"Ding, you are taught by Feng Qingyang and learn the skills of Dugu Jiujian"

Mo also waved out the Dugu nine swords in one form. He also had a certain understanding of Dugu nine swords. Although it was not deep enough, it was a beginning.

"Yes, yes, although you have never practiced swordsmanship, you are very strong and have a good understanding. You have already started so soon." Feng Qingyang comes forward and looks at Mo Yi making Dugu Jiujian and nods.

In recent days, Mo Yi has been studying Dugu Jiujian in Zhonghe fengqingyang. With his hard work and strong strength, he has learned it reluctantly.

"Fenglao, take the move"

Mo Yi turns around, holding a wooden sword and stabs fengqingyang quickly.

But the wind is clear, the technique is moving, the palm of the hand becomes a claw, to anticipate the enemy's speed to quickly block Mo Yi's move back, making it Mo Yi's Dragon locking hand.

During this period, Mo Yi not only learned Dugu Jiujian and practiced, but also handed over the Dragon locking hand to Feng Qingyang. Because of Feng Qingyang's strength and experience, the Dragon locking hand was also very fast.

"Broken palm style" Mo also see fengqingyang fast blockade himself, sword a turn, late strike, sword up, quickly found fengqingyang flaws, began to attack.

After dismantling dozens of moves, neither of them could do anything, neither of them could continue, and they stopped one after another.

"The wind is very sophisticated," Mo said with a smile. Feng Qingyang has made good progress in blocking moves.

"Locking the Dragon hand is also a late strike move. Different from Dugu Jiujian, you don't need to look for the opponent's flaws, but directly continue the opponent's move to achieve the purpose of blockade." Feng Qingyang nods and says.

Mo Yishen took a breath, and then looked at the Tianshu system in his mind, his own attribute layout.

"Name: Mo Yi

Servants: Shuanger (dddd), Jianning (dddd), Zhang Ying (d)

Acclimation: venom (CCCC level)

Skills: proficient in English (level a), Vajra is not bad (level DDD / / CCCC), Shenxing Baibian (Level C), dragon lock hand (level CC / / BB), Dugu Jiujian (level CC / / BBBB)

Skill: Yijinjing (CCCC / BBBB)

Combat power: BCCC

Points: 440 points

After defeating Feng Qingyang, he got 300 points. In addition to the original 140 points, Mo Yi's points increased to 440 points, which is infinitely close to 500 points.

And Mo Yi's strength is also upgraded to BCCC level, completely equal to fengqingyang.

At the same time, there is an extra "Dugu nine Swords" skill, which has reached CC level. The total level of Dugu nine swords, like Yijinjing, has reached BBBB level, which is regarded as a peerless martial art.

In fact, Mo can use integral points to learn Dugu Jiujian quickly, but Mo also wants to use it in fusion. First, sunflower classic is a very powerful martial art. After integrating with Yijinjing, it will certainly have a higher level.

Secondly, Dugu Jiujian Mo can also improve himself, and he can also have free points in the future. He doesn't need to worry about it for the time being.

In the following days, Mo also wholeheartedly studied the sword technique in Zhonghe fengqingyang of the cave, and then kept practicing and learning.

For several months, Mo was immersed in the cave and learned from fengqingyang. At the same time, he taught fengqingyang all the Dragon lock hands.

"Well, I've taught you all the skills of Dugu nine sword from the general decisive style to the Qi breaking style. Dugu nine sword has been handed down, but it hasn't been lost." Feng Qingyang looks at Mo Yi, who can use all the sword moves. He can use the power of Dugu nine sword to break the internal force of the sword's fist, but he can only understand the meaning of the sword by himself.

"Thank you for your advice," Mo bowed slightly and said respectfully. Feng Qingyang was a good teacher to him.

"It's so polite. Next, what you have to do is" realize "and" forget ". You have to make sure that there are no moves to win and there are moves to follow. Don't stick to the original moves. Only in this way can you achieve the artistic conception. It's meaningful and unspeakable. You can only experience it yourself," Feng Qingyang sighed.

"Yes, the boy left. Thank you for your months of teaching," said mo.

"You and I are both teachers and friends. We are destined to meet again"

Feng Qingyang waved his hand, with a smile on his face, and turned back to the mountains.

Seeing that Feng Qingyang has left, Mo also turns around and leaves Siguo cliff. He goes back to Huashan secretly with his mind changing. Shuanger and Jianning can't stay here.

At night, Mo also sneaks into Huashan and directly runs into Shuanger's and Jianning's rooms. The second daughter is not Huashan's eldest disciple or the leader's daughter. It's impossible to live in one room for each person. It's good for them to live in one.


Shuang'er and Jianning see a figure flash by, extremely alert to the door.

"Vigilance is good" Mo also a little hoarse voice came, the body is already appeared in the room.


"Young master"

Shuang'er and Jianning are both happy. They throw themselves into Mo Yi's arms one after another. The vigilance and worry on their faces disappear.

As for Jianning's address, Mo also asked him to change it. He always called him "master". It's not easy to speak outside, and it's not pleasant to hear.

"Xianggong, shuang'er is really afraid of something wrong with you. Recently, Huashan faction united with the other four factions and tried their best to arrest you." shuang'er crouched in Mo Yi's arms and complained.

"Young master, you are too bold, so obviously to do these things" Jianning face is also with a worried look.

"It's all right, not to mention the internal discord of the Wuyue sword sect, and even if we unite to deal with me, we may not be able to do anything about it. Besides, I still have a plan to kill people with a sword." Mo Yi's mouth grinned with a ray of self-confidence. His strength has been upgraded to a higher level, and he has also learned Dugu Jiujian. As long as he constantly understands and practices, his strength will surely advance by leaps and bounds, For him, the Wuyue sword sect was nothing more than a dog of earth and tile.

"That's too dangerous, young master. What will happen to you? What about our sisters? " Jianning eyes tearful looking at Mo also asked.

"OK, OK." Mo Yi comforted Jianning slightly, then took out a secret book from the system space, and said with a smile: "the secret book of Zixia magic skill, you can take it to understand, if you don't understand, please ask me."

"Xianggong, you really stole it?" Shuang'er is surprised to receive the secret script of Zixia's magical skill.

She was a little surprised that Mo Yi really stole Zixia's magical skill. Although she had heard about it for a long time, its authenticity was not obvious. There was a feeling that there was something out of the air. Mo Yi also vowed in Huashan at that time, which made many people confused.

"Of course, by the way, how are you doing here?" Mo also nodded confidently, then asked.

"Because of Da Huan Dan, we have a good foundation of internal power. Now we have completely learned a set of Huashan sword technique, but maybe we haven't learned any other martial arts since we have only just started."

While looking at the secret of Zixia's magical skill, shuang'er said carelessly.

"Forget it. The martial arts of Huashan sect are not shocking. First, practice the Zixia magic skill. I'm teaching you a set of sword techniques, which can greatly increase your strength." Mo Yiyi waved his hand and said.

Thank you very much

Thank you, young master

Shuang'er and Jianning laugh one after another and give a funny salute.

"The prime minister, what are we doing now?"

"Let's go. There's nothing to learn from Huashan school." Mo Yi said directly. He even learned Dugu Jiujian and Zixia's magic skill. There's nothing for Mo Yi to miss.


Without hesitation, the two girls nodded, and then they cleaned up their clothes. Without anything else, they went down the mountain with Mo Yi.

Although Shuanger and Jianning have good internal power, they have never learned lightness skills. It's also hard for them to go down the mountain with Mo Yi. Mo Yi moves with her two daughters, and then they leave Huashan quickly and go down to the town.

Entering the small town, Mo also directly took her two daughters into an inn, but the inn was empty and the stores were closed.

"I'm sorry, we're already packed here. We don't accept other guests."

I saw a child come forward, directly stopped Mo Yi, said with a smile, after all, after the booking, they have to do business, it is not good to offend the guests.

"Roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll"

See small green son quickly walk down from the upstairs, hurriedly drive away that small two, grovel of stand in Mo also side.

"Young master, here you are. Let's go upstairs first."

Xiao Qingzi hurriedly waited on Mo Yiwang and went to the room upstairs. In fact, the whole Inn was contracted by Mo Yiwang. It's more convenient to talk with him.

In the room, Mo Yi sits on the bed, shuang'er and Jianning stand on both sides of Mo Yi, while xiaoqingzi looks at shuang'er and Jianning with some misgivings and does nothing.

"It's all my own people," Mo said in a voice.

"Little Qingzi, long live your majesty, long live your majesty"

After hearing this, xiaoqingzi knelt down to the ground and knelt down to Mo Yi for a while, shouting at the same time.

Shuang'er and Jianning are surprised to see Mo Yi. They didn't expect that Mo also became the emperor, the ninth five.

"Come here like this" Mo also smile, he did not understand how this is going on, can only blame to the other side of the system.

Shuang'er and Jianning nodded slightly, but they didn't continue to ask, because it's not important to ask anything, just know.

"If you help me to let out the wind, you can vaguely show that the Zixia magical skill of Huashan sect is being transported to heimuya, the sun moon god cult. Remember, it must be vaguely, not too obvious."

Mo also sat on the bed, with a trace of brilliance in his eyes. The light of wisdom was shining in his eyes.

"Yes, I'm going to let the wind out."

Xiaoqingzi nodded, took out a fireworks, ready to set off, was Mo also stopped.

"Slow down, you'll be working on this later. First, give me the latest situation of the river and the things I asked you to do." Mo Yi waved his hand and said plainly.

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