" and strong attack, he forcibly cracked Mo Yi's Dragon lock hand.

"Really worthy of the BCCC level"

Mo also said in secret that the moves on his hand were constantly attacking, and the great internal force of Yi Jin Jing was constantly wandering between the meridians.

The strength of fengqingyang is even higher than that of him. Dugu Jiujian is magical. Even if his internal power is very low, his powerful sword will be enough to resist everything.

The strength of Dugu Jiujian lies in the artistic conception of "no move wins with move" and the word "break". It can break all the weapons, fists, and internal power. It's really powerful.

Fengqingyang quickly suppresses Mo Yi with powerful and fast moves. The sword finger is like a sharp sword, carrying infinite sword meaning, and directly points on Mo Yi's chest.

In an instant, Mo Yi's body shape was directly pushed back. Although Mo Yi's steps did not fall back half a minute, his body shape was not forced back strongly. Mo Yi's feet rubbed the ground to make marks.

"Good defense"

However, he found that Mo Yi's face did not change. Obviously, this attack did not cause any damage to Mo Yi. It has to be said that Mo Yi's defense exceeded his expectation.

"Blockade move"

Mo Yi grabs Feng Qingyang's wrist with one hand, and then grabs it with his back hand. It's like a mountain climbing tiger, and it's chained up.

Feng Qingyang was startled. He stepped back two steps in a row. He waved his sword finger, and his sword spirit came out. He wanted to attack quickly.

However, Mo Yi directly tried his best to use the idea of locking the Dragon hand this time. No matter what the wind was clear and the wind was blowing, all of them were locked by Mo Yi Feng and pressed back.

For a moment, they seem to have formed a samsara, a crazy attack and a crazy defense. The attack is rapid and dense, and the defense is also tight. For a moment, neither of them can do anything.

"Lock the Dragon hand"

After dozens of moves against Feng Qingyang, Mo also made a stride, and his internal power surged wildly. He locked Feng Qingyang's whole body and suppressed him with specific orientation and skills.

Then, Mo also the most simple direct punch, bombardment up, aimed at fengqingyang is a punch.

With a wave of his sword finger, he easily broke Mo Yi's blockade. Seeing Mo Yi's fist attack, he wanted to attack wildly.



In an instant, Mo Yi's fist bombarded fengqingyang, and fengqingyang's sword pointed to Mo Yi.

The only difference between them was that Mo's face remained unchanged, while Feng Qingyang's face turned red. After a few breath, he gradually recovered.

"Your physical strength is beyond my expectation, not only your defense, but also your strength."

Feng Qingyang didn't expect that Mo Yi would not hide from him, but Mo Yi's defense is so strong that he has such ability.

"Master Feng's strength is really extraordinary"

Mo also took a look at his chest. At this time, his black chivalrous suit had split, and there was a sword mark on his chest.

You know, Mo Yi's clothes are made of poison. They are very defensive. It's not easy to break the defense of poison.

When Feng Qingyang took the shot, Mo also felt that the strength of Feng Qingyang's attack was more than twice as strong as before. The whole space was full of swordsmanship. However, Mo also had some confidence in his own defense, so he came to fight against Feng Qingyang. However, Mo also guessed right.

"Hahaha, old, old, the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves."

He doesn't care about fengqingyang. He has already retired from the world, and he doesn't care about so much.

"Master, I haven't used a sword yet"

Mo also looked at the breeze, eyes, light said a, but also some regret.

Fengqingyang's Kung Fu is all about the sword. If he doesn't use the sword, his strength will be reduced to a certain extent. Although he uses the sword to replace it, he can't compare with the sharp sword in the end.

Perhaps, compared with seeking defeat alone, the realm of "wind and clear air" has not yet achieved the goal of "all plants can be Swords" and "without a sword in hand, there is a sword in heart". For such a realm, it is just a beginning.

"If you lose, you lose. You don't have any weapons. We fight fairly." Feng Qingyang smoothed his white beard and said with a very cheerful smile.

"Ding, task completed, defeat fengqingyang (task reward: 300 points)"

The sound of the system reverberates directly in Mo Yi's mind.

Although fengqingyang didn't use all his strength, Mo Yiyou beat fengqingyang. It's a real thing and has been recognized by the system. This task has been completed.

"Xiaoyou, what you know is all your Kung Fu?" Feng Qingyang looked at Mo Yi and asked with a kind smile.

"Yes, it won't make any weapons."

Mo Yi nodded and admitted that there was nothing wrong with it.

"In this way, can you learn kung fu on the sword?" Feng Qingyang nodded, then looked at Mo Yi with a look of hope. Wen Sheng asked.

"Old Feng, you mean?"

Mo also strange looking at the breeze, eyes faint some happy, but also some doubt asked.

"Well... You are old, you are old, your Kung Fu is strong, and you can't stop the crush of time. But this Dugu nine sword can't be lost. You have such strength when you are young. I believe this sword skill will be carried forward in your hands. "

Feng Qingyang shakes his head, then stares at Mo Yi tightly and says with a slight sigh.

"Kung Fu is strong, and it can't stop the rolling of time"

Listening to the words of fengqingyang, Mo Yi's heart suddenly, for the first time felt the terrible passage of time.

Maybe it's just fengqingyang's casual sigh and feeling of his own situation, but "the speaker has no intention, the listener has intention." fengqingyang's words undoubtedly make Mo also rise to the desire for life.

"OK, but I don't like Bai Xuefeng's old swordsmanship. The only one who can handle it is the self created dragon lock hand," Mo Yi said with a slight bow.

"Ha ha ha, good, good, your technique is really powerful on the blockade. We are both teachers and friends." Feng Qingyang laughs, then turns his hand, and his powerful internal force directly absorbs a wooden sword into his hand.

"You can see clearly and hear clearly. The most important thing for Dugu Jiujian is to attach importance to the meaning rather than the form. You should have a sword in your hand, a sword in your heart, and a move to win. You can attack all moves as you like with the strongest attack. The attacking opponent can only parry, so there is no need to defend."

"See clearly"

When the wind is clear and the body comes, the wooden sword in the hand makes a sharp shadow. All the moves are constantly attacking.

"Dugu Jiujian is always determined to return to his younger sister without any rashness, to be like others, and to be great with others. A to C, C to Geng, Geng to GUI. The intersection of Zi and Chou

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